Canadian Leftist Blindness on Display

This video from Michael Coren’s show, courteously uploaded by Matt from Mississauga, is focused on recent happenings in America. Carefully listen to Toronto Newstalk 1010’s Britt Aharoni and you will hear a deep seated antipathy, if not hatred, for U.S. conservatives and libertarians, that rivals another Big Smoke “journalist” named Heather Mallick. Ms. Aharoni is completely blind to anything untoward that might possibly come out of the mouths of someone on the Left side of the political spectrum.
Do you think Bob Rae’s recent comment about Jihadists working in PM Harper’s office offended her? Unlikely. Do you think Mass. Representative Mike Capuano’s recent calls for violence against Tea Party members gave her pause for thought? Unlikely. Do you think that the campaign of vilification against Jews raged by the man to her right, the despicable Sid Ryan, has kept her awake at night? Unlikely.
Ms. Aharoni is typical of the vast majority of members of Canada’s Mainstream Media who deem themselves to be “liberals”. In their newsrooms, cocktail parties, and other bubble chambers they repeatedly tell each other how righteous and free thinking and unbiased they are. The reality is far, far afield from such group think delusions. This is a huge reason why an ever increasing number of Canadians feel alienated from them and no longer take them seriously.
As 2011 unfolds and a possible federal election campaign transpires, keep very clear in your mind that Britt Aharoni and other close-minded clones like her are the ones filtering the “news” you’ll be getting from Canada’s MSM. The Truth Is Out There but it sure ain’t comin’ from them!

73 Replies to “Canadian Leftist Blindness on Display”

  1. Mr. Begley – it was, maybe 3 years ago, I believe. You were there or maybe you saw footage that someone taken of the event?

  2. Posted by: bryanr at February 26, 2011 1:49 PM
    “Who In Canada really cares about the TEA Party? Who really? Its an american political movement Not Canadian so do i care No!”
    and so on, and so, on.
    Total posts….7
    Posted by: bryanr at February 26, 2011 1:49 PM
    Posted by: bryanr at February 26, 2011 2:21 PM
    Posted by: bryanr at February 26, 2011 2:36 PM
    Posted by: bryanr at February 26, 2011 2:39 PM
    Posted by: bryanr at February 26, 2011 3:01 PM
    Posted by: bryanr at February 26, 2011 4:20 PM
    Posted by: bryanr at February 26, 2011 4:36 PM
    I think someone cares.

  3. Still downloading the video….dialup y’know…..
    It is evident the Sid Ryan is skilled at the typical lefty debating tactic of interupting/shouting down. Not exactely Roberts’ rules by any means…..
    Coren although a graceful, courteous and polite fellow has 2 options…let Sid yell or to yell back….
    Wadda ya do…….

  4. bryan, while you probably have your own reasons for your opinion about the US-Canadian relationship, I don’t think it’s entirely accurate. I am an American and read SDA almost daily and quite naturally have an interest in the goings on of our northern neighbor. The US and Canada are each other’s #1 trading partner, share the world’s longest unguarded border, and have compelling strategic interests in each other (NORAD, the DEW Line, etc).
    The reasons Canadians are interested in the American Tea Party phenomenon is not unlike the region-wide interest in Tunisia a few weeks ago. The entire Western world is beset with a common problem, that for decades they will “gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today”. The gravy train is going to shut down everywhere at varying times. The Tea Party is the most prominent grassroots movement to reign it in, so it quite naturally garners interest from countries facing similar problems.
    As for that NYC street vendor, I’m surprised you could find one of them who spoke “American”.

  5. A few extraneous things I picked up from that clip
    The left has no fashion sense.
    Sid has never had sex. Or deserves to.
    There is a disconnect between the right and left hemispheres.
    They make this crap up as they go along. A little bit of faux knowledge and the rest can be created on the spot. Wordy moralism.

  6. Aharoni says you only need to watch “the news on tv”, for proof the Tea Party is racist.
    Excellent choice.. not!
    TV news, purveyors of finest yarns, for discriminating sheep.
    I just made that up 🙂

  7. Well I watched the whole thing. I have only one problem with Micheal Coren. He’s allowed these folks too much room to speak I think. It’s amusing to watch Sid Ryan talk about how racist the tea party is when I’ve read many an anti Israel commentary from him, he’s a complete and utter anti semite. Admittedly I don’t watch NBC so I never saw anything that called Barrack Obama Hitler. I have to assume that a group of people that leaves their protest venue cleaner than when they arrived though, is very likely not the hateful one these two clowns were talking about. I don’t think I could watch that a second time, I like to watch debates between people who’s arguments make sense.

  8. Used to call a black cat Toby.
    Where was the CHRC when the left who hadn’t heard about it needed them?
    Someone needs to go through all animal registration files in Canada and weed out all the white people naming their pets after black fictional and non fictional people.
    Then nail their butts!

  9. “Liberal” declaration:
    From this day forward to avoid racism, Islamophobia and homophobia, white people can only name their pets after interstellar planets yet to be discovered.
    No more colors like “Blacky”.
    No more potential adjectives as in “butch”.
    No more religious icons as in “Mohammed”, “Buddha” “Nomsky” “Moore”.
    No more first or surnames as in Michael or Jackson (extremely loaded).
    No Barack, Obamba, Barry or Soetoro by penalty of death.
    A message by your freedom and liberty loving community programming comrades of the Liberal Party of Canada.

  10. I don’t know how Coren can stomach the odious Ryan. And pleased to see that Hoy didn’t put up with Aharoni’s lefty wingnut statements.
    If I acquired a viscious little weasel that never shut up, attacked those around it that were not weasels too, and had both right legs longer than their opposite counterparts (leans left), could I call it Syd?

  11. Ken (Kulak): “To a lefty, any lie, no matter how blatant is truth as long as it advances the Marxist cause.”
    Doesn’t this sound a lot like Islamic taquia which allows Mulsims to lie in order to advance the cause of Allah and to deceive their enemies? Jihadi and Marxist tactics are extremely similar: annihilate the infidel — in the case of Islam, anyone who doesn’t submit to Allah; in the case of the Left, anyone who doesn’t submit to their collectivist viewpoint.
    As for this segment of the Michael Coren Show, I had difficulty watching the whole thing; it was more or less a shout fest with everyone saying ridiculous things. Clare Hoy was the most focused.
    I agree with others: Why does Mr. Coren continue to court the appallingly ignorant views of Sid Ryan? CFRA’s Britt Aharoni is a certifiable graduate of the Leftard Brainwashing Academy: She “knows” that Tea Party members are racist because she “saw it on TV.”
    Good Lord, deliver us. SunTV can’t happen fast enough.
    Addendum: In 2009, Britt Aharoni was a student in the MA Journalism Program at the University of Western Ontario, and with three other students wrote an article, “Roma’s Story” (, which was published at — drum roll, wait for it —
    ‘Nuff said.

  12. Just watched Ms. Britt Aharoni’s little diatribe there. Typical Toronto girl, going with whatever happens to be in MSM style at the moment, stubborn as a deaf mule, and really not very bright frankly.
    You can meet hundreds like her in any hospital, she’s exactly like the nurses who ARGUE with doctors over diagnosis, treatment, social issues for patients, things which are completely outside their scope of nursing practice but there they are, arguing away.
    This is “journalism”, but the chicks remain the same. She thinks her opinions have the same weight as anyone else’s due to having been trained in high self esteem and little else.
    You can’t argue with her, all you can do is expose her intransigent stupidity to the bright light of public scrutiny.
    Embarrassment will do the rest.

  13. Sid Ryan uses a typical radicalist trick. He uses generalist crap, with zero evidence to make his case. When he is countered he wants to talk about context.
    Ms. Aharoni uses a similar approach – she make comments about “white supremacists” and people with weapons parading about Tea party rallies, with, again, not a shred of evidence to support her contention. When asked to provide evidence, she responds with it’s a known thing/proven (sound familiar?).
    Their argument – acknowledge there are crazies in Tea Party and SEIU movements, but then breathlessly argue the Tea Partiers are “worse.” You see, racism against white guys (or Uncle Toms) is OK, but don’t call down an overweight shrill leftie/unionist.
    Radicals act the same wherever they be on the political spectrum – they spout unsubstantiated crap and demand the counter-argurer provide “proof” (to their satisfaction of course).
    Ex KGB operative Bezemov called them useful idiots (quoting Lenin) who have been demoralized by infiltration of our universities and public service (I know “prove it” – umm just provided), the irony being they are the first marked for elimination once the “revolution” is complete.

  14. I couldn’t watch more than 1 minute of her. As to why the left here is hateful of the Tea Party in the states, they are afraid it wwill spill over the border.
    All eyes are on Wisconsin; the teachers union there is trying to bring down the elected government, or at least force it to adopt union policies – rather like the teachers union in Ontario successfully did to Mike Harris. They are on the losing end in WIsconsin, and that will spill over the borders.

  15. I have never seen a tea party rally covered by most of the conservative blogs, display any racist or hateful signs at tea party town halls or the large rally in DC…this woman is is outright lying. I would like to see video or photographic proof to back up that statement.Stupid ass

  16. Britt Ahroni -A Bachelor of arts with a major in Global studies…thats impressive. I can get a more informed opinion from a new Canadian who has a masters in political science and currently works at our neigborhood 7-11. What a joke.

  17. Someone noticed a few days back that the Wisconsin protests are predominantly ‘white’.
    I have a green parrot with no feet named Reggie Bush. Is it okay to name a green bird after a black guy?
