A Nation Enraged

From Alberta Aardvark;

“Protester #1 is Virginia Ervin, the ‘CEO Durham Federal Green Party Association and former GPC candidate for Durham.
“Protester #2 is Gail Bates, Green Party Candidate for Oshawa.
“I guess they didn’t think it relevant to reveal political ties when doing a political story…”

Well, you can write Jennifer O’Meara and her editor to ask why.
h/t Charles Adler

53 Replies to “A Nation Enraged”

  1. As a tapped out taxpayer I wish Oda would do a lot more “nots”. If it’s a worthy cause let them raise their own money.

  2. Toronto star will soon hire reporters to scrawl their sorry attempts at news on bathroom walls. Wolf wolf wolf, give it up Toronto, you are becoming very marginalized with your libsuking.

  3. From the Alberta Aardvark post syncrodox referred to:
    “What the story left out:
    “Protester #1 is Virginia Ervin, the ‘CEO Durham Federal Green Party Association and former GPC candidate for Durham.
    “Protester #2 is Gail Bates, Green Party Candidate for Oshawa.
    “I guess they didn’t think it relevant to reveal political ties when doing a political story…”
    No kidding. The report describes them as “two Claringdon residents” and a “determined duo.”

  4. A country gripped by scandal, a nation torn…
    (It is my ambition to die without ever learning what this Bev Oda thing is all about. I figure about another week and I’m good.)

  5. I haven’t been following the Oda story either. But if Greens, Libs/Dips/Blocs are upset about it, it’s obviously not worth worrying about.
    and it’s no surprise the two picketers were lefty party hacks. I knew it.

  6. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
    Whaddabout the long-form census!!! The MSM put sooooo much effort into that, ’cause, like, it’s soooo important to Canadians!!!

  7. Oh no! administrators and decision makers writing on documents! What craziness! Yup, we should be all enraged and stuff….lol….

  8. The best thing about this whole business is that KAIROS is not getting any federal funds.
    This article in this internet rag report should have mentioned their party affiliations. You can guess why not.

  9. I recognize the two women featured in the picture. They aren’t even from Bomanville but the city of Oshawa right next door — a city of about 150,000.
    Those are the two who actually voted for 4-time NDP loser and CUPE strongman Sid Ryan. I knew I recognized them.

  10. Media/Lib generated scandals just aren’t working anymore. It wont matter which opposition party is up in the polls against the other if the Conservatives win a majority. As such, coalition talks will be ramping up, along with plans of media support thereof.

  11. It amazes me that people will try and push a lie that has already been exposed by the people involved, at the time the NOT was inserted. I guess they count on the complicity of the MSM to not publish the truth of the matter.

  12. Googled “Kairos” in an attempt to find out which faiths are represented in it, and it seemed to me to have more to do with Native spiritualism, that is to say, animism or polytheism or pantheism. Won’t be getting any donations from this fellow any time soon.

  13. My mistake, further investigation shows that it is made of of the usual suspects, including the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops whom few Catholics pay any attention to because they tend to have been hijacked by Liberals, and another Catholic Organization that is always freaking out about the selling of water in plastic bottles. I don’t recall hearing Christ make any judgments on the use of plastic or other environmental considerations, only that we are to be stewards of the earth, and that we would have the poor with us always.

  14. Ok – good to know that our Calgary small dead animals TGIF group (multiple that number) is newsworthy should we ever decide to make signs and protest sumpin’

  15. Larben 1:18 a.m. Wasn’t He turning water into wine…Sheesh, where’s MADD when you need them, and didn’t he know that wasting water was a sin? Also didn’t He genetically modify fish? What about that bread thinngy, wouldn’t he piss off the wheat board?.. He was a monster!!!!!

  16. Funny things is that everyone local is obviously aware that the storm missed us completely and that what did fall didn’t even constitute a dusting. “Braved snowy weater” indeed.

  17. It’s been hilarious on twitter. Folks from both sides of the spectrum all up in arms, tweet after tweet after tweet about, just completely obsessed with the “not”!!
    And then there is me over in the corner replying back, ummmm no one cares, really! Canadians care as much about this as they did about the long form census or proroguing parliament.

  18. let’s do the arithmetic . .
    2 morons with dumb signs. Check.
    2 brain cells per moron. Check.
    So that makes it a 4 brain cell protest. Check.

  19. The left is always quick to warn Canadians that the CPC is being influenced by the ‘far right’ Christian fundies..not. (couldn’t resist)
    But they are disgruntled because this so-called ‘church’ group is not being funded.
    If REAL Women asked for funding the lefties heads would explode.
    Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder.

  20. And now the “news” of the outrageous IN and OUT ripoff. Just watched IGGY squawk about the $million rip off, he seemed to forget to mention the $40+ million the lieberals stole from Canada. Oh never mind he wasn’t living here when that happened.He wouldn’t know about that.

  21. bluetech I think REAL is being funded. When SOW complained about funding being cut, the Conservatives increased the funding but made it clear it was for all women.
    Notice that SOW has been a lot quieter than they were before.

  22. Forget what’s happenng in North Africa and the Middle East!
    Strictly small potatoes when compared to this compelling Bev Oda drama as it unfolds!
    This is the biggest thing to shake up the country since, well, er, since that long form census brouhaha…
    (What a tiny little self-absorbed nation we truly are sometimes.)

  23. There seems to have been a major collapse of marxist media style book rules and the normal identity shielding protocol in this case. Leftist Lump #1 should only have been identified as the “official spokesperson” for the “assembled demonstrators from organizations involved in various social causes” while Leftist Lump #2 could have played “one of the very emotional vocal opponents standing against Harper hegemony” this time out.

  24. hey Erik Larsen and syncro
    we need to do the dickens night again when i get back from dubai. after march 7
    this time bring signs

  25. Speedy, as an executive member of local REAL Women I’ll have to ‘fess up.
    REAL Women received a minimal amount about 20 years ago, under some very interesting circumstnces. I think it was about $30,000(or less)
    REAL Women is active at many activities across Canada and worldwide, so as far as the operating budget we depend on membership fees and donations.
    Zippo from Feds.
    Actually REAL Women has been very critical of SOW, and we really do not want to be under that ‘umbrella’.

  26. JJM:
    I had the same thought as you, but on a different line. While hundreds, if not thousands, are dieing in the Middle East to be free from repressive, thieving, brutal regimes, we fret about a minister scribbling on a memo.
    I love traveling, but I’m always thankful I live in Canada.

  27. Did you ever think that the memo was supposed to contain NOT but some mandirin purposely deleted it from the original draft when typing it up and thats why it was inserted back in?

  28. bluetech, we didn’t know; I, for one, am impressed!
    Infidel, glad to hear you’re happy; me too, and it should be noticed that he never went to university, and never wrote a word. (except something he wrote in the sand, and quickly erased.)

  29. Well glad to see SDA is on top of this. When I seen the picture, first thing I asked WTF? Two people protesting, deserve front page? How utterly stupid. I think that we should do a letter/email campaign to Bev’s office in support of her denying funding to this group! I can’t get over how stupid the msm looks as they continue to try to make news out of non news stories. Liberal’s are so desperate………..

  30. Just another example of the lazy MSM, not asking ALL the questions, nor identifying the activists during just such ‘demonstrations’.
    The MSM, as we all know, is completely in the tank for the socialists/leftwing cause, pretending to be ‘capitalists’ (Shaw Communications, I’m talking to you!).
    Any group of organized protestors can pretend to be a spontaneous demonstration of ‘concerned citizens’, when in fact, it’s the usual rent-a-mob, from the Dogwood Initiative, CLA, NDP, Greenpeace, WCWC, etc, etc, the same old bunch of welfarians against everything not for the socialist cause.
    And the MSM NEVER questions the players.
    One of the latest favourites was the failed recall campaign against Ida Chong, MLA for Oak Bay, probably one of the wealthiest ridings in BC. The organizing committee president leading the recall, is a major player in the NDP, Michael Hayes, a member of the provincial council of the NDP. But of course, as Hayes said, that has NOTHING to do with his recall initiative, no sirree Bob.
    And the MSM laps up the pablum…….

  31. A country gripped by scandal, a nation torn…
    (It is my ambition to die without ever learning what this Bev Oda thing is all about. I figure about another week and I’m good.)

    Posted by: Black Mamba at February 25, 2011 11:19 PM
    Me No Know either Black Mamba, but I think it’s about a minister of the Crown NOT flushing money down the toilet.
    Boring Canadian Politics is a Statist conspiracy.
    “Determined Duo”: That’ll have me smiling for the rest of the day EBD — thanks.

  32. Actually folks the Oda story is a ‘not’ event’.
    The real story is the spin, exageration and faux outrage by the lefties and media.
    But nothing new really.

  33. Typical of liberal media to leave out the facts whilst doing a drivebye smear of Conservatives, I’m so sick of them I can’t bring myself to read a news paper anymore.

  34. The report describes them as…. a “determined duo.”
    At first I thought it was about Yoda and I was all fired up. What was that little green backward speaking troll getting involved in Canadian politics? But now I see it’s about Batman and Robin. Thank goodness. I can rest now.

  35. Me No Dhimmi – “Me No Know either Black Mamba, but I think it’s about a minister of the Crown NOT flushing money down the toilet.”
    Hey, man, do I thwart your dreams?!? Wake me up when they impeach Barry, okay? I’m burned out on American politics, let alone phoney baloney “What? Where? Why? When? Who cares?” Canadian parliamentary “scandals” that exist in the CBC nebula and for noone else at all.

  36. What we really should do is take the lead ourselves.
    Everytime some libtard moneyburning scheme is floated, or on the rare occasion when one is toasted, we should express the funds in terms relevant to us mere peasants.
    “Plan XYZ” the talking head would get from teleprompter, “will cost as much as all the tax produced by 48.000 taxpayers this year alone.”
    Or describe the number comparing it to e.g. “All the tax dollars produced by all the residents of Burlington this year.”
    Or, “All the money going through every Tim’s in the GTA this year.”
    And if we can come up with a Tax Freedom day, we can surely come up with a Taxpayer Life contribution value. Or annual number, or household number.
    People disconnected from costs will not care about the costs.
    And that just gives a license to the politicians to scheme and scam themselves through the next election, and the next, and so on.
    That is how we find ourselves where we are today.
    We must reframe the debate.

  37. Why you get such awesome journalism from the Durham paper is because it’s a TorStar property.
    Liberal scandals were all about the millions and billions of taxpayer dollars that went poof; the Conservatives **SAVED** seven mil for the hardworking taxpayer and look at the thanks we get.

  38. If you are a Conservative party activist, let alone a CANDIDATE, do not try this. You will be flushed out in 5 minutes. Why? Since Canada has somewhat stringent privacy rules and legislation regarding ownership of one’s own image, photographers will undoubtedly get your name and city of residence and inform you that your picture may appear in their paper. Implicit in this, is if you object, they won’t run your picture. They can still show your picture legally, but they possibly would have to demonstrate how your picture is in the public interest, not that they are commercially using your image. In most cases, if you object, they won’t show your picture to avoid the headache of possible legal action or loss of public goodwill. If you are opposing some left wing scheme, you can be sure that your name will be googled and/or the story will be posted online with open comments so that others can post your affiliations. Neither of which happened in this case.
