42 Replies to “Monday’s Joke of the Day: NPR’s Vivian Schiller”

  1. So it’s just a perception problem. Okay, thanks for clearing that up for me. You slimy commie socialist progressive red diaper doper douche baby! JMO;)

  2. “There’s no question there’s a perception problem.”
    It’s our fault.

  3. A red dipper baby if Ive ever seen one.
    I’m sure they take real good care to present only the propaganda (Good story in her parlance) the leftists want crafted to bring lies to life.
    Her idea of Liberals complaining she’s to Conservative make up perhaps 5 % of the population, being absolute anarchists.
    Stalin would be to far right.
    She fools no one but herself. Canadians are so used to this, its become an automatic response
    To tune the BS out. Living with CBC will do that.

  4. NPR are pikers compared to the CBC. No more coercion to fund socialist indoctrination please.

  5. I don’t care if a government funded ‘news’ outlet is ‘conservative’ or ‘liberal’. I only care that it is government funded. The government doesn’t belong in the news business. Unless you subscribe to totalrianism.

  6. Glad i had my boots on while watching that,it’s still dripping from the monitor.

  7. Along with all liberals and lefties, I want the number of homosexuals and socialists employed by NPR and the CBC to reflect the national average.
    I think we’d see quite a few firings.

  8. So she admits that they have had to correct stories where they took a “too liberal” position. I guess the interviewer forgot to ask if they have ever had to correct a story where they took a “too conservative” position.

  9. Doesn’t the saying go… perception is reality? The perception is that the media is radical left wing. Must be reality.

  10. her mouth….her mouth and mandible has the same thingy happening as joe who clark…
    btw where IS joe who these days ?

  11. It’s always a treat to watch and listen to a critter like this. She really believes what she says, with ever iota of her being. Now that is delusional!!

  12. the involuntary finger at 4 seconds is a show of her true feelings – theres more but i’m not an expert

  13. I listen to NPR here, because it’s the only broadcast source for classical music. I enjoy it after 9:00 am until 4:00 pm, and then from 7:00 pm until I go to bed. I turn it off if All Things Considered or Morning Edition are on the air. It’s not even bias per se the bothers me; it’s preciosity – the whole attitude that “we’ve discovered something here of which the great unwashed are unaware.” I gave Iowa Public Radio $100 recently, but did my best to make it clear that it was for the music, and not for All Things Considered, Morning Edition, or A Prairie Home Companion, the last of which I actually liked about thirty years ago.

  14. I have never listened to NPR but I’ll assume it’s similar to the CBC. The problem is not just the overt liberal bias within the news and commentary but the complete absence of conservative and libertarian topics. How often is there a right-leaning panel discussing the collected work of Milton Friedman or even a neutral starting position on welfare or gun control? This never happens. All discussions focus on progressive’s pet projects. The assumption is always that the progressive (Liberal) position is the correct one and the conservatives/libertarians must begin on the defensive side. In addition, panels are heavily skewed with ratios of 2:1 or even 3:1 in favor of panelists from the left vs those from the right. In the CBC’s case, the one speaker from the right is often statists like A.Coyne, not true blue conservatives or libertarians.

  15. The witch-hunt that the CBC is currently conducting against the Tories (Oda, Kenney, Baird etc) is beyond all conscience. Kady O’Malley is foaming at the mouth like a mad dog. She scurries from one Liberal hate-fest (parliamentary committee hearing) to the next, usually tipped off, as she was today by Wayne Easter MP, that one of the Dead Sheep (Liberals) was savaging the Tories.
    Beyond a joke! And carried on the main news page of the CBC news site. And paid for by taxpayers.

  16. Good God!
    Just last week I chanced to land on NPR news on the drive home from work ….. the content was absolutely devoid of anything but slurs against Republicans… falsehoods … revisionism …incredible assertions contrary to proven facts ….. slanders against conservative persons ….. the Tea Party …. Sarah Palin … Chris Christie …. etc etc …. they went out of their way to cover every known item on the democrat talking point list ….. and they did it all im less than 5 minutes.
    Those folks are way beyond liberal …. they are batshit crazy political shills ….

  17. Yes, our feeble minds cannot comprehend the greatness which is NPR, and they would never never never have a bias toward one end of the political spectrum over another. Its all in your heads, you f-ing peasants.
    Nice to see consistency, at least.

  18. Conservatives say I’m conservative. I beleive it’s right and I will defend my beliefs.
    Liberals say I’m, unbiased. I present a balanced view. Don’t question me if you do your racist, homophobic, or what ever the latest word is.

  19. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck then it also (bull)shits like a duck.
    Don’t piss on my shoe and tell me its raining.

  20. John Deere sells a perfectly good manure spreader, the government doesn’t need to supply one. Fire them all. Let them achieve their full potential, flipping burgers at the golden arches.

  21. The money quote was when she said “we tell stories” That in a nutshell is the whole argument, instead of reporting the news, they, (the MSM) “TELL STORIES”. The Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Anderson told stories, I expect a National News Broadcaster to report, unbiasedly, the damn news!! That, evidently, is asking too much!!!

  22. Over at Power Line today, via Scott Johnson:
    “The Schiller Syndrome
    “Vivian Schiller is the wretched NPR chief executive who trashed Juan Williams for statements she declared best relegated to his psychiatrist. I detected a whiff of the punitive psychiatry employed in the late Soviet Union in Schiller’s public comment on Williams. Soviet psychiatry’s favored diagnosis for those guilty of heterodox thoughts was sluggishly progressing schizophrenia. Is Williams a victim of this malady in Schiller’s view? She clearly thought he needed therapy to address his misguided thoughts.
    “At the American Spectator, Jeffrey Lord raised the question whether Schiller was in fact a fan of the Soviet Union. Lord recalled Schiller’s role in the production of Ted Turner’s glowing three-part, seven-hour Portrait of the Soviet Union CNN series in 1988. Lord quoted Schiller: ‘At the time, Ted Turner went through this period of deep fascination with the Soviet Union…and they hired me to be a translator/production assistant/‘fixer’–which in production terms is somebody in a foreign country who ‘makes it happen.’ Now she ‘makes it happen’ at NPR.
    “Today Schiller spoke at the National Press Club testifying to the greatness of NPR. . . .”
    “In her remarks, Schiller revealed that she’s fluent in Russian and used to lead tours of the Soviet empire during the communist era. . . .”

  23. She could work for Peeair Bourque, or National Newswatch, if she could move Peeair’s nose from Iggys rectum, if she ever needs a job in Canada,

  24. listen to Hugh Hewitt’s hour one coverage tonite of Vivian’s non-sense.
    His producer, Duane had to bump in after a break with The Who’s Happy Jack as he feared that Hugh was going to have a stroke while ripping Viv to pieces.

  25. Q: “Do you believe there is an inbalance at NPR in terms of Liberals and Conservatives”.
    The question doesn’t ask “Liberals over Conservatives” or “Liberals in preference to Conservatives” or “Liberals and Conservatives as opposed to” So why did she instinctively think the questioner was refering to a Liberal bias?
    John Begley: Her chin reminds me of Joe Clark’s. However, her mouth reminds me of Dalton McGuinty’s and I place little value on what comes out of hers or his.

  26. They’re often accused of being too conservative, and the IP addresses always trace back to North Korea or Cuba.
    They take great pains to get “it” right, but everyone knows reality has a liberal bias.
    They make sure to cover all the stories that no other news organization is covering – the left wing stories so incredibly crazy that a private news organization would rather touch a 5-year old’s private parts than the story.
    The one and ONLY story I ever saw on PBS that was even remotely critical of anything liberal was the Frontline episode: The Age of AIDS.
    In it, they revealed that gay men, donating blood in violation of health regulations and lying about their sexuality, helped spread HIV through the nation’s blood supply. At one point, up to 25% of all donated blood was given by gay men.
    The 2004 Frontline piece: The Secret History of the Credit Card was a complete hatchet job of the industry. The stars of the show were:
    Chris Dodd: Sweetheart of Angelo
    Elliot Spitzer: “I buy prostitution services with my government credit card.”
    Elizabeth Warren: “I’m a professor of Law at Harvard, but I can’t understand my credit card contract.”
    Of course, everything proposed by Dodd and Warren were made into law recently.

  27. Mothercorp Ed….. er, CBC Edmonton had a “debate” the other day about carbon sequestration and whether it was a good approach. Their idea of “balance” was 2 warmists for, 1 warmist nuetral, and 1 warmist against. Their views are so deeply held that they can’t even see that there’s a whole other viewpoint out there, they probably thought that they had all outlooks covered.

  28. There is no way that Frank Graves will let her anywhere near his cookie jar.
    He’ll do a smear/spin poll.
