35 Replies to “The True Face of NPR Executives”

  1. Forunately, NPR receives very little in terms of government handouts. Our biased untruthful CBC on the other hand receives much, much more. We don’t need hidden cameras to see the slanted spin at the CBC; we need to simply listen to one of their commentators for more than three minutes:
    Sharon Lewis
    Peter Armstrong
    Rosemary Barton
    Michael Enright
    Sook Yin Lee
    Paul Hunter
    Rae Hull
    Linden MacIntyre
    Kady O’Malley
    Mary Walsh
    Jian Ghomeshi
    George Stroumboloupoulos
    David Suzuki
    Heather Mallick
    Avi Lewis
    Carol Off
    Anna Maria Tremonti
    Steven & Chris
    Tony Burman
    Rick Mercer
    Peter Mansbridge
    Frank Graves
    Vince Carlin
    Bob McDonald
    Neil Macdonald
    Don Newman
    The only CBC employees who do *not* advocate rampant socialism:
    Don Cherry
    Rex Murphy
    Kevin O’leary

  2. I am disgusted by these fools. “It’s like when we didn’t allow women’s voices”? This said to supposed members of the Muslim Brotherhood? Idiot wind. I’m surprised they still know how to breath.
    Not worth the spit of the people they criticize.

  3. you have a point there Robert.
    if you wear a hat nobody will notice.
    ha ha ha ha ha !!!

  4. Governments should not subsidize news organizations.
    Not only is there an obvious conflict of interest in the reporting of the news, but taxpayers see their money used to advance political opinions that they often vehemently disagree with.
    You want to spout political idiocies, have at ‘er. But do it on your dime, not mine.

  5. What’s the big deal? This audio could have been taken verbatim from an episode of Solomon’s Power and Politics.

  6. I imagine that most of you, like me, are well beyond being cynical when it comes to some of the views of the folks on the Left. But just stop for a moment to consider that this supposedly well educated American truly considers American conservatives to be the real danger to his country and the world at large. Yet he is absolutely oblivious to the threat of Radical Islamists.
    How is debate even possible with someone like this who’s head is in a completely different reality?

  7. Alex, if you were to take a really honest look at the average CBC news reporters story, what percentage is ‘fact’ and what percentage is “opinion”?
    Every news story is written from a point of view, you can’t see that it is a point of view if you agree with it. Does that give you a clue, Sherlock?

  8. Drudge now reports that Ronald Schiller has been fired from his post at NPR. He said he was planning on quitting anyway.
    Did Fox offer him a job too?

  9. “Alex, if you were to take a really honest look at the average CBC news reporters story, what percentage is ‘fact’ and what percentage is “opinion”?”
    I dunno, I don’t watch the CBC. Nor do I have any interesting in commenting on it. Just curious what it is about this particular video that’s so offensive to you.

  10. All the fired Conservatives should start their own station. Actors & all the rest could than have two places to run from the Monolithic Media for Marx set.

  11. Obama is more likely to defund the military than NPR. And I’m gonna guess Shiller’s firing will be contingent on the number of private sponsors holding their feet to the fire.
    But back home..
    Even on the off-chance that Harper can find a majority eventually, I doubt he’ll pull the plug on the CBC. And this makes me sad 🙁
    Having Evan Solomon ask if I would “like fries with that” would make me happy.

  12. Alex, not that there is anything wrong with Ron Schiller’s thinking that 1) intellectuals are too few and far between and that they are only found in the Democratic Party 2) that Republicans are the simple ones in America 3) that NPR would be so willing to be funded by the Muslim Brotherhood.
    Is there anything in that video which might cause you to raise your eyebrow?

  13. Whenever I hear someone say “putting on my other hat”, “at the end of the day” and/or “absolutely” I start to get worried.
    These are buzzwords/marketing phrases typically used to befuddle the perpetually kerfuffled main-stream media, who don’t eschew obfuscation unless it suits their agenda.

  14. Haven’t listened yet to his heartwarming holding hands with islamists boilerplate. Did he forget to
    push support for mandatory aborting of all pregnant Christian/Tea Party women?
    Strange that these marxists are so morally superior in their own minds but when caught out do not stand
    their ground and fight for their sickening religion but run and hide under the nearest comfortable rock to let things quiet down.

  15. And away we go with another revelation the MSM is going to ignore because after all thats how it is supposed to be don`t you know. I hope no one is holding their breath waiting for something to be said or done.

  16. 5:00 – “A University also by definition is considered in this country to be liberal, even though it’s not at all liberal. It’s liberal because it’s intellectual. The pursuit of knowledge, that is traditionally something the Democrats have funded and the Republicans have not funded.”
    That, to me, is the take-away bit. That really is how these people, these upper-middle-class leftists, think. Ron Schiller really thinks he’s fair-minded.

  17. Defund the CBC? Yes. But PBS, unlike NPR, is mostly non-political (except in a hippie-hangover kind of a way pertaining to lifestyle and music preferences) and receives the majority of their funding (over 80 percent) from viewer donations. If the CBC aired classical music and other cultural events as much as PBS does, and if 80 percent of their budget had to come from viewer donations, mostly from *pledge drives* (ooh, I want to see that) I wouldn’t be entirely displeased, and in fact I would enjoy perusing what would surely be a lengthy list of terminated reporters and producers.

  18. The scary thing about these smug lefites is that they claim a monopoly on wisdom and education.
    During the 2008 US elections the Dumbocrats relied heavily on the smear that anyone who didn’t support them was racist and “uneducated”.
    And yet their mascot’s, the boy-king, alleged high education is sealed beyond revue.
    Cutting $90 million of public funding would none-the-less roll back the US deficit. Where I come from $90 million is a lotta loot.
    That stupid Betsy idiot needs her tassle trimmed, without pain management, and have a bag put over her head. Perhaps a Taliban “nose-job” would alter her world view.
    These smug self declared “intellectuals” need a serious practical education in Muslim gender policy.
    O’Keefe is amazing……likely has a contract/fatwa on his head….

  19. CBC’s biggest cheerleaders are hypocrites, even they won’t watch their aweful programming. CBC is past it’s best buy date, it doesn’t represent Canada it represents Liberal GTA and Ottawa period.

  20. kakola-“Ron Schiller.
    Vivian Schiller.
    Is this nepotism or coincidence?”
    no relationship other than ‘shallow’

  21. It’s probably a little too subtle for 99% of the video viewers but, personally, I loved the fake wog accent. A very clever and comical touch. You’d think wise superior human beings like those NPR execs would pick up on that but noooo.

  22. Both Schillers have now ‘left the building’
    Someone needs to call the CBC staffing commissar- there may be a two-for-one deal and a chance to raise the average IQ in both corporations.

  23. This thing is breaking -big- out there in the Intertubes. I love it when Lefties speak their “minds”. The happy-face mask comes off and the monster underneath just shocks the hell out of people who haven’t been paying attention.
    Bottom line, the purpose of gun control is to ensure -you- can’t return fire when people like Vivian Schiller finally get you where they want you.
    Look the beast in the eye my friends. Smell the stinky breath. Point and laugh.

  24. Liberals siding with terrorists? No surprise there. What’s also not surprising is that the lefties may not like jews but they will accept their money when they donate to the NPR.
