The Details Behind the NPR Sting

Here’s a link to a pair of videos where you can hear interviews of Hugh Hewitt talking with James O’Keefe and Andrew Breitbart about the recent NPR sting. It’s absolutely fascinating!
When will some enterprising young journalists do a similar exposé on CBC execs? I have little doubt that the latter would be espousing similar or worse views about Canadian conservatives!
NPR President & CEO, Vivian Schiller, forced to resign by the NPR Board – h/t Brent Weston
James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas – h/t Marc in Calgary

31 Replies to “The Details Behind the NPR Sting”

  1. Gotta admire that kid, to bad there are no more legitimate reporters working for major newsites and this disease of liberalism would never have gotten to this point. James Okeefe please send your people to Canada to start on the disease ridden CBC for a starter, can one just imagine a private conversation between Kneel Mcdonald and George Stuffaplatapus.

  2. So watching Fox news this am and Alan Coombs was asked about this and went on a rant about James O’keefe and how disgusting his tactics are. HUH? Oh yeah O’Keefe is a conservative and therefore evil. Poor NPR execs are true libtards and therefore pure and good. I think I’ll go throw up now.

  3. I stopped my support of PBS stations last year – when Juan Williams was fired. I may not agree with Williams but his crime was speaking the truth as he felt it. Well, the Shiller twins have been truthful about their feelings – what goes around comes around. Can we say schadenfreude!!! Looks good on them. Cheers.

  4. Last night Hannity told Juan Williams to sue NPR.
    As with the CBC it isn’t so much that these statist entities are biased bigots against conservatism, it’s that they use our own money against us. That’s what has to stop.
    With Wisconsin and Rob Ford going after the largess of government cronyism with unions and now with the NPR hopefully being a precursor into cleaning up State Broadcasting perversities; the progressives must be getting nervous as their castle walls begin to crumble and expose them.

  5. Fox is reporting that Schiller will not be joining the Aspen Institute.
    Schiller had been planning to leave NPR to join the Aspen Institute. However, the institute released a brief statement Wednesday saying Schiller informed the think thank he would not be coming on board, “in light of the controversy surrounding his recent statements.”
    Ahhhhh. The ACORN does not fall very far from the tree. Well… or something like that.

  6. Meanwhile her, the “Friends of CBC” are using email lists to generate faux support for the CBC.
    “Just a few weeks from now – on March 22nd – the Harper government will table its Budget. It’s his chance to change course. We’ve got only a matter of days to persuade Harper that it is not in his political interest to cut CBC funding.
    But fortunately, they have provided a wonderful site where WE can tell PMSH what WE think of the useless waste of tax dollars that is the CBC
    Thank you Friends of CBC, here’s the website to tell PMSH what you think
    So nice of “Ian Morrison” to provide a nice editable letter to PMSH.
    I had fun, you can to.

  7. “When will some enterprising young journalists do a similar exposé on CBC execs?”
    The Liberal left is so entrenched in the Canadian media that such an attempt would likely backfire. The journalists would be branded as dangerous right wing radicals from which the CBC needs to protect us. The CBC specializes in prevarication; a frontal assault would just harden the status quo.

  8. You’re right Fred, that was fun!!
    Here is my edit;
    I know you would like me to believe that your government has made record investments in the CBC, more than any other party in the history of Canada, and that your government has increased CBC funding in every budget.
    Please stop doing that.
    I would encourage you instead to severely cut the funding to the CBC. In fact, the billion dollars a year that is wasted on this entity could be much better used in a multitude of areas.

  9. @Fred: Thanks, was fun. Kate, please put the Friends of CBC link up to spoof it, it’s a midweek entertainment creator!
    My edit:
    I know you would like me to believe that your government has made record investments in the CBC, more than any other party in the history of Canada, and that your government has increased CBC funding in every budget. Indeed, this is what the “Friends of CBC” website wants us to yammer on about, simply because they’re a bunch of lefty hacks who couldn’t get jobs in the real world. And in fact, where this form letter comes from – although they’re still letting people edit it, which I expect is going to end real soon.
    That is why I am pleasantly surprised and pleased to learn that your spending plan for the coming year includes a reduction in CBC funding. The CBC is one of the few institutions that works to strengthen our democracy by observing a liberal bias and acting as a clearing-house for all things leftist, and hoping to tell Canadians what their identity is rather than allow us knuckle-draggers to figure it out on our own.
    I am writing to urge you to disregard the advice of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage and instead decrease funding for the CBC from its current level of $33 per Canadian per year to $0 per Canadian per year in the current budget.
    This would mean another $33 bucks in my pocket per year to spend on something else besides CBC tripe.
    Please get back to me.

  10. I’m waiting for the young intern at the Toronto Star or Globe & Mail, who will go into their archives, “borrow” and publish the photographs of Toronto Muslims celebrating 9/11 on Front Street (where the cabs — cough — congregate to pick up disgorged passengers from Union Station…)
    Two professional Canadian journalists have told me such photos were taken but obviously not printed. By now the pix have probably been destroyed.

  11. Thanks Fred, While were at it….my edit.
    I am shocked and concerned to learn that your spending plan for the coming year includes only a reduction in CBC funding.
    The CBC is the only media institution that is allowed to access public funding while competing with private media . The CBC does not provide significant cultural programing to justify public funding. It continues to run programs that are provided by the private sector. I am writing to urge you to cut funding to the CBC and demand that the CBC either provide only non commercial programming or receive absolutely no public funding.
    Please get back to me.

  12. My Message to Harper:
    The CBC broadcasts a Liberal/NDP point of view constantly which is in variance to my Fiscal point of view. Therefore it is grossly unfair to ask me to support an organization I simply do not agree with.
    A Billion dollars? It is nothing less than a crime that this money is spent to support the salaries and pensions of Government broadcasting employees dedicated to a continual political point of view regardless whether it is left or right. That the CBC continually broadcasts a left wing point of view just makes it that much more of an anathema to me.
    Cut the CBC budget to zero. Put the money against the deficit please.
    Please get back to me.

  13. I see my post of 2:25PM announces old news. But I have an excuse of sorts. I read the NY Times website rather than that of Fox News. What can I say?

  14. One of James O’Keefe’s helpers in the video:
    “I stand heart and soul along the side of men and women such as James, Andrew, and Hannah. The people of this great nation will no longer tremble and cower under the heavy handedness and mandates of a government bent on enslaving them for their corrupt purposes and ideology… ”
    Does it matter to the MSM types that James was working with a black immigrant? hmmmm, I hope not.

  15. Frauds like the Schillers should be labelled “left wing radicals” more and more by the right. Use the same tactic the Left uses in that if you say something enough times it must be fact

  16. Further to the friends of CBC letter campaign, I just received emails from Morrison and Jack Layton thanking me for helping them. I guess they didn’t read my letter.

  17. I don’t agree with cuts as half measures that will just wound the CBC. A clean kill is needed to avoid complications down the road – this means $0.00 public funding and not a penny more.
    It’s a huge organization of professional agitators and slowly starving them will just make them agitate harder.

  18. James O’Keefe Has that rare quality called Character.
    Trust me what he’s doing stubs a lot of powerful peoples interests.
    He’s not playing a game, it could mean his life.
    We would have no Crisis like today,
    if we had 40 more folks like this.
    This new generation of truth seekers gets my respect for what its worth. Being Canadian we take it for granted any Government funded group will be so far left & insane, no one watches.
    Except the children of Trudeau.

  19. I know that your government has made record investments in the CBC, more than any other party in the history of Canada.
    That is why I am thrilled and very happy to learn that your spending plan for the coming year includes a reduction in CBC funding.
    The CBC is one of the institutions that doesn’t work to strengthen our democracy and our identity as Canadians because CBC only presents a leftwing, liberal bias on every issue. I am writing to urge you to follow the lead of what is transpiring in the United States with regards to government funding of PBS . Funding there may not only be cut but eliminated entirely. Funding for the CBC at its current level of $33 per Canadian per year is outrageous to Canadians such as the writer who cannot stand to watch so called CBC journalists constantly trash everything conservative. Time for CBC to sink or swim in the marketplace on their own merits.
    Please get back to me.

  20. I once was a “friend of Canadian broadcasting” but all my drastically edited form letters must have caught the attention of a FCB spy in Ottawa,as I’m no longer on the friends list and no longer get the E-mails.

  21. speaking of broadcast media:
    pay close attention to the thing about a CONSERVATIST private members bill to regulate TV commercial volume.
    NOW who is at the forefront of the much-derided-nanny-state-at-SDA?

  22. Just received this automatic reply from some fool named Morrison re my submission. These idiots haven’t a clue.
    hank you very much for sending your message to Stephen Harper
    If you can spare a couple more minutes, please send an email to all of your friends about this campaign. Cuts to the CBC are having devastating consequences that are obvious to every listener and viewer.
    Please ask your friends to visit and take action.
    Thanks and regards!
    Ian Morrison
    Ian Morrison
    FRIENDS of Canadian Broadcasting

  23. I sent an edited letter too but I didn’t keep a copy. It was fun. Thanks for the info, Fred.

  24. The doggie seems to have a faulty understanding of what constitutes a nanny-state measure. Nina Grewal’s Private Member’s bill, which she is undoubtedly introducing because it was requested by her constituents (in other words, not “conservatist” party policy) does not impose any kind of burden whatsoever on the average citizen. In fact, if it came into law, it would actually lift a burden from the shoulders of the average citizen, by freeing them of the aggravation caused by TV commercials recorded at an excessively high volume level.
    Nanny-state measures, on the other hand, impinge upon the freedom of average citizens, and require them to act in certain arbitrary ways. Seat belt laws, motorcycle and bicycle helmet laws, recycling laws, twisty light bulb laws; the list is endless. All these laws place a burden upon the average citizen.
    But wait! There’s more! Nina Grewal’s good intentions are doomed to failure unless she comes to grip with the technology. This notion that commercials are “louder” than the audio on the programming is a bit of a canard. What advertisers are wont to do is to utilize volume compression algorithms to increase the mean level of their audio tracks, while keeping the peaks no higher than the peaks in the program’s audio track. That way they meet the existing requirements for maximum sound level, but bring up the average sound level. It’s not really louder, but it seems louder because the quiet passages are not as quiet as they otherwise would be. Nina should amend her bill to call for restricting the use of audio compression in commercial messages to the same level that would be used in non-commercial messages with similar formats, or simply put a numeric limit on audio compression, period, for broadcast purposes.
