10 Replies to “A Tale of Two Schillers”

  1. My question is how far Obama is willing to stick his neck out to keep this intolerant, undemocratic, elitist entity from being sent to the scrap heap of history by a seemingly determined GOP?
    That video was revolting!

  2. but…but…but…the fair-minded Democrats are better educated, give more to higher education, are more tolerant, are waaaaay smarter…and don’t have an elitist bone in their bodies…and…

  3. Narrow minded, intolerant, power mad, gullible fools. Juan Williams seemed to be especially
    relaxed and in good form when discussing the meltdown on Hannity. In this classic case the
    mills of the gods did not grind slowly. The stunned leftist elites, slowly crawling away from
    the debacle battered and bloody, must now try to comprehend how brilliant people like
    themselves have been brought low in front of their equally bright messiah in the White House.

  4. These people are falling faster than I can keep up, and I have been keeping a journal since Obama took office.

  5. Ibrahim Kasaam: “There’s a joke; we used to call NPR National Palestinian Radio”
    Vivian Schiller: “Oh, really? That’s good, I like that!”
    The joke has become that, NPR really is national palestinian radio.

  6. It must be like heaven for Juan Williams. watching his enemies strangle themselves with their own self righteous halos.

  7. The Schillers will fit into 99.9% of most faculty environments (hell, most institutions and large corporations, public and private) so won’t be unemployed long enough to come down off their leftist and elitist pedestal.
