15 Replies to “Dennis Miller: The Growing Threat of Violence”

  1. If Harper wins a majority, The hard left will likely display similar tantrums. Remember Mike Harris. It was one riot after another not to mention an illegal strike by spoiled brat teachers.

  2. They always bite the hand that feeds them, most of these losers would be jobless if the govts. had not bailed out their sorry asses with GM Chrysler. Unions, are who have sent the price of a truck from 12,000 to 60,000 in 22 years. Time to get off our asses in Canada and get Harper a huge majority to slow the thrust of these angry malcontents. The medias are behind these nuts, helping them at every turn, time to wake up Canada. It was Layton and Iggula screaming for “stimulus” (because Barack was doing it, you know the lefties) to be spent, and with a minority govt. Harper had to go along, lets end this foolishnesss before Canada is in the same trouble as other countries.

  3. The “Days of Action” will be coming back soon. Conservative mayor in Toronto, a Conservative Premier in Ontario and a Conservative majority under Harper will lead to severe cutbacks for the unions on all levels. A couple months ago Harper was talking about making strikes illegal for government employees. This is going to get really interesting.

  4. Looks to me like some Jerk has told them to….(get ready for it)…rise up, Rise Up, RISE UP, RISE UP!!!
    Sorry. Couldn’t help myself.

  5. Oh yeah! Like for the past decade any contact with government employees has been delays are the result of staff cutbacks…..yet simple observation of those offices indicates people holding desks down, looking bored, or chatting with each other…..

  6. The tide has turned and the left, most prominently represented by public sector unions, is losing the battle for public support. For a long time, they have had their own views reflected back at them by the mass media. So they began to think most people shared their opinions and it was only rightist nutjobs who challenged what they saw as a consensus view. They forgot how to argue their case (not that their arguments make much sense) because they didn’t have to. The lamestream media did it for them.
    With the rise of alternative media voices, the birth of the tea party, voter swings to the right, and public accounts teetering on bankruptcy, the lefty world is turning upside down. Thus scorned and repudiated, the left reacts with threats and violence. It will get a lot uglier in the US and Canada, just as it has in Europe, because taxpayers can no longer afford to keep public sector unionists in their accustomed lifestyles.

  7. Sam Allen and her ilk. Are the same reprehensible fascists that are the hard left round the world. Always have been, always will be. They smash, they scream, they kill. The media as always, blames the victims.

  8. When we tax PAYERS revolt it’s expressed as a democratic election of Conservatives … when tax TAKERS revolt it’s expressed as a full scale riot with destruction of property and (I fear) injuries to those who oppose them.

  9. The great take-away line from David Thompson, (especially for one who teaches at a university) is:
    “Being “silenced” is apparently indistinguishable from not being agreed with, and “being heard” now entails being obeyed.”
    To some degree, this is a human failing, but anyone who listens to CBC knows that the left has raised it to high art.

  10. Unions allow for an alternate reality. Shop stewards and the union executives continually reinforce the feelings of envy and unfairness. It is astonishingly easy to convince people they are hard done by. Once you do that, the least stable feel justified in engaging in the most ridiculous behavior. From there you are just one community organizer away from union led assaults, death threats, picketing bankers private homes, etc. The scary part to me is how seemingly normal people can lose a sane perspective so quickly.

  11. Assuming no “coalition” putsch from the socialists come May 5th, I personally will be quite disappointed with Stephen Harper if the looney Left is -not- out burning cars in the streets. Its their default position when things aren’t going their way.
    I’m very excited about the idea of things not going their way for a long time to come. Starting with de-unionizing public employees. Including cops, firemen, nurses, teachers, the friggin’ POSTIES and those schmucks at the MTO. No more public sector unions, coming really soon to a riot near me.
    Got my Louisville Slugger all sharpened up.

  12. Damn it’s gotta suck living out east with all the union weenies and lefty freaks!
    I have met quite a few of them who have travelled out here to Alberta to try their fortunes in “Big Oil”. 99/ 100 either go back home with their tail between their legs, or find some sort welfare shelter to suck their thumbs. 1/ 100 will actually convert when the insanity bubble pops, and end up having a pretty good life (very rare).
    Nearly all are trouble makers, who do nothing but whine about how good they had it back out east and how Alberta needs to change, or grow into the modern age blaa, blaa, blaa. It’s always a pleasure to watch their inevitable crash.

  13. People can be judged not by what they love but by what they hate. The hate is so fierce with some people that they don’t even resemble human beings anymore. That mind sound crazy but what kind of person attacks children or spews out bigoted remarks as a matter of course?
    Happy Easter.
