The First American Prime Minister, Demonizing Canadian Industry

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
Michael Ignatieff, 2009Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff says that protecting Alberta’s controversial oilsands is a national unity issue. All of Canada benefits from oilsands development, Ignatieff told a Chamber of Commerce lunch in Edmonton Friday.
Michael Ignatieff’s campaign ad, 2011The Liberals are out with an attack ad featuring video of a tarred and suffering duck in a Syncrude tailings pond. […] The Oil Sands Developers Group is slamming the Liberals over the ad, saying the tailings incident had nothing to do with any political party.

51 Replies to “The First American Prime Minister, Demonizing Canadian Industry”

  1. Iggy suffers from KRAFT disease. Can’t Remember a “F” Thing. Botex has gone to his grey matter. His days as leader of the Liar’s club are numbered.

  2. The City of Toronto estimates well over a million bird deaths annually from building strikes.
    More birds have died by hitting the Toronto Star building than in oilsands tailings ponds.

  3. What a hypopotamus.
    What about the millions of non-oil-soaked birds that are being hacked to death by the blades of the pointless, useless windmills that Michael Ignoramus promotes as the replacement for the reliable, life-blood of the modern western civilization?
    Anyone? Anyone?

  4. I think we may have to start calling him The First American Leader of the Third Party (or Da Turd Party, as Chretien used to say)

  5. Of course, we shouldn’t forget all of the feathered friends that get chewed up by the cuisinarts of the sky:
    Wolfe Island wind farm, near Kingston, reported an annualized 1204 bird deaths in 2008. The number of bats dispatched in the same period was 2540.
    When will they be sued?

  6. Shutting down oilsands means killing Ontario jobs. I thought Liberals were smarter than that.

  7. This is the sign I’ve been watching for.
    This means that the numbers in downtown Toronto are getting soft. They have always attacked the west in the last two weeks of their campaigns when their numbers look soft. The cannot lose Toronto, else they lose everything.

  8. “I thought Liberals were smarter than that.”
    Evidently not. They’re *flailing* now.
    Epic flail.
    They’re going after the youth vote. Young people don’t understand the importance of oil supply, even though they use products of the oil industry every day when they plug into their computers or take buses.
    “But the most contentious section of the Liberals’ environmental platform proved to be the promise to introduce a cap-and-trade system, a mechanism that limits the amount of greenhouse gas emissions by large industries and auctions off permits to companies who can trade and stay within the law.
    The Liberals commitment to reducing greenhouse gases to 80 per cent lower than the 1990 levels, by 2050.”
    Read more:

  9. I’d like to hear Ignatieff or any other opponent of the oil sands/tar sands explain what alternative source they propose for energy and, more immediately important, JOBS.
    These people seem to operate in a vacuum,they have no problem shutting down anything they don’t like,but never offer a realistic alternative.
    Windmills,solar power,green energy,all have turned out to be an expensive and very limited alternative,almost fantasy.
    So,Mr.Ignatieff, how do you propose to immediately replace the thousands of high paying jobs that the nasty oil sands have created?

  10. These dork liberals have had a free ride for so many years with the MSM here that they just think like Kinsella, throw out some dirt and we will get the backing of the media and “shazam” we are back at the treasury trough, lapping up money like so many hogs. Biggest decision of our times people, shut down the “Trough Filler, Alberta”, and where will the money for Quebec daycare, cheap tuitions, TRANSFER payments, 8to9 billion straight to Quebec, come from. Ontario, have not province, shut down Alberta you Kinsellaites, and your out 2.5 billion ALBERTA dollars. Maritimes, well most of our workforce in McMurray comes from the maritimes so get the bows rosined for a lot of welcome home boys and girls partys. Think hard Ontario, where do most of the trucks you build go to, the oilpatch. How about your steel/pipe/valves/geocloth/machinery, yea cut off your noses with Iggula or Jack if you want, but Albertans will never accept another National Energy Program. Harper majority, lets be the best country possible.

  11. Just get that Strathcona seat back. And dont lose that one under threat in saskatchewan.
    Ontario will add more cons. The question is how many extra.

  12. If they persist in calling it tar sands I’m going back to calling TO. Hogtown.
    CBC had two green stories last week. One was 30 scientists that said the Arctic shoreline was disappearing. With no data.
    The second was a pesticide that lowers children’s IQ. They never mentioned the other two studies that said there was no effect. From non-greeny researchers.
    They aren’t doing well on the green scare.

  13. Oh no another Anti Alberta rant. How original. Alberta has come to represents Colorado in the book Atlas Shrugs, and as Albertan I am to the point where I wish they would do something stupid just to watch them burn. With or with out the Oil Sand we have lots of energy for our selves.
    But everyone else has their wind fans so it will only be dark part of the time.

  14. Ha, Micheal ‘Lights Out…Nobody Home’ Ignatieff
    Better buy that bus ticket back to Harvard…
    Methinks you’re gone!

  15. I noticed in the same ad the Grits lifted the NDP “banks and oil companies” quote. Anyway, I get to test my theory that Jack Layton not going after the Grit vote separated Harper from majority.
    Ignatieff is turning into a bigger bufoon than Dion, with zero traction or leadership appeal. He may have jumped the shark with his “Rise Up” (God, the pathetic desperation) moment.
    This election has suddenly become more than just Harper minority or majority. The vote splitting that will result from the (mostly)Liberal bleed to the NDP changes things somewhat IMO, but not to the extent most believe, unfortunately.
    Also interesting is a slight move directly from Tory to NDP in specifics areas – Vancouver, perhaps the Maritimes and, to no avail, the Prairies.
    I think a late bump will put the Tories over the top to majority, notwithstanding the total desperation of the Grits right now (maybe they should ban handguns again). The Tories would be well advised to sharpen their swords on Layton as election day draws near, as surely he has made a better case for coalition finance minister than before.
    A minority is another thing altogether, though I doubt the NDP will actually surpass the Grits. As for the coalition, should the opposition defeat the next budget, the question for the GG will be, who do I call now? Answer: nobody, I dissolve parliament and we get an election do-over. People should realize that.
    Tories should benefit somewhat from vote splitting in the Maritimes and Ontario, and easily offset possible losses in Quebec and BC.
    Yes, vote splitting mainly benefits the Tories, but does help the other parties too, so we shall see.

  16. Oil has been the driver powering the century of freedom for individual citizens. Oil gave us cars to drive enabling us to go where we wanted to go, when we wanted to go; it gave us cheap fuel to heat our buildings, it gave us plastic, it gives us income. In Alaska, where citizens own the resources, oil gives all the citizens a big fat cheque in the mail! Wind ‘farms’, on the other hand, cost a fortune, shred our fine feathered friends (who are the major leaders in the fine art of bug control – and bats too) in an alarming, cruel manner, the huge fins humm and disrupt the ears of all creatures (including humans); beached whales and dolphins do not understand the distorted sonar waves in the ocean if wind farms are on beaches, cattle and horses, dogs and cats, birds etc. are driven insane by the constant high pitched scream of the woosh and the engines. Wind ‘farms’ are unsightly blemishes on the beautiful landscapes. One windmill to power a pump or a mill, was a viable form of energy in the past but it was never reliable as the wind is not reliable. Solar panels need work but the energy from the sun could be a good form of energy in the future – when the sun is shining – again, sun power is always dependant on the whim mother nature. Oil is dependable, reliable and plentiful. Only fools who never look ahead and refuse to critique their own fanatical agendas would turn a blind eye to the good that oil does verses the evil that wild promotion of wing nut ideas on the taxpayers dime can do to a system that does not need to be fixed.
    As we do know the Troika will fly with any idea that will bring the citizens of Canada to heel. The Troika do not care about the citizens who would foolishly give them power, they care about having access to the treasury. Unca Mo and Georgie Porgie are human haters and, IMO, bird and animal haters. Their wild, fanatical promotion of the incompetent greenis should be enough for any rational person to refuse their puppets (Canadian style Obamaites, the Troika Dipper/Liberano/blochead rump))the power of the public purse.
    The Conservatives (esp. Red Ed’s outfit in Alta) should be dumped because they drank the cool aid and they are not fit to govern. The Fed Conservatives need to be reminded that they, too, are on a day pass as they yap about Globull Warming (as if!!) and other greenie nonsense from time to time. The Conservatives have a highly pragmatic, intelligent leader, PMSH; thankfully, who is not known for climbing on every band wagon passing by – for instance, PMSH is not a tobacco ban freak – he has stated that banning smoking is not a idea that he would consider as smoking tobacco is legal and each individual is entitled to make up his own mind on his own property. Think of how many service industry jobs and business could have been saved if the anti tobacco freaks had been told to ‘party’ in their own corners. The Right to Own Property in this country should be right on top of the new agenda in parliament, IMO; should the Conservatives get a majority. If the Troika steal this election: circle the wagons in Western Canada and pray.

  17. Speedy: ‘CBC had two green stories last week…The second was a pesticide that lowers children’s IQ’.
    Hey, NO FAIR! Why did they allow only children of the Liberals, CBCers and the greenies to be studied? An obvious skewing of data to produce these results! :~))

  18. Wind mills are not going to replace oil in Canada. I don’t think our politicians have noticed, but someone should point out to them that we use oil for transportation. We use electricity to power our homes and industry. Even if we could make all our electricity from wind it still wouldn’t power any of out transportation, except for our golf carts.

  19. Oil and big banks bad.
    State ownership of above good.
    Right from the marxist playbook, influenced by the Trojan Horse himself, Bob Rae.

  20. Didn’t Ignatieff get the memo? There’s a lot of support for the oilsands in the east now (if you believe the polls)
    On another note, hey Kate did you see John Ivison’s tweets about the conservative supporters at Harper’s rally today? He chastised them for booing the press because they asked Harper stupid questions. Then he of course went on to declare the media as the “only check against a majority government.” I guess he’s never heard of your blog?

  21. Why no pictures of the bats being killed by windmills or the cariboo being displaced by the Quebec hydro dams? Right those don’t appeal to the greenies in Vancouver and Toronto. The NDP and Liberals are gearing up for a major assault on Alberta and to a lesser extent Saskatchewan, lets face it folks as long as the takers in the east outnumber the makers in the west we have no hope, it’s time we grew up and went it on our own.

  22. Derek said:
    This is the sign I’ve been watching for. This means that the numbers in downtown Toronto are getting soft. They have always attacked the west in the last two weeks of their campaigns when their numbers look soft. They cannot lose Toronto, else they lose everything.
    Yes. The same thing applies to the bloviating about abortion and health care. Politicos call this tactic “energizing the base” and it’s done to bring out your core vote to avoid a total wipeout. It is indeed an encouraging sign.

  23. The Liberals are lower than a snakes belly in a wagon rut. I can imagine what will happen to Sask. and Alberta if the 3Separatists Parties win their Separatist Coalition. They are all 3 Separatist Parties. They have legally joined together to seize power from the People of Western Canada. We need to Rise Up against them….

  24. The owners of the Horizon Wind Farm to be built near Thunder Bay ON estimate that they will kill two birds and three bats annually.
    This presumably in reply to my letter to the paper in which I stated that wind farms kill more birds than the oil sands.

  25. # birds hacked to death by windmills
    # birds killed by striking the Tor Star building
    That really needs to be put in a tv ad, to put the number of birds killed into perspective.

  26. A drop in Liberal seats would make it almost impossible for the Governor General to go with a coalition government if they defeated the Harper government. It would be hard to conceive that in a scenario similar to CPC 150, LPC 68, NDP 52 and Bloc 38 that the GG would allow a coalition. The second party may not even have half the seats of the first party. Could Canadians accept that, when probably the worst thing that the Harper Government would have done was re-introduce the March budget.

  27. My riding – Richmond Hill – has been held by Liberal hack Byron Wilfert since the Mulroney days. In the last two elections, my street was festooned with signs – a few Tory, a few NDP, but mostly Liberal.
    This election – there isn’t a single sign on my street. Not for anyone. Maybe people are just tired of elections, but I think it speaks volumes that a well-oiled and practiced Liberal team can’t even get people to put up signs. If that’s the case, how are the Libs going to get out their vote? Collapse is possible!
    If Richmond Hill goes Tory, you can bet it’s a majority.

  28. O’Count’s fear, fear, fear. Here’s Hope’s sister: Fear*.
    “Ignatieff said his strategy for the next week — the last in the federal election campaign — was “hope, hope, hope” and “optimism.”
    “NDP numbers purely ‘science fiction,’ says Ignatieff”
    *H & F:
    “Hope* is charming, lively, blue-eyed wench, & I am always glad of her company, but could dispense with the visitor she brings with her, her younger sister, fear*, a white liver’d-lilly-cheeked, bashful palpitating, awkward hussey that hangs like a green girl at her sister’s apron strings & will go with her whithersoever she goes.”
    (Letters of Charles and Mary Anne Lamb)

  29. Cripes, the Libs have no one with a functioning brain working on their campaign. This is such an old story, for one thing, and secondly, they appear to be speaking only to their base. Or maybe that’s the plan. Perhaps their base is scattering in all directions other than towards the Liberal Party. I guess that’s the hazard of having three or four parties on the left.

  30. I’ve felt, from the beginning of this campaign. that the Liberal (ie MSM) media have been busy creating non-issues to distract people from the only real issue, the Coalition. If the outcome is a government including the separatists, which is the only way that a coalition could be formed, then I would like to see an immediate national referendum on separation in which Albertans can vote on whether we will allow Quebec to remain in Canada.

  31. BWHAHAHAHHAHA! That poll now stands at: Cons 54%; NDP 42%; Libs 2%; Greens 1%. Fantastic!!! And CTV is not exactly a right-of-centre network.
    Maybe Iggy should offer to lead the Green party and double their percentage of support. After all, if he’s opposed to the oil sands, ignores the problems associated with big blades circulating in the air and tall buildings slamming into sparrows and stuff and loves ducks more than people, he’d be a perfect fit.

  32. albertaclipper at 3:55 PM: I’ve thought right from the beginning that this election will be one about the media, and so far it seems I am correct. All the pseudo-scandals they’ve attempted to stir up have been ignored and all the real scandals they’ve buried have to duly noted by bloggers and the handful of right of centre journalists. Just goes to show that when the media fails, so goes the Libs. No amount of spinning will work these days.
    I think we should all observe a minute of silent gratitude for Al Gore for “inventing” the internet. It has finally – F – I – N – A – L – Y given the right a voice. We’ve been shut out, vilified and lied about for so long. I’m positively giddy!

  33. Louise, the Liberal core vote is starting to scatter all over the place. At this point they’re not running for government, they’re trying to ensure they’ve got second place in the new House. And as noted above, when they get desperate they always play the dump-on-the-West game. It’s their core vote their fighting for now.
    The Liberals abandoned serious campaigning in the West about 40 years ago. And since 1984 they’ve never had a majority of Quebec seats either. They’re a regional party only confined to the big cities, and they’ve completely failed to break out of the downtown cores for the last three elections. This one is looking no different, except that their urban core is splintering as well.
    It also has to be remembered that all of the Blue Liberals have been chased out of the party over the past six years. Many of them left in the wake of the Martin leadership bid, more left under the Dion fiasco and in so doing there’s a truckload of centre voters, particularly in Ontario that became disfranchised.
    Remember at the beginning of this when all the pundits thought Layton and the NDP were doomed. The moral of the story is that elections really do matter and the pundits rarely get it right at the beginning.

  34. Look at the hysteria all across liberal Media, a poor canadate goes to a school that happens to house an alleged terrorist’s supporter and it makes fron page news. A libtard’s sign blows down it’s front page news, day after day fake news stories all across the land. Frankly watching the pissy pants media pee themselves in fake outrage is starting to amuse me. I haven’t watched CTV or CBC for three weeks and I have no intention of going back to either liberal venue. The media thinks it can control the media narrative with contrived fake anti-conservative articles well sure they can and we can rescend our financial support to their venues. Yes Bell I’m talking to the mothership.

  35. Rose: “I haven’t watched CTV or CBC for three weeks”
    I’m shocked, I tell ya’. Shocked. I unplugged the TV five or six years ago. I decided it wasn’t worth the money paying through the nose for networks like those two and a whole bunch of other crap just so I could get a handful of decent stuff in the upper tiers. I may be a bit out of touch with things as a result, but all in all, like is much better without TV. I still watch the occasional clip via the web which is just enough to show that my earlier decision to unplug was justified.

  36. cgh at 4:38 PM, I’m hoping Ralph Goodale will be toast on May 3rd. I’d love to see the last Liberal standing in Saskatchewan get mowed down and plowed under. I’d personally spread the manure on him once he’s buried, too, unless there’s a off chance that the brown stuff might cause him to sprout and grow again. Liberals do like sh!t.

  37. cgh at 4:38 PM: “They’re a regional party only confined to the big cities, and they’ve completely failed to break out of the downtown cores for the last three elections.”
    That sentence brings to mind images of raging peasants with pitchforks storming the Bastile. The downtown core crowd are so isolated, that may be the only way to get their attention, that is if we really want to. I would think a massive Conservative majority, and especially in the ridings right next to them, might have them shaking a bit and huddled together for fear that the image they have created of us might actually be true. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I have to laugh. Little children cowering under their beds. LOL! The CBC must be horrified.

  38. Louise, there’s no certainties in that one. Goodale has strong personal appeal to the voters in Wascana. Sometimes a strong local candidate can swim against the tide. Elsie Wayne in Saint John in 1993 was one such.
    As to the downtown core of the big cities, everyone’s getting concerned there as well. Rob Ford’s victory in the Toronto mayoral last year shocked everyone. In a nutshell, the left lost pretty much everywhere north of Eglinton, west of Roncesvalles and east of Woodbine. When the left lost everything in Scarborough and Etobicoke it said very bad things about the next several elections. Dalton McGuinty is even more worried about it, as he has to go to the polls in October and with a failed administration record behind him.

  39. TV used to be called an idiot box, now I call it my lieberal friend:-))))
    I haven’t had a tv working around here for about 10 years:-))))

  40. The Lieberals are like vegans wearing leather.
    Perhaps we should have an election process that keeps the top three and sends us back to the polls a week later until a majority is achieved. It wouldn’t cost much extra to keep the election machine spinning.

  41. Iggy on cpac,just told us he and the wife are owners of a cow! Yeah..that’ll get the rural vote flowing for ya Ig!

  42. For some reason I think that when Iggy sez he owns a cow it means they have a side of beef in the freezer.

  43. Nope ex-Van..he said he and the wife ‘talked’ to the cow today,and it was gonna rise-up the rest of the herd,to vote for Wayne Easter..and ‘Wayne was gonna be alright!’..what a loon.

  44. Well, well, well. I’ve just discovered this little nugget. Did you know that there is a website for a United Nations Parliament? Yes indeed. Here it is:
    Guess who has signed on to the “Campaign for a United Nations Assembly”? We have Maude Barlow, David Suzuki, Lloyd Axworthy, Romeo Dallaire, Gilles Duceppe, Jack Layton, Elizabeth May, Bob Rae, and Justin Trudeau. These people are willing to sell out Canada and absorb us into a world government run by the UN. This is their agenda. This is why Michael Ignatieff was brought north from a UN inspired think tank in Boston. When asked in 2006 why Iggy left Harvard to move to a country where it was minus fifteen, he replied “for the Harvard Kennedy Centre”. Not for Canada. For the Harvard Kennedy Centre for Government. So, when you vote, think. Do you want the Liberal/NDP agenda of a one world government or do you want an independent Canada?

  45. Good digging walhouse, this dork Iggula needs to be exposed along with Lenin Layton, Canada will be the greatest country in the history of man if these lying money theives are finally ignored by Canada and the Craig Olivers and Sandie Ineedadildos of the Slimey So Called MSM.

  46. M.Peltier at 7:20 PM, sorta like the system they use in France. I like it. I think the most that’s required in a second go round.
