NDP Going After the Barfly Vote in Quebec

It appears that an NDP candidate in Quebec is doing her campaigning from Las Vegas. This peculiar story about a candidate who works in a bar in Ottawa is but one of many in what’s turning out to be a very strange election campaign.
There are no reports, as of yet, about how NDP volunteers in Ruth Ellen Brosseau’s riding of Berthier-Maskinongé feel about her absence from the campaign.

85 Replies to “NDP Going After the Barfly Vote in Quebec”

  1. Now that’s following in Obamba’s footsteps “just a little to close” for his comfort!

  2. I hope she’s *like* elected, and she *like* is the new minister of *like* sustainable futures and *like* she stands up in the House of *like* Commons and just tells us *like* how we’re just a bunch of *like* haters and such.
    … no, really I do, well if it *like* comes to that…

  3. And this is why you don’t have to worry about the NDP as official opposition. Jack will spend his whole time as opposition leader doing damage control for bimbos like Brosseau. Meanwhile the Grits will regroup and find a leader who can actually win them elections. There’ll be another election in 18 months, the NDP will be reduced to a dozen seats and Jack will spend his retirement writing rants for the Toronto Star.

  4. Jack Layton was blaming non-fixed election dates.
    Isn’t he the one that caused this election?

  5. ‘Mr. Dubé’s posts on Twitter are largely devoted to hockey, comic books and computer games, with the occasional forward of tweets by NDP Leader Jack Layton.’
    Whew! I’m glad at least he doesn’t take the responsibility of running for parliament frivilously!!

  6. The NDP is treating this campaign as though it’s an election for student council! A previous NDP candidate in my riding in BC was similarly lacking in qualifications, but the labour councils went all out to ensure her win; they have the organizational apparatus for ground campaigns and staff to make it happen. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for my Conservative candidate!

  7. Let’s not be too quick to judge. She may be doing research for her upcoming cabinet position as “minister of fill in the blank “.

  8. Better start a love-in for Iggy, I think the strategy worked a bit too well.
    This election is turning into a trainwreck of massive proportions. This is why a conservative party needs to campaign on a conservative platform, at least you know where you stand.

  9. Is there a floor to ceiling brass pole or two in that bar in Ottawa? Because if so, it might help explain the Vegas trip AND her choice of party to belong to.
    Taliban Jack can make her Minister of Women’s Affairs or something else utterly necessary to a Lib/Dip coalition.

  10. Red Deer’s had a long string of NDP candidates over the years who have been complete jokes. College students, unemployed retail clerks, various lefty activists, people living in rented mobile homes who’ve had 9 jobs in 5 years, etc. Lots of victim types. This’ll be a cool train wreck to watch, actually.

  11. Well, she’s got the ROTFLMAO vote and the LOL vote, FYI, IMO….wait a second, maybe she thought she was trying out for that lingerie football league instead!!! OOOPS

  12. I am listening to Bruce Springsteen’s song The Price You Pay. I feel that it is a fitting song to this article.
    It is interesting watching Canada grab defeat from the jaws of victory. We have a stable banking system, manageable debt and lots of energy. This could have been the beginning of Canada’s decade.
    The East may think they are cleaver bad mouthing Alberta and Saskatchewan but they are really stupid squared. Go ahead shut down the oil sands we still have lots of conventional oil and gas and coal and water and grain and beef etc.
    We are producing Provinces and the east are looting Provinces and in the end the producer always wins.
    Ruth Ellen Brosseau is the quintessential NDP, Liberal, bloc candidate just wanting to find home for lost puppies while the producers do the heavy lifting.
    At least we have company this time, it is nice to see another Province come in from the land where the buses do not run.
    So bring it on Eastern Canada Alberta and Saskatchewan are waiting.

  13. First to Chutzpaticular. Having your “fingers crossed for your Conservative candidate” is kind, but useless. Get out and help him/her get every Conservative to the polls. That’s what wins elections.
    As to how her volunteers feel about Brosseau’s vacation in Vegas. I doubt there are many volunteers. She may never have been in the riding. In many cases the NDP has appointed supporters from other parts of the country to run for them in ridings where they thought they’d never have a chance just so they could say they were running a full slate. They’ve dropped them in a riding that has very few NDP members to actually organize a campaign.
    The NDP candidate here in Calgary West lives in Edmonton, has not come down to debate and we’ve never seen her. Yet even here, in a Conservative stronghold, the media complains because our Conservative candidates aren’t doing anything in spite of daily doorknocking, pamphleteering and phoning.
    This NDP phenomenom is generated by Jack Layton and a pliant media. When the media saw Iggy tanking, they wasted no time in lionizing Layton. They will do anything to avoid a Conservative majority.
    They care nothing for how this will impact Canadians economically, and it will impact us very negatively, especially in western Canada. This oleaganous man with the leering smile has obviously touched Canadians who know very little about economics but like a smile even if the person with the smile has a policy book that’s guaranteed to make them weep. He and his inexperienced, almost laughable, team will smile as they pretend to know what they’re doing
    This situation makes you wonder about the concept of universal sufferage.

  14. I remember being witness to Ed Broadbent on the campaign trail when I was a teenager. I lived in Co-operative housing then. He came around and promised the sun, the moon, and the earth to us.
    But what I found disturbing was that he was promising more money in welfare payments to “single moms”. Y’know, the able bodied types who made a living by churning out kids to get a steady government income for at least 18 years per kid.
    Even as a young guy not old enough to vote I recognized the total irresponsibility in providing that kind of support to people. Giving them a living as a reward for bad life choices removes all incentive to actually be a productive citizen. But here were these welfare bums just eating it up as if they were witness to some sort of political greatness. It was nothing short of pandering to the lazy and the useless.
    Today I see the NDP as the same useless, irresponsible party they always have been. They are not a party for those who are motivated to go out and make their lives better through work and initiative. They are a party that supports parasites like unions,welfare bums, and special interest groups who believe they are deserving of government funding (Want money? Have a bake sale!). They seem to think that taxing those who are making the wealth and giving it to those who refuse to work is a good way to do business. Yeah, just ask Greece how that worked out for them.
    Give a man a fish he’ll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and the NDP loses a voter!

  15. Hey, she’d get MY vote! Can’t be any worse than some of the other turkeys from all the other parties. Besides, if she was a died-in-the-wool dipper she’d be in Varadero, not Vegas.
    She’d certainly be a welcome addition at Happy Hour. 😉

  16. Jack Layton will have to set up a day care facility for his MP’s! Nooow! Not for their children!

  17. Heh…I had to find out from my local rag there was an NDP candidate in my riding of Dufferin-Caledon. Was absent from both town hall debates, and not a lawn sign to be seen anywhere. Not that any of that would have mattered in my blue riding.

  18. “As to how her volunteers feel about Brosseau’s vacation in Vegas. I doubt there are many volunteers. She may never have been in the riding”
    Makes me wonder (given that there are other candidates “on vacation”) if these candidates had a little travel money come there way for running and being away (no questions) during the election. After all – doesn’t the party get money from EC based on the number of candidates they run?? hmmm

  19. I live in a Montreal-area riding. Our NDP candidate does not live in or near the riding and according to the local paper, she is unavailable for interviews and does not return phone calls, so nobody knows much about her. And yet, if the polls are accurate, she is in the lead to win the riding.
    This is insane.

  20. I will bet 1 soon to be worthless U.S. dollar that there is multiple Spooky Dude (george soros) organizations behind this.

  21. This candidate highlights the folly of embracing the polls and resulting media push.

    It is quite easy to answer the phone and praise the NDP and their leader. However,when the pencil meets the paper,it may not be as easy to put a check next to this candidate’s name,or others with similar qualifications.

    Having said that,I do think she would make an excellent minister of “good times”.

  22. This bimbo probably thinks the cabinet is where she’ll be storing her new clothes.
    But it’s OK. She’s a “single mom” and is wearing her badge of courage well. Somebody from Sun news should head to Vegas and interview her before election day.

  23. Now, if we just renamed it:
    “The Train Wreck’s a’ comin'”????
    The Gospel train’s a’comin’
    I hear it just at hand
    I hear the car wheel rumblin’
    And rollin’ thro’ the land
    Get on board little children
    Get on board little children
    Get on board little children
    There’s room for many more
    I hear the train a’comin’
    She’s comin’ round the curve
    She’s loosened all her steam and brakes
    And strainin’ ev’ry nerve
    The fare is cheap and all can go
    The rich and poor are there
    No second class aboard this train
    No difference in the fare

  24. Or maybe this is more appropriate for Ms. Brosseau?
    Mystery Train Part II
    (Steve Earle) [1995]
    There’s a train a comin’ There’s a train a comin
    Hear them tracks a hummin’ There’s a train a comin’
    Can’t you hear her blowin’ Can’t you hear her blowin’
    Wonder where she’s goin’ Can’t you hear her blowin’
    Run down the station Run down to the station
    Dread and fascination Run down to the station
    Don’t you want to ride her Don’t you want to ride her
    Wonder what’s inside her Don’t you want to ride her
    She ain’t bound for nowhere She ain’t bound for nowhere
    Engineer just don’t care She ain’t bound for nowhere
    She run down the mountain She run down the mountain
    She won’t even slow down mmm down the mountain
    There’s a train a comin’ There’s a train a comin’
    Hear them tracks a hummin’ There’s a train a comin’

  25. That is the ultimate definition of a lightweight.
    How could she possibly get along with Pat the Rat Martin?
    I guess we will see how daft and bereft of intelligence the people of Quebec are…….

  26. There are no reports, as of yet, about how NDP volunteers in Ruth Ellen Brosseau’s riding of Berthier-Maskinongé feel about her absence from the campaign.
    Didn’t her leader score some points on the Liberal leader during the English debate on the topic of being abscent?

  27. Oz
    “Didn’t her leader score some points on the Liberal leader during the English debate on the topic of being abscent?”
    Then Layton tried to blame on Harper because there was no fixed election date.
    Meanwhile his bimbo candidate is out in Vegas for a “fixed erection date.”

  28. The point here is the left wants a PM Jack Layton running a cabinet full of Liberals.
    Everything else is noise.
    Quebec will do what it will do. Lets just hope the cons hang on to their 12 ridings. Then it coes down to how the splits work in Ontario (no NDP lovers are they) and what happens in BC.
    I still cant believe that PM Jack Layton is a realistic possibility, despite the fact I was commenting on it a before.
    That Quebecers would care this little indicates they have next to nothing invested in the curent system.

  29. I agree that she seems unqualified to be a MP. However that is for the voters of that riding to decide.
    Based on the few facts that appear to be known about her; that she works in a bar, she has blonde hair, she is a single mother, and she is in Vegas for a holiday, some seem to be quite quick to characterize her as a “bimbo”. I would really like to leave that type of name-calling to the left. They are more experienced and better at it.

  30. I would really like to leave that type of name-calling to the left. They are more experienced and better at it.
    True, but that just means we need more practice.

  31. It’s not political correctness. How do you know she’s a bimbo? Are all blondes bimbos? Are all people that work in bars bimbos? Are all people that run for the NDP bimbos? Are all single mothers bimbos?
    If someone has proven themselves to be a bimbo, I have no problem in seeing them labelled as such. I’m just curious which of the known facts of her allow you to state with such certainty that she’s a bimbo.

  32. While this is a somewhat interesting story, its nothing new to elections. Whenever there is a “wave” there are always candidates that become MPs that were never expected to content. Look at the Reform wave in 1993 or even the Mulroney wave in 1984, as two examples. There were some outstanding MPs in those classes, but also a great number of MPs who, by any fair assessment, had no business being in the House of Commons, and probably needed to ask the name of the city where they were supposed to report for work.
    And if you think that is a stretch, there were actually Quebec MPs in the 1984 sweep that showed up to work in Quebec City to be sworn in, only to be told that they needed to travel to Ottawa.

  33. Bimbo my ass! She’s about to pull down a $170+K a year job. The bimbos are the ones that (will) hand it to her.
    As for the single mom thing, any indication that she wasn’t in a committed relationship when she had the kid? Way to many guys out there walking away from there responsibilities for our side of the fence to be chucking rocks…

  34. On its website, La Presse just posted a story that Ruth Ellen Brosseau is an anglophone, despite her francophone last name, and can barely speak French. Apparently a local radio host who interviewed her before she left for Vegas reports that she had so much trouble expressing herself in French that he canned the interview.
    And her riding is about 99.99 % francophone.

  35. How do you know she’s a bimbo?
    Are all blondes bimbos?

    Are all people that work in bars bimbos?
    Are all people that run for the NDP bimbos?
    Are all single mothers bimbos?
    If someone has proven themselves to be a bimbo, I have no problem in seeing them labelled as such. I’m just curious which of the known facts of her allow you to state with such certainty that she’s a bimbo.
    which of the known facts of her allow you to state with such certainty that she’s a bimbo.
    Singly, none of those facts makes a her a bimbo.
    Altogether, they cumulate to prove she’s a bimbo, getting a seat in parliament notwithstanding.

  36. If you all really want to know if she is a “Bimbo” or not, simple question, ask her if she has a tramp stamp.
    I think she is just another of these straw candidates run to get the vote subsidy, just like most of the Green candidates that run in Canada.

  37. When a person books a holiday, it’s usually pretty hard to give it up unless they have travel insurance.
    I’m sure the vacation was booked before the election was called.
    The most ironic statement I’ve heard about this situation was from Jack Layton who said this situation would not have happened if there were fixed election dates.
    Yup, Jack Layton is for fixed election dates.
    As for all the personal attacks on the candidate, it just confirms to me there are pinheads on both sides of the political spectrum.

  38. On its website, La Presse just posted a story that Ruth Ellen Brosseau is an anglophone, despite her francophone last name, and can barely speak French. Apparently a local radio host who interviewed her before she left for Vegas reports that she had so much trouble expressing herself in French that he canned the interview.
    And her riding is about 99.99 % francophone.

    She’s a student at Carleton University, the English-language university you attend if you can’t leave Ottawa to go somewhere decent for your degree (i.e. you work full time in Ottawa) or just don’t have the booksmarts to get into anywhere else.
    Decided to call Oliver’s Pub (the student bar at Carleton U where Brosseau is assistant manager) to see if they had any special events lined up for Monday night.
    “No, we don’t,” was the cold reply. Their 15 minutes of fame in lieu of their assistant manager has been quite enough, it seems.
    Though…a single mother coming back from vacation to find herself an MP. I smell a sitcom…or a reality show 😀 “Parliament Virgins,” anyone?

  39. Yup, Jack Layton is for fixed election dates, after his coalition forms the government.
    That way they get the whole 4-5 years(whichever they decide on) without be disrupted by a non-confidence vote like the one that caused this election.(and regardless of whether the coalition can keep from shaking itself apart or not)
    I wonder what this country would be like if Jack could pull that and his other wish off, the abolition of the senate.

  40. This young lady is truly following her “centrist” convictions running on a “do nothing” political platform. If we only could have more honest politician like that, we wouldn’t be fooled on their role and importance.
