47 Replies to “Putting The Jew Back In Judo”

  1. Much, much, much better segment than the whole tree thing. The whole story is just too weird for words.
    Still, Ezra could do with a bit of comedic training.

  2. He has a great sense of humour and this one self deprecating or, at the least, being part of the joke, but his use of the name Jesus as a swear word or exclamation, is just a bit offensive (well t me at least)

  3. dance…dance – yeah, seriously, that place should have a big wall built around it. Oh never mind, they are on an island. It’s all good.

  4. Let the show develop. I think Ezra Levant and the Sun staff are slowly pulling structure which will establish a following.
    From this will come the impact on the consensus media. The future of information provision is brighter now.
    Having said this the air time given for the Liberal M.P. from Papineau was the usual grab a microphone; ignore polite interjections and make the standard party political points.
    There has to be a microphone cutoff or a forceful person in charge otherwise it will just be more CTV without “Duffy”. Cheers;

  5. Ezra is a great choice for this type of show. I predict Sun News will be a ratings winner like Fox News is in the States.

  6. Apparently, mentioning basketball is also racist. O’Reilly had a guest who accused Trump of racism, because he mentioned Obama’s habit of playing basketball instead of working.
    I think Ezra’s humor really hits the mark. He’s a born showman, and he deals with important issues in a way that grabs peoples’ attention. I see nothing negative in his presentation. I just hope he doesn’t run out of issues, and start relying on the act, instead of the subject.

  7. It’s strange suddenly having my blogroll appear on TV after a lifetime of politically correct Canadian media.
    Still waiting for another on my list though.. hint-hint

  8. I get a great deal of pleasure in being allowed to see Ezra do that Ezra thing on-air. He’s completely unlike anyone else on TV, including (especially?) on Fox News. He’s bright, funny, unapologetic, scrappy, voluble, entertaining, interesting,and courageous — and all this after just a week on air.
    His intros are really just tongue-in-cheek appetizers, as it were. I like ’em.
    Umm…du kæft, Larsen!

  9. And, on Byline with Brian Lilley we had Alex Tsakumis from B.C., who would never have been invited by either the CBC or CTV to comment on the situation on the coast as concerns the Federal election! Too honourable to not tell the truth. He predicts that Conservatives will put a big dent in NDP hopes.

  10. EBD, Danish, well, I can take it! 🙂
    Don’t get me started on the 400 years of darkness!

  11. What is happening in the UK is a direct result of far left thinking. And when I say “thinking” I use the term very loosely. That country has been ruined by the labour party and is no longer worth living in as was evident when I lived in Alberta. There were a lot of brits who moved there due to their time in the British Army posted to Suffield near Medicine Hat. They enjoyed living in Canada with it’s better standard of living and less intrusive government. Also, their currency went a lot further here and they afford to own a nicer family car and nicer homes. So, after leaving the army many of them emigrated to Canada to carry on living a better life than they could have in the UK. All the Brits I spoke to agreed that the political correctness there had gone insane. There are so many examples of how the country has gone into the toilet that it makes one wonder how stupid you have to be in the first place to vote for leftist parties that seem bent on destroying their own countries.

  12. Now it’s obvious to any rocker than disco sucks but this story is just unbelievable. Can’t remember where I saw the quote from John Cleese (maybe it was even here) that one can no longer do satire as a form of humor as reality is just too bizarre.
    Sun TV is making me rethink my boycott of TV but I’ll probably just watch it on youtube unless the cable company will let me have Sun TV as the only channel that I get (no way I want to support the commie MSM).
    The only way to deal with this situation would be for a mass of people, preferably in the hundreds of thousands, to show up at a police station and let it be known that they are personally offended by political correctness. It would be very interesting to find out whether someone who is white can be legally offended or whether one needs to be a member of certain designated non-white groups to have the legal right not to be offended. I’d make sure to try to nail this down with whatever member of the local gestapo happened to be on duty at the time and I’ve driven cops close to violence in the past when I’d just ask simple questions about why they had stopped me on the street.
    The expected response to someone coming into a police station and complaining about a disco song that they heard while passing by a pub would be to ask the psychiatrist on call to assess the person who made the complaint. That this wasn’t done suggests that the policeman on duty at the time is probably in need of a psychiatric evaluation.

  13. That’s more like it, Ezra! That was great.
    As for why the Brits have gone insane with their politicians – the sad reality is that they have very little choice. The “Conservatives” in Britain are not any better on these issues than Labour.
    The only rational party in Britain is the UK Independence Party. Nigel Farage, their main spokesman, is brilliant. But they have to shake their image as “BNP-lite”. If and when they do, they will be huge.

  14. Well, two of the lines are “There was funky China men from funky Chinatown” and “There was funky Billy Chin and little Sammy Chung”. So, maybe the guy got offended by the phrase “China men” or the stereotypical last names (or maybe their usage with “funky”). But if that’s enough to get you riled up enough to call in the police, you need to see a doctor about tranquilizers.

  15. yeah, seriously, that place should have a big wall built around it.
    One word: Chunnel.
    Apparently, the term ‘Chinaman’ is offensive to Chinese people.
    We have/had a mountain in Alberta named Chinaman’s Peak which so “offended” the Chinese community a handful of years ago that the name had to be changed.
    On a clear day you can just see the tip of it from Scotsman’s Hill./s

  16. Still, Ezra could do with a bit of comedic training. ~ Erik Larsen
    So what style would you prefer: Chris Rock; George Carlin; three stooges?
    Surely you realize it’s a matter of taste. I think his humour is just fine for the type of work he’s doing. Keep in mind, he’s lampooning issues that aren’t truly funny.

  17. Hey Shaidle now that you’re going to be a big TV star (Sun contributor), see what you can do about getting us Sun TV News in Saskatchewn so we can watch you.

  18. Let’s not forget the well renowned and respected rancher from southern Alberta, John Ware who had a steep hill on his property named after him. N1gger John Ridge. It was how he was addressed and took no offense. It was the standard of the day ala Huck Finn.
    WRT the renaming of such real estate, most of the nonsense seems to some from left leaning white do gooders (n’er do wells). They should be informed that there is no malisciousness intended and to put on their big girl/boy panties and suck it up.

  19. Re: Chinaman’s Peak
    I would wager that most of those opposed have no idea how it came by its name either
    Wonder if any of them would have changed their mind

  20. I was laughing out loud – Ezra perfectly illustrated the insanity of being “offended” by a song.
    I love SunNewsNetwork – haven’t watched Fox in days

  21. I really really really want SUN News to succeed. Like most conservative people, I am tired of lefty spin and information control perpertrated by the CBC and CBC. These types of theatrics will not make that possible.
    To get the viewership they need, Ezra needs to lose the costumes and let his wit and intelligence win the audiance.

  22. NO, no, no: Ezra’s doesn’t need comedic training.
    The charm here is that he’s consciously a poor comic. YES, he flirts with cringeworthy buffoonery betimes but that’s fine. As EBD points out, this guy is a one off, one of a kind. He’s pure niche.
    I watched the whole show, with my wife, last night. The SPOOKIEST part of it was the utter timidity of the “racist” singer, his repeated assurance of the “niceness” of the cops, who, after all, are just following the book ‘cos if they don’t THEY might be callest racist for not reporting a racist event. Seriously, this is heavy duty Kafka (The Trial, The Castle), perhaps some of the most productive reading I’ve ever done. The singer was about to report to the police station for a “recorded interrogation”. Pure Kafka.
    And here’s why I love Kathy Shaidle. While she usually expresses contempt for libertarians her trenchant comment about the apparent futility of fighting WW2 is classic anti-war libertarianisn. In the immortal words of Elaine: War — what’s it good for.

  23. Ezra was brilliant – I give it 5 stars out of 5.
    “The charm here is that he’s consciously a poor comic. YES, he flirts with cringeworthy buffoonery betimes but that’s fine. As EBD points out, this guy is a one off, one of a kind. He’s pure niche.” Hear hear Me No Dhimmi.

  24. IMHO, Ezra has a genius here which is going to make him a -fortune-. This guy IS the Canadian we need to gore the sacred cows of the Left every day on TV. He’s the guy out in front of the rest of us, abusing the opposition and DARING them to do something. The herald, as it were.
    I liked it, I agree with all of it, and I watched the whole thing. This is the only time I’ve ever seen the whole Human Rights farce laid out on TV except for when Ezra and Kathy do it on the Michael Coren show. I like that show because it covers these important subjects when no one else did pre-SUN TV, but find Michael Coren’s efforts to be even handed TIRESOME and stupid.
    One does not do “even handed” with Satan. One finds the biggest hammer available and lays into the son of a b1tch with a will. That is Ezra on TV.
    It could be a notch better though. They could hire Kate McMillan and Kathy Shaidle as script consultants and paid co-conspirators. That’s not flattery ladies, that’s me reaching for the biggest hammer. I want to WIN this war.

  25. I watch a lot of Fox News and Canadians have not been exposed to their formula. Why not have Adler copy OReilly, Levant copy Hannity, etc. This is not rocket science and you do not have to re-invent the wheel. If Fox News is the most succesful network in the States, you should copy them. They should have a Megan Kelly look alike that says sexy things like we are taxed too much.

  26. Phantom, Kate’s said she turned down an offer to be a Sun-babe. I like to think that she chose us, but it was probably the schnauzers.

  27. Don’t blame her, doggies are cuter than me for sure.
    IMHO Kate could do that job, but would be wasted as an on-air news reader/infobabe. She’s a writer, which is a lot more rare.
    Besides, she already writes half of their material anyway, they should pay money.

  28. I liked the piece. We’re now getting Sun news and I like it. It’s obvious that it’s just getting started and I expect once they’ve had some time, built their audience and their revenue along with it, they’ll have a rather more polished presentation than they do at present, Ezra included. But they’re tackling issues that neither CTV nor CBC is looking at and getting their share of lefty guests on, I think because they give their guests a fair hearing even when they disagree. I think the genie’s out of the bottle for the counterweight to political correctness.

  29. CRTC and HRC to shut down Sun on a complaint.
    $5 it will be before May 2nd.

  30. I have had Fox News for 3 years and watched it a lot when I traveled south. FOX is good BUT I love, love, love Sun and especially Ezra. He said stuff last night that was just brilliant.
    His best line was when he was talking about Calgary not requiring French in school and that the current federal bilingualism requirement discriminated against Westerners and ethnic minorities.. and reserved all Federal jobs for Montreal and Ottawa.
    At least for the next little while TV for me will be Sun news and the IPL.

  31. Ezra,s a character with a moral compass. Love the guys energy. Where fortunate to have a person like this as a warrior against the destroyers of our society.

  32. Sun News is great. Krista sure held Paul Dewars feet to the fire yesterday afternoon. She is no Giggles Taber and that is good.

  33. Wonder if he will tackle the RCMP and the screw job they did on an innocent citizen like Jason Nixon in Sundre.
