Reader Tips

If recent poll numbers are accurate, and if they translate into votes on Monday, there’s a reasonable chance that we may soon have a coalition government led by Prime Minister Jack Layton. In the interest of helping to provide long-term contingency planning for you and your family, here’s a helpful three-part video on how to clean and cook a squirrel.
The comments are open for your Reader Tips.

80 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. And thou shalt enjoy it:
    “The TSA’s ‘behaviour detection officers’ are on the look out for ‘anyone who displays arrogance or expresses contempt for the screening process.'”

  2. So… can the west separate and leave Vancouver and their drug shooting shops out?
    I’d even be open to taking Northern Ontario with us.

  3. Next Tuesday, these would be the 4 scariest words any Canadian could imagine: “As your Prime Minister”, as uttered by Jack Layton.
    Incidentally, here’s a story about one of the NDP’s “prime” candidates. I assume this is the Dippers attempt to get the Drunk Male Vote in Quebec?!

  4. agree with Derek – time to cut off the annual $8.5 billion bribe to Quebec, and get some equal representation to boot

  5. let’s just hope some of the centrist liberals ( if they still exist) realize that they are throwing their vote away with their party and come to the conservatives to stop the NDP from spending us into oblivion. Look at Bob Rae’s Ontario if you want to see how their ideas work on a provincial scale…just imagine the damage nationally. Think about our foreign policy and the treatment of the military that they would support.

  6. Actually, let’s flip it around. Can we just kick the 100 mile(yes MILES, not km) strip from Windsor to Quebec city and the lower mainland including Vancouver out?
    That should pretty much take care of the problem.
    Then when they came crawling back after they have no money left, would it be a request for foreign aid?
    Sorry if I sound bitter, but I actually think this is what it has to come down to.
    My favorite line in “Last of the Mohicans” was when the guy explains that people come to the new world because “they are beholden to no one” This statement is no longer true.

  7. The euphoria surrrounding Jihad Jack (remember it was JL who crafted the Coalition concept) is proof that people love a bandwagon. That said, the tell of this election will be twofold: the ability of the NDP to translate their ‘surge’ into a useful seat mass and the impact of the rather rash IMO, youth vote on the overall results. End of the Day, I predict a narrow Majority for The Harp.

  8. Look folks you don’t get it at all. Jack is Canada’s obummer. There’s still time to defeat him but you gotta go volunteer for your candidate. Take election day off and help out because if you don’t you might have a lot of time off involuntarily.

  9. @small c torontonian…
    Amen to that brother! And to take it one step further, I think that any pro-business Liberals that get elected should be thinking about crossing the floor for cabinet posts. If I was a Liberal in the tradition of Manley, McKenna, etc, I’d much rather be part of a fiscally responsible government under Harper, than the three ring circus Layton will bring about.
    Kate –can you compile a list of those Liberals that lean right and might be persuaded to cross the floor?

  10. If the impossible happens and jacko forms the next gov’t we will have our friends in quebec to thank. By using the Bloc they have been able to denied the rest of us majority government. One can only hope that vote splitting on May 2 will give us a majority and the government can practice some tough love on quebec.
    Failing that the country will suffer and by extension quebec.

  11. This is the absolute most stupid thing I have seen in all my almost 60 years. I can understand Quebec maybe falling for slimy Jack promising them everything they ever wanted and more but for the rest of the country to get caught up in this shit is UN BA LEE VA BULL!!!! And the media including SUN talking like it is a done deal. We should be laughing at him. It’s a joke. How does a loonie lefty idiot become the darling of the land all of a sudden? If the people of this country turn the keys over to this creep on Monday, it will be a complete disaster. I will have to decide whether to take what I have and leave or hang around and wait for slimy Jack and his gang of creeps to destroy this country and our way of life as we know it.
    Like it has been said before…. the brain dead assholes that vote for this crap deserve to be made pay for it but unfortunately it will we the rest of us who pay while more useless takers jump on the bandwagon. The first party who wants to pull Alberta out of this shithole has my vote. I have never been this mad over an election before.

  12. Colm:
    This NDP surge is eerily familiar to the Nenshi come-from-behind win as Calgary’s mayor. I believe the youth vote was the deciding factor.

  13. altaguy I want the media to act like it is a done deal. Kind of the horrible realization of a nightmare.

  14. CBCpravda was actually promoting this the other night. said there were 20000 subscribers and used the dips and the libs as an example.
    Saw this on a friend’s facebook page today:
    A Facebook app promoting “strategic” voting to avoid a “false majority government”.

  15. Reader Tip: Get Sun TV News.
    I finally picked up my new receiver late this afternoon, hooked it up, and watched Ezra.
    Holy smokes. I still can’t stop grinning. It’s everything I expected…only better.
    He even showed a little brisket. No whitefish, though…

  16. The west will revolt big time if the GG invites a coalition to form the government. But our voices will be drowned, as usual, even with a good GG at the helm. NO ONE, except have-nots, wants the NDP in charge of anything. Those of us who have money can move it, so expect a flight of capital and this is what Soros wants, so that he can buy Canada cheaply.

  17. Take a pill. Jack Layton is not going to be PM. At worst we’re looking at Quebec in 2007, when the ADQ somehow became official opposition and made a pig’s ear of it.
    18 months to two years of the NDP as official opposition will be enough to convince Canadians that Jack’s collection of kooks and barmaids have no business governing Canada. The Liberals will regroup and replace Iggy with someone who knows something about governing, the writ will drop again, the NDP will be back to a dozen seats and Jack will take off for a mostly harmless semi-retirement giving boring lectures and the occasional rant in the Toronto Star.

  18. I don’t understand this rope-a-dope strategy of Harper and the Conservatives!
    They’re letting Layton, or more accurately, the PPG and MSM walk all over them!
    Their timid defense of their record/platform is puzzling.
    He should be pounding his opponents and ridiculing their birdbrained policies….all the while reiterrating what was contained in his last budget and presenting his own vision for the country. He’s doing none of that!
    He has to wake up the masses before they sleepwalk to the polls and commit the biggest act of assured destruction of this once great nation.
    Why is jack-off getting a free ride, and where has peoples’ ability to think critically gone??

  19. Snagglepuss… You said it! Why isn’t Harper eviscerating these clowns instead of making timid replies. He should be pounding the table and driving the point home to the sleeping public. This is serious stuff. Our country is on the cliff.

  20. I think it is more common to CLEAN any critter before COOKing it.
    However, if you’re elections result in you soon being controlled by Dippers, you’ll be so thoroughly screwed that confusing this fine culinary sequence of events will be understandable.
    If that occurs, come Spring of 2012, ya’ll be eating the inner bark of trees, along with newly sprouted grass, and any roadkill you are lucky to find.

  21. rete; Werner Patels is 12 shades of mental. You can’t use him as a barometer for anything…

  22. Keep a good thought, Dick. I, too, don’t think the recent poll numbers are going to translate into votes on Monday, but *if* they do, and *if* the NDP ends up with just over a hundred seats and the Conservatives with 135 or 140, as some are predicting, an NDP-led coalition government that has the imprimatur of Quebec is, sadly, a distinct possibility.
    If it happens the idiots who voted NDP because Jack the Dipper is such a “nice guy” will be punching themselves in their faces – and their pocketbooks – for years to come.

  23. EKOS leader is a liberal, there pols are complete liberal shill garbage.
    Only Nanos, Environics, and Ipsos are best.

  24. derek.
    having lived 15 years in Alberta, BC and Yukon [now in in 905 east of TO – Bowmanville], i understand your frustration with some fellow canadians.
    but there are plenty of true blue, hard working, common sense conservatives in the Windsor Quebec corridor who worked very hard electing Mike Harris and then Stephen Harper.
    and we too pay more than our fair share of taxes – which are currently being pissed away by dolton mcG.
    however, just because things can sometimes get ugly in a democracy doesn’t mean that we throw the baby out with the bathwater.
    I have family and friends across this great land and i’ll be damned if I allow socialist weasels to rip it apart with ruinous policies and the politics of division.
    don’t take the bait.
    Too many people gave their lives building this country for us to get so pissed that we turn our backs on our fellows.
    dark clouds don’t mean the end of sunny days.
    build an alberta firewall if need be.
    take it to the streets.
    weather the storms.
    in the meantime, try to enjoy springtime and playoff hockey.
    the Tao of Steve will deliver a majority outright May 2 or with the help of a dozen principled [?] Liberals crossing the floor May 3rd or so.

  25. I heard Ezra Lavant say that Jack Layton uses Private health care Could that be true? I thought the ndp were the saviors of healthcare in Canada?

  26. The main reason the NDP is surging in Quebec is pretty simple: they have promised, in effect, that if a sovereigntist provincial government wins a referendum, they will negotiate over the terms and conditions of separation. In other words, they will treat Quebec separatists seriously, as adults. There’s a lesson here for the other parties: if you want votes in Quebec, stop characterizing separatists as either petulant children or demonic monsters. They are neither. Canada is not the first country in the world with a province that wants to separate.
    Other nations undergo divorces all the time, and most work out the details amicably, so it’s time to shelve the histrionics about “destroying” Canada and about how only “traitors” would ever sanction separatism.
    There’s no guarantee that such negotiations would actually result in separation. A consensus would possibly emerge that it’s not worth all the bother, and could not live up to the PQ’s inflated expectations.
    Having said this, Jack has about 18 months to two years to deliver on his promises to Quebec. If he comes up with squat, he will be done like dinner. They are a fickle crowd in that province.

  27. Joel- I agree EKOS is a leftard cheerleader.
    Adler seems to like Nanos, but in my opinion he also tilts considerably left.
    I can accept Environics and Ipsos-Reid as fairly accurate and unbiased.

  28. If Harper wins only another minority, there is another possible outcome: the Liberals will support him either explicitly or implicitly. The reason? Jack Layton is openly critical of Israel and this will not sit well with the Liberal brass. I don’t think they will tolerate him as PM for this reason.

  29. Good News – New Mcleans poll has Cons back to 38, Libs; 26, NDP 25
    Maybe PMSH is letting the shock of ‘PM Layton’ marinate in the minds of the good burghers for a spell. I ‘spects the NDP wave has crested and a major recoil is on the way as the horror of being denizens in NDPville sinks in.

  30. Dennis –
    Remember this about Canada, from South Park:
    “They’re not even a real country anyway”.
    Put what you said in that context.
    Sound feasible?

  31. Hard to catch and cook a squirrel when the NDP led coalition takes your guns.
    Sounds like breadlines and handouts by the grace of Heir Layton for our future. Did we all enjoy it while we had it?
    Hope so.

  32. Welcome to our home!
    “COPENHAGEN, Denmark – On Mohammed’s birthday, Denmark’s Muslims marched to the city square under a banner that said ‘Islam is peace and love,’ but elements of Denmark’s Muslim community have radicalized.
    “Two years ago on the same spot as a peaceful demonstration, Muslims met a pro-Israel demonstration with Hitler salutes. There were shouts in Arabic of ‘takbir,’ which means ‘conquest,’ and ‘kill the Jews.’
    “Americans may think of Denmark as the tough nation that stood up to Islam over the publication of Mohammed cartoons, but Denmark is also infected with the some of the same multiculturalism that has been declared a failure in other European nations because it can foster Islamic radicalism. Now, Copenhagen city government is allowing construction of a Shia mosque, which will be funded in part by the radical regime in Iran.”
    You can run, but you can’t hide:
    “Iranian refugees to Denmark who fled the Islamic radicalism in Iran now face the nightmare of that radicalism following them to Copenhagen. Iranian immigrants have been demonstrating against it…”

  33. Also something about these polls smells a la the Ford phennom ~ ie whereas the pollsters had things tight til close to the end the actuality was a blow out.
    ‘nother thing – the tranquilty of PMSH is revealing as well in my view…a ‘tell’ mayhaps ? ‘All In’ homs!

  34. Glenn,
    I appreciate your comments. I also have friends who live in the 905 and lower 705 that I would consider dyed in the wool Canadians. The kind that stormed the beaches at Juno or left their lives behind at Dieppe, like family of mine. People that built a country.
    How do we square that with what is going on today?
    Please refer to the “Beholden to no one” comment that I referenced. That was the promise of this whole continent.
    My whole generation left this province while under the care of the NDP. I am one of 2 from my class that remain in Saskatchewan. We had over 40. With Wall they are starting to return.
    A wise neighbor of mine has a saying: “Every time someone gets something for nothing, someone else gets nothing for something”.
    Let’s hope common sense prevails.
    As for me, I just want to be left alone to raise a crop, sell it to whom I please, tend to some cattle, defend them with a rifle if I have to, wear a green shirt and watch some football, help out at a rink where a community thrives in the winter, help someone out when they need it, drink a few beer after a hard day and… be LEFT ALONE!
    Glenn, I think this country is founded on greatness, let’s hope it comes back.

  35. Derek, I’m OK with almost everything you want. I suggest that you get a green and gold shirt however. 😉

  36. I admit Howie, the two best football games I ever attended where in Edmonton. The 89 and 97 Western finals!
    Joking aside, I love the rivalries in football and hockey. I can think of a few Sask boys that play(ed) for the ‘Oil. I’ll wear the green n’ white in Commonwealth and I invite you to bring the green and gold to Taylor Field.
    Game On!

  37. There’s a lesson here for the other parties: if you want votes in Quebec, stop characterizing separatists as either petulant children or demonic monsters
    What, you mean as a pack of communists, racists, and rednecks who think the government owes them a living in Saint-Crisse-de-Tabarnak and refuse to learn English and move somewhere civilized? That’s called “telling the truth.”

  38. It appears that a cast iron stomach will come in handy until May 2. I can not believe that anybody with common sense would consider voting for Comrade Jackaevich Layton.
    Derek @ 12:08, agreed, unfortunately in the last few decades a class of people has risen that thinks they know what is good and best for all of us and many of us have bought into segments of this thinking.

  39. peace brother derek.
    we should all be so lucky to live free from big nurse in gods country.
    always nice to come to SDA for sanity.
    this is a WTF moment in the campaign but i remain confident that there is still a critical mass of common sense in the country to pull our fat out of the fire come monday.
    and if you want some laughs, check out the comments at the G&M.
    their editorial endorses Harper and the CPC.
    their readers’ hair is fire…
