25 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. This video reminds me of a very freak storm that happened around Devon, AB. a few years ago. We were cladding a new barn for a potato producer and we couldn’t get out of there quick enough. We hopped into the pick ups and drove behind another existing barn. The low and horizontally rolling cloud came out of no where, and it definitely wasn’t a funnel cloud. A few moments later the storm had passed, but not without leaving hundreds of sheets of metal scattered across the fields. 12’x4′ flying razor blades.

  2. Rich, if my memory serves me well, a number of deaths in the US about 2 or 3 years ago were attributed to organic truck crops.

  3. I’ve seen a couple of bad prairie storms move in that fast. They’re always very dark. One of the scariest was in Swift Current a couple of years ago. Hail, high winds, driving rain. Not a good time to be herding cattle on horseback.

  4. “Jewish Porn Sweeps Arab World”
    “Via Kesher Talk comes more confirmation that Islam will be Defeated by Pornography. From the Italian site ANSAmed.”
    “(ANSAmed) – TEL AVIV, AUGUST 22 – Despite the diplomatic ice reigning between the respective governments, Israeli erotic sites are reaping enormous success among the Internet surfers of the Arab countries. “We notice on our servers that thousands of users live in Muslim states with which we don’t even have diplomatic relations,” Nir Shahar, who manages one of the most visited Israeli websites with erotic content, told an Israeli journalist. Up to 10% of the daily contacts of the porn portals in Hebrew come from Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iraq. Some owners have decided to rise the wave of success opening an Arabic version on the websites and registering in this way an immediate surge of the ‘clicks’. Others, like Nir Shahar, believe the expense for translation is needless: “The videos and photos we offer do not need much explanation,” he says.”

  5. Outreach vs overrun.
    “USA/Islam: America Fetes Muslim Civilization”
    “In a fresh outreach bid by the Obama administration to the Muslim world, US Secretary of State has launched an exhibition on achievements of the Muslim civilization through ages.”
    “Al Qaeda Gunmen Seize Yemeni City”
    “Suspected Al Qaeda gunmen have overrun the southern Yemeni city of Zinjibar after heavy clashes with security forces left 16 dead, an official told AFP Sunday.”

  6. Not a cold front, but the leading eadge of well defined thunderstorm cell. Not that they couldn’t see it coming from a long way off. Twenty minutes, it’ll be gone and sun will be back out. Fun 20 minutes though…:)

  7. Something to cheer up a dreary Sunday morning:
    Kyoto deal loses four big nations
    May 29, 2011
    “Russia, Japan and Canada told the G8 they would not join a second round of carbon cuts under the Kyoto Protocol at United Nations talks this year and the US reiterated it would remain outside the treaty, European diplomats have said.”
    Question: Do you hat tip tweets?

  8. Something to cheer up a dreary Sunday morning:
    Kyoto deal loses four big nations
    May 29, 2011
    “Russia, Japan and Canada told the G8 they would not join a second round of carbon cuts under the Kyoto Protocol at United Nations talks this year and the US reiterated it would remain outside the treaty, European diplomats have said.”
    Question: Do you hat tip tweets?

  9. “BC sex offender sought for alleged parole violation
    CBC.ca – ‎39 minutes ago‎
    Police in Abbotsford, BC, are looking for a violent sex offender wanted on a Canada-wide warrant who left his home Friday without permission.”
    Ontario “Tories vow GPS cuffs on high-risk sex offenders”

  10. First commenter says:
    “Jim Cripwell says:
    May 29, 2011 at 9:32 am
    I am proud to be a Canadian.”
    >>> “the leaders of Russian, Japan and Canada confirmed they would not join a new Kyoto agreement, the diplomats said.”
    The leader of Canada is PM Stephen Harper.
    Bravo, PM Harper.
    “It’s All Over: Kyoto Protocol Loses Four Big Nations”
    “DEAUVILLE, France: Russia, Japan and Canada told the G8 they would not join a second round of carbon cuts under the Kyoto Protocol at United Nations talks this year and the US reiterated it would remain outside the treaty, European diplomats have said.
    The future of the Kyoto Protocol has become central to efforts to negotiate reductions of carbon emissions under the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, whose annual meeting will take place in Durban, South Africa, from November 28 to December 9.
    Developed countries signed the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. They agreed to legally binding commitments on curbing greenhouse gas emissions blamed for global warming.
    Those pledges expire at the end of next year. Developing countries say a second round is essential to secure global agreements.
    But the leaders of Russian, Japan and Canada confirmed they would not join a new Kyoto agreement, the diplomats said.
    They argued that the Kyoto format did not require developing countries, including China, the world’s No. 1 carbon emitter, to make targeted emission cuts.”

  11. I lifted off the ground in my old Piper Tri-Poop heading east and shortly and unexpectedly found myself surrounded by eastbound thunderstorms. In what felt like calm air I aimed the nose down and reduced power to about 50%. St Elmos fire danced in the propeller and lightening lit up the clouds around me. With an over ground speed of almost 200 mph and about 500 fpm steady, smooth lift I reached my destination in about 1/2 the time I estimated. Lesson learned: Don’t mess with the weather! 45 minutes of cold sweat will do that to you.

  12. Polls are crap in my opinion. This is interesting only in that it “might be a trend. At least I hope so.
    Incensed voters ‘repudiate’ Washington’s leadership
    ‘Data indicate backlash could sweep Capitol Hill, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue’
    Read more: Incensed voters ‘repudiate’ Washington’s leadership http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=303221#ixzz1No9SB4XB
