Rex Murphy Offers Bob Rae a Hug

Rex Murphy provides a few words of support to newly anointed Liberal leader, Bob Rae.
This Murphy video from 2 years ago is well worth a watch too.
Anyone care to predict how things will transpire for Monsieur Rae over the next 2+ years?
Featured comment:
Bob Rae stepping in as leader is roughly the same as Wiley Coyote having a stunt double jump in half way down the cliff. The good part is that the end result will be the same, a coyote shaped hole in the ground…..” — Ian Vaughan

35 Replies to “Rex Murphy Offers Bob Rae a Hug”

  1. It’s not going to work. Bob Rae is a socialist stuck in the 80’s.
    The Liberal Party could make a comeback if they purged guys like Rae, but my guess is they’ll tread water with motherhood statements for two years, before basically imploding on an infrastructure basis. No money, no volunteers, no direction.
    It’s weird…now that this is actually happening I don’t find myself quite as excited about it as I would have in 2000. Oh well, I’ll console myself with the cash I got back from Revenue Canada this year.

  2. Even Rex falls into the media hype that Stephen Harper wanted to have a deficit – how quickly the pressures of a minority government are overlooked. The kind words for Bob Rae were entirely uncalled for.

  3. Bob Rae stepping in as leader is roughly the same as Wiley Coyote having a stunt double jump in half way down the cliff. The good part is that the end result will be the same, a coyote shaped hole in the ground…..

  4. The MSM will fawn over Rae as if he was the second coming and the party will pretend that things are going great. I would not even be surprised if within a couple of years the party elite reverse their decision and declares Rae the permanent leader.
    At least I hope that is what happens because with what McGinty has done to Ontario this past decade and what Rae did to them in the late 80’s it should pretty much guarantee the end of the Liberal brand in Ontario.

  5. I disagree with Rex on this one. Bob Rae is not a noble politician doing his duty,but a Machiavellian type satisfied to preside over the ruins of the Party he helped destroy.
    The alternative would be to be a nobody in the House or, heaven forbid, leave the world of politics and have to make it in the real world.
    Apart from the possibility of a minor position at Power Corp., Bob undoubtedly wasn’t in line for a CEO’s position at any private corporation that values survival,so “King of the Ashes
    is better than junior nobody.

  6. The next Liberal leader may be Jack L. He will have to flee the Quebec NDP in ~ 18 Months when he realizes that he has to be re-elected in Ontario… Quebec owns the NDP…Canada will then have two official Socialist parties.. The Quebec version & the Liberal hairball version (AKA rejects) in the rest of Canada …

  7. Well it is true that the Conservatives were more concerned about Rae than The Count for obvious left wing reasons. He would have been harder to beat, getting support from Quebec that The Count never could.
    Yes, Rae abandoning the NDP reeked of opportunism. But leading a party that is decimated, and fractured at it’s highest levels will be a real pain in the ass. Although, I think that the only reason why he didn’t make a big scene over The Count’s appointment is because they are friends.

  8. So how low can the Liberals go? Their first stringers wouldn’t run so they saddled themselves with their best 2nd stringer, Dion. When he bombed they went to their third stringer, MIA, and having watched him flame out they are now bringing in their fourth line Rae who in all reality isn’t even a Liberal! They should fold their big red tent with two eye holes and reinvent themselves much like the CPC did.

  9. The Liberal party still has a mountain of debt, most of it owed (I suspect) to Power Corp.
    As DMorris at 1:17 says…
    that “possibility of a minor position at Power Corp”,
    is exactly what BoB has, as interim leader of the Libs.
    This is probably the last election where subsidy money goes to political parties.
    Liberal fundraising is zilch, if I were owed a lot of money I’d want “my guy” in charge of ANY remaining Liberal party money and who gets paid back first.

  10. I predict both Bobbie and the LPC will decide he should become the permanent leader. Nobody else will want to be captain if they have to go down with the ship. Blub, blub, blub. A fitting end.

  11. This takes him out of the leadership race, according to liberal party rules. By accepting the interim post, Rae isn’t exactly displaying confidence in the party’s chances of winning an election within his political lifespan. If he believed in the party, he’d hold out for the official leadership role. All this move does for Rae is top up his pension, and add some leverage to his post politics career opportunities.

  12. Bob Rae is Lloyd Axworthy when he finally has that dump he’s been holding on to for 25 years.

  13. What Aviator said and Ian Vaughn funny visual.
    Bob Rae has the single objective in mind of making Canada into a clone of Western Europe and thus the destruction of individual freedom.

  14. Of Bob Rae.
    (Not paid for by Unlucky Bob Rae’s Election & Love Committee).
    “Jim Cripwell says:
    May 29, 2011 at 12:07 pm
    Tom Grey writes “He is remembered as one of the worst prime minsters that Ontario ever had.”
    “First, a minor point. Ontario does not have a Prime Minister; it has a Premier. Second, I, for one, do not regard Bob Rae as a bad Premier. He was unfortunate to be in charge during a financial crisis. He applied all the standard socialist methods to solve the problem, and they did not work. So he applied all the capatilist ideas as to how to solve the problem, and they did work. In doing so, he succeeded in making himself unpopular with just about everyone. My late wife and I once played tennis against Bob and his wife; they were a delightful couple.”

  15. Like you, Manitoba Moose, to me Boob always appears to be holding back a big dump. He has a bloated look and he is always shifting in his chair. He should leave the room before he makes any more big stinks in Canada.

  16. I may be out on a limb on this one but I thought I detected just a hint of subtle sarcasm in Murphy’s Ode to Boob Rae.

  17. My prediction for Boob Rae? Peter Pansbridge and Giggles Tabor will ejaculate all over him for the next two years. The Fiberal Farty will move even farther to the Llleft, to even more ejaculations from the LSM. The back room boys will decide that Rae is so darn good he should be promoted from interim exalted grand poobah to appointed exalted grand poobah, (no need for a messy election). After he loses the next election and leaves the Gliberals with less than 20 seats, the spawn of Turdeau is annointed exalted grand poobah, (by this time elections will probably have been written out of the Fiberal constitution), to massive ejaculations from Peter Pansbridge and Giggles Tabor.
    Rinse and repeat with a new set of names.

  18. Bob Rae?! ROTFLMAO! Pathetically desperate times for the “Natural Governing Party”.
    NOW or never for Harper and the Conservatives to start implementing a *conservative* agenda.

  19. Makes perfect sense, the voters spanked the Liberals for moving left, so they find the leftermost Liberal of all to lead them on.
    It was not a Manley thing to do.

  20. I don’t think that Rae is taking himself out of the eventual leadership of the Liberals. Words are just words after all and that includes promises and ‘understandings’ and so on.
    The problem for the Liberals is that they moved into a focus solely on ‘how to obtain and retain power’ and totally ignored Canada. And policies for Canadians.
    And – they ideologically became ‘stuck in the 1950’s’ when the population was split between Ontario and Quebec..and the Rest of Canada didn’t exist. The Liberals continued this mindset utterly ignoring reality; namely, the demographic and economic shift to the West.
    Trudeau continued this mindset, using the West as a ‘colonial raw resource’; the West will never forget this. And Trudeau’s multicultural program moved Quebec into a dominant role, and broke Ontario into small silos, enclaves of frozen-in-time new ethnic immigrants…who all owed their very existence, and votes, to The Liberals.
    Chretien had one focus. Power. His power. He was probably the most corrupt of them all, using taxpayer money to fund his election campaigns, and bribing one and all.
    And Chretien ensured that no-one after him would have power. He destroyed the funding capacity of the Liberal party, left it with the Sponsorship scandal although it was his..and of course, used anti-Americanism as a neat deflector of all problems.
    Martin fell because he was old guard Quebec-Ontario. Dion – alienated from anything outside Quebec and the seminar room.
    Ignatieff – totally alienated.
    Now, Bob Rae. I suspect that he’ll try to subvert the NDP and even, take over from them. Meanwhile, Layton will fight not only Rae but also Mulcair in his own party. Mulcair is ‘head’ of the Quebec group…
    I suspect that Quebec will drop Layton. They are not interested in sovereignty but in socialism. The agenda of Quebec is More. More. More from the federal govt..with nothing from Quebec in return. Layton won’t be able to deliver..
    Ian Vaughan- great comment.
    Oh- and McGuinty will probably lose Ontario.

  21. I expect the Liberal party to decay.
    However, there are probably a lot of people who would like a centre-left party which is capitalist
    but knows how to wield Government power effectively, as per C. D. Howe. Such a figure will likely arise,
    in particular if Canada is involved in a major war, and build a new party around himself.
    Such a new party will owe nothing to the Toronto lawyering class.
    We are currently geological epochs away from this happening; but these days geological epochs pass quickly.
    Canad needs nuclear weapons NOW.

  22. Under Analysis Rex Murphy it states in part:
    “Rex Murphy brings a unique and always controversial perspective to the news”
    Heh, maybe in the world of the CeeBeeCee, in the real world there is nota a whif of controversy in what Murphy says.
    Other than that here is a thought,
    Murphy is very likely a liberal as oposed to Liberal. The Liberals of today are in name only, they are overwhelmingly socialists.
    Rae fits in as a condom.
    Murphy is, up to now, very good at what he does.
    As history tells, Rae is not.

  23. If I’m not mistaken, one of the conditions of being interim leader is non-participation in the leadership race. It isn’t merely an understanding, it’s policy. There’s also the unwritten policy of alternating between Francophone and Anglophone leaders. I won a bet on that one when Dion came out of nowhere. At best, Rae might become leader, just not the next leader. I suspect Trudeau could be on deck. And, why not? If the NDP can field a team of rookies, and end up riding shotgun, anything is possible.

  24. Coach, experience should teach you that rules only apply to Conservatives. Rules, policies, promises and morals are of no consequence to Liberals or other brands of ‘progressives’.

  25. I believe Bob is biding his time here, until Uncle Jack and his college seminar class of MPs slip up badly, or until Jack gets too sick to continue effectively. Good old Bob will take the opportunity to fold the NDP into the LPC and take the leadership of the new Liberal Democratic Party.
    Or not.

  26. Bob Rae is for Bob Rae nothing else exists but his ideas . All the rest of us are mental pygmies to his Marxist ego. He will be a disaster. People are on to these dippers, backed by corparate welfare dynasties. Who want no competition.
    Keep the little guy down because socialists want no competition , or there backers.

  27. “Anyone care to predict how things will transpire for Monsieur Rae over the next 2+ years?”
    Ontario still remembers “Rae Days”. Accordingly, it will go badly for Mr. Rae, as it should. He’s a despicable socialist, now in his proper place as head of the despicable Liberals.
    Rae will reap the bitter harvest of his former sins, sown when he was premier of Ontario and grown to full maturity since.
    My prediction, PC majority in the next Ontario election, new Conservative party forms when the Hudak PCs fall horribly short of the mark. I hope to be wrong about that last bit, but Mr. Hudak has so far underwhelmed me with his grasp of Conservative philosophy.

  28. The good news for Rae is that he can not be blamed for ruining the Liberal Party. It was screwed up before he became leader.

  29. I’m gonna miss The Count. Bob Rae will surely take his fair share of hits, but nothing like the speed-bag that was Iggy.

  30. Revnant Dream, not only will Rae be a disaster, he already is a disaster. He’s proved his tin ear and tin-everything-else by gravitating from the NDP to the Liberal$ — thinking only of profiteering from his sidewinder move — and, now, he’s in the basement, with the NDP on the main floor.
    I believe that the only reason he’s taken on the interim leadership of the Librano$ is to give PM Harper grief — and he’ll be sticking it to him with a vengeance.
    The only good thing about all of this, is that PM Harper can flick Rae off like a flea. Rae can buzz and bite all he wants, he’s got no power. And, the thing is, he’s got no honour, credibility, or gravitas either. OK, he’s got a few friends in the media, but Canadians are onto them.
    Rae’s only out for himself. He’ll drive the last stake into the heart of the LPC, not meaning to, of course, and then will probably find a position alongside his brother at Power Corporation. I figure that’s as close to Power as he’s gonna get.
