How’s That Keynesian Thing Working Out For You?

Confetti would fall, Peggy Joseph wouldn’t have to pay for her mortgage, the masses would cheer and Obama’s Magical Flying Unicorns would fly in formation over the cheering masses (they’re kind of like the Blue Angels, but not as cool).

12 Replies to “How’s That Keynesian Thing Working Out For You?”

  1. Q: What’s worse than a $50,000 drinking fountain? A: Ten $50,000 drinking fountains.
    Are we saved yet?

  2. El Presidente Hope&Change . . . the more golf he plays the more hope & change he inflicts on the US economy.
    Because he thinks living on credit is free.
    Gawd Jimmy Carter looks gooooooood.

  3. Business is just hunkered down to ride out the storm. We only have about 12 months to go until the polls will show the republican leading in the runup to the election. A general malaise has settled over this land.

  4. Maybe Peggy isn’t paying her mortgage anymore,because she was foreclosed on???

  5. Apparently it had something to do with Bush giving tax cuts in the time of war. According to the leftoids(facepalm)…

  6. “If the government can spend its way out of a recession, why can’t the government just spend enough to spur enough economic growth so that we’re all trillionaires?”
    Well, they did in Zimbawe…

  7. i still say this guy is an obomination to the u.s.a., israel and the world.
    he knew by tossing mobaric under the bus the muslum brotherhood had a good shot at takeing over.
    his so called pastor write hates israel and the obummer sat there for twenty years and listend to the garbage spewn by that fool.
    my money is on he is a muslum.
    he has done more to ship out and shut down jobs than crate any.
    remember the sky is falling story.
    well this green garbage is the same thing, only worse…
    they otta run that clown outa town at the end of a bayonette.
    what really gets me is about half the population goes for this stuff, they think the government should supply everything for free. have open borders, let all the rift raff in and give em all welfare.
    what a disater in the makeing.
    big trouble just around the corner imo.
    matter of fact it’s not around the corner any more, it’s dead ahead.

  8. The only thing flying over America today is Obama’s Blue balls of Golf.

  9. ‘bama’s just not tryin’ hard enough.
    Should buy off a bit more ‘debt assets’…really get things rollin’.

  10. So if he golfs this much while holding down the most important job in the world, how often will he golf when he’s retired (in 2012)?

  11. The morons on ‘Sirius Left’ today call for more gov’t spending, high speed rail and so forth – the first leg of high speed rail is supposed to be in the central valley of California(the massive numbers of unemployed there must be demanding to get around quickly?), lefties believe the gov’t should spend more, not less. And lots of Ameros would apparently agree…
