34 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. http://www.thestar.com/news/crime/article/1000644–they-re-destroying-my-garden-says-man-charged-with-attacking-raccoons?bn=1
    Now the Toronto police are charging people with ‘possessing a dangerous weapon’ if you own a shovel! Where is Allan Rock? We need a shovel registry!
    While in T.O. once a conversation came up around controlling raccoon populations. I mentioned that I found a shotgun particularly effective. A girl asked why I would use a shotgun on a raccoon. I informed her that we used shotguns because .22s were to small!
    Just had a badger try to move in. 400 gallons of water down his hole took care of that.
    You’ll notice that the article informs you that killing a rodent is illegal in Toronto. I guess that means that the bounties on both beavers and coyotes in my area would be frowned on.
    What’s next? Mice traps to become illegal?!?

  2. Sammy, I read the TSN article earlier today. Simply amazing.
    Gord is a great guy, heard him speak at Estevan’s sports supper last year. Iggy and the girl’s are class acts too.
    Always good to see a group like that take the show out to the boys on the ground.

  3. Thanks for the link, Derek. http://www.thestar.com/news/crime/article/1000644–they-re-destroying-my-garden-says-man-charged-with-attacking-raccoons?bn=1
    What is that? A mass outbreak of stupidity and/or insanity in Toronto? A man attempts to kill wild animals, possibly also disease-ridden, that are damaging his property, his home…and the Toronto Police come, arrest him, take him away in cuffs and charge his with “possession of a deadly weapon”, a garden shovel?! WTF is the matter with those people??? When did they go nuts???

  4. Kate could file this under “We’re Winning” — for an article like this to appear in Salon of all publications, the tide is turning in favor of Energy Realism:
    “Are we living at the beginning of the Age of Fossil Fuels, not its final decades? The very thought goes against everything that politicians and the educated public have been taught to believe in the past generation. According to the conventional wisdom, the U.S. and other industrial nations must undertake a rapid and expensive transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy for three reasons: The imminent depletion of fossil fuels, national security and the danger of global warming.
    What if the conventional wisdom about the energy future of America and the world has been completely wrong?”

  5. Thanks for that, Black Mamba. I don’t know which is funnier,the article or the comments.

  6. Is this the soon to be “scandal of the week “on CBC? Is the national broadcaster in cahoots with Elections Canada again? My MP is an incumbent and has won 4 elections in our riding. This year I gave her a donation right after the election was called. Many people did. They deposited the funds. Elections Canada has retroactively interpreted a rule in a different way than they have before. All the money collected for her campaign between the day the election was announced and the day she filed her papers for her candidacy with elections Canada has to be returned to the donators, her riding association’s right to collect donations in that period has been voided. Has anyone else had this happen? Is Elections Canada again targeting CPC candidates for extreme scrutiny whilst giving Liberal would be leaders prolong grace periods and turning blind eyes to NDP candidates who treated the whole process as a joke? Again Elections Canada IS the scandal!

  7. “Ottawa trims dozens of jobs”
    “50 contract employees, mostly scientists, at Environment Canada.”
    “The Chopping Block: William Watson on Green Growth”
    “Some people might think taxes raised for Green purposes would discourage effort and output less. Maybe among Swedes and Quakers, but not likely anywhere else. Chop away, Mr. Clement. Growth will do fine without Green.”

  8. Canada’s form of governance is a constitutional Monarchy.
    “The monarchy has survived 1,000 years because it adapts to the will of the people. If you and I sat down to invent a system of government, this probably wouldn’t be it. But I can’t think of a better one.”
    God Save the Queen.
    “Her Majesty”
    “Dieu protège la reine, says young Quebecker”
    “He speaks French first, yet pledges unabashed allegiance to an English Queen. He’s 22 years old but far more interested in constitutional monarchy than the celebrity appeal of Will and Kate.
    His name is Étienne Boisvert, and he is the rarest of Quebec species – le monarchiste. He speaks of the monarchy with pride, eloquence and conviction, in French.
    In a province where the vast majority of francophones view the Royal Family with indifference, and a vocal minority treat it with outright hostility, Mr. Boisvert says the monarchy has been the great non-partisan, unifying force in the country. It is those monarchs, he says, who nurtured democracy and individual freedom in Canada, including the province of Quebec.
    “We’ve come to see these things as Western values, but the concept of liberty and democracy are, at their origins and at our origins, fundamentally British,” says Mr. Boisvert, just starting his pitch at his mom’s kitchen table.
    Mr. Boisvert’s view is one almost never heard in French in Quebec these days. In fact, he was unable to name a second young francophone who publicly supports the Queen.”

  9. Of WHO and Little Zheng.
    “Uncertain cancer risk no match for cellphone addiction
    Vancouver Sun – Craig McInnes – ‎3 hours ago‎
    Talk about bad timing; on the day I got my new iPhone, the World Health Organization warns that heavy cellphone use may cause cancer.”
    “Chinese teenager sells his kidney for an iPad
    BBC News – Martin Patience – ‎19 minutes ago‎
    A teenager in China has sold one of his kidneys in order to buy an iPad 2, Chinese media report. The 17-year-old, identified only as Little Zheng, told a local TV station he had arranged the sale of the kidney over …”

  10. Of WHO and Little Zheng.
    “Uncertain cancer risk no match for cellphone addiction
    Vancouver Sun – Craig McInnes – ‎3 hours ago‎
    Talk about bad timing; on the day I got my new iPhone, the World Health Organization warns that heavy cellphone use may cause cancer.”
    “Chinese teenager sells his kidney for an iPad
    BBC News – Martin Patience – ‎19 minutes ago‎
    A teenager in China has sold one of his kidneys in order to buy an iPad 2, Chinese media report. The 17-year-old, identified only as Little Zheng, told a local TV station he had arranged the sale of the kidney over …”

  11. Derek- I used to be a hotel maintenance guy in Banff with the same “law”. Any libtard that called me out on using kill traps for mice got a live trapped one delivered under their apartment door.
    Complaints ceased.

  12. The time lapse sequence of the Arctic in Norway was breathtaking.
    And people scoff at “intelligent design”?

  13. Here is something guaranteed to piss you off.
    Catholic Teachers Union in Ontario is looking to allow teachers to take time off during the school day to work for their candidate in the fall election.
    OECTA president James Ryan, wonder if he is related to Sid “the commie” Ryan, has drawn up a list of endorsed candidates that are just Liberal or NDP. “There are no Conservatives on our list but doesn’t preclude the fact that they might be at some point.” Ryan said. Oh, yeah, as it that might happen.

  14. @ dave, it is high time that 3rd party advertising such as unions campaigning already for the coming fall provincial elections was curtailed.
    The same thing has been happening here in Saskatchewan for a few months already.

  15. On a recent thread wherein we learned that Mr. Li, the man who perpetrated the savage murder on a Greyhound bus, had made such excellent progress understanding his afflication, and should therefore receive expanded privileges, I posted a brief remark about the legendary libertarian psychiatrist Thomas Szasz.
    Brief bio: Thomas Szasz is professor of psychiatry emeritus at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse. His latest book is Antipsychiatry: Quackery Squared.
    He doesn’t believe in forced confinement for mentally ill persons and has for decades argued against the get-out-of-jail-free-card of the insanity defense.
    Recently, in FEE’s venerable monthly organ The Freeman he weighed in on Jared Lee Loughner’s shooting spree in Arizona:

    Loughner’s crime, like any act, was not senseless at all
    , provided we are willing to put ourselves in his shoes. Of course, it makes no sense if we are unwilling to do that, denying the personhood of the actor, dismissing a priori his possessing free will, attributing his action to mental disease instead of personal decision.

  16. Surprise… surprise…Hollywood is all leftist, all the time
    In clips that will hit the Internet to promote a new book, producers including “Friends” co-creator Marta Kauffman and “House” creator David Shore say Hollywood discriminates against and belittles conservatives.
    Another video has Leonard Goldberg — who executive produces “Blue Bloods” for CBS and a few decades ago executive produced such hits as “Fantasy Island,” “Charlie’s Angels” and “Starsky and Hutch” — saying that liberalism in the TV industry is “100 percent dominant, and anyone who denies it is kidding, or not telling the truth.”

  17. OttRob, just wanted to let you know that an item about Ben Shapiro will be published on here within the next 24 hours. His book is a stinging indictment of the propaganda machine that is Hollywood, which people need to know about!

  18. Leftist MSM has “red meat” for us. It costs a “dollop” a “Tory base”.
    Hang it up on a wallhook until it turns Blue. It lasts a century.
    Mmmm …. good Blue Century meat.
    Careful … the bones: They are for the “party stalwarts” only; not for Canadians.
    “There are a few bones for party stalwarts, including axing the long-gun registry, ending the Canadian Wheat Board’s control over grain exports and phasing out per-vote political subsidies.”
    More >>> “With their 166 seats, the Conservatives can do whatever they like now”.

  19. Someone page Friedman, Krugman and other Sino-philes:
    Communist central planning + 1 child policy = social problems + a desperate return to the opiate of the people
    Revenge of the Tiger Children
    China’s young, spoiled kids are rejecting traditional values. But can the state make Mao or Confucius seem relevant again — before it’s too late?
    So worrying is the behavior of today’s “little emperors” — the products of the country’s one-child families — that Beijing is preparing a law to impose a legal duty on young people to visit and care for their aged parents. Indeed, the proposed amendment to the “Law on Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Aged” would allow elderly people to go to court to claim their right to be physically and mentally looked after by their children.
    Filial piety has long been a tenet of traditional Chinese culture and is a core concept of Confucianism. Today, however, many young people not only shirk this duty, but insist that it is actually the duty of parents to do all they can to care for them, even as adults. Small wonder, then, that a popular insult hurled at the current generation of young Chinese is to call them ken lao zu — the generation that sucks the blood of their parents, i.e., the vampire generation…
    Another device that party leaders have been deploying as a way to tame the powerful forces that modernization has unleashed — lack of morals and identity, rampant materialism — is Confucianism.

  20. Its a sad day in Western TV Land, James Arness – Gunsmoke’s Matt Dillon has passed away at the age of 88

  21. Maz2, thanks for mentioning that Globe piece about the Sherbrooke monarchist. I found it quite striking that “pepsi understands basic fact” is headline news to the folks at the Globe. They seem to have an even lower opinion of these people than I do, which is almost frightening.

  22. O’narcissist & comrades continue with their sabotage; however, resistance is mounting.
    “Employers add fewest jobs in eight months; unemployment jumps to 9.1 percent”
    “Employers pulled back sharply on job creation in May, and the unemployment rate took a surprising jump, according to new data Friday, confirming worries that the economy is losing momentum — and fast.
    Employers added only 54,000 jobs in May, down from a revised 232,000 in April and the weakest since September, the Labor Department said Friday morning. The unemployment rate rose to 9.1 percent last month, from 9 percent.”
    “Bipartisan Congress rebuffs Obama on Libya mission
    Crossing party lines to deliver a stunning rebuke to the commander in chief, the vast majority of the House voted Friday for resolutions telling President Obama he has broken the constitutional chain of authority by committing U.S. troops to the international military mission in Libya.
    In two votes — on competing resolutions that amounted to legislative lectures of Mr. Obama — Congress escalated the brewing constitutional clash over whether he ignored the founding document’s grant of war powers by sending U.S. troops to aid in enforcing a no-fly zone and naval blockade of Libya.
    The resolutions were non-binding, and only one of them passed, but taken together, roughly three-quarters of the House voted to put Mr. Obama on notice that he must explain himself or else face future consequences, possibly including having funds for the war cut off.
    “He has a chance to get this right. If he doesn’t, Congress will exercise its constitutional authority and make it right,” said House Speaker John A. Boehner, the Ohio Republican who wrote the resolution that passed, 268-145, and sets a two-week deadline for the president to deliver the information the House is seeking.”

  23. Feels just like Christmas eve. Tomorrow going to pick up my first bike in thirty years, 2011 Harley Davidson Superglide. Cool Pearl Blue/Vivid Black.
    Of course, like Christmas Eve, the temperature is dropping like a frickin’ stone.
    Irony can be a bitch….
