Radical in the House

In an unprecedented move, a 21 year-old over-indulged narcissist of the Far Left (is that redundant?) was fired from her job as a Parliamentary page on Friday. This totalitarian thug/nitwit, who completely rejected the Democratic Will of the Canadian people, tried to spin her selfish little actions as “The Canadian version of an Arab spring”.
Undoubtedly all of her life her parents told her how “special” she was. What would be really special is if her actions made her unemployable for at least the next few decades. But undoubtedly she’ll get a job with some Radical Left activist group . . . funded directly or indirectly by your tax dollars. Ain’t our modern society with entitlements but no responsibility just grand?!
Update: Further info here, including a job offer from PSAC.
Open Question: Is it possible for the federal government to change the law, forbidding unions to exist amongst government employees on the grounds that their existence are an antithesis to civil democracy and good governance?
Update 2: A poll on the matter! (h/t maz2)

150 Replies to “Radical in the House”

  1. She immediately got an interview with the MSM. She mouthed the same dopey idea that Harper has no legitimacy even with a majority. She quoted Jack the Dripper’s line that 60% did not vote for Harper. Which means that the NDP and Jack the Dripper recieved even less as probably 70% did not vote for the NDP. She was also a G20 Protester, now she can add this to her resume. Get off the dope kid and get a job, you are now 21 years of age. And nobody owes you anything. You’ve had your 15 minutes of fame.

  2. No doubt a young woman that has been approached by a shadowy lefty organisation probably in part funded by some rich spooky dude. This was planned specifically for the throne speech. This was revenge for a National democratic result of an election. The left does not accept defeat thus cannot function within a democracy IMO.
    An investigation is required.
    CTV Newsworld have a message of Revolution from this girl which repeats at least 3 times in her totally free, uninterviewed and unchallenged rant that “Canadians should go on civil disobedience” because after all “only 40% voted for the Harper regime”…You got that: Free National airtime, Unchallenged by CTV, for a revolution.
    CBC had a much more balanced report on it.
    Maybe Harper should have given 60 Million tax dollars to CTV too? /Sarc

  3. We had our Arab Spring as well. Harper sent the Liberal Liars and Crooks along with the Separatists to the wastelands. And we did it with an open and Democratic Election. Nobody was hurt, and the crooks and bad guys were vanquished. Poor little uneducated leftwing nitwit. Makes one realise how brainwashed the leftwing is in Canada. She was almost in a catatonic state of denial that her hero’s had lost the election. Seek medical attention all you Democratic Deniers on the left. You have mental issues….

  4. I personally think it is just wonderful that she threw everyone who took a chance on her, everyone who gave her employment for the sole reason that she is french and a female, to the curb to satisfy her little fetish.
    It is nice to have some validation that the U of O successfully graduates a circus of ritards every year. Apparently she thinks that 1/4 = 40%. Or perhaps she just couldn’t be bothered to read about the election outcome. My hero!

  5. This country needs a Canadian version of an Arab Spring, a flowering of popular movements that demonstrate that real power to change things lies not with Harper but in the hands of the people,”
    Dufus, it’s called an election – you know, like the one the country had last month.
    Heh, she studied “international development and globalization”. Your CBC job is awaiting.

  6. What’s so chilling about this Leftist dupe is how vacuous she is. She seems utterly oblivious to the seriousness of her disruption; she seems utterly blind to the fact that Prime Minister Harper’s duly elected majority government is in the hands of the people, via our freely held elections, and that it is actions like hers that threaten our democracy.
    Leftists are deluded, brainwashed, liars and dangerous idiots.
    There should be an investigation into this girl’s background and who put her up to this, as Right Honourable Terry Tory suggests. Better yet, seeing as this girl promotes the Arab Spring, someone should buy her a one-way ticket to Egypt — and a burqa.

  7. The CBC News article reported that Ms. DePape has graduated from university where she was studying “international development and globalization.” That should be an eminently marketable course of study! (Of course, as other commenters have pointed out, she will almost certainly get a position with some sort of “activist” group . . . so, not only will she not be a productive citizen, she will almost certainly do her utmost to impede the productivity of those who strive to be.)

  8. CTV is playing her interview every 10 minutes, if you watch closely it appears as if her speech is being read off, she knew she would get an interview and she had her speech prepared. CTV is her enabler along with the other MSM. Useful Idiots.

  9. She wants civil unrest? Well I bet the 40 percent who voted Conservative out gun her and her little commie friends. Be careful what you ask for little girl.

  10. She is an arrogant, rude, uninformed, simple minded liberal fascist.
    She missed the recent election where canadians voted for a Conservative Majority.
    She forgot that in Canadian Federal Elections just like in a Hockey Game who ever scores the most goals wins, that’s that the rules of the game, always has been, even when Liberals won.
    Her disgraceful awful stunt was an insult to our honoured democratic institiutions.
    She is an idiot
    Just saying

  11. Well at least she wasn’t hurt. I know nothing about security in the Senate, but it would seem to me that pulling something out of your jacket in front of the Prime Minister could be a little dangerous to your health. Good thing she didn’t write her message on the side of a plastic gun.

  12. Haha, this is too funny. Our heroine says “This country needs a Canadian version of an Arab Spring”….ok….so we should protest over food shortages, violently fail to overthrow our rulers with the help of a NATO air coalition, and then use the general chaos as an excuse to murder Christians. Sounds like a plan, I’ll go get my Kalashnikov!
    I should add, it is extremely telling about this person’s grasp on current events and history that she should use the Arab Spring as her example, and not, say, Prague Spring.

  13. Treg – She has a disturbing resemblance to Wednesday Addams.
    I thought she looked familiar! Could uncle Fester be lurking in the crowd?

  14. An incredibly stupid thing to do. She betrayed the trust that the Senate placed in her.

  15. The truly annoying thing is that this well-connected twit will never be in the front lines of any so-called civil disobedience. She’ll be far away taking part in committees and seminars and urging others on to ruin their lives and prospects.

  16. For someone so concerned about green jobs, health care, and the environment, this young woman would do well to see the fruits of the Arab spring.
    They will not be so much democracy as opportunities for groups like the Muslim Brotherhood to replace bad totalitarian dictators with shari’a law compliant government bodies. And I may be wrong, but I’m fairly certain green jobs, health care, and the environment are low on the shari’a law totem pole. As is every other cause this dingbat probably supports.
    Liberals: all emotion, no logical thought.

  17. Oh she was coached. SHe had that empty talking points polish to her presentation on the news.
    G20 protestor…..where the heck is the RCMP on this in checking peoples on going backgrounds to work in Parliament.
    ANyway, a good case study of the list of lefty wishes du jour that she rhymed off. Wait 1 year and it will be different

  18. …..what we need are green jobs….
    Arent the green jobs by definition wealth sucking schemes?
    If green was profitable, would not the capitalist pigs be all over it?
    And exactly as Duffy says, there is going to be more security and distance between the “representatives” and the masses. Then again, that would look like getting along with the program of the socialists, fascists and such.

  19. Exactly why was the former page, allowed too be a page from the get go? If your posting your personal involvement at the G20 in Toronto on your facebook site. Pretty sure at the University of Zero there would be other mentions of say, other acts of civil disobedience? The RCMP run’s ongoing back ground checks on Parliamentarian and senate support staff do they not?
    As for the Media’s complicity letting this doffus rant un-edited every 10 minutes in a continuous loop on CTV, CBC etc, you expect something better? They collectively still can’t get over they had no affect in the outcome of the last election.

  20. “Harper throws NDP-supporter out of Conservative meeting!!!!”
    or something

  21. Over at BoingBoing, (a great site for odd and wonderful things) predictably there’s been a lot of comments.
    There must be at least some adults left over there, though, as a lot of comments are untypically anti-parliamentary-disruption.

  22. Scoreboard, you little wench! And it will be this way for 4 more years. She has a future though as May can’t run the green party forever.

  23. Heh. The second I saw her last name I immediately thought that Harper just had a “DePape smear”. And, YES, she does look like Wednesday Addams! 🙂

  24. She is vacuous university student … that explains it all.
    What she has yet to learn is that most Canadians are happy. You cannot get a happy population to mount a revolt. You can get them to watch a great Stanley cup playoff series though,

  25. Meanwhile Liberal part-time leader Bob Rae is on CTV.ca spouting 60% did not vote for Harper & basicaly did not see a problem with her tantrum.
    And thats just another reason the liberals are sitting where the ndp sat, Canadians have spoken & voted for stability.
    So if you want to change that Bob then merge the liberals with the ndp & watch i would suspect Half of the current sitting liberal mp’s cross the floor.

  26. Even more chilling as the usual NDP/LPC blogging sites are proclaiming her as some type of heroine and Yes – even a “Hottie”.
    Talk of low expectations and lack of judgement let alone taste.

  27. How did she get the job of Page in the first place? What knucklehead interviewed her?? Heads should roll.
    Write to your MP.

  28. The MSM should be ashamed for giving her a soapbox to spew her hatred for democracy.

  29. This is the product of Canadian ‘education’. CTV is a product of the same. PMSH has a whole league of this ilk to deal with on a daily bases. All fanatical bolshevik, all the time.

  30. Mostly all of the above, especially batb @ 8:28 and Terry Anderson @ 8:35.
    What is really chilling about this is that this sort of incident is becoming more common and some political leaders seem to be encouraging it and some universities preparing and fostering this.

  31. Oh come on folks poor Wednesday thought she could do to the Prime Minister what she has been doing to Pugsley all these years. I guess her uversity didn’t prepare her for the real world.

  32. Serves `em right for hiring a graduate of the University of Ottawa.
    It is a chaotic university where the main item on all curricula is “subversion”.
    Fortunately they are not very good at it. Little Brigitte has probably thrown away her only chance for a good job.

  33. Other point of note. This is just the beginning. The massive majority by Mulroney in 84 led to very radicalized opposition, both in the house and outside.
    When there is no chance of implementing the contras just spend time being mouthy and outlandish to do what they can.
    Apparently she also has Daddy issues since she felt it necessary to mention that her Dad said to her the G20 protests accomplished nothing.
    The family should be left to work out their problem daughter in peace. Such promise, she is clearly smart, being wasted after being indoctrinated at University.
    ive it 15 years and she may become a Conservative star when she recants and realizes how wrong she had been. That is if she doesnt do herself and others harm first while she works out her radicalization.

  34. Four years of study in ‘International Development and Globilization’ at the University of Ottawa- and we get this?
    This is the same University that advised Ann Coulter to cancel her speaking engagement over
    safety concerns. Quite the institution of higher learning!

  35. Good for her! It certainly got all the self-important twits over here yapping! ha!

  36. Just caught that on SUN TV NEWS.
    Aw, how cute! ;P
    A dumb bunny pulling a ‘soft-terroristic tactic’ on our PM.
    Perhaps she’d like to live and work in a place like Egypt.
    Majority vote is 100% for the one party all the time. (don’t expect that to change any time soon.) Should be much more to her liking of numbers vs votes thing, and she’ll only have to put up with being arrested while ‘protesting’ and a ‘little virginity test’ by her jailers…sure she won’t mind, it’s for the good of those numbers she all cranked up about!/
    HAD she protested against something that I’d have given her some credit, but she’s just an ignorant little leftist tool and that was displayed quite well to the whole country.
    Glad she lost her job, she obviously didn’t deserve it in the first place.
    Can you imagine what a mess this country would be like now with these kind of fools in charge?

  37. what can I add..? other than agreed 100+% with all the above.
    Arrogance such as what she has shown is what we get nowadays from our University system. A system whereby the entitled teach the “about to become entitiled” in Classic Leftard Socialist dogma.
    My kids are going to Technical Schools…
    As noted previously…go see Mansbridge for your next job.

  38. When idiots run out on the field and disrupt a football game, the networks have made a deliberate and correct decision not to show them so as not to encourage similar behavior. They certainly would never interview them.
    Although maybe that would change if they started carrying anti Harper signs.

  39. “Such promise, she is clearly smart”
    If ever there was a statement of fact without evidence to back it up that would be one.
    Smart is not mean believing every word your professor says. Smart is questioning every word your professor says. Smart is also taking courses that actually lead to somewhere other than more courses.
    International Development and Globilization, Snigger, Snort Guffaw!

  40. Morticia at 11:09
    ‘Good for her’??
    She played the fool in front of Canada and you applaud? Are you also a graduate of the University of Ottawa?

  41. The senator for Moronttawa-Morontario, Jim Munson, managed to chime in with a few inanities in favour of the “Wednesday” initiative.
    Jean-Boy sure saved the best to the last when he picked him two days before his own departure.

  42. I suppose what bothers and puzzles me is her contempt for ‘the people’. We just had an election; the people spoke – and yet, she utterly ignores this election and the will of the people.
    The endless comments about the ‘60% didn’t vote for Harper’ betray a profound ignorance of elections. In every free election made up of multiple parties, the winner is the majority. That’s the voice of the people – which such comments ignore.
    In this case, the CPC (not Harper) achieved 40%. The NDP – 31%, Liberals 19%, Bloc 6%, Green 4%.
    Now, since people claim that ‘Harper only got 40%’, then, which ‘leader’ do they wish? Layton, whom 70% rejected? Ignatieff whom 80% rejected?
    Or do they want both Layton and Ignatieff to merge into one? Well?
    Morticia/Patricia – kindly grow up.

  43. Ah let us turn the Page on idiots.
    And we wonder why our UI and Welfare costs are so high.
