Reader Tips

I often enjoy watching old ‘B’ movies mostly to get a glimpse into how things were in simpler times. The same can be said of old TV commercials. Here are a few gems from times past. If you’ve got any favourites of your own, please do post the links.
The comments, as always, are open for your Reader Tips.

26 Replies to “Reader Tips”

    Going to Winnipeg!
    Canadian Police Chase
    “you clap for the dancer, even though she shouldn’t be a dancer”
    And finally, Canada’s ‘other’ national anthem. I was in Ottawa once during the playoffs, watching a game in a bar. The whole place got quiet to hear Coaches Corner and when this commercial came on the whole place got up and sang along.
    Turns out ‘old’ may be relative when it comes to commercials. These are just as far by as my memory serves.

  2. Neo-AGW Progress Report.
    ““Either you’re a believer in climate change or you’re not, but I don’t think you can deny that the weather we’re seeing across the country is different,” said Serge Dupuis, manager of engineering for the city of Dieppe, N.B. “Believe it or not, it’s here and if you’re ready for the worst, it’s going to help.””
    “ANU climate scientists cop death threats”
    “A CANBERRA university has increased security following death threats to its climate scientists.
    The Australian National University has received a large number of emails with threatening and abusive language directed at some of its scientists.
    Some of the scientists have been moved to a safer location.
    The Vice-Chancellor of the Australian National University, Professor Ian Young, said staff should not have to put up with such behaviour.
    “Obviously, climate research is an emotive issue at the present time, but these are issues where we should have a logical public debate,” Professor Young told ABC News 24. “In fact it’s completely intolerable that people be subjected to this sort of abuse and to threats like this.””
    “Climate change
    Hot enough for you? Preparing for Canada’s 100-year heat wave
    URBAN AFFAIRS REPORTER— From Saturday’s Globe and Mail”
    “The long-range forecast for Canadian cities is hot. And we’re talking for the next 100 years or so.
    As summer weather finally arrives, municipal governments across the country are preparing for the long-term impact of climate change, adapting everything from the trees they plant to how their emergency services personnel are trained in preparation for the gradual increase in temperature and wildly fluctuating weather patterns expected in decades to come.”

  3. TCM’s doing B-level monster movies every Thursday night in June. It’s great stuff.

  4. “*There are rats, rats, as big as alley cats, At the store, at the store. There are rats, rats, as big as alley cats, At the Quartermaster’s store. …”
    “Bank of Canada, Environment Canada jobs cut”
    “OTTAWA – Thirty-three Bank of Canada employees found out Thursday they’re out of work.
    Some received immediate layoff notices, others will work to the end of the year.
    Those cuts are on top of 50 Environment Canada workers and five National Gallery employees who lost their jobs on the same day.
    A Bank of Canada worker spoke to the Sun on the condition of anonymity — she would lose her severance package for speaking to anyone about the layoff except immediate family, her lawyer or a financial adviser.
    The woman was led to a boardroom where an HR manager and the director of operations were waiting. The five-year employee said she was told she was among 33 layoffs in her department and upwards of 85-90 at the Bank of Canada location on Wellington St. who will be laid off by the end of 2012.
    “They told me your job has been terminated,” she said, adding she and others had begun organizing a union.”
    Rats: More ……
    “Staffers . . . swinging from the rafters.”

  5. PET Cemetery Report: On “staffers”.
    Ex-Liberal Count Ignatieff’s Fail explained.
    This is an excellent article, and it should serve as a wakeup call to sleepy academics whose inductive powers are in for a rude shock when the billionaires decide that “thinktanks” and vocational schools are all that our society needs.
    T. K.”
    “The Professors, The Press, The Think Tanks—And Their Problems”
    “The slow collapse of the newspaper industry has opened up public discourse to additional infusions of ideologically motivated misinformation. Walter Lippmann wouldn’t be pleased.”
    “My only tangible duty was to serve a bagel breakfast—we were a New York think tank, after all—to Capitol Hill staffers and the occasional member of Congress once a month, where I would introduce some left-wing luminary to give a seminar about why everything Ronald Reagan said and did was in error.”

  6. Lionel Chetwynd Disses Hollywood: Resigns from Industry Group Over Liberal Bias
    We, privileged to work in the entertainment industry and enjoy the bounty our chosen career bestows on success, should never imagine ourselves the arbiters of what is permissible in the public square. We do not own the dream factory, but are merely its custodians, stewards at best.

  7. Of wannabe Prime Minister Taliban Jacques Bloc Separatist.
    Perhaps “*Bridgette DePape (a.k.a. Bridgette Marcelle)” could tell Canadians why Taliban Jaccues Bloc was naked in TO.
    “MILLER: John Edwards indictment a vindication for National Enquirer”
    “Pulitzer snobs blew it by ignoring supermarket tabloid”
    “A federal grand jury returned a six-count indictment today against John Edwards, the former senator and two-time presidential candidate. The government charges vindicate the story that the National Enquirer broke four and a half years ago: that Mr. Edwards was having an affair with Rielle Hunter and she was pregnant.
    Executive Editor Barry Levine oversaw the Enquirer’s team of reporters and photographers who relentlessly pursued the story that turned out to be a blockbuster. “It’s been a long road and today’s indictment is vindication that this little supermarket tabloid exposed this massive cover-up,” Mr. Levine told The Washington Times. “We did our job. We got the facts right on this from the get-go. It’s amazing and a shame that the mainstream media couldn’t have followed our lead and pursued the story.””
    Paging Taliban Jacques:
    “Matt Gurney: While rogue page calls for a Canadian Spring, dozens die in Damascus”
    “Today, I liveblogged the Throne Speech while watching the feed on CBC NewsNet, and due to the CBC’s camera angles, didn’t see Bridgette DePape (a.k.a. Bridgette Marcelle) approach the Prime Minister and Governor General and hold up her “Stop Harper” sign. I found out about it via Twitter, as both reporters and government officials in the Senate reported the rare protest during a major speech. Indeed, it wasn’t until after the speech had concluded that I (and the rest of Canada) learned more about Ms. DePape, who helpfully released a press statement (with her phone number) even before she’d been escorted from Parliament in her newly unemployed state.
    In her statement, she called for a Canadian version of the Arab Spring. As that pearl of wisdom reached me, via both online and televised mediums almost simultaneously, I couldn’t help but note the irony of Ms. DePape’s statement. Exactly while I was reading her call for a Canadian Spring, CBC was providing a news update from the Middle East. Today’s stories: Dozens killed as violence continues to flare across the region.”

  8. Re maz2’s post on the rogue page calling for a Canadian Spring while violence flares across the Middle East: Someone should DePape a one-way ticket to Syria — and a burqa.

  9. maz2 @ 7:13, that is good news and a small start.
    batb @ 8:48, exactly. The anarchist twit got the moment of fame she wanted, but the incident does leave a question about security around events like this. No doubt Jack the John secretly approved.

  10. Some MUST READ red-meat history of the “Palestinian refugees”. This will help us Israel-defenders do some outreach to potentially reachable leftist friends and family. Say: “You’re right to champion the “Palestinians” as your pet oppressed group — they truly are — but wrong to make Israel the locus of this tragedy”. This is the best antidote to “Israel Apartheid Week” I’ve encountered so far.
    The Story of Arab Apartheid by by Ben-Dror Yemini.
    The real “nakba,” the Palestinian-termed great “catastrophe” of the creation of Israel, is the story of Arab apartheid. Tens of millions, among them Jews, suffered from the “nakba,” which included dispossession, expulsion and displacement. Yet only the Palestinians remained refugees because they were treated to abuse and oppression by Arab countries. Below is the story of the real “nakba.”
    In 1959, the Arab League passed Resolution 1457, which states as follows: “The Arab countries will not grant citizenship to applicants of Palestinian origin in order to prevent their assimilation into the host countries.” That is a stunning resolution, which was diametrically opposed to international norms in everything pertaining to refugees in those years, particularly in that decade. The story began, of course, in 1948, when the Palestinian “nakba” occurred. It was also the beginning of the controversy of the Arab-Israeli conflict, with the blame heaped on Israel, because it allegedly expelled Palestinian refugees, turning them into miserable wretches. This lie went public through academe and the media dealing with the issue.

  11. Adding to the above post:
    The piece covers Palestinian apartheid in Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Kuwait.

    This is no commercial link. While searching for a Charles Adler segment I came upon this little gem which appears to be an old news story from the early 80’s. I first thought it must be a parody, but appears to be just archive footage. Peter Worthington just looks younger, not dressed to look younger.
    Investigation tells me that the Mulroney gov’t actually appears to have made use of the Imperial system legal in Canada again and is still in force. Sask is switching to metric on drivers licence’s now, not sure why.
    Is it to late to get a push on to switch back fully?

  13. Our CBC has had an historic day* and an historic day**.
    97% of Canadians did not vote for Our CBC.
    *”Peter Nygard wins latest round in ongoing legal battle with CBC”
    Peter Nygard has won the latest skirmish in his ongoing legal battle with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
    On Friday, the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench upheld a lower court’s decision, rejecting an attempt by the CBC to have Nygard International’s civil suit quashed on the grounds it was frivolous and constituted an abuse of process.
    The case is one of many launched by the fashion mogul relating to the state broadcaster’s April 2010 airing of Larger Than Life, a Fifth Estate documentary that featured former employees speaking critically of Nygard.
    Launched a year before the documentary aired, the company claims the CBC induced and conspired with Nygard employees to breach confidentiality agreements they had signed with the fashion company in the making of the documentary. Others named in the suit are CBC employees Tim Sawa, David Studer, Patrick Prowse and Dana Neal.
    In upholding the Oct. 22 decision, Judge Diana Cameron said the CBC was essentially arguing “for constitutional immunity from any litigation that might implicate their manner of gathering and disseminating information.”
    “Such a claim cannot be sustained under a blanket assertion of freedom of expression,” Cameron wrote.”
    **Our CBC’s historic day:
    “CBC losses $36M in 2010: CRTC”
    “Canada’s national public broadcaster lost nearly $36 million last year, according to recently published figures from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.
    The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation posted a pre-tax loss of $35.4 million for the year ending Aug. 31, 2010, mainly due to rising costs. In 2009, it lost $22 million.
    The CBC gets a $1.1-billion annual subsidy from the federal government and operates in many less profitable and remote regions of the country.
    “It all seems like a losing proposition,” said Stephen Taylor, director of the National Citizens Coalition, a taxpayer advocacy group.
    The NCC wants to see the CBC privatized to ensure an equal playing field in Canada’s TV industry.
    Taylor said the CBC is taking ad dollars that would otherwise go to private players.”

  14. Organic e-coli vs cow/sheep/hen/goat/rabbit ??? manure.
    The best preventive? H2O.
    A twofer c/p:
    >>> 1. “Only the organic produce sector is still holding its own along with locally grown fruit and vegetables.”
    “Greece: Life in a time of Troika”
    >>> 2. “Possibly arising from the use of manure as an organic fertiliser,”.
    “Lean: We should all have a beef with factory farming”

  15. Alberta band’s challenge: ‘Too many chiefs, not enough Indians’
    Kevin Libin: In a tribe that sees $100-million roll in annually for all of 4,635 people — each band making up roughly a third of the population — it is perhaps not surprising that the place should find itself torn by struggles over control; it has been that way as long as anyone can remember. One outspoken member, Preston Twoyoungmen, describes life in Stoney Nakoda, with three separate band councils and chiefs — as well as the conglomerated super-tribal council — as “too many chiefs, not enough Indians.”

  16. “Thousands Mark Anniversary of China’s Tiananmen Square Crackdown”
    “The Chinese cities of Beijing and Hong Kong were the scenes Saturday of demonstrations to mark the 22nd anniversary of the bloody Tiananmen Square crackdown during which hundreds, perhaps thousands, died.
    It was on June 4, 1989, when the Chinese government sent tanks and soldiers into the square in central Beijing, the Chinese capital, to crush weeks of pro-democracy demonstrations.
    The anniversary is being marked in the midst of another Chinese government crackdown, this one against activists, lawyers, writers and bloggers.
    The U.S. State Department has been joined by the government in Taiwan in calling on China to release jailed dissidents and account for those killed, detained or missing in the Tiananmen Square crackdown. But a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman insisted the matter is closed.
    The group Chinese Human Rights Defenders said Saturday that security officers took former government official Bao Tong to an unknown location this week. And the Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy said liberal intellectual Chen Ziming and many others have been placed under house arrest.”
