38 Replies to “Lingensplicer Scandal”

  1. Do the NDP have a chance in the upcoming election? I’m in Manitoba and don’t follow SK politics much.

  2. I just can’t believe how stupid the NDP is to even try this and then to defend it!! And they want to be in government – sorry but no!!

  3. “The intent of the ad…” meaning, “this is what we wish he had said, so we made it what he said”.

  4. Despicable the way the Marxists and socialist think and then act.
    They want more than their share of the pie because when times are good they feel like they are falling behind. But when times are tough and there isn’t the money for investment, small and large businesses make little or no profit, laying off employees or losing their businesses they scream bloody murder and demand more taxes so they can maintain their lifestyles.
    The clincher line is when he said that what was spliced together was what the “people” really think and want. Which people? Lazy butt union people, who feel like they are “entitled to their entitlements”.
    Greed has a way of rearing its ugly and parasitic head when the food dries up or they are not able to drink from the fire hose. Inbreeds!!

  5. “the ad’s on the air and we’ll continue to run it.”
    It doesn’t matter that it’s not a true quote from Wall, just that it says what the NDP wishes he’d say.Un-bloody-believable!
    Do the people of Saskatchewan feel “left out” of the “boom” that’s going on in the Province right now?
    Maybe the civil servants are a bit jealous as they don’t have the best paying jobs in Sask anymore, but I don’t hear anybody else complaining.

  6. “But the intent of the ad and the contents of the ad reflect what people feel in the Province.”
    Just another version of “fake but true”. Obvious from the clip that Yates has nowhere to hide and he knows it.
    The next escalation from this will be taking individual words from different sentences and stringing them together into fabricated quotes.

  7. Just another wannabe pig at the trough, sucking and blowing at the same time. At least a real pig has a useful purpose. Not like this commie pos.

  8. This poor excuse for a politician (and human being for that matter) will be out on his ass in November! For those who are not from Saskatchewan, Kevin Yates used to be a corrections worker, then moved up in the SGEU and became a Union “leader”. This is the job that re-awaits his sorry ass after the election. Speaks volumes for who pulls the strings for the sask. ndp .

  9. Well we the tinfoil hat brigade of the NDP know the mind of Brad Wall better than Brad Wall himself. Its only because we can’t actually find any evidence of Brad Wall’s inner intents that we had to put these statements together. I mean really folks if we of the tinfoil hat brigade don’t put these statements together how on earth will the people know what is really going on in Brad Wall’s mind?

  10. “Do the NDP have a chance in the upcoming election?”
    Yes, they most certainly do. About the same chance as the Baltimore Orioles and the Houston Astros meeting in the 2011 World Series.
    Barring a faux pas of epic proportions by the Sask Party, a victory in November was a pretty safe bet. After this latest debacle, it is a slam dunk.
    Now we can only hope that the NDP are completely wiped off the political map.

  11. Following the 2011 election, Yates will be able to continue his original career aspirations of working at McDonalds.

  12. Yates will be able to continue his original career aspirations of working at McDonalds.
    He’s already surreptitiously practicing the company Mc-tagline but it keeps coming out the NDParty tagline,
    “Would you like lies with that?”

  13. Brad Wall is the best Priemier in Canada right now. Saskatchewan is booming. If the NDP where in power all the money would be sucked away to realtives & themselves with brakes on industry for geen projects. Count on it. Not one citizan would see a dime. In fact taxes would go up.
    We learned that from our Phoney Consrvative NDP wolfs in sheeps clothing, ED Stelmack in Alberta.

  14. one can only hope that medical science finds a cure for NDP, as this POS shows that a cure is necessary

  15. Splicergate!! Wow!! Little Tommy must be spinning in his grave! The party that was going to straighten things out! And we laugh at the British!

  16. Oz — “would you like lies with that?”. Priceless. I am stealing that to use in B.C. against all the NDP idiots out here.

  17. I didn’t see the sweat but I’m pretty sure I could hear it, coulda sworn I got a whiff of fear also but that’s crazy, of course.

  18. What a bozo! Lingenflunken is coming to the realization (or maybe not), that the bright lights in his stable are nothing more than the dim, useless, twisty bulbs being peddled by those other socialists- the greenies. Just crap.
    Saskatchewan… Good times ahead. Say good-bye Dwain! R.I.P.

  19. I wouldn’t write the NDP/union thugs off just yet.
    They are like cornered rats, and this is just an indication of how low and how dirty they will get.
    Expect more, lots more.
    Any real dirt they might have found will be saved until the campaign starts.
    And their highly trained liars will be burning the midnight oil dreaming up imagined scandals and the CBC will have a full court press going against the SaskParty.
    We thought we had the 2003 election wrapped up but the NDP’s scare campaign, which included telling little old ladies that the SaskParty would close all the old folks home, worked for them.
    Those scare tactics, and their well oiled ‘get out the vote’ machine is nothing to sneeze at.
    We need to stay sharp and not rest until after the election this fall.
    Question every word of every NDP press release and CBC story, including ‘and’ and ‘the’.
    Don’t let them slip the little lies in by only confronting them on the big whoppers.
    Better safe than sorry.

  20. I sent this scumbag an e-mail today encouraging him and his party to continue with these slease ball tactics. I told him that they illustrated themselves much better than the Sask Party ever could, to be the deceiving, dishonest and idiotic douche bags that they are.

  21. Brad Wall is all ‘Obama’ style charisma. Haven’t seen much of a vision other than ‘we’re not the NDP’. (Thank God)
    Problem is he’s a likable lightweight, riding a commidt boom. Populists have a problem…popularity can wane…then what.
    A radio interview with Wall asked him if we’ll see a broader conservative agenda in a second term. He admitted that he didn’t understand the question.
    Still not sold on the guy.

  22. jeff, I agree. So far we have not seen anything tangible as far as rolling back the socialist social engineering agenda is concerned. In fact the “in your face stuff” just keeps coming. This is why I dropped my membership.
    That being said, can you imagine what would happen if the likes of Kevin Yates comes to power again.

  23. Max wrote: “Do the NDP have a chance in the upcoming election? I’m in Manitoba and don’t follow SK politics much.”
    Did the Titanic have a chance against the iceberg?

  24. Thank you CHAB! I’ve noticed that CBC and CTV have really steered clear of this one, and that tells me they approve of it!

  25. If a false quote was seen in printed material, it would be grounds for a defamation suit. This is no different.
    Defamation—also called calumny, vilification, traducement, slander (for transitory statements), and libel (for written, broadcast, or otherwise published words)—is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government, or nation a negative image. It is usually a requirement that this claim be false and that the publication is communicated to someone other than the person defamed (the claimant).

  26. “Those scare tactics, and their well oiled ‘get out the vote’ machine is nothing to sneeze at.”
    Stan’s points are correct as any resident of Saskatchewan knows. However, Premier Wall and the Sask Party have had 4 years in power and none of the NDP’s dire predictions have come to pass. Sask voters will look back on 4 years of sound government and prosperity and will completely dismiss any NDP propaganda for what it is … exaggeration, innuendo and outright fabrication.
    I’m waiting for the socialists to drag out the decades old video of a tipsy Brad Wall speaking in a Ukrainian accent. With a little creative editing, they could make Wall appear to be an alcoholic racist, thereby locking up the Ukrainian vote.

  27. The photo you used here it at least a more flattering shot of Yates than the one the Leader Post has. And I worked in this business for many, many years. You don’t approve an ad featuring quotes of anyone without asking to see the transcript in which they were uttered.

  28. Kevin Yates has aFacebook page. I sent him a friend request, no response yet, but I messaged him, challenging him to go on John Gormley’s show to explain himself. then I added this little nugget, which I believe should be used against them…it was Dwayne Lingenlosers own words…as to why they won”t…”Because, that’s what losers do”

  29. I listened to part of the interview…I think that Yates is being thrown under the bus in this one….Lingenfelter won’t respond because he is a coward and I don’t think Yates cares whether he wins the next election. He will automatically recieve a nice cushy job within the SGEU office…collecting a salary along with his union pension and any benefits he will receive as a defeated MLA, talk about triple dipping.

  30. DONT be complacent with the ndp.. they are scum and will do anything to be elected..keep the faith and dont let your guard down..it would be nice to see the commies lose another 10 seats.. so get the word out..lets not return to graveling paved roads closing down hospitals and letting the unions wag the tail of the dog..Remember Bob Beamen’s ‘Window of OPPORTUNITY’ QUOTE..KEEP ER GOING BRAD..LUV SDA..
