Bombing in Norway

Several hours ago a massive bomb exploded outside a government office building in downtown Oslo. Witnesses report that it was a car bomb. So far seven are people dead and several wounded; check for live updates here.
Shortly after the bombing a man disguised as a police officer opened fire at a camp where the youth wing of the ruling Labor party were holding a meeting. A former Prime Minister had been scheduled to attend the meeting.
So far, no Amish groups have claimed responsibility.
Update: reports say the youth camp shooter was blond and blue-eyed. An eyewitness tells reporters that there were 20 to 30 dead bodies in the water.

182 Replies to “Bombing in Norway”

  1. Probably white middle class terrorists pissed off Obama won the Noble Peace Prize?

  2. Arrested shooter is apparently white blonde. Probably another left wing looney shooter… (though already the press is reporting Far Right Wing group).

  3. NYT is reporting that ‘Helpers of the Global Jihad’ have claimed responsibility.
    Must be a typo.

  4. This is extremely interesting:
    Only yesterday I read a piece to the effect that Quisling would be applauding from his grave Norway’s rampant anti-semitism. Bruce Bawer has commented on this on numerous occassions.
    If the ROP is involved, this should be a tragic object lesson on the wages of appeasement for the Norwegian opinion elite.

  5. ROP calling card?
    Last September, while in Oslo, our lady tour guide told us they were terrified of the future. It appears her’s and other’s nightmares are coming true.
    No doubt some liberals will be calling for further appeasement to the ROP. Kate’s masthead statement “Pleasing your enemies does not turn them into friends” comes to mind and the bending over accommodation by liberals and progressives does not seem to be working out that well for the global village crowd.
    The confrontation seems to be escalating almost on a monthly basis.

  6. wonder how many have to be murdered before the Euros wake up and realize massive immigration of muslims is just national suicide.

  7. Some asshat at CBC claims that Israel is responsible for the blast. Seems Norway was ready to declare Palestine a sovereign state.
    I can’t read that S#it any more!

  8. “We are all Norwegians”-Swedish Foreign Minister
    Nothing will build Scandinavian solidarity like a series of Islamist terrorist attacks.
    Their police and military budgets will rise and the politically correct there and in the E.U. offices will be told to take a hike.
    On the other hand, Canada should be open to those Scandinavian people who want to
    flee Islamist terrorist violence.
    Europe is in early stages of a low intensity war waged by imperialist, Islamofascism. At least now, the citizens will be motivated to replace governments who attempt to deny reality.
    I predict femine Scandinavians culture will “man up” and re-discover their Viking heritage.

  9. National surrender by immigration.
    Who needs armed forces when you are invited in as “immigrants” and can be paid to do what foreign armies used to do.
    Multiculturalism . . . cover word for “national surrender”
    The Norwegians can’t protect their Jewish population anymore and now it looks like they can’t protect their own women and children.
    Somewhere, a bunch of Vikings are spinning in their graves.

  10. “As such, it is likely he was ethnically Norwegian. This could indicate the involvement of a far-right group rather than an Islamist group”
    We’ll see.
    Colour me skeptical about that “far-right” group.

  11. Just listened to the top of the hour CBC news. They mentioned that there was a bomb blast, seven killed, many injured. They interviewed three people who said a fireball went 35 feet into the air. Then no segue – just straight into the traffic report.

  12. Hmm…so the assumption being made is that since the shooter is blond/Nordic he couldn’t possibly be Muslim?
    Jumping to conclusions – it’s okay if the Left does it (“must have been a right winger!”), but if anyone else does it, you get cries of “Racist!” or “Bigot!”.
    Thanks for the double standard, lefties. I know, no charge.

  13. War is war.
    Tough for those who have been led to believe they are not in one.

  14. “Far-right” is a term that means whatever the speaker wants while also smearing the right. That is all of its purpose.
    The idea that immigrants are taking over Sweden is preposterous they are >90% native-born. The problems they have now are the result of multiculturalism and socialism not immigration.

  15. “Time for the Norsemen to discover their inner viking”
    …and learn once again how to properly execute a “Bloody Eagle”.
    You want terror? We’ll show you some freakin terror!

  16. What a relief that is. Knowing that being blonde and blue eyed myself there is no way I could ever be muslim. Thanks Mom & Dad!

  17. The social landscape of Scandinavia has been radically altered due to lax immigration and multiculturalism policies. Definitely need to rethink those.
    For a country with really low levels of terrorism, it’s not a stretch to make suggestions as to the responsibility.

  18. The Mainstream Media is going out of its way to trumpet that the captured shooter is a White Male.
    Never in my life have I ever heard from the MSM when they are reporting on any shooting that “the captured shooting suspect is black”

  19. “So far, no Amish groups have claimed responsibility.”
    That’s why I love Small Dead Animals”
    Thank You

  20. More Firday follies by Muslim Jihadists.
    This is yet another test of how weak the West is. Norway has 500 troops in Afganistan.
    If they pull out the Jihadist get yet another victory . While our own press will muzzle , bambuzle if not bedazzle people to forget this provocation.
    Sooner or latter one act will become so outragious even the deaf will hear it.
    This is the insanity their working towards.
    As we wait for our comupence from Islam. Never forget all out institutions are now comprimised.
    Killing children as they did in Russia as well is serious, yet the cowards hide the horror.

  21. I am absolutely sick in the stomach to see all the racist people accusing muslims without any proof.

  22. Here are some interesting comments about the Utøya youth camp (from Gates of Vienna):
    The foreign minister spoke at Utøya today, and the topic was the Middle East. There is even a video of it, uploaded three hours ago. Seems to have been an anti-Israel speech. According to Fjordman: “It’s an anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinian crowd of young Socialists.”
    Here is the report (in Norwegian) from the workshop at the Utøya summer Socialist youth camp on “Combating Xenophobia and Islamophobia.”

  23. This doesn’t strike me as a Muslim attack. It may well turn out to be, but from what I’ve read –Nordic looking gunman, etc, as well as the choice of targets (PM’s office, political activist teens) this seems more like Oklahoma City than the London Tube attack. We’ll see.

  24. Qndp, don’t come here if it makes you sick. I don’t go to Rabble, personally.
    There’s already been a Muslim group claim responsibility for the bomb, nothing known yet about the shooter. So blame is going where it belongs.

  25. QNDP
    “I am absolutely sick in the stomach to see all the racist people accusing muslims without any proof.”
    Where’s your proof that all the racist people are accusing muslims?
    I’ve seen some accusing Jews and even native Norwegians.
    Sounds like you have a pre-conceived (read:prejudiced) view of global comments.

  26. Well, an Islamic terrorist group claimed responsiblity for the bomb and it’s believed by authorities that the shooter was connected to the bombing. What does it matter if the shooter was blond? What matters is that ISLAM was behind this attack, plain and simple which proves again that it’s a totalitarian cult, not a religion.

  27. Keep letting them in …. ya … just keep letting them in. And you politicians and pro jihad Liberals … don’t start whining when you are target or your kids. The lunatics in the jihad (Most of the muslim world) will kill as many of us as they can and as soon as possible.
    Keep letting them in … that will help them achieve their goals. Your goal is to get their votes, but you will eventually only get their bombs.

  28. This is Beslan, Madrid, London (I know Beslan was more horrific. But it was also farther away. The world is what it is) – all over again. If we don’t get serious we’re doomed. My honest guess is we’re doomed.

  29. Too many comments at the NYT are in the vein of Norway deserves it for assisting in the occupation of Afghanistan.
    Of course, Norway’s forces aren’t really fighting, just occupying space and patrolling.
    Which really underscores the notion that you are going to be damned for a dime so you may as well go in for a dollar.

  30. Just another sermon by one of the Saints of the Religion of Perpetual Rage. If we could convince them that all the virgins are used up and there is a two eternity back order, maybe they would think twice.

  31. Does any one else find the fact that there exists in Norway a “Labour Party Youth Camp” kind of creapy? Doesn’t that have overtones of Hitler Youth, or communist Young Pioneers?

  32. So NDPderpderp, now that Muslims have claimed responsibility what do you think?
    Also, you realize Muslim is not a race, right?

  33. Don’t know why “Labour Party Youth Camp” would upset you minuteman we’ve had similar here in Canada for years. Saskatoon used to have its own ‘socialist’ college. The late Pam Barret once upon a time NDP MLA here in Alberta used to have a talk show and she often spoke of her fond memories of childhood summers spent at socialist camp.

  34. There are left wing youth groups here too. Like our very own dipper youth. Youth indoctrination is a hallmark of the left. BTW at the last CPC conference, a motion to create a youth wing was soundly rejected.
    The consensus over at the CBC comments section is, unsurprisingly, that Oslo is the work of right wing extremists. Sure it’s possible. But it’s waaaay more likely to be Islamists or even a disillusioned leftist. Something tells me that if it were a right wing extremist we would already know about it. I think it’s taking so long to release information because the authorities are twisted into anguished PC pretzels over how to spin in a “socially conscious” way.

  35. This is really tragic. As always, mustn’t jump to conclusions about the perp(s). It has the marks of Jihadists, and one group has already claimed responsibility, but after a bombing any number of groups have done so in the past to raise their profile. Could have been a lone loon as well. They’ll have to do the police work before we can point the finger with certainty.

  36. The PM was Liberal Ad$Cam MartinJr.
    That’s the left-liberal world; ignorance, blinded with blinkers; oozing moral rectitude; blathering empty words.
    “The purpose of today was to put the role our armed services play, domestically and internationally, into context,” he said.”
    “PM mistakenly recalls D-Day invasion of Norway”
    “Date: Thu. Apr. 15 2004 10:48 AM ET”
    “Prime Minister Paul Martin is not afraid to rewrite Canada’s military history. At least, that’s how it appeared when he spoke to soldiers on Wednesday.
    Addressing troops at CFB Gagetown outside Fredericton, N.B., Martin was recalling Canada’s contribution to the 1944 liberation of Europe.
    “Sixty years ago, Canadians were working alongside their British and American allies planning for the invasion of Norway and the liberation of Europe,” Martin said without batting an eye.
    In fact, the slip-up seemed to cause little stir throughout the room, even though it is a famous fact of history that Normandy, not Norway, was the scene of the famous landings.
    Then, a few minutes later, Martin underscored his point.
    “Today, it is every bit as important that Canada step forward — just as we did during the invasion of Norway,” he said.
    Despite a distinction of at least 1,000 kilometres and two national identities, Martin’s gaffe again went largely unacknowledged.”

  37. max,
    “The consensus over at the CBC comments section is, unsurprisingly, that Oslo is the work of right wing extremists. Sure it’s possible. ..”
    Did you happen to notice whether QNDP was over there vomiting over how “SICK SICK” of this he is because they had no proof?

  38. I didn’t realise Islam was a race.
    Oh yes- Quebec NDP is talking.
    Moving on, if the report from Gates of Vienna is accurate, I do hope the irony is not lost on the Norwegians. It is not my intention to make light of what happened, only to point out that what has oft been said about appeasement.
