Bombing in Norway

Several hours ago a massive bomb exploded outside a government office building in downtown Oslo. Witnesses report that it was a car bomb. So far seven are people dead and several wounded; check for live updates here.
Shortly after the bombing a man disguised as a police officer opened fire at a camp where the youth wing of the ruling Labor party were holding a meeting. A former Prime Minister had been scheduled to attend the meeting.
So far, no Amish groups have claimed responsibility.
Update: reports say the youth camp shooter was blond and blue-eyed. An eyewitness tells reporters that there were 20 to 30 dead bodies in the water.

182 Replies to “Bombing in Norway”

  1. NDPists sick over people (correctly) predicting that the killers are islamists.
    Regular people sick over people being killed by islamists.

  2. I am absolutely sick in the stomach to see all the racist people accusing muslims without any proof.
    quebecois NDPiste

    Me too sister!! I mean sure, they have bombed a few times before, but only in America, and England, and Spain, and Indonesia, and India and a few other places, but there have been lots of other group bombing too! The media just doesn’t report it, so we get no sense of perspective. Thank you so much for speaking Truth to Power.
    Peace out!

  3. No reason why he couldn’t be Muslim. At various places on the net I’m detecting what amounts to a virtual sigh of relief that the person arrested is blond and blue-eyed. But that means nothing. It’s simply the newest recruiting tool. Prey on some screwed up Nordic kid and convince him to blow shit up. Allah and Mohammed will be pleased no matter. Piss be upon him.

  4. “Thank you so much for speaking Truth to Power. ”
    Ya, right. We’re so powerful. Arrrrrrgh!! Better run little children. Under the bed you go.

  5. The Muslim group isn’t claiming responsibility, and there’s some indication that the bomber and the shooter may be the same person, or at least look quite similar. Either way, the attack doesn’t fit the typical jihadi MO. Still possible he’s muslim, but seems unlikely at this point. Apparently he’s been arrested, so we should know soon enough.

  6. From the CBC story. ” A Norway police official told The Associated Press the attacks don’t appear linked to Islamist militants.”
    Way to go CBC. What are the chances that if an unnamed source said that it appeared to be Islamist terrorist,that it would be in the story? I’d speculate that it would be close to zero. In fact,they would be very reluctant to use the word “islam” or any variations, even if it was certain to be an attack from the ROP.
    Thanks CBC,for doing your utmost to keep Canadians ignorant of reality.

  7. libertariansaredumber at 3:33 PM: “The problems they have now are the result of multiculturalism and socialism not immigration.”
    How did multiculturalism arrive in Norway if not hand in hand with immigration?

  8. Is there nothing that’s not all about him:
    “Obama extended his condolences to Norway’s people and offered U.S. assistance with the investigation. He said he remembered how warmly Norwegians treated him in Oslo when he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009”

  9. It’s ironic that those who enable and apologize for the ROP are now holding their breath and hoping that it ain’t one of their boys,yet again.

  10. My only hope in this matter is that the investigation of the events is given full freedom to go where ever the evidence leads. As of now the Leftists are claiming that a far right group did the damage. Those on the right are claiming that it is likely a Muslim terrorist group did it. One or the other or both could be correct in their assumptions. (the enemy of my enemy is my friend, Muslim/Nazi hatred of Jews comes to mind) Or it could be that one lonely lunatic did it all on his own for his own motives that no one else can ever fully understand. All I know is that too many innocent people were killed. May they rest in peace and may their loved ones find solace.

  11. @Louise: immigrants largely do not care for or about multiculturalism, which was imposed by native born WASPs.
    News is reporting no link to Islamic terror. Sounds like something between Loughner and teh OK bombing.

  12. News on Global 5:35 Pm PDT, says the Norwegians think it’s a far right extremist group.

  13. CNN reports it’s a radical rightwingers, just like that radical rightwinger that killed all those at Fort Hood oh wait he was a Muslim doctor.

  14. I wouldn’t think there were enough extreme right-wingers in Norway to form a group (which would suggest at least 3 or 4). Could be Swedes whom Norwegians say have short dicks and long memories!

  15. dmorris
    “Norwegians think it’s a far right extremist group.”
    Careful there, dmorris. You don’t want QNDP showing up here and ridiculing you for posting racism without proof about by Norwegians about their racism without proof against other Norwegians.

  16. Muslims everywhere must be breathing a sigh of relief that one of the bombings this week wasn’t by an Islamist group. This IS real news!!

  17. It’s Islamic. If it’s not I’ll eat my hat – and it’s a nice hat. There are blond Muslims.

  18. Actually, Black Mamba, blonde psycho-dude has been ID’d, and he is definitely not a Muslim.

  19. By reading his Facebook profile, he’s Christian, conservative and a nationist.
    This sounds more like Norway’s Oklahoma rather than Norway’s 9/11 although it’s not a stretch for people to blame muslims prematurely, given their history.

  20. dmorris at 8:36 PM: “News on Global 5:35 Pm PDT, says the Norwegians think it’s a far right extremist group.”
    If Norwegians, like so much of Europe, has been marinated in political correctness for 40 years, of course they are going to blame it on a “far right extremist group.” It’s the default position for the brainwashed.

  21. Even if the lunatic with the gun was just some… nationalist? – a bomb went off. There is an Islamist connection. Wait a few hours.

  22. Alex, one of my “buddies”? My “buddies” gun innocent people down? Bastard.

  23. Yes, apparently they do. Guy was well known in the right wing bloggosphere. I remember reading his articles, and figuring he was a nut. Exactly your kind of person, though.

  24. If it’s not islamism, it’s push-back against islamism. Not like it hasn’t been predicted, here and elsewhere, many times before.

  25. So far, this looks like a the work of a “lone wolf” killer and as of yet, there is nothing to indicate any connection with any Islamic group. Yes, some unknown Islamic group has claimed responsibility, however, that is actually quote common in terrorist attacks. In attacks like this there is going to a lot of confusion, claims and counter-claims as the authorities sort through all the information, so its best if everyone just sits back and see what happens before running around blaming people.

  26. Let it slide, Black Mamba. Alex thinks all the non-leftists in the world belong to a club, and that we hold regular meetings.
    Don’t tell him otherwise, because it’s so amusing to watch.

  27. Alex,
    “I remember reading his articles, and figuring he was a nut. ”
    Just curious but do you often spend your free time (allegedly) reading (alleged) right-wing Norwegians blogs articles written by (alleged) mass murderers?

  28. Let’s be rational, Alex, even a non-religious person like me realizes that the Christian Bible does not support the murder of innocent kids. 99.99% of Christian denominations and Christians will denounce this as mass murder and terrorism. There will be no Christians cheering in public squares or handing our candy in celebration.
    Stop the cheap-shots.

  29. He wrote for jihad watch. And gates of Vienna, if I remember correctly. As if you didn’t know. I’m really gonna enjoy watching you trip over each other in your hurry to distance yourselves from him.

  30. Bennet, you obviously haven’t read the bible. The Christian god loves telling his followers to murder children.
    You’re right, though; the earlier comment was a cheap shot. I don’t see Islam and Christianity as equivalent. Just a lot closer than they’d like to admit.

  31. Don’t let on about out meetings, EBD. As it is, he knows too much. “I remember reading his articles, and figuring he was a nut.”
    Way too much, IFKWIMAITYD.
    There is an Islamist connection here.

  32. “I’m really gonna enjoy watching you trip over each other in your hurry to distance yourselves from him.”
    No sympathy for the victims, just glee that some SDAers were wrong about who did it, you’re a pathetic worm.

  33. Alex,
    “As if you didn’t know.”
    I didn’t and still don’t. I only have your word for it.
    “I’m really gonna enjoy watching you trip over each other in your hurry to distance yourselves from him.”
    Again, given that you are reading him and I am not, it would appear that I’m already more distant from him than you.
    How long have you had a fascination with mass murderers?

  34. “He wrote for jihad watch. And gates of Vienna, if I remember correctly.”
    I find that a tad interestting. Link? Citation?
    You’re either lying, hallucinating, or you just made this very interesting.

  35. multirec at 10:22 PM: “By reading his Facebook profile, he’s Christian, conservative and a nationist(sic).
    This sounds more like Norway’s Oklahoma rather than Norway’s 9/11 although it’s not a stretch for people to blame muslims prematurely, given their history.”
    It also sounds like the perfect ruse. It’s really very easy to get the unquestioning, naive useful idiots of the Western world to latch on to any half-baked theory that completely absolves Islamists. Anybody recognize the name Adam Pearlman? Jewish name, right? He’s also known as Adam Gadahn, or, for that matter, Michael Finton or Bryant Vinas. Google them, if you don’t know.
    The assumption that this Norwegian dude cannot be associated with Islamists and that he is an extreme right-winger is just as presumptuous as any other assumption.
    Norway, BTW, drank the Kool-Aid years ago. Remember, they are the ones who handed out a Nobel Peace Prize to an American President before they he had done anything to earn it. There were many other questionable decisions regarding that award, too. This is a country where people of the right-wing persuasion have been shut out of the political dialog for many, many years, via the vehicle of political correctness which has been wielded like a crude club by the elites.

  36. “There is an Islamist connection here.”
    With all due respect MB, I don’t think so. Early reports stated that he was seen in a police uniform lingering around after the car bomb went off. His job gave him access to large amounts of fertilizer and he used police uniform to access the island, called the children over to him before he started to shoot away.
    I think this is Norway’s Tim McVeigh.

  37. “Again, given that you are reading him and I am not, it would appear that I’m already more distant from him than you.”
    Seeing as marek quoted fjordman at 5:16 in this very comments section, i,’m gonna say you’re pretty damn close. But nice try.

  38. Black Mamba
    “He wrote for jihad watch. And gates of Vienna, if I remember correctly.”
    The question I have for the Alex’s of the world who are jumping to racist conclusions is…if he were mad at Muslims…why target Norwegian children?

  39. Alex
    “Seeing as marek quoted fjordman at 5:16 in this very comments section, i,’m gonna say you’re pretty damn close. But nice try.”
    Wait a minute…you told me…”As if you didn’t know.”
    I didn’t but you did. Scary that, eh?
