Bombing in Norway

Several hours ago a massive bomb exploded outside a government office building in downtown Oslo. Witnesses report that it was a car bomb. So far seven are people dead and several wounded; check for live updates here.
Shortly after the bombing a man disguised as a police officer opened fire at a camp where the youth wing of the ruling Labor party were holding a meeting. A former Prime Minister had been scheduled to attend the meeting.
So far, no Amish groups have claimed responsibility.
Update: reports say the youth camp shooter was blond and blue-eyed. An eyewitness tells reporters that there were 20 to 30 dead bodies in the water.

182 Replies to “Bombing in Norway”

  1. I’m with you, Ken K.: There is no equivalency here and to suggest such a thing is sheer and deliberate perversity.
    Cross-posted at Blazing Cat Fur:
    Hmmm … “right-wing Christian.”
    We’ll see what his connections are.
    Whatever this nutter’s profile, he’s “Christian” in name only — as Christians don’t, characteristically, blow people and buildings up or open fire on carefree campers. “Christian” would be a very convenient label if someone was intent on throwing investigators off the scent.
    I’m skeptical about the bomber’s tag, and it’s pretty clear he didn’t work alone.
    So, we shall see …
    … this nutter is not a Christian whatever he self-identifies as.
    Psych wards are full of “Christians,” who say they’re Jesus or John the Bapist or St. Paul or Mary Magdelene.
    Just ’cause he says he’s a Christian is no reason to believe him. I wouldn’t trust anyone’s judgment who’s done what he’s done.
    What we do know is that what he did was evil to the nth degree. We’ll see what his connections are and who helped him. I doubt if it will be any of the ladies on the altar guild or who sing in the choir.

  2. So, it appears that the bomber/shooter was into warcraft and was a member of the Masonic Lodge?
    If this is the case, the guy’s no Christian. I’ve known a lot of Masons who go to church and I can tell you, they give me the creeps.
    Most of them are the nicest guys you’d ever want to meet, but their spiritual compasses are seriously askew. They’re a secret society and they have very weird initiation rites and hoo-doo-voo-doo happenings the higher up the degrees go. I believe you can be a 33rd- or 34th-degree Mason …
    To be a Mason and a Christian are two mutually exclusive categories, believe me. As Jesus made very clear, “You cannot serve two masters.” When it comes to loyalty to the Lodge or to the church, the Lodge always takes precedence.

  3. It’s human nature to suspect the Muslims, sorta like checking Bill’s itinerary whenever there is a sexual assault in the neighborhood.

  4. I’m sure the IRA would be surprised to hear they’re not Christian. It’s funny how you always leave them out of the equation. You idiots take the no-true-scotsman fallacy to a whole new level.

  5. “I’m sure it was muslims. If I am wrong, I will eat crow and proclaim — *gasp* — the CBC is a credible and trustworthy news organization.”
    – Posted by: Mike in Calgary at July 22, 2011 2:17 PM
    When this sort of thing happens, it’s usually moos-leems. So ya can’t really blame me for assuming. Anyhow, as promised:
    The CBC is a credible and trustworthy news organization.
    *cough* *cough* *gasp* *barf* … ouch, typing that was really painful.

  6. Alex your ignorance is showing again. Anyone can claim to be Christian. It does not mean they are Christian. I put a goodly number of ‘televangelists’ in that category along with many groups and organizations whose goals are anything but Christian. You cited one such group, the IRA. The IRA is a political movement whose intent is to drive the English out of Ireland. It is convenient for the ignorant to divide the conflict along Catholic/Protestant religious lines but doing so obscures the source of the fight. The English invaded Ireland and the Irish want them gone. The English are mainly Protestant and the Irish are mainly Catholic. Is the conflict religious in nature? NO!!!! It’s political!

  7. Alex belongs to the religious cult of moonbat atheism. In fact he is like a high priest.
    That is not to say that real atheists by definition are bad people, simply that true “Atheists” would not be wasting their time fanatically trying to convert people to their religion as a day in day out mission, as Alex does.
    Alex reminds me of the Jehovah Witness banging on my door every weekend telling me to accept their beliefs or the devils going to get me no matter how many times I politely tell them to F*ck off. That’s what religious fanaticism does to people like Alex or the Jehovah’s, Islam etcetera……

  8. Joe, until you stop using the no-true-scotsman fallacy, you have no right to call anyone else ignorant.

  9. Oh look. Crazy Pam doesn’t understand how facebook works. Big surprise. Next she’ll be demanding to seethe long-form version.

  10. Actully, there’s no reason why a Christian can’t be a freemason. There are Christian churches which don’t let their members join the masons; there are many others which do. Masonic beliefs are not Christian, but they’re not hostile to Christianity or inconsistent with most forms of it.

  11. I guess you don’t know scripture as well as you thought the Alex. I am simply following Jesus’ teaching where He said, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’”
    I suppose we could add, “did we not kill many labour party youth in your name” but I’m pretty sure He would give the same answer. In other words saying you are Christian does not mean you are Christian unless you are doing God’s Will. What is God’s Will you ask? Well He said, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. Now I don’t know about you Alex but I really don’t want some nutbar with a gun and a grudge shooting at me because we don’t share similar political points of view and I assume that the nutbar with the gun and the grudge does not want similar action taken toward him. Therefore the nutbar with the gun and the grudge is not acting according to the Will of God.

  12. You’ll notice that we know absolutely nothing about this guy’s religious beliefs or background. And yet the antiChristian haters are foaming at the mouth and jumping up and down. Do they actually know how to do anything else? Aren’t they, obviously and quite literally, mentally ill? How insane do you have to be to look at a terrible crime and see only one more excuse to indulge in the same old fetish?

  13. The Norway killer’s Facebook home page reveals that his taste in TV ran to Dexter and True Blood, which would indicate a fixation on blood, murder, and mayhem. He likes the video series Warcraft: Warcraft I: Orcs & Humans, Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion pack, The Frozen Throne, and World of Warcraft.
    These dark tastes, which involve violence, blood, murder, and chaos don’t fit with the profile of a Christian or conservative. I know lots of Christians and lots of conservatives and don’t know anyone who watches Dexter, True Blood or who plays Warcraft video games.
    I don’t know a lot of “fundamentalist Christians,” but I can tell you, they’d have no truck with Dexter, True Blood (which deals with vampires), or Warcraft. I suspect that a Christian fundamentalist would advise censoring and/or burning them …

  14. “In other words saying you are Christian does not mean you are Christian unless you are doing God’s Will. What is God’s Will you ask? Well He said, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. ”
    Ah, ok. So what you’re saying is that there isn’t a single Christian on this whole planet. Cool. Thanks for being honest about that. Now you need to go talk to the rest of the heathens, and get them to stop claiming that there are 1 billion+ christians in the world, or that the US is a “christian nation”. Let me know how it goes!

  15. Alex I would try to explain the ‘saved by Grace’ thingy but you couldn’t understand it so why bother. It would be akin to casting pearls before swine.

  16. lol. See, you’re not a christian either! I’m surrounded by heretics.
    YOU are the one who gave a retarded definition of christianity, dumbass, not me. I just took it and ran with it. Like all christians, you have no CLUE what your religion actually teaches, and you have no clue how to define who is and isn’t a member; you simply assume that all your co-religionists must be good people, and when one of them does something evil you claim he couldn’t possibly be a christian. Stop acting like a retard. Learn about logical fallacies. Take a moment to think about these things before you comment.

  17. (Feign surprise) Now Alex you’re acting just like the swine the Lord warned us about. Trampling the pearls into the mire and attacking the ones that gave them to you. Tis easier to explain the colours of a rainbow to a man born blind than discuss even the most elemental Christian themes with one like Alex.

  18. lol. Joe, what’s the first thing you should do when you find yourself in a hole?

  19. Tell me Alex since you’re a lot farther down the hole than I. I’m sure your experience in such matters will be most elucidating.

  20. Ken (Kulak) at 10:45 AM: “I do not have quick access to the latest terrorist acts total that are listed on some blogs for Islamic extremists, but it would appear that the score is now about 10,000 for the Islamists and 2 for the McVeigh types.
    Drawing a moral equivalency as some are want to do is a little rich.”
    Way off, Ken. It’s almost double that. As of 2:29 CST, July 23, 2011, the number of attacks since 9/11 (not counting the not inconsiderable number occurring before then) stands at 17,489. That’s attacks, not the number of people world-wide killed in these attacks or those who were merely injured but subsequently died.
    And how many have Christian fundamentalists killed in the past ten years? I’m afraid I don’t have that number, but I suspect you could count the number of attacks using the fingers of your left (or should I say “right”) hand, and the number of actual dead resulting from those attacks at, oh, shall we say 92?

  21. ted your stupidity is showing again. When a muslim terrorist kills in the name of islam other muslims have street parties and celebrate by giving candies to children.
    When a so called Christian terrorist kills he is roundly condemned by Christians who correctly point out that the killing of humans is an anathema to Christianity.
    See the difference?
    Didn’t think so.
    Please go take your equivalency nonsense back home. I’m sure your village is sorely missing its idiot.

  22. Good questions:
    1: Why is there a version of Anders Behring Breivik’s Facebook profile not showing Christian / Conservative? Even Google’s cache of the Facebook profile retrieved on Jul 22, 2011 23:52:36 GMT supports this theory.
    2: How was Christian / Conservative added prior to the profile being removed from Facebook? If our PDF was printed out/saved at Jul 23 01:39 GMT, and the profile was deleted soon afterwards by Facebook, how was a detained Anders Behring Breivik able to change it?
    3: Which then needs to be asked, Who had access to in changing the Profile before it was removed?
    (h/t) Atlas Shrugs

  23. Revnant Dream, made a very interesting comment over at another blog: He pointed out that if Anders Behring Breivik holds anti-jihad views, why didn’t he bomb a mosque? Why is it only Norwegians who were killed?
    He also wondered why Behring Breivik’s friends, family members, neighbours, co-workers, what have you, haven’t come forward to talk about this “nice,” “peaceful” man.
    That’s what usually happens after a horrendous massacre like this.
    It’s not happening. Lots of things aren’t happening.
    Another commenter also made a good point: Where were people’s cell phones?
    Why wasn’t there security on the island, seeing as the Prime Minister was set to visit the next day? Why are there two versions of Anders Behring Breivik’s Facebook page, one with his favourite TV programs and video games (Dexter, True Blood, Warcraft) all of which dwell on dark, bloody, chaotic and murderous themes, and another with “his” supposed status as both a Christian and a conservative?
    Portraying Anders Behring Breivik as “a Christian conservative” can justify Norway’s police and leftist political class’s continuation of the charade that “all cultures are equal” and that Islamists, who are wreaking havoc in Oslo and throughout the country (Bruce Bawer), are no more dangerous to their society than “Christian fundamentalists” (of which there are probably 10 in the whole country).
    Something about how Behring Breivik’s being portrayed by the Norwegian authorities doesn’t pass the smell test at all.

  24. Attention: langmann, The Champ,Scootchee, JohnnyTexas, Black Mamba – please eat your words with a side plate of crow.
    Larry, dmorris and Mike in Calgary already did.

  25. Hey, everybody, stop feeding the Communist troll.
    Thanks batb for the comments about the bomber/shooter’s Facebook profile. Someone is playing fast and loose with the evidence.

  26. Alright, Canuckguy, I still have a lot of questions, but it looks like I was wrong. Happy? I hope you’re just thrilled. Really.

  27. There must be some little nest of lefties waiting in the wings, ready to pounce when they sense the opportunity. This thread has a lot of mouse droppings on it. We should stop feeding the mice.
    Europe’s ruling elites are leftards. This guy, who is obviously a nut-bar, is in some sense, giving us a picture of what happens when leftard ruling elites hold the reins of power for too long. What I’ve been reading about him suggests to me that he is just another European who wants his culture back, but the ruling elites says to him and everyone else that European culture is bad and that feelings of patriotism and pride in one’s heritage, if and only if it is European, needs to be stamped out. This is what political correctness and multi-culti worship have wrought.

  28. I presume you already know about the manifesto of this fella but,no one has mentioned anything so there it is.
