39 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Writing in the Globe & Mail, Uber-Liberal Robert Kaplan, former solicitor general under Pierre Trudeau, makes the case that the Liberal Party is our daddy —
    Liberals have always known that Canada needs to be built every day, enlarging the reality of what it means to be Canadian. Citizenship, the flag, PetroCanada, Canadian content quotas on broadcasts, health care, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms – all opposed by the Conservatives – are our legacy to our fellow Canadians.”
    — and floats a thinly-veiled, desperate plan to import new immigrant Liberal voters to replace the stale-dated domestic ones, who have, you know, turned all Conservative-like:
    “A plank for Liberals today comes from reflecting on Laurier’s vision, that, on the world stage, the 20th century would belong to us. Why did we fall short of his vision? We had, and even more today have, almost everything going for us. A bigger land mass than the United States, India or China, an increasingly accessible treasurehouse of resources of energy and minerals, abundant fresh water, boundless arable land and forests, a fundamentally sound and effective government structure, a functioning respect for the rule of law. We have an educated and ambitious citizenry. In addition, we are situated in the world’s safest neighbourhood, protected by water and distance from the world’s historic and current trouble spots, adjoining the world’s most prosperous democracy, the United States, where people really like us. So what went wrong? It’s obvious. We don’t have enough people. The Liberals should stand today for a strategic immigration policy of reaching 100 million by 2100…It is estimated that we could reach the target of 100 million or something close to it, by increasing the present annual target from 250,000 to 400,000 per year.”

  2. The Freedom-Loving Rebels Become Reactionary Oppressors
    One of the best ways to understand our current mess in intellectual life is through what I call the three option situation. In the past, something has been unfair (position one). What should be done according to democracy and Enlightenment values is to correct it by fairness (position two). But instead the dominant ideology wants to make it unfair in the opposite direction (position three). Thus, the situation remains arguably just as bad instead of being made better. The dominant idea of justice is merely to switch victims rather than try to make nobody a victim.

  3. Recently, I’ve been boring everyone with quotes from JM Keynes. However, there’s another genius I’ve found, more obscure, more oppressed, and yet more prescient than a host of Cassandras: Martin Armstrong.
    Armstrong was one of the most brilliant financial analysts of the 80’s, although he was prized more outside America than within. Arrested on trumped up charges, he was held an astonishing seven years for contempt of court (a charge with uber-liberal Sonia Sotomayer sustained, BTW), before finally being freed earlier this year.
    Keynes mentioned that one of the biggest issues to deal with is the risk entrepeneurs face – not the risk that their idea may fail, or that they may not perfect that product in time, or any of the other myriad problems a new business has to overcome – but the risk OF GOVERNMENT ACTION. Whether that action produces inflation or deflation, whether they increase taxation or decrease it, whether they regulate him out of existence or not – the entrepeneur lives more in fear of government than anything else.
    Martin Armstrong echoes the same theme in one of his most recent essays, here:
    Further incredible insights from Mr. Armstrong at martinarmstrong.org

  4. Behind every statist do-gooder is a shyster licking his lips at the thought government regulated profits.
    Bjorn Lomborg:
    This sort of behaviour, with activists and big energy companies uniting to applaud anything that suggests a need for increased subsidies to alternative energy, was famously captured by the so-called “bootleggers and baptists” theory of politics.
    The theory grew out of the experience of the southern US, where many jurisdictions required stores to close on Sunday, thus preventing the sale of alcohol. The regulation was supported by religious groups for moral reasons, but also by bootleggers, because they had the market to themselves on Sundays. Politicians would adopt the Baptists’ pious rhetoric, while quietly taking campaign contributions from the criminals.
    Of course, today’s climate-change “bootleggers” are not engaged in any illegal behaviour.But the self-interest of energy companies, biofuel producers, insurance firms, lobbyists, and others in supporting “green” policies is a point that is often missed.
    …The climate-change “Baptists” provide the moral cover that politicians can use to sell regulation, along with scary stories that the media can use to attract readers or viewers. Businesses see opportunities for taxpayer-funded subsidies, and to pass on inevitable cost growth to consumers.
    via andrew bolt’s blog

  5. good video btw, very funny stuff
    there’s free online movies available at a place called crackle.com or Youtubefilms
    I recall someone asked about these o.u.a.t.a.

  6. Michael McIntyre’s stand up comedy is some of the best, and it’s wonderfully family friendly too! Take a look at his show “Hello Wembly” or his comedy roadshow, it’s brilliant!

  7. That is pretty ripe, Black Mamba. He opens the article with a whopper, a complete inversion of the truth — “One of the virtues of being on the liberal side of politics is that total obedience isn’t required” — and stays upside down for rest of it.
    All he needs is a laugh track:
    “It was such a relief to return to humane, non-ideological governance when President Obama won in 2008…”
    Love this “non-ideological” moment:
    “But like Churchill calling upon a coalition cabinet in the depth of the war years, it’s paramount that we see the greater danger for what it is. Attention was drawn to the cover of a recent issue of The Economist, which showed a tall President Obama towering over a squabbling handful of pygmy republican rivals for the Presidency…”

  8. EBD @ 10:14 p.m.:
    I’ve always found it very difficult to write a sentence that has the name “Robert Kaplan” in it that doesn’t also contain the word “moron”.
    “Canada-building”, in this context, is the same as “nation-building”, which really means “socialism-building” — establishing unnecessary government institutions to perform activities that the private sector can do far more efficiently or cheaply, while pretending to give people something for nothing and interfering with their desire to be productive and to trade with one another.
    Quote: “Citizenship, the flag, PetroCanada, Canadian content quotas on broadcasts, health care, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms – all opposed by the Conservatives – are our legacy to our fellow Canadians”
    – citizenship is not “our legacy to our fellow Canadians”, it’s a process that is found in every nation these days
    – the flag was imposed for no reason other than it had Liberal colours
    – Petro-Canada was a waste of money that hurt the economy
    – Canadian content quotas on broadcasts are a violation of the Charter right to freedom of the media; they have never had any positive effect, as they essentially allow well-known Canadian songs to get excessive airplay (meaning we’re all sick of them by now) while lesser-known artists remain obscure and/or forgotten
    – health care is about control rather than saving lives or health
    – the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is full of mistakes that need to be fixed (I listed at least three dozen here one day)

  9. I agree with every word you wrote, nv53, about the nature of Liberal “nation building,” and all the rest. Well put. Mark Steyn, in his colossal slap-down of former Lib blogger Jason Cherniak, also noted the arrogance and ignorance of these modern-issue Liberals who peddle the whopper that Canada’s freedoms, and our beliefs, and essentially the nation itself, started forty years ago with Trudeau’s makeover.

  10. PetroCan was actually the result of an NDP bill tabled in 1973 to Parliament presided over by Trudeau’s minority government.
    Together the Liberals and NDP created that Crown Corporation against opposition from Stanfield’s Progressive Conservatives.
    Bottom line, PetroCan was the NDP’s baby but somehow the Liberals always take the credit, just like they do for healthcare and the flag, neither of which would have been possible either under Pearson’s minority governments without the help of Tommy Douglas’ NDP.
    Funny how Libs like Kaplan are still going after the Conservatives when the NDP are eating their lunch these days.
    How’s that working out for you, Liberals?

  11. The Justice Department’s inspector general has opened an investigation into possible retaliation against a whistle-blowing agent at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, according to two people briefed on the inquiry.
    Watchdogs are examining whether anyone at the Justice Department improperly released internal correspondence to try to smear ATF agent John Dodson, who told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee last month that he repeatedly warned supervisors about what he called a reckless law enforcement operation known as “Fast and Furious.”

    Inspector General of the DOJ?
    Don’t you just love sitting back and watching a group of socialists eat each other alive..
    Wonder what ‘Leg of Eric Holder’
    dark meat will taste like?

  12. “Is it Default of Greece or Is Something Else to Blame?”
    “Actually everybody in the stadium knows its over, which is why the Greek situation didn’t turn out to be catastrophe. The default already happened in at a pricepoint long, long ago and far, far away.
    And now it’s comedy. Whatever happened to the Summer of Recovery? Whatever happened to the Grand Bargain, a World Without Nuclear Weapons, whatever happened to Global Warming, excuse me, Climate Change? Whatever happened to the lady who thought Obama would pay for her gas and her rent? Turn on the laugh track. Ha-ha-ha-ha.
    They know its over, deep down. What they are left with is a determination to keep everything they can. And I don’t blame them. A certain desperate survivalism is now in evidence just there on the edge. Trouble is, it’s over for a whole lot of other things too.
    And it’s only just begun.”
    “Murdoch visions as Liberals face end of their world”
    “Ontario Finance Minister Dwight Duncan visited the National Post editorial board last week. The backroom work-over we gave him must have seemed like a real bare-knuckle bruiser of a session, because Mr. Duncan is now firing back with what he obviously thinks is a dandy comeback.
    Speaking to reporters Wednesday, Mr. Duncan said the Post, along with other Ontario newspapers, are part of what he described as an intellectually dishonest, right-wing, Rupert Murdoch, conservative cabal.”

  13. PET Cemetery Report.
    Gathering in the sheaves. Welcome to another left-liberal fantasy.
    Read the MSM’s obituary including this crap:
    “a message to the world that the United States’ neighbour to the north was much more than a hewer of wood and drawer of water.”
    “Canadarm shuttled off into history”
    “As Atlantis touches down today in Florida, bringing an end to the space shuttle program, a little – but proud – piece of Canada will be grounded, too.
    Its official designation is the Shuttle Remote Manipulator System but the world fondly knows it as the Canadarm, the robotic arm that has been such a successful part of the shuttle program the past 30 years.
    The Canadarm flew on most of the program’s 135 missions and functioned flawlessly every time. Pictures of the long, lanky arm – adorned with the government of Canada logo (including tiny maple leaf) – became an icon of the space program and a message to the world that the United States’ neighbour to the north was much more than a hewer of wood and drawer of water.”

  14. Thank you to Canadians Steve McIntyre, Ross McIttrick, Dr. Tim Ball, SDA, et al.
    “What Constitutes a Win?
    As a lone Liberal here at WUWT, it has been a lonely 11+ years for me. But I have been treated with as much respect as I need, and have only been ridiculed once – when someone pointed out that I had used too many All-Caps. I took it like a man. I have never apologized to any fellow Liberals, and have lost a girlfriend of five years, but have made small inroads into a few peoples’ minds about AGW. But most of them thought I was addled in the brain. That was before Climategate. While few of those I talked with had read anything of substance about Climategate, with the main stream media’s shift to a small level of doubt, at least some peoples’ minds have opened up to the possibility that humans are not sizably to blame for whatever warming has existed.
    My aim was never to prove that AGW didn’t exist, even though I was always in the small group that distrusted the adjustments, and do not believe (till shown with solid, replicatable science) that there ever was warming beyond us coming out of the Little Ice Age. I think it is enough to show that the science is too unsettled.”
    “Guest post submitted by Steve Garcia
    (feet2thefire http://feet2thefire.wordpress.com )”
    “Thank the Gods for Climategate”
    “All in all, although we don’t want to jinx it, it might be just about the right time to wave the victory flag. We are certainly in a far different world vis-a-vis global warming than 21 months ago. The climatologists are, to a very large extent, being ignored. Yes, there is an IPCC coming up, and perhaps we should wait until that is over. But I will predict that no matter what hoohah comes out of it, it will not have 50% of the energy of the previous IPCCs, because governments just aren’t listening with baited breath anymore. If there is any place where the mojo counted, it was with governments. But it ain’t there any more.
    Our victory lap is just around the corner. Yes, some people on the street will believe that the climate is changing, but – and this is the important part – then they think, “So what? We have other, more important things to worry about.”
    Chicken Little is dead. Sprinkle the seasoning on and put it on the barbie.
    Thank the Gods for Climategate.”

  15. My comment was caught in the filter so I’ll try it again without the link.
    EBD and black mamba – the comments on the article by Chopra are heavily critical of him, indeed, they are filled with facts and analysis that fling him out the door. Here are two:
    “I really appreciated your comments about how un-dogmatic liberals are. Some notable examples: After years of listening to virulent anti-American comments by Jeremiah Wright, Obama was flexible and realized he should whitewash himself from him. When Obama wan the nomination, Michelle was flexible enough to change and say that for the first time in her life she now is proud of being American. After telling the Israeli Knesset that he supports an undivided Jerusalem, he was flexible to change that belief/promise when talking to Abbas. After promising to be non-partisan before elections, after elections Obama had the flexibility to turn back to some highly partisan behavior. After talking to uphold great principles, in Chicago elections he was flexible enough to knock out the front-runner using technicalities. After promising to be the President of everybody, not white or black, rich or poor, right or left, he is flexible enough to now talk bad about the rich, the tea-partyers, etc. After promising to close Guantanamo because it was an abuse by Bush and his party, he was flexible to keep it open and still talk bad about them. Need I list more? Yours, truly. ”
    And “This bit of self-serving pabulum deserves some benchmarking. What causes the jaw to slacken in disbelief is that there must be lots… millions… of people who actually think like this AND vote.”
    There’s lots more like that; rather uplifting to read them.

  16. via: http://www.ihatethemedia.com
    One hot Saturday afternoon in July an aide to Nancy Pelosi visited the Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.
    He told the Cardinal that Nancy Pelosi would be attending the next day’s Mass and asked if the Cardinal would kindly point out Pelosi to the Congregation and say a few words that would include calling Pelosi a saint.
    “No,” the Cardinal replied. “I don’t really like the woman, and there are issues of conflict with the Catholic Church over certain of Pelosi’s views.”
    Pelosi’s aide then said, “Look, I’ll write a check here and now for a donation of $100,000 to your church if you’ll just tell the congregation you see Pelosi as a saint.”
    The Cardinal thought about it and said, “Well, the church can use the money, so I’ll work your request into tomorrow’s sermon.”
    As Pelosi’s aide promised, Pelosi appeared for the Sunday worship and seated herself prominently at the forward left side of the center aisle.
    At the start of his sermon, the Cardinal pointed out that Speaker Pelosi was present.
    “While Pelosi’s presence is probably an honor to some,” the Cardinal said to the congregation, “the woman is not numbered among my personal favorite personages. Some of her most egregious views are contrary to tenets of the Church, and she tends to flipflop on many other issues. Nancy Pelosi is a petty, self-absorbed hypocrite, a thumb sucker and a nitwit. Nancy Pelosi is also a serial liar, a cheat and a thief. I must say, Nancy Pelosi is the worst example of a Catholic I have ever personally witnessed. She married for money and is using her wealth to lie to the American people. She also has a reputation for shirking her Representative obligations both in Washington and in California. The woman is simply not to be trusted.”
    “But when compared to President Obama,” the Cardinal concluded, “Pelosi is a saint.”

  17. Reuters: 8 people injured in Oslo blast at government offices
    Update at 10:14 a.m. ET: Although the source of the blast is unclear, Al-Jazeera TV notes that Norwegian prosecutors on Tuesday filed a terrorism charge against Mullah Krekar, founder of the Kurdish Islamist group Ansar al-Islam. Mullah Krekar is accused of threatening a former minister, Erna Solberg, with death, Al-Jazeera says.

  18. **Thanks Elwy for all those yrs of fantastic movies & interviews on Saturday Nites, in an age before rental tapes & dvd’s It was the only way to see some of the classic greats**
    Elwy Yost, longtime TV host, dies at 86
    TVOntario, CBC movie programs made him a household name
    Elwy Yost — the witty host of programs such as TVOntario’s iconic Saturday Night at the Movies and the CBC’s afternoon movie show Passport to Adventure — has died of natural causes at 86 at his home in West Vancouver.
    Yost was a lifelong movie aficionado who put an educational twist to the shows he hosted for TVOntario and CBC over a decades-long television career, most notably with Saturday Night at the Movies from 1974-1999 and Passport to Adventure from 1965-1967.
    He died Thursday, surrounded by his wife of 60 years and sons, the family said in a statement.

  19. nv53, well said @ 1:39.
    The Liberal attitude that EBD reminds us of comes out in almost every article that we read in much of the MSM. The Liberal glorification of Trudeau is just a little more subtle than the Lenin mausoleum is.

  20. Shawn, your post at 10:24 reminds me of what our lady tour guide in the Oslo area said last September when I asked her what that pastel blue domed building was that we could see from our higher vantage point on the mountain. She said” That is a mosque, one of seventeen and we are afraid of the future”.
    It appears that she had good reason to be concerned.

  21. EBD, I remember this column like I read it yesterday because I was astonished by the author’s conclusion.
    This was in Mexico some 40 years ago and the journalist quoted a government official that wanted Mexico to have a population of 75 million so they could be their own internal market and hence prosperity would be theirs! The government to reach this goal had banned birth control. We all know how that great plan turned out especially for the US.
    Kaplan truly was just another Liebral idiot.

  22. Follow The Money
    * CERN ‘gags’ physicists in cosmic ray climate experiment *
    * What do these results mean? Not allowed to tell you *
    [ The chief of the world’s leading physics lab at CERN in Geneva has prohibited scientists from drawing conclusions from a major experiment. The CLOUD (“Cosmics Leaving Outdoor Droplets”) experiment examines the role that energetic particles from deep space play in cloud formation. CLOUD uses CERN’s proton synchrotron to examine nucleation.
    CERN Director General Rolf-Dieter Heuer told Welt Online that the scientists should refrain from drawing conclusions from the latest experiment.
    “I have asked the colleagues to present the results clearly, but not to interpret them,” reports veteran science editor Nigel Calder on his blog. Why?
    Because, Heuer says, “That would go immediately into the highly political arena of the climate change debate. One has to make clear that cosmic radiation is only one of many parameters.”]

  23. Probably white middle class terrorists pissed off Obama won the Noble Peace Prize?

  24. Feeding AlMoh’s rejects.
    Canadians’ tax dollars flushed down the Mohammedan sinkhole.
    Leftist MSM refuses to publish the words Mohammedan/Muslim.
    “Feds announce $50M in new famine funding”
    “International Co-operation Minister Bev Oda made this announcement during a four-day visit to Dadaab refugee camps in Kenya, where thousands of East Africans are fleeing severe drought in the region.”

  25. More, please!
    “Kenney says alleged war criminal has been arrested in Alberta”
    “Federal Immigration Minister Jason Kenney says Canadian authorities have arrested an alleged war criminal in Alberta.
    Kenney said in Montreal today that authorities nabbed Cristobal Gonzalez-Ramirez early this morning after a tip from the public.
    The announcement came a day after the federal government released the names of 30 suspected war criminals believed to be living in Canada, including Gonzalez-Ramirez.
    The 44-year-old is from Honduras.
    He disappeared after being ordered out of Canada in 2007.”

  26. O’narcissist rage*.
    Will be on YouTube?
    “Man boy is PISSED NOW!
    Posted on 07/22/2011 3:51:40 PM PDT by Kevin in California
    Anyone watching this pathethic president now?
    He’s IRATE now!”
    From comments:
    Kevin in California
    “I’ve lived for 58 years. In my entire life, I have never seen the President of the United States have a temper tantrum on live nationwide TV.”
    Now I have.”
    *O’narcissistic rage:
    “When these flimsy attempts to patch a tattered personal mythology fail – the narcissist is injured. Narcissistic injury inevitably leads to narcissistic rage and to a terrifying display of unbridled aggression.”

  27. PET Cemetery Report.
    It’s not a coincidence that this has appeared in the MSM late on a Friday.
    “After years of apparent stagnation on the file, the RCMP has set its sights on political officials involved directly in the scandal, which was a priority for the Canadian public after a series of crooked dealings were exposed by the media, the Auditor-General and the Gomery inquiry.”
    Of Our Liberal Party’s “sponsorship scandal”, aka Ad$cam.
    Reporter Daniel LeBlanc broke the first scoop on the Liberal Chretien/MartinJr/Dion, et al, sponsorship scandal which was later dubbed AdScam.
    >>> “Now, a series of ongoing secret negotiations in Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City are paving the way for the Mounties to go after Jacques Corriveau …”.
    “Key figure in sponsorship scandal set to become witness”
    “The RCMP is closing in on its first major Liberal operative after a decade-long probe into the sponsorship program, as it nears cutting a deal with another player in the scandal to become a state witness and testify about millions in alleged political kickbacks, government sources said.
    It is the bookend to a story that, until recently, The Globe and Mail has been prevented from investigating. Only after a winning a lengthy battle at the Supreme Court last year against Groupe Polygone could the newspaper continue to press on in the public interest. Polygone was attempting to force the newspaper to reveal the identity of a key source as part of its defence against a federal lawsuit aimed at recouping money the former Liberal government paid the firm. As part of its ruling, the top court struck down a contentious publication ban preventing The Globe from reporting on negotiations to settle the federal lawsuit.”

  28. I just LOVE Sponsorship stories!! Then theres the one about Jean Carle, at the BDC.
    Send the rats scurrying… to jail.
