The Aftermath of the Riots

The Vancouver Police Department (VPD) is going to start laying charges against hundreds of hooligans who participated in the mayhem, destruction, and theft in the downtown core on June 15th.
Roy Green, who is sitting in for CHQR’s Dave Rutherford today, has invited me and Vancouver Spirit Rally organizer, Amanda Page, onto the show to talk about this. If you’d like to listen to or participate in the discussion, you can listen live here. It’ll begin just after the 11:30am MST (10:30am PST / 1:30pm EST) news.

12 Replies to “The Aftermath of the Riots”

  1. I’m sure a lot of them will lawyer up (financed by their yuppie/wealthy civil servant parents), drag things out, and see the cases dropped by the crown in a year or two. Maybe some of the rioters from poor families will be convicted.

  2. An interview with lots integrity and knowledge, Robert – way to go 🙂

  3. Osumashi Kinyobe
    “What’s taking so bloody long?”
    The mills of the Gods grind slowly….to ensure convictions and to spin the blame away from the politicians and Police.

  4. Incompetence for sure. Gregor Robertson really should take the blame for this one, and resign. This won’t happen, of course. Surprising how slow things happen, and how few charges there are. Time will tell how tough we are on these hoodlums. I am not being optimistic.

  5. I thought that Jim Chu, the (unprepared, incompetent, obviously affirmative-action) Vancouver Police Chief at the time of the riots, had resigned.
    Just after the riots I repeatedly suggested that he should, given the unpreparedness of his police force and the resultant mayhem and property damage, and thought I’d heard that he had resigned.
    ‘Anyone know?

  6. Jim Chu has not resigned.
    As near as I can tell, he has been assigned to administrative duties,where he can do no more harm.

  7. Thanks, wallyj.
    He damned well should have resigned.
    Unfortunately, he can still do a lot of damage in an administrative position, but any damage he does can be hidden more easily than the massive and costly gaffe this clown made when he directed his police officers to “meet and greet” 100,000 hockey fans cruising for a fight with authorities, instead of having them battle-ready, as the situation dictated.
    Incompetent nincompoop.

  8. Administrative duties for police chief = paid vacation.
    As in many Canadian cities …. Civic Governments have been putting persons of Bureaucrat/Politician persuasion into Chief law enforcement roles … whether they came from policing careers or not these individuals are NOT police. Rather, they are careerists who have discovered the way to advancement lies through being politically agressive with their peers and pliable with their masters.
    They do not see themselves as accountable to the public … only to the power brokers in government. Their primary role becomes PR fronts for their political bossess.
    This is the case in Winnipeg, Toronto, The OPP, The RCMP. and obviously Vancouver. How the rest of the municipal forces stack up I cannot say.
    Noting that The QPP and and the Montreal police are seen by some as criminal organizations themselves.

  9. Aaaah but for the good old days of the Red Mile in Calgary where thousands upon thousands rolled out of the Saddledome onto 17th avenue to celebrate. Win or lose it’s just goodhearted people having a goodhearted time.
