Blood on our hands

In addition to reportedly being a staunch opponent of Muslim immigration, Norwegian mass-murderer Anders Behring Breivik was also a “climate denier.”
Okay, you know where this one is going: from a blog post titled “Anders Behring Breivik: The first climate denier mass murderer?“, this gem:

Does this mark the day when climate deniers…moved from waving nooses in people’s faces to actual terrorism, from threatening children to killing children?

Yes. Yes it does. Be afraid. We are as one.

238 Replies to “Blood on our hands”

  1. If there is no Muslim connection – and I say there is one – but if there isn’t then this evil f*(ker is not Norway’s McVeigh, he’s Norway’s Baruch Goldstein.
    He guns down 80 people and he’s taken into custody alive? At least Goldstein had his skull caved in.

  2. Mamba; never believe a thing coming out of a Norwegian newscast. Gro Bruntland Harland? Yea, this little country, ruled by extreme lefties, is so far down the path of social/comunism anything goes to protect the route of decimation by integration. Canada, is ten years behind, I spent 5 months in Norway 30 years ago, the men with balls hated seeing a blonde strolling with a black beard then, it will be worse now. You reap what you sow, Turdo anyone?

  3. Robert Spencer at JihadWatch, who I would reckon is a trustworthy individual, writes on his blog that Fjordman is not, and never has been, the same person as Anders Behring Breivik.
    And Fjordman has been posting on the Gates of Vienna blog during after the events of yesterday. One doubts he would be allowed posting privileges if he were in a police lockup, even in uber-liberal Norway.

  4. They need to make bombs illegal in Norway!
    At the very least make a bomb registry for them, like they did for long guns in Canada at a mere +2 billion and growing.

  5. “blond, blue eyed, white christian, conservative, right wing, climate denier, with anti Islamic sentiments”.
    What, no dissinfranchized youth of no particular ethnic distinction? Gotta love fair and balanced lefty media, no?
    Not to sound like I’m defending this nut, but I do wonder how many other indiginous Europeans are going to snap as they get sqeezed out of thier homelands?
    What point of fact does the left not understand that multiculturalism eventually leads to chaos? John Lennons Strawberry Feilds only exists in thier heads.
    Who knows what this guy’s crazy motivations truly were, but I would hazard a guess by his target victims that it was undoubtedly politically motivated. Maybe a background check would reveal that his sister was a victim of one of Norway’s infomous Muslim gang rapes?

  6. oops,
    It looks like bombs are illegal in Norway. They also have a Liberal gun registry just like we do in Canada. *(All three guns used by the killer were appearently registered to him).
    Guess that means the registry really dosen’t work and we were ripped off billions of dollars by the Liberal Party of Canada, no?

  7. Of course not. It means you can’t be trusted with guns at all.

  8. “blond, blue eyed, white christian, conservative, right wing, climate denier, with anti Islamic sentiments”.
    mason and world of warcraft addict
    Remember Mark Levine this could get ugly, glad Steve has the hot seat.

  9. Nothing to be surprised here. Muslim terrorists and right wing fanatics are 2 sides of the same coin. It is like the Hell Angels and the Rock Machines biker gangs who fight each others yet they are very similar in their thinking and way of acting.
    You know the law of small differences? It is always people who are similar who hate each other and end up using the same methods.

  10. What possible relevance is the shooters opinions on CAGW? By the same logic we should assume that all vegetarians are fans of the final solution to the Jewish problem. Hitler was a vegetarian ergo all vegetarians are Nazis.
    I prefer to think of this guy as the analog of a canary in a mine, or a “Carl Drega” as written about by Vin Suprynowicz. Eventually statist oppression and the contradictions present in a multicultural state become so extreme that some people start to lose it. Unfortunately, in this case, Conservatives are much more competent in carrying out actions against those whom they perceive as enemies. The average moonbat would have no idea how to build a bomb or know which end of the gun is pointed towards the target and probably wouldn’t have the motivation to learn what was necessary.

  11. Add this to the list of identifiers
    Owned a farm
    The guy is an idiot whoo deserves to punished to all extents possible. But the glee with which this will be seized by media will be hard to take.
    O course there will be corresponding desires “to understand”, “Accomodate” or otherwise explain away violence from this guy…and there shouldnt be, it was a disgusting act….just make it consistent.

  12. Something doesn’t make sense here…if he’s a Muslim hating white ‘Christian’ how come he gunned down 90+ other white supposedly Christians and not Muslims? One would think he’d target the group he hates not the one he’s trying to defend. Then again, I’m trying to make rational sense of the irrational.

  13. O course there will be corresponding desires “to understand”, “Accomodate” or otherwise explain away violence from this guy…and there shouldnt be, it was a disgusting act….just make it consistent.
    First, people need to understand that the European political party known as “Christian Conservative” is very different from what Americans define as Christian and conservative. I knew several members of the Christian conservative party through a job…they’re definitely left of center.
    You are way too optimistic. Since the guy was Nordic looking and Christian, I expect no blond person to be able to get through an airport security screening without triple pat-downs and strip searches. Anyone wearing a cross will probably be barred from flights in the future.
    Mark my words: the media will seize on this with glee and use it to reinforce the narrative that’s already been started in the US: that conservatives pose a bigger terrorism threat than the Muslims who’ve committed thousands more acts of terrorism in just the 10 years since 9/11.

  14. Qubecdipperhead has made possibly his first intelligent comment here ever. Yes dipperhead, muslim terrorists bear the same resemblance to normal Muslims as this Norwegian killer bears to me. None.
    But he is virtualy identical to the mooooooslem terrorists in all ways but skin tone. Happy now that somebody came out and stated the obvious?
    This is why I roll my eyes when people get on here and blame religion for terrorism. Its not the religion, its a political tactic used by -a FEW- of the more insane followers of that religion. The Middle East appears to be a more prolific source of insanity, is all.

  15. Too much spin coming up around here.
    Amy P.
    “I knew several members of the Christian conservative party through a job…they’re definitely left of center.”
    He’s been described as a Christian fundamentalist, which means the same thing everywhere around the world. Much like any other (insert religion name) fundamentalist.
    ” Since the guy was Nordic looking and Christian, I expect no blond person to be able to get through an airport security screening without triple pat-downs and strip searches.”
    They’ll do that the moment they start doing the same thing to all dark-skinned folk.
    “Maybe a background check would reveal that his sister was a victim of one of Norway’s infomous Muslim gang rapes?”
    Running out of straws to hold on to? You might as well go pray that it happens, because its as unlikely as you adopting Stalinism tomorrow. The most obvious evidence is the fact that this man did not go and shootup a religious center or a center belonging to those minorities he may have held responsible for whatever happens in your hypothesis. He went and shot up Norwegian youth. Unless they were all a part of this gang activity, I don’t think your wishes will come true.
    ” What point of fact does the left not understand that multiculturalism eventually leads to chaos?”
    Let me get this straight. A Norwegian native (white guy, Christian, whatever) goes and shoots up a bunch of other Norwgian natives (white, Christian, whatever), and its because of multiculturalism? I dont think Norway even has a multicultural policy. It just happens – like all other countries – to have minorities who account for somewhere betwee 2 and 3% of the population. So, I m not understanding the argument here.
    I think the gist of your argument is that he has been driven to do this by lefitst government policies that have made him ‘crack’. Which sounds awfully similar to the justification you hear for Muslim terror (oppression in Palestine, military presence in Saudi etc etc).
    In simple words, you are saying its not the ideology of the murderer that is at fault. Its the external factors that have pushed him to adopt the ideology/ reach breaking point.
    I dont know if I buy that. I dont think anybody does.
    Sounds like you would be better off riding this one out. Your words are betraying a narrow approach and a bitter struggle to fit the event into your own personal model of the world. Problem is, its not happening because your personal model/frame of reference is too weak to accomodate this event. Apparently because it lacks one of the key ingredients of your model – that a certain group from a certain religion are responsible for all evil. That group may well have nothing to do with this.

  16. It’s too difficult for some to distinguish between NAZIs and conservatives. Communists and NAZIs competed for the same leftist arena, differing only in their choice of victims.

  17. Maybe he was a right-wing Christian extremist. This then would be the first terrorist attack by such a person since OK City in 1995. There have been 16,000 terrorist attacks by left-wing Islamist extremists since Sept 11, 2001.

  18. Yeah, well when this happens world wide, every few days over 15 years, with different radical right wing groups waiting to claim responsibility i’l change my opinion.

  19. I’m not buying what liberal media is selling, if the killer were a rightwing christian the socialists media and government would be dragging him through the streets like an animal. What they aren’t telling the public is what scares me.

  20. Doesn’t it suck to be wrongly lumped in with violent psychopaths simply because you happen to share certain political, ideological, or religious similarities?
    Well, now you know how most Muslims feel when they come across the bigoted, over-generalized anti-Muslim rhetoric that’s produced daily on blogs like this one.
    There’s a lesson here, but I expect it will be lost on most.

  21. Glen: There have been 16,000 terrorist attacks by left-wing Islamist .
    nice try but about 99% of islamist movements are right wing oriented.

  22. Right left who cares. The guy is a nut job.I always thought the naziforum was a left [far left] party.

  23. I actually don’t care that much if this guy was a white conservative climate denier and went to church every Sunday like Ozzie and Harriet. Like I said above, his actions mark him as a lunatic with no connection to anything at all. Postal.
    But whatever, Lefties. If it makes you feel better to quail in fear when The Phantom walks by, because I look like that guy, I’m ok with that. It just goes to show how completely full of sh1t you are for calling -me- a racist. Bring on the racial profiling, see how you make out.
    On display here, in as graphic a manner possible, is the utter damnable stupidity of the “gun free zone”, gun registration and gun control generally as public safety policy. It furthermore demonstrates something I’ve been hoping bad guys wouldn’t pick up on, rifles are just SO much more damaging than pistols. Banning pistols is the dumbest thing ever.
    Also goes to show just how friggin’ incredibly inept Muslim terrorists are. Compare this guy to the Pakistani terrorist attack on Mumbai in 2008. They managed 161 casualties in four days, including bombing trains and using full-auto weapons and grenades. This guy’s count is 90 and climbing in a couple of hours.

  24. “Doesn’t it suck to be wrongly lumped in with violent psychopaths… …now you know how most Muslims feel when they come across the bigoted, over-generalized anti-Muslim rhetoric…”
    …and so on.
    And the fact that many muslim organizations immediately took “credit” for the atrocity because it absolutely looked like some insane thing they would normally do isn’t at all significant, is it?
    There’s is another lesson here, but I expect it will be lost on you and yours, Davenport.

  25. Davenport said: “There’s a lesson here, but I expect it will be lost on most.”
    Ya, or not. See my posts above, genius.
    Keep It Simple said: “Apparently because it lacks one of the key ingredients of your model – that a certain group from a certain religion are responsible for all evil. That group may well have nothing to do with this.”
    Yes its true, this mass murder may actually be the first in years that was NOT done by a Muslim extremist terrorist cell/lone gunman.
    Quebecdippiste said: “nice try but about 99% of islamist movements are right wing oriented.”
    Yeah, because imposing Sharia law is like, -central- to the Conservative Party of Canada, and the Republicans, and, like, those Army of St. George guys over in England.
    Dude, you had that one good comment there at 5:48am, but now you went and wrecked it.

  26. I just can’t get over how much the picture of that guy looks like David Duchovny must have looked like in high school…

  27. The terms left and right wing are completely meaningless. Political philosophy is not that simple. Most people do not agree on the meaning of these words. There is absolutly no use in having an argument with someone when you are effectivly speaking different languages.
    Many people refer to communists as left wing and Nazis as right wing. To start with “nazi” is not so much a political philosophy as it was a political party. These are not the same things. In Germany in the twneties and thirties there was effectivly a civil war going on to see who would control the country, the communists, or the nazis. The communists started the canard that the nazis were the polar opposite of themselves in an effort to gain support. You had international socialists fighting national socialists. Personally I don’t see a huge difference. So now, in the 21st century, socialists use the term right wing to describe people who believe in small government and the primacy of the individual over the state. You have to be a F@#$%^& ret%^& to equate that with national socialism, but they keep trying.

  28. Actually … no one should be the least surprised that dopes like Davenport think their snotty scolding tongue wagging and finger pointing is anything more than noise.
    But to the point …. the occurrance of an individual event … does not make any delusional world view any less delusional.
    Greens …. lefties … progressives …. are all still the freeks today that they were yesterday.

  29. They took buddy alive? Wonder if Norway has the death penalty…….Just askin’

  30. We also shouldn’t allow the MSM to lose sight of the fact that jihadist websites also presumed this was a jihadist attack, and expressed glee at the emerging death toll. He may not be one of their guys, but they certainly cheered on his actions.

  31. Is he mentally ill? That’s an important question. If he’s (for example) a paranoid schizophrenic like Jared Lee Loughner, any discussion of polotics or religion is quite useless

  32. “Remember Mark Levine this could get ugly, glad Steve has the hot seat.”
    Umm… that was Mark Lepine, not Levin. Doubtless US radio host Mark Levin might have something to say about that.
    Leftoid idiots such as dhimmiport and slime-trailing alex are in heaven today, trying their hardest to show similarities between this monster and islamic terrorists.
    Nice try, idiots.
    I see no Christian groups rushing forward to take credit for this atrocity, and any christian religion would distance itself from this psycho. Think I’m wrong? Prove me wrong, a-holes: show me the mainstream christian group that countenances this, unlike the hundreds of muzzies who danced for joy at conquaed’a university in the aftermath of 911. Doubtless, davenport and alex are among the leftrash retards who tried to link all legit gun owners to lepine’s massacre, too: more leftist lies.
    Spin and lies, that’s all you have, morons. That tim mcveigh was supposedly “christian”, immediately tars all christians, who are supposed to acknowledge him as one of their own? Screw you, human sludge. To equate the actions of one person – reportedly a christian – with the thousands of murderous acts committed by muslims since 911 in the name of their god and religion typifies your ignorance and hatred of anything that isn’t reeking of leftist dogma. As is your inference that christian teachings encourage followers to kill unbelievers or sinners; I must have missed those homilies when I dozed through Mass. Perhaps in the “Rev” Wright’s “church” you might be referring.
    You are beneath contempt.

  33. Minuteman has it exactly right. Right wing and left are meaningless distinctions.
    Take the BNP in the UK for example. The media brands them as right wing, but they want to nationalize British industry and restrict foreign trade. And when their support jumped in the last few years, they gained most from disaffected Labour voters.
    But they’re right wing because they are racist?

  34. Mal: “And the fact that many muslim organizations immediately took “credit” for the atrocity because it absolutely looked like some insane thing they would normally do isn’t at all significant, is it?”
    It would be, if it were true. In fact, some radical Islamic TERRORIST organizations immediately took credit for the atrocity. Meanwhile, many MUSLIM organizations — Norwegian and otherwise — immediately denounced the act, but you evidently seem uninterested in reading about that.
    Thanks for proving exactly my point, Mal. You’re being very helpful.

  35. Alienated
    “Anybody blame Israel yet?”
    Yesterday in the G&M. Hundreds of them. Speculating on this being a false flag operation.
    Today…crickets. I’m still waiting or QNDP to criticize that type of racism.
    Speaking of which…
    QNDP said
    “Nothing to be surprised here. Muslim terrorists and right wing fanatics are 2 sides of the same coin.”
    I can see it now.
    USA out of Scandinavia! No blondes for oil!

  36. Al right who is the idiot that brought up Marc Lapine? Most folks have no clue that that particular misogynistic, went on a hunting spree to kill himself some women, creep’s name was Gamil Garby and he was raised as a Muslim, NTTIAWWT being Muslim, because there isn’t, but please do not try to use that Ha-hoe as a white right wing christian extremist, because that would make you very wrong and misinformed and wrong, wrong wrong….again.

  37. I’m waiting for Davenport to show me the radical Christian terrorist organization which claimed credit for the attack.
    I expect that particular lesson will be lost on him, as usual.

  38. The Phantom: “Ya, or not. See my posts above, genius.”
    That’s why I said “most”, Phantom.
    Your sentiment that “muslim terrorists bear the same resemblance to normal Muslims as this Norwegian killer bears to me. None.” is spot on. Good on ya. But look how many people here share it. quebecois NDPiste, you, me, maybe a handful of others. Not a whole lot. And usually the response is stuff like mbh calling me”dhimmiport” (as s/he does above) or something equally mature.
    You and I both know the most of the radical Islam-related content (posts and comments) on SDA paints not just the terrorists but all Muslims with the same wide brush. That’s who needs, and as predicted, is mostly missing, the lesson here.

  39. This isn’t the first time this has happened in a Scandinavian country. Anyone remember that lone gunman in Finland who went berserk and went on a shooting rampage a few years back? He too posted videos and other info on a website prior to his killing spree.

  40. In keeping it simple—and stupid—Keep it Simple wrote: “He’s been described as a Christian fundamentalist, which means the same thing everywhere around the world. Much like any other (insert religion name) fundamentalist.”
    Please explain what you mean by such a ridiculous statement as “CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALIST, which MEANS the SAME thing EVERYWHERE around the world” (Emphasis mine). You’ll need to define the terms I’ve put in caps. Once you do, it’ll be clear that you’re talking nonsense.
    Please explain how so-called Christian “fundamentalists”—I’m an observant Christian and go to church every Sunday: does that make me a “fundamentalist”?—is “like any other”. Like Muslim fundamentalists who have murdered tens of thousands of people all over the world?
    You’re keeping it so simple, you’ve moved into nonsense territory. Smarten up—if you can.

  41. Perhaps this is merely the hard left getting a taste of their own medicine. Who knows … the lies are piling up fast.

  42. Too early to tell.
    Norway is a classic case of lefty stupid and has been indoctrinating this in the schools for decades, plus an healthy dollup of unemployed, unassimilated, muslim immigration on social assistance.….These damaged goods are fertile ground for all manner of insanity.
    Sorta like trying to analyse a disturbance in an asylum……
    1…..perhaps the acts of convert/s to the ROP…always the most zealous like reformed smokers…but with bombs…
    2…..perhaps a false flag operation….with a truly obscure motive.
    3…..perhaps a Timothy McVea character or a Charles Manson.
    4…..perhaps just another Loughner.
    I suspect #2 due to the emphasis the media has made about the shooter being Nordic….
    The youth camp was a lefty indoctrination facility….just indicates his motive was not politically leftist….just as likely centre politically as right wing…..
    How can you really understand insanity?
    It seems “Fyordman” has an alibi……and is a guy the left really really hates….

  43. CBC Radio reported this morning that the bomber/shooter is a right-wing FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIAN!
    I don’t think CBC TV would try to pull a stunt like that, but it’s par for the course with CBC Radio which is so far to the Left that it makes their TV look conservative.
    So I guess the Left finally got the contemporary “Timothy McVeigh” they were hoping for in the War on Terror. It was bound to happen sooner or later, and the Left must be beside themselves with joy at the scale of this massacre. Not only did they get a Right-wing nutbar, but a “Fundamentalist Christian” and a “climate denier” to boot. It’s a CBC propaganda dream come true!
    New “evidence” to soon come to light: the bomber/shooter will also have a history of racism, be a misogynist and a homophobe, a harp seal fur salesman, and an anti-abortionist with ties to Big Oil…

  44. They took buddy alive? Wonder if Norway has the death penalty…….Just askin’
    Posted by: abtrapper at July 23, 2011 10:45 AM
    From what I’ve read the longest allowable Jail sentence for any crime in Norway is 21 years.
    So he’ll be back on the streets of Oslo by his 53rd birthday!
