Blood on our hands

In addition to reportedly being a staunch opponent of Muslim immigration, Norwegian mass-murderer Anders Behring Breivik was also a “climate denier.”
Okay, you know where this one is going: from a blog post titled “Anders Behring Breivik: The first climate denier mass murderer?“, this gem:

Does this mark the day when climate deniers…moved from waving nooses in people’s faces to actual terrorism, from threatening children to killing children?

Yes. Yes it does. Be afraid. We are as one.

238 Replies to “Blood on our hands”

  1. The key difference between a ‘Christian’ terrorist and a Muslim terrorist is that the Muslim terrorist act is an act condoned by the Muslim religion. A ‘Christian’ terrorist act is condemned by the Christian religion. I suspect that the killer in this case was politically motivated and not religiously motivated. It is likely that he was a strong anti globalist and felt it necessary to take up arms against an entrenched globalist political party. I’m not sure if there was any element of revenge as was the case with the atheistic terrorist Timothy McVeigh when he bombed the federal building in Oklahoma striking back at the Clinton administration for the murders they perpetrated on the Waco Whacko’s cult.

  2. Ricardo: “CBC Radio reported this morning that the bomber/shooter is a right-wing FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIAN! I don’t think CBC TV would try to pull a stunt like that, but it’s par for the course with CBC Radio which is so far to the Left that it makes their TV look conservative.”
    Sigh. The CBC is describing Breivik as a “fundamentalist Christian” because that’s how Breivik has described himself:

  3. “Umm… that was Mark Lepine, not Levin.”
    Actually, it was Gamil Gharbi. But that name never seems to get much mention.
    (I note that “The Grey Lady” brought up this little inconvenient truth to.)
    On this horrific business in Norway, might I suggest we actually have not yet received enough useful information to make a credible comment?

  4. The Left seems to miss the fact that “Fundamentalist Christian” means that one takes the Bible literally. Unlike the Koran, the Bible succinctly states in the Ten Commandments that “Thou shalt not kill”. In other words if you are a truly a Christian Fundamentalist then you are a pacifist.
    However, most Christians are not fundamentalists and believe that there are exceptional circumstances under which you can kill — e.g. in self defence, and this was obviously not in self defence. So I don’t think this fellow fits either category — Christian OR Fundamentalist Christian. If he is “right-wing” then his ideology is certainly more akin to that of the murderous Islamists and atheistic Marxists, who have no respect for innocent life.

  5. Joe: “…the Muslim terrorist act is an act condoned by the Muslim religion.”
    Sigh. Only if you ask a radical Islamic terrorist or his/her sympathizers.
    “A ‘Christian’ terrorist act is condemned by the Christian religion.”
    Not if you ask a radical Christian terrorist or his/her sympathizers.

  6. Glen @9:19 – “Maybe he was a right-wing Christian extremist”. Well, maybe I’m being too nitpicky here, but McVeigh was not a Christian. Christianity is a religion, not a catch-all for anyone the left consider White trash.
    As for Lepine, it’s better to call him Gharbi, which was his Algerian father’s name.

  7. Cross-posted at BDF:
    Hmmm … “right-wing Christian.”
    We’ll see what his connections are.
    Whatever this nutter’s profile, he’s “Christian” in name only — as Christians don’t, characteristically, blow people and buildings up or open fire on carefree campers. “Christian” would be a very convenient label if someone was intent on throwing investigators off the scent.
    I’m skeptical about the bomber’s tag, and it’s pretty clear he didn’t work alone.
    So, we shall see …
    … this nutter is not a Christian whatever he self-identifies as.
    Psych wards are full of “Christians,” who say they’re Jesus or John the Bapist or St. Paul or Mary Magdelene.
    Just ’cause he says he’s a Christian is no reason to believe him. I wouldn’t trust anyone’s judgment who’s done what he’s done.
    What we do know is that what he did was evil to the nth degree. We’ll see what his connections are and who helped him. I doubt if it will be any of the ladies on the altar guild or who sing in the choir.

  8. The CBC is describing Breivik as a “fundamentalist Christian” because that’s how Breivik has described himself:
    There is nothing fundamentally Christian about what Breivik did.
    Matthew Chapter 18
    1 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
    2 And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,
    3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
    6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a MILLSTONE were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
    10 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.
    That scripture quote above is so fundamental it is in 3 separate Gospels.(Matthew, Mark, Luke)

  9. Ahhh, I see now, Davenport.
    You don’t think that “radical Islamic TERRORIST organizations” are muslim organizations. And, by my not mentioning the muslims that denounced the acts in the same comment about the ones that DID take credit somehow makes the statement “untrue”.
    I get it: NUANCE!
    …and BALANCE!
    This horrific instance involved a white loony. That he wasn’t a muslim does not diminish many muslims’ clear and repeated violence in Western countries and their own.
    Your “not every muslim is a terrorist” diversion isn’t nearly as successful in an argument as you think it might be, D.; your little charade here notwithstanding.

  10. I suppose he observed the successes of muslim terrorism, and decided to fight fire with fire. I wonder if the attack was planned, and funded through a local church? Did his pastor give him the inspiration for his actions? Is the congregation celebrating as we speak?
    There’s a big difference between a plan, and a conspiracy.

  11. He should be set free.
    Right into the crowd of parents who have lost their children, and may God have mercy on his soul.

  12. One guy killed 80 people. Children or not. Somethings smells here. I mean, the first shot would have driven people to at least try to swim away. To kill that many takes time & how could he search the whole Island alone. Nope something is off kilter here.

  13. Is the congregation celebrating as we speak?
    Nobody bring up Palestinians and Egyptians frolicking ecstatically in the streets after 9/11.
    Davenport might sigh again, and tell us we’re missing a lesson.

  14. We try too hard to fit events and people into slots. When someone is crazy, all the labels, even the ones they adopt for themselves, are irrelevant. They may spin a structure of logic into which they can fit their version of reality but they are mad. Or they seek out groups that validate their madness–or the groups seek them out. Some are self-directed acts, as I believe is the case here. Others are organized acts. (The ones flying the planes into the World Trade Center were not the ones who came up with the idea and planned out the logistics.) Madness and terrorism are linked but they are not the same thing.
    For rational people, media et al, to try to impose any sense on these people and their acts, is foolish. At worst, it gives everyone with an agenda an opportunity to assign and spread blame. From there, all sorts of ventures are spawned from laws about guns, to naked scanners in the airports, to vilification of certain groups.
    One of the differences in this situation is that everyone who is accused of being a Christian or holding conservative views (as if that’s a bad thing) or even those dreaded “climate-deniers” will join in the condemning of this person and his acts and will speak out against it. I don’t think anyone will be celebrating in the streets or attempting to portray this man as a hero. It’s shabby and opportunistic to try to advance any agenda on the back of such a tragedy.

  15. To kill that many takes time & how could he search the whole Island alone.
    ~Revnant Dream
    Pictures of the island show it is small but covered about 70% with thick forrest.

  16. The more of this crap I see from the leftards the more Sure I am that there will be …. more ABBs … perhaps the lefty trolls here will have the pleasure of encountering one?

  17. lookout
    fundaMENTAList kristian = my sister in law
    these people translate the bible and it’s teachings literally, and come up with absolutely ridiculous reasoning for things that defy physics

  18. The CBC tried to pull the same stunt with a “documentary” on Vincent Li a few years ago — the schizo who beheaded and cannibalized that young fellow on a Greyhound bus a few years ago. The CBC made a big deal that Li had recently attended Church before he committed the barbarity and had converted to Christianity (and of course we shouldn’t forget what the Left media did recently to Sarah Palin with their feeble attempt to connect her to that massacre and assassination attempt in Arizona).
    It’s simply good old fashioned blood libel — postmodern version.

  19. Keep it Simple >
    “….and it’s because of multiculturalism?”
    Simple, a reasonable guess, the guy went after the government buildings and the youth camp run by the party in power, possibly a camp full of party member children. If his issue was multiculturalism, why would he go after the Muslims and possibly make martyrs? They don’t shut borders and change policy at this stage.
    He went after the enablers and facilitators of Muslim immigration. He made them pay with their children.

  20. How could this guy be a Christian? What he did goes against all scripture.
    Chistian tradition, or even common humanity.
    The only thing Christian connected about him, would be him being considered demon possessed.
    I figure we still don’t know squat about this. Like FT. Hood its being obscured by a government press.

  21. Knight, that’s what I belive as well. How can anyone kill children in cold blood to make a political statement?? I’m sure he’s told the police why he did it, be nice if the socialists told the rest of the world why he butchered innocents.

  22. Joe @ 11:54, ricardo @ 12:01, Oz @ 12:08, exactly.
    The attempt to denigrate all of Christianity with the example of someone who is anything but a Christian is a flagrant lie and is agenda driven.
    “Sigh. Only if you ask a radical Islamic terrorist or his/her sympathizers.” Try reading the Koran and it quite clearly advocates the killing of infidels.
    Moderate Muslims are going against the prophet’s teachings to subjugate the world with the sword by not doing so and radical “Christians” such as this fellow, if in fact he bills himself as such, are going against the teachings of the New Testament by committing acts such as this.
    At last count, the terrorist acts by radical Muslims is about 16,000 and the terrorist acts by non-Muslims is 2. The attempt to create a moral equivalency is disingenuous and an attempt to create a smokescreen.

  23. Trolls>
    Some very good comments by the conservative commenter’s here, even a few decent ones by the lefty trolls for a change who came out in full drag to roll in the feces’ of this tragedy.
    The point I’ve made is that this guy if “accurately described” by the left wing media is indeed a nationalist, Muslim hating, nut job then you are going to see much more of this sort of violent backlash at “the system” as immigration pushes out the indigenous cultures of Europe. This violence has been predicted for years, and proof positive that multiculturalism eventually leads to chaos, regardless of who is facilitating it.
    As for the comments about banning guns, you will never stop the ability of people to create mass destruction or their access to guns, bombs, matches or fertilizer anymore than you can stop the drugs plaguing our society. If you want to avoid culture violence then you need to separate the cultures.

  24. I would be curious to see what his beliefs were growing up and if they have recently changed.
    Perhaps he woke up one day and realized that all of the far left radical eurotripe that his state has educated him with is a lie.
    You can only ask people to pound the square peg of modern liberalism into the round hole of reality for so long before they realize they are being asked to believe in and carry out lies that are leading to their own destruction.
    Having been indoctrinated in a far left socialist system, when he realized it all was a lie, he lashed out as leftist radicals usually do – with violence against their fellow man, as opposed to how a person raised as a self sufficient, God fearing Christian might react.
    Perhaps his actions are more about the rejection of a failed ideology than the embracing of another.
    Plus he was crazy.

  25. Doesn’t it suck to be wrongly lumped in with violent psychopaths simply because you happen to share certain political, ideological, or religious similarities?” — davenport.
    Sorry to disappoint you, davenport, but it doesn’t suck at all, because from the moment the identity of this psychopath was revealed it was entirely predictable — expected — that “progressives” would almost pruriently take this statistically insignificant, one-off instance and laughably posit it as being equivalent to the never-ending litany of massacres perpetrated in the name of Islam.
    One of my local shop keepers, who is a great and affable guy, is Muslim. I don’t “lump him in” with those who perpetrate suicide bombings and massacres, but the sad fact remains — a fact that he has regretfully admitted (and HE brought it up) — that there is a *staggering* amount of anti-woman, anti-Jewish, anti-Hindu, anti-non-Muslim violence perpetrated in the name of Islam. Now, if five percent of conservatives and Christians worldwide supported the sort of mass killings and bombings that are regular occurrences (in the ME, in Pakistan, in Bali, in Southern Thailand, etc. and that have occurred in train/tube stations in London, Spain, and at the WTC in New York, etc. etc), and if this five percent went to the same churches as other Christians, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to “lump in” the 95 percent with the five percent. But when anyone attempts to “lump in” Christians/conservatives/”climate deniers” with one nutbar whose actions are neither taught in any Christian schools or in churches, nor tacitly supported by Christians or conservatives or “climate deniers”, it simply shows the desperation and unreason of those who would attempt to do so.
    It doesn’t “suck” to be “lumped in” with the psychopath in Oslo, it’s laughable by virtue of being self-evidently ludicrous.

  26. Shall we watch the Reichstag burn?
    Everything is going to be tossed in an effort to make things stick.
    ANd Who was it again that made videos depicting the murder of children for not believeing in global warming?
    The left and the Globull warming cult.
    I say They are accountable for planting the thoughts in impressionable people’s minds.
    I guess they need to employ their desire to censor at themselves.

  27. Yep, it’s ludicrous to suggest that sda readers are generally far right Christians with a deep hate of Muslims, immigration, socialism, and multi-culturalism. Clearly there’s no comparison at all!

  28. Seriously? Your response to 80+ dead children by a right-wing killer is… to get mad at leftists? That’s really sick and deranged.

  29. One difference is that sda readers aren’t dancing around handing out candy in the streets today.

  30. Curious (1:31), thanks for noting and addressing the ludicrously dumb and desperate statement that was intended to be the subject matter of this post:
    Does this mark the day when climate deniers…moved from waving nooses in people’s faces to actual terrorism, from threatening children to killing children?
    As you point out, the personalized political threats (e.g. “No Pressure”) have been coming entirely from the collectivist-minded people within the AGW-promoting community.

  31. Alex
    “Yep, it’s ludicrous to suggest that sda readers are generally far right Christians with a deep hate of Muslims, immigration, socialism, and multi-culturalism. Clearly there’s no comparison at all!”
    I don’t hate Muslims, immigration, etc. and I’m an SDA reader. You’re also an SDA reader and this doesn’t apply to you. Shall I name more? There are plenty.
    You attempt to stereotype is failing…again.

  32. Posted by: alex at July 23, 2011 1:32 PM:
    “Yep, it’s ludicrous to suggest that sda readers are generally far right Christians with a deep hate of Muslims, immigration, socialism, and multi-culturalism” (sarc on?)
    Au contraire, mon frere! For example, I think many of us can be quite pithy — for example the recent CBSA arrest of that Honduran illegal immigrant “war criminal”: Cristobal Gonzalez Ramirez.
    I’m having trouble with that “war criminal” designation. Firstly, the last time Honduras was at war was in 1969 – the infamous “soccer war” with El Salvador. Cristobal Gonzalez Ramirez would have been 3 years old at the time.
    Maybe it is referring to a “crime against humanity” instead, under one of Honduras’ military regimes. But that is problematic too – Honduras was democratized in the late ‘70’s and the military came under the control of the civilian government – the fellow would have been about 13 years old at the time. Although it took a number of years for the Honduran government to effectively wrest control from some of its Generals, by the time this man was an adult the Military was pretty much under the control of the civilian democratic government. Peace was taking root everywhere in the region — the revolutionary and counter-revolutionary civil wars in neighbouring El Salvador and Nicaragua were over by 1991.
    I wish the CBSA would provide information why they think a Honduran could be a war criminal. Which war? CGR may be an illegal immigrant and should be kicked out of Canada for that reason. But “war criminal” smells fishy to me.
    I could be wrong but it sounds like the Left in our Canadian diplomatic corps may be at it again — condemning former members of the Honduran Military because Honduras is the only country in the region that has resisted the pressure to get on board with Hugo Chavez’s “Bolivarian Revolution” (which is also supported by Obama).

  33. I know the trolls who have never spent a moment in critical thought in their lives are rubbing their hands with glee that a blond man is responsible for the deaths of 91 people similar in appearance to he (though, I dare say, not in demeanor) but he is an anomaly, not a rule of thumb. Why wouldn’t any person who has ever read a newspaper NOT assume the attack was the work of Islamists? The frequency, the presence, the motives, even one of the means fit a pattern seen time and time again.
    Wag your fingers in that patronising way all you want but at least normal people aren’t on their knees to the usual suspects whose idea of a good time is bombing stuff, blaming Israel and beating women.

  34. alex >
    You’re an SDA reader.
    “deep hate”? A little presumptuous perhaps? A little more like people aware of the violent dangers of all of the adjectives you attributed to “SDA readers” with overwhelming historical precedents to draw conclusions from.
    Knowing the dangers to your culture and lifestyle and reacting to protect them is not at all like reaching out to foreign nations and cultures and trying to supplant them. Islam hates everyone who is not Muslim, while the left hates their own culture, national identity and anything else that identifies them as not perverse or sane.
    Conservatives by definition strive to maintain the status quo with what works for them and breeds success. The left rides on their coattails like parasites trying to either drag everyone back to the stone age because they are insane, or to facilitate some dreamy fantasy of a world love feast when all evidence proves that to be impossible.
    You cannot seem to rationalize the truth behind those statements, but that’s ok. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

  35. The accused is an organic farmer. Why isn’t that on the news? ‘Cause it’s irrelevant? Maybe.

  36. Kyla – I was just about to post that I don’t know of any “right-wing extremists” who are organic farmers when you beat me to it. I live in a hotbed of organic farming and none of the farmers are even centrist in their views, certainly not “right wing”.

  37. Kyla (The accused is an organic farmer. Why isn’t that on the news? ‘Cause it’s irrelevant? Maybe.)
    I had picked up on that too. Of the several attributes that seem to be causing much comment, that one doesn’t turn up–except incidentally.

  38. Expect Al Gore and David Suzuki to come out of hiding now that this guy has been labelled a climate troofer.

  39. Lets compare and contrast organize Muslim Wacko’s to organized Christian Wacko’s:
    Organized Muslim Wacko’s fly planes into buildings, bomb trains, bomb planes and shoot up airports.
    Organized Christian Wacko’s protest at funerals for dead US soldiers and burn a Koran or two.
    Yep I see the vast similarity there. I guess I’ll just wait for the next message from the Christian version of Osama Bin Laden about what the Christian version of Al Qeda is going to do next.

  40. max:
    “One difference is that sda readers aren’t dancing around handing out candy in the streets today.”
    That’s true – they’re just making excuses for the guy.
    “You’re an SDA reader.”
    Dictionaries. Use them. If you did, you’d know what the word “generally” means.

  41. @boballab:
    This is a story about a right-wing Christian who murdered 92 children by himself. Norway has rightfully compared him to another right-wing Christian who killed 140 some folks in Oklahoma. The people on this website who are using this story to stir up or vent anger at Muslims or leftists have completely lost touch with reality. I’m truly gobsmacked at the delusions that go unchallenged here.

  42. If he was an organic farmer why did he have a permit to buy 34 0 0. The two don’t go together.

  43. Oh look. Crazy Pam doesn’t understand how facebook works. Big surprise. Next she’ll be demanding to see the long-form version.
