Blood on our hands

In addition to reportedly being a staunch opponent of Muslim immigration, Norwegian mass-murderer Anders Behring Breivik was also a “climate denier.”
Okay, you know where this one is going: from a blog post titled “Anders Behring Breivik: The first climate denier mass murderer?“, this gem:

Does this mark the day when climate deniers…moved from waving nooses in people’s faces to actual terrorism, from threatening children to killing children?

Yes. Yes it does. Be afraid. We are as one.

238 Replies to “Blood on our hands”

  1. “If he was an organic farmer why did he have a permit to buy 34 0 0”
    Farmers (organic or otherwise) need permits to buy fertilizer in Norway? Since when? And either way, why would they discriminate?

  2. “Oh look. Crazy Pam doesn’t understand how facebook works”
    I don’t either Alex ’cause I’ve never used it. So why don’t you explain it to me — I’ll humbly retract if I’m wrong…

  3. Alex
    “That’s true – they’re just making excuses for the guy.”
    No “they” aren’t. You’re making sweeping generalizatin again. Ironic given that your’re complaining about sweeping generalizations, too.
    You’re not going to go postal or anything are you? You sound like this nut…blaming others for the actions of a few.

  4. G Betts
    Do you even know what Christians are? Obviously not. Read the NT or Old for that matter.
    Find out instead of rewlying on Hollywood as you guide.
    Besides we don’t know if that was added latter because his Norweigen facebook page says nothing about being a Christian. Who’s jumping the gun now? Besides this animal does not cancel the thousands of bombings by the Islamists or the murders World wide of real Christians, hindus or Buddists for that matter.
    Any True follower of the Nazarine would condenm this. A well, Evangicals & Catholics are anti- freemasonery. Which again shows your own bigotry, if not massive ignorance. Just another gay with a nose bleed about Jesus.

  5. @ Revnant Dream:
    Your comment makes no sense. The anger vented at Muslims and leftists on this website following a murderous rampage by a right-wing Christian is completely illogical. It’s as if there was a giant fire and you are complaining about the snow. There was a fire; it was a tragedy. Mumble some recognition of the dangers of ideology in the world and try and developed a more complicated, less black and white (more like black versus white) mentality. Apologizing for this guy, or trying to use this tragedy to target Muslims or leftists is sick.

  6. Alex >
    “…they’re just making excuses for the guy”.
    No excuses, simply sorting through possible even likely explanations. This is why forensics sorts through accident scenes, to find answers to avoid repeats by knowing the root cause.
    One characteristic problem with the left is that they reject truth as a defence and routinely alter evidence to manufacture truth as they wish to see it.
    I maintain that this guy was likely what the lefty media/ bloggers are trying to portray, a nationalist, anti Muslim, nutjob. The inconvenient truth and unwitting characterization of this idiot for the left is that it exposes the coming violence in their multicultural policies that will source from not only from Muslim extremists, but also nationalist extremists that feel they have nothing left to lose.
    Time will tell, providing the Socialist Norwegian government allows the truth to be known. I suspect they won’t resulting in many more violent atrocities as east meets west and Islam pushes indigenous Europeans out of their homelands.

  7. Thanks, ricardo @ 2:37 PM, for the link to Atlas Shrugs where the question is asked re the Norway killer’s Facebook page: “Who Added ‘Christian’ and ‘Conservative’ to Norway Shooter’s Facebook Page Yesterday?”
    While the leftist and Islamic supremacist ghouls rush to portray Norway mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik as a Christian and even as an anti-jihadist, the unanswered questions multiply. Why did a jihad group take credit for the atrocities, and then retract? And who altered the murderer’s Facebook page? Yesterday, at the time that his name was released, his Facebook page looked like this (hat tip Vivien for the screenshot):

  8. 80 people killed? How long would an act like that take to accomplish? Nobody tried to grab a rock or stick and take buddy out Viking style?
    I realize that it is the human condition to save yourself but you would think someone might have tried. Perhaps some did.

  9. abtrapper >
    “Nobody tried to grab a rock or stick and take buddy out Viking style?”
    Yea, too bad no one was allowed to legally carry a gun of their own. Of course too much liberal red tape to jump through to bother for most.

  10. “Why did a jihad group take credit for the atrocities, and then retract?”
    That’s an especially interesting question — I don’t ever recall a retraction before, even if the claim for responsibility was dubious in the first place. Plus I think the expert who was following the tweets from the Jihadists (I can’t recall his name — it was on SUN news) was following it in Arabic or one of the Mid-East languages and translating. It wasn’t orginally meant for English consumption.
    Lots of unanswered questions indeed.

  11. “No excuses, simply sorting through possible even likely explanations.

    it exposes the coming violence in their multicultural policies that will source from not only from Muslim extremists, but also nationalist extremists that feel they have nothing left to lose. ”
    Yep, no excuses. None at all.

  12. A white, blonde-haired Norwegian (aren’t they all?) has gone on a rampage and tragically murdered over 90 people: Why don’t we just blame all Norwegians for this tragedy?
    Like you, ricardo, I’d like Alex to enlighten us as to how Facebook works and prove that his Facebook page wasn’t/couldn’t have been altered by a third party.
    We’re waiting, Alex.

  13. “80 people killed? How long would an act like that take to accomplish?”
    No real data yet, but if the reports of people trying to swim for it are accurate he could have had plenty of time to stand on the shore and pick them off one by one. Wouldn’t take long at all.

  14. ricardo@2:54 Because an organic farmer can’t and wouldn’t use cem. fertilizer. If he did he is not organic. No organic farmer will ever have a permit to buy 34 0 0.

  15. Alex “excuses” = Logical explanation.
    Unfortunate it doesn’t fit your world view of fanged Christians hiding under your bed with a gun or two, but that’s life.

  16. G Betts
    Whats illogical? Almost every Bombing in the World is Jihad inspired. Do you forget India last week so fast? As its coming out, he did’t even add on his Norweigen blog that he was a Christian or Conservative. Besides anyone can say that. Where’s his Church? Where are statements from people who knew him? As per usual the left cares not a wit for facts. If you remember the Jihadists first claimed this as their own, than denied it.
    Its to early to know whats really behind this. Knight 99 is right, even if this guy hated Muslims, he went after fellow Norweigens. It was not a Mosque bombed yesterday. Not one Muslim dead.
    Childen though where fair game
    People only got mad yeaterday when Islamists said they owned this, & their blogs trumpeted the slaughter.
    Go live in Saudi Arabia & see how long you survive. By the way I’m not appologizing for a child killer at all. I like everyone else wants to know the real facts not the usual lefty manufactured ones like in the FT. Hood tradgady.
    his story hasen’t even begun to be told. As for the killer or killers. Hanging is too kind.

  17. G.Betts, You are deluded if you believe that the Oklahoma bombing was committed by a Christian because Tim McVeigh was an avowed atheist who ‘hated’ Christians. The “Tim McVeigh was a Christian” lie is pure evil.

  18. batb at July 23, 2011 3:27 PM:
    “I’d like Alex to enlighten us as to how Facebook works and prove that his Facebook page wasn’t/couldn’t have been altered by a third party.”
    It can be done easily — I had two different Web accounts fraudulently opened in my name last month because someone discovered my private E-mail address (I had to “counter-hijack” them in order to close them). If someone knew the guy’s private Email they could easily open an alternate facebook page in English in his name and simply copy and paste his photo. I’m not saying that’s how it happened, but there are all kinds of ways…

  19. The Norway killer’s Facebook home page reveals that his taste in TV ran to Dexter and True Blood, which would indicate a fixation on blood, murder, and mayhem. He likes the video series Warcraft: Warcraft I: Orcs & Humans, Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion pack, The Frozen Throne, and World of Warcraft.
    These dark tastes, which involve violence, blood, murder, and chaos don’t fit with the profile of a Christian or conservative. I know lots of Christians and lots of conservatives and don’t know anyone who watches Dexter, True Blood or who plays Warcraft video games.
    I don’t know a lot of “fundamentalist Christians,” but I can tell you, they’d have no truck with Dexter, True Blood (which deals with vampires), or Warcraft. I suspect that a Christian fundamentalist would advise censoring and/or burning them …

  20. “Alex “excuses” = Logical explanation.”
    Negative. The problem here is that, in that teeny little cranium of yours, “she got raped because she was dressed like a slut” is a “logical explanation”, whereas to the rational world it’s an excuse for the actions of the rapist. I don’t expect you to understand this, but you really should stop saying that your knee-jerk support for any anti-Islam fanatics is in any way based on logic or reason. Making excuses for him makes you look disgusting; pretending that you’re being logical makes you look silly. Of the two, you should probably go with the former.

  21. Timothy McVeigh, of course, was not a Christian. By which I mean, not that I don’t think he acted like a Christian, but that he did not consider himself or describe himself as such.
    We know precisely nothing about Killer Norman’s religion. He is presumably not a fundamentalist Christian, since fundamentalist churches generally do not allow members to become freemasons; but we shall have to wait and see.

  22. a@c at July 23, 2011 3:29 PM:
    “Because an organic farmer can’t and wouldn’t use cem. fertilizer. If he did he is not organic.”
    That’s a ridiculous explanation. Do you think a terrorist mass murderer is going to worry about environmental issues if he has already decided to blow a bunch of people and buildings to smithereens? Did the “organic” pipeline saboteurs in Alberta worry about how the damaged pipes would destroy the environment?
    I suppose he would have made sure to turn his composter and flush his water-conservation toilet on his way to the rampage too.

  23. “The anger vented at Muslims and leftists on this website following a murderous rampage by a right-wing Christian is completely illogical.” — G Betts
    I can’t speak for others, but my anger, such as it is, is directed at
    a) the dumb, vexing, eye-crossing, almost prurient irrationality of news organizations who typically, and as a matter of apparent editorial policy, bury the salient detail of an Islamist’s religious beliefs in stories about yet another terrorist attack, but in the case of this *completely* anomalous event make the killer’s putative conservatism/Christianity the most salient fact — the headline, in some cases — of the story, and
    b) those who attempt to draw some sort of equivalence between a one-off event involving a Christian conservative (who obviously wasn’t following the collective beliefs of either Christianity or conservatism) and the ongoing violence around the world that’s perpetrated in the name of Islam. The same people who decry any connecting of Islamist violence with Islam are now excitedly saying, in effect, “aha! A conservative Christian! See?”
    If Christian conservatives had committed 16,000 acts of terrorism across the globe since 9/11, including the targeted mass murder of innocents, and if they did so based on Christian scripture or conservative ideals, an attempt to draw an equivalence would be valid. It’s not valid, though, obviously — it’s self-evidently irrational — and it’s this sheer irrationality that makes a lot of people rightly pissed.

  24. G Betts
    “Mumble some recognition of the dangers of ideology in the world and try and developed a more complicated, less black and white (more like black versus white) mentality. ”
    That’s some rather good advice. Why don’t you take it?
    “The anger vented at Muslims and leftists on this website following a murderous rampage by a right-wing Christian is completely illogical.”
    Are you so sure he was a right-wing Christian? To what degree and definition? How is that at all relevant? And shouldn’t you also temper your accusation/characterization about “anger” and the degree to which it was “vented at Muslims” as opposed to radicals, etc.

  25. McVeigh declared that he was an avowed atheist/anti-Christian. I won’t be surprised when the Norwegian nutbar makes a similar declaration. Not that it will be widely reported in the media or that the atheists amongst us will admit it mind you.

  26. I smell a “Jared Loughner” in the making. In the end it turned out that he wasn’t conservative, much less a “Christian” who would be inspired by Sarah Palin. It turned out that Loughner was an atheist, and a disenchanted Democrat to boot!

  27. As a mason he can’t be an atheist. Belief in a supreme being is the foremost membership requirement.

  28. I’d gladly admit he’s an atheist, if it turns out to be the case. Unlike christianity, atheism cannot motivate murder, so why would any atheist care if it turns out this guy didn’t believe in magical fairy tales, either?

  29. Joseph Stalin – Atheist/mass murderer
    Mao Zedong – Atheist/mass murderer
    Pol Pot – Atheist/mass murderer
    Shall we go on Alex?
    Why were they mass murderers? Because they were trying to bring about an atheist utopia.

  30. “Why were they mass murderers? Because they were trying to bring about an atheist utopia. ”
    Lol. You really live in your own little world, don’t you? 🙂
    I’ll give $500 to the next person who can find a justification for murder in the phrase “I do not believe in god”.
    Go ahead. I’ll wait.

  31. Alex at July 23, 2011 4:14 PM:
    “Unlike christianity, atheism cannot motivate murder”
    You’re absolutely right Alex. That’s why atheists don’t call human abortion “murder” either (although many of them would call it murder if you aborted seal fetuses). They simply euphemize the murder of humans fetuses or deny it completely, much the same way North Korea denies the existence of crime and poverty within its Communist atheist dystopia.
    (Caveat: not all atheists think like you though Alex — some of them have consciences)

  32. And the same applies to finding justification for murder in the phrase “I believe in God”.

  33. Troll-lex said: “Yep, it’s ludicrous to suggest that sda readers are generally far right Christians with a deep hate of Muslims, immigration, socialism, and multi-culturalism. Clearly there’s no comparison at all!”
    This thread isn’t about the murders, or the murderer either. This thread is about the blog post waaaaay up at the tippy top. Maybe if you read it, you’ll be able to make a cogent comment on the subject at hand.
    If you pull your head out of your @ss, maybe. Otherwise it’ll just be the same boilerplate you always come up with.
    Perhaps you should consider the paroxysm in the Leftosphere today, trying to pin the first mass murder since McVeigh that wasn’t Islamic terrorism on Conservative Christians. Is that the kind of thing one would expect from people as fair and balanced as the Left professes to be? Or is that more the response of a bunch of hate-filled partisans?
    Back under your bridge now.

  34. Kyla was the first to mention that the shooter was an organic farmer which raises the interesting question; why was he using ammonium nitrate? In organic farming, that would be a big no-no.
    For the size of the bang he got in Oslo, ANFO is the most practical explosive to use. If he had access to dynamite or TNT then they would be better but we’re talking huge quantities. If it was acetone peroxide, then he’d have to be the luckiest man alive or a damn careful chemist. There’s a couple of quite exotic explosives he could have used but I’ll assume ANFO for now.
    What’s clear is that this guy was after Norway’s ruling party. The car bomb was set off in an area of government buildings and the group of kids on the island were likely being groomed as future socialist overlords of Norway. I suspect that he acted totally alone and everything he did was well within the realm of possibility of a single motivated individual. It’s curious how the conspiracy theories suddenly start to pour out at times like these as anything really bad that happens has to be the result of a shadowy evil cabal.
    What will be interesting to see is how the political weltanschauung of the 500 or so survivors from the island will change in the future. It sounds like they were typical moonbats with people even coming up to the shooter to “reason with him” and promptly got shot. When a stranger appears in ones midst shooting people, the best response is to either attack or run and hide. Reasoning with the unreasonable is not conducive to survival. Maybe that was the shooters plan as I suspect a good number of the survivors will see the folly in the politics of appeasement.
    It’s interesting that 21 years is the maximum sentence once can get in Norway. Maybe the shooter figured that his adjustment of Norway’s political landscape would result in a society he’d have less difficulty living in after a couple of decades.
    What will be interesting to see is how the world reacts and I suspect that this act will be followed by increasing statist repression which only increases the chances of something like this happening again (that’s beyond the Werther effect phase which is most likely in the next month or two).

  35. Alex
    I’m an atheist and even I found your statement
    “Unlike christianity, atheism cannot motivate murder”
    to be beyond silly. Any belief, creed, ideology, taken to an extreme can be homicidal, even genocidal.
    The ones I fear most are those beliefs held by people who think they are above having beliefs that could lead to homicide. You are really frightening me, now.
    The road to hell…

  36. Purely speculation but human nature seems to require a code of some sort to follow – religion, gangs, science, etc. Atheism may not be a motivator itself but, since nature abhors a vacuum, atheists can get sucked into other ideologies that are extreme – ELF, Weather Underground and so forth .

  37. Trollex said: “I’ll give $500 to the next person who can find a justification for murder in the phrase “I do not believe in god”.
    “I do not believe in God, so there’s absolutely no reason for me not to kill anybody who torques me off.”
    Pay up, Trollex.

  38. loki at July 23, 2011 4:40 PM:
    “…typical moonbats with people even coming up to the shooter to “reason with him” and promptly got shot.”
    Exactly, and we have the Hollywood Commie media to blame for that. TV always portrays people with loaded guns pointed at each other getting into philosophical discussions, like a couple of buddies playing a slow friendly game of chess. But reality is if you can’t think of a rapidfire way to disarm, disable or kill the perpetrator, you run for cover.

  39. @EBT
    You people are truly astounding.
    McVeigh: I was raised Catholic. I was confirmed Catholic (received the sacrament of confirmation). Through my military years, I sort of lost touch with the religion. I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs.

  40. Joe and ricardo, thank you. You beat me to the discussing the atheistic world joy bringers. The only thing I can add is that the two great uncles of mine that died in labour camps were Protestant church ministers and were sent to the camps courtesy of uncle Joe because they would not renounce their faith. Furthermore the son-in-law of one them was a teacher and refused to join the Komsomol youth and to teach atheism in the school and he paid for his transgression with torture and a bullet.

  41. The socialists have been losing election after election in Europe, this attack comes at a very convenient time in their utopian history. According to several blogs his face book page changed yesterday to add Conservative Christian kind of an odd thing to do whilst commencing a blood bath. I have not a modicum of doubt Europe will use this slaughter to justify shutting down free speech and the ongoing debate about Multiculturalims. One man kills and they’ll go after the right like loons.

  42. h2o273kk9 said “Any belief, creed, ideology, taken to an extreme can be homicidal, even genocidal”. Exactly, you nailed it.
    McVeigh and this Norwegian fellow did not practice their so called faith, if they in fact had one.
