Blood on our hands

In addition to reportedly being a staunch opponent of Muslim immigration, Norwegian mass-murderer Anders Behring Breivik was also a “climate denier.”
Okay, you know where this one is going: from a blog post titled “Anders Behring Breivik: The first climate denier mass murderer?“, this gem:

Does this mark the day when climate deniers…moved from waving nooses in people’s faces to actual terrorism, from threatening children to killing children?

Yes. Yes it does. Be afraid. We are as one.

238 Replies to “Blood on our hands”

  1. @ G Betts
    You are amazing, your quote supports EBD. Did you happen to skip over the part where he stated:
    and if he really kept in touch with the “core beliefs” of Christianity he would never had done what he did. You see the “core beliefs” started with a short 10 item list. You might have heard of it, it’s called the Ten Commandants and one of them states:
    You shall not murder and for Catholics it was stated as You shall not Kill.
    Now explain how someone that “Lost Touch” with his childhood religion was able to keep to their “Core beliefs” by killing those people in OKC?

  2. Well said – The Phantom at July 23, 2011 4:39 PM
    What makes this typically outrageous by the left is the demonization of “white, Christian, nationalist, climate deniers” who play video games and own guns. Whether any of the characterizations are proven true or not.
    I’m waiting to hear the MSM weepy violin stories about how repressed this guy was, baby pictures and sad family struggle like they do with every Kadar and Muslim mass murderer ever caught. No sad empathetic stories? What happened?
    Overlooked not because he was simply crazy but a white, “possibly a Christian conservative” male who hated Muslims.
    The story is about the lefts demonized characterization of all of the above, with no proof or justification, just the desire to prove thier racism and bigoted stereotyping skills.

  3. I repeat, McVeigh was not a Christian. He didn’t claim to be one. The opposite.

  4. “I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs.” Such as ‘thou shalt not kill’ kinda core beliefs?
    McVeigh made several statements about his beliefs ranging from above ‘lapsed Catholic’ to rabid atheist. By his actions I would say that his own description of libertarian agnostic best fit his belief system.

  5. For all the Christian bashers you might want to peruse what is reported in the British Telegraph newspaper. It seems this individual left his church two years ago:
    “But more recently, he had expressed his disgust at his own church. “Today’s Protestant church is a joke,” he wrote in an online posting in 2009.
    “Priests in jeans who march for Palestine and churches that look like minimalist shopping centres.”

  6. What Christian or conservative lists on their Facebook page Dexter and True Blood as favourite TV shows or plays the video game Warcraft?
    All of them dwell on violence, blood, and chaos, none of them preoccupations of Christians or conservatives.
    There’s something that stinks here.
    If “Christian fundamentalist” are going to be targeted because of this blonde, blue-eyed Norwegian psycho’s blood bath, why not blame all Norwegians for this carnage?
    My heart and prayers go out to all of the families who have lost loved ones.
    This man’s rampage is horrendous.

  7. batb,
    “…why not blame all Norwegians for this carnage?”
    or perhaps the political class in Norway should be asking itself.
    “Why do they hate us?”
    Isn’t that what the Anglosphere is told by those holding a certain twisted philosophy when this type of tragedy caused by Muslim radicals occurs.

  8. h2o273kk9:
    “I’m an atheist and even I found your statement … to be beyond silly. Any belief, creed, ideology, taken to an extreme can be homicidal, even genocidal.”
    Garbage. Atheism is not a belief – it is the rejection of a belief. Actions are based on beliefs and desires, not on the lack of them.
    LC Bennett:
    “Atheism may not be a motivator itself”
    Exactly, thank you.
    “but, since nature abhors a vacuum, atheists can get sucked into other ideologies that are extreme”
    Then those ideologies would be the cause, and NOT atheism. As for the “vacuum” nonsense – are you honestly suggesting that people can only have one crazy belief? That no christians are communists? That no muslims are conspiracy theorists? “Vacuum” has nothing to do with it – rejecting one crazy belief (religion) doesn’t mean you’re more likely to have other crazy beliefs. It just means you have one less crazy belief.
    “I do not believe in God, so there’s absolutely no reason for me not to kill anybody who torques me off.”
    This is retarded, even for you. Read what Benett wrote.
    Any other contenders? The $500 is still on the table. Surely one of you can make a serious attempt.

  9. h2o273kk9: ” … the political class in Norway should be asking itself, ‘Why do they hate us?’
    Did they have it coming to them, like the Leftards say about the Americans after 9/11?
    ‘So many double standards here, it makes you dizzy.
    Could someone tell me how it’s possible for one guy to kill so many people in one day?

  10. Alex,
    “Atheism is not a belief – it is the rejection of a belief. Actions are based on beliefs and desires, not on the lack of them.”
    So you are saying I can never become homicidal? Not even when I think those Muzzies and god-botherers annoy me and gee, wouldn’t the world be better without all this relgious nonsense/
    Thanks. I can’t say I have the same faith in other atheists…or even you.

  11. “So you are saying I can never become homicidal?”
    You can be as homicidal as you want, but you’ll be using something other than atheism to get you there.

  12. Alex,
    “You can be as homicidal as you want, but you’ll be using something other than atheism to get you there.”
    Just like (alleged) right-wing Christian conservatives, eh?
    It’s impossible for me to see any inherent reason why they should be considered potentially murderous for having a faith any more than I should be for not having one.

  13. You’re damned right I’m astounding, G. Betts. I can read and understand English. You’ll never know, jerk.
    McVeigh tells you very clearly that he’s not a Christian.

  14. “It’s impossible for me to see any inherent reason why they should be considered potentially murderous for having a faith any more than I should be for not having one.”
    Not inherently, no, but if you’re not aware that christianity has been used to justify murder for thousands of years, you’re obviously not very informed on the subject. As I said, actions are motivated by beliefs – not by the lack of them.

  15. Alex.
    “As I said, actions are motivated by beliefs – not by the lack of them.”
    And some atheists “believe” the world would be better off without religious people in it…taken to the extreme, I see no difference with religiously motivated violence.
    And the most frightening people to me are those without enough introspection to realize this flaw in their philosophy. Take the hint.

  16. Alex, why do you go on and on and on?
    Anyone who reads this blog knows your sentiments and yet you must persist in trying to impress, convince, what?
    Or, just bore to death?
    God knows who you are, Alex, and you are one of his beloved children. Relax.
    The end has not arrived.

  17. “I’d gladly admit he’s an atheist, if it turns out to be the case. Unlike christianity, atheism cannot motivate murder…”
    Pol Pot: 2,000,000 dead
    Stalin: 30,000,000 dead
    Mao: 80,000,000 dead
    Atheists, all.
    Alex, is your whole family as stupid as you? Please tell us you have no plans to reproduce.

  18. Years ago when I was an atheist I read a lot of scifi. In one book was a little poem that somehow seemed appropriate for me as an atheist.
    Hush fellow swine
    Why struggle so
    Do you not know that swinehood hath no remedy?
    Somehow it now seems appropriate for Alex and his atheism.

  19. The comments linking this to multiculturalism are appalling. Please think first.
    From what I’ve heard, this guy is a lone gunman. One the one hand, I’m happy there’s no Scandinavian anti-immigrant/anti-Muslim SPECTRE, one the other hand it’s terrifying one guy could pull this off.

  20. “And some atheists “believe” the world would be better off without religious people in it…taken to the extreme, I see no difference with religiously motivated violence.”
    So what? That’s not atheism – that’s their personal belief. There are no tenets to atheism. No scripture. No core beliefs. It CAN NOT be used to motivate or justify anything. If you don’t understand that, anything else you say on the subject will be completely irrelevant.

  21. he tried to blow up the prime minister’s office then went labour party youth hunting on a Island and got lucky.
    really this is what lefties breed, contempt even for life itself.

  22. “There are no tenets to atheism”. Unless you count the tenet of there being no God….
    BTW Alex how are you venting all that CO2 gathering at the bottom of the hole you are digging?

  23. Pol Pot: 2,000,000 dead
    Stalin: 30,000,000 dead
    Mao: 80,000,000 dead
    Atheists, all.
    But also psychopathic far left totalitarian dictators, communists and megalomaniacs. These were not simple atheists,
    Stop trying to pigeonhole this lunatic whatever his politics and beliefs may be, the fact is that he is crazy and acted out violently.
    I am atheist, I have never killed anyone, I don’t believe in anything that cannot be proven with reliable evidence and facts. I don’t think abortion is right and I hate the welfare state. It degrades humanity to have so many people living off the labor of others.
    I don’t like immigration of people who are not like us as it degrades the integrity of the current culture.
    Multiculturalism is foolish … how and why do you think we got countries with borders containing like minded people in the first place? Because in more sensible times that is what people decided would be best for them and their societies.
    We are ignoring the wisdom of our forefathers at our peril.
    What I am still getting my head around is that there are left wing indoctrination islands in Norway. That makes me thankful that there are right wing militias in mid west USA.

  24. You people are so far lost into the rabbit hole. I’m nauseated by the tasteless misuse of the murder of children by a Christian right-winger to attack Muslims and leftists. You people have all the sensitivity of rabid dogs.
    The logical errors are more confounding, perhaps inevitably: one batch of Muslims are violent, therefore they all are; but one batch of Christians are violent, therefore they are an exception. The twisted logic resurfaces in the complex desire to find Muslims at the heart of every bit of darkness. It resurfaces in your unwillingness to see those same murky connections to Christianity (see the McVeigh protests above, and ask yourself if a man killed 92 people raised by Muslims, studied and practiced a particular branch of the Muslim faith, but drifted into a more general Islamism (“I believe in God,” said McViegh), would you also say that he was unaffected by the faith?). The common denominator, of course, has nothing to do with religion, but humanity itself. We are all of us capable of being led down violent paths governed entirely by ignorance and fear.
    A minister once said to me, “If only we could see Christ in more Christians.” After my afternoon in this forum, I can do nothing but shake my head in sadness at his truth.

  25. “Just out of curiosity …alex…What is the Point??? If you can’t motivate or even justify anything.”
    That’s the difference between you and me – you care only about pushing your ideology; I care only about what’s true.

  26. Revnant Dream made a very interesting comment over at another blog: He pointed out that if Anders Behring Breivik holds anti-jihad views, why didn’t he bomb a mosque? Why is it only Norwegians who were killed?
    He also wondered why his friends, family members, neighbours, co-workers, what have you, haven’t come forward to talk about this “nice,” “peaceful” man.
    That’s what usually happens after a horrendous massacre like this.
    It’s not happening. Lots of things aren’t happening.
    Commenter Blanks also made a good point: Where were people’s cell phones?
    Why wasn’t there security on the island, seeing as the Prime Minister was set to visit the next day? Why are there two versions of Anders Behring Breivik’s Facebook page, one with his favourite TV programs and video games (Dexter, True Blood, Warcraft) all of which dwell on dark, bloody, chaotic and murderous themes, and another with “his” status as both a Christian and a conservative?
    Portraying Anders Behring Breivik as “a Christian conservative” can justify Norway’s police and leftist political class’s continuation of the charade that “all cultures are equal” and that Islamists, who are wreaking havoc in Oslo and throughout the country (Bruce Bawer), are no more dangerous to their society than “Christian fundamentalists” (of which there are probably 10 in the whole country).
    Something about how Behring Breivik’s being portrayed by the authorities doesn’t pass the smell test at all.

  27. “you care only about pushing your ideology; I care only about what’s true”
    Which is why you spend so much time pushing lies, fabrications and atheism on SDA right alex?

  28. G Betts – I repeat, Chriatianity is a religion, not a catch-all for anyone you consider white trash. McVeigh said things like “science is my religion” and that he didn’t believe in organized religion, just some vague higher power. Hitler wasn’t Christian either; I’m not saying he was a “misunderstander” of Christianity or anything, but simply that he was either an atheist or some sort of DIY pagan.

  29. I just tried linking to his online manifesto-thingy and it got caught in the filter.

  30. Alex
    “So what? That’s not atheism – that’s their personal belief. There are no tenets to atheism. No scripture. No core beliefs. It CAN NOT be used to motivate or justify anything. If you don’t understand that, anything else you say on the subject will be completely irrelevant.”
    Paraphrasing myself, ATHEISTS motivated by a BELIEF that ATHEISM is better for the world than religion and acting upon it, are following their own FAITH…ie. the faith that their beliefs are true.
    People, whatever happens, make sure Alex never ever gets into a position of power. There is absolutely no internal regulation or feedback mechanism there to throttle his impulses.

  31. I know I keep repeating myself but the trolls keep bringing up the anomalies as opposed to the usual suspects whose tried and true tactics of murder and mayhem are well documented. Just present a list of God-believing tow-headed killers with their ideologies. It shouldn’t be hard to do.

  32. And round and round we go….
    Don’t feed the trolls…..
    There is no pleasure to be had, in a battle of wits with an unarmed man.

  33. This news story as presented will absolutely prevent people without cognitive ability from becoming conservatives.
    So there’s nothing really new here.

  34. H2:
    For the last time, atheism is not a belief. It is the rejection of a belief. If you don’t know that, you don’t know anything.

  35. Alex,
    “For the last time, atheism is not a belief. It is the rejection of a belief.”
    Those atheists who “believe” they are superior and want to exterminate religious observers in the name of atheism are rejecting your belief that they have no beliefs.
    Come to think of it, I “believe” that you are rejecting my beliefs, as an atheist, that atheists have beliefs.

  36. For the last time, atheism is not a belief. It is the rejection of a belief. If you don’t know that, you don’t know anything.
    Posted by: alex at July 23, 2011 9:14 PM
    For the last time: Atheism IS a belief, it is a belief that there is nothing to believe in. If you don’t know that you are in denial and or delusional.

  37. atheist, christian, muslim…….
    I’m agnostic-I really don’t care. Let’s move on.

  38. Aren’t evangelical atheists like Alex cute? They can’t even see let alone understand their own contradictions!

  39. Atheism is a belief system regardless of what the individuals who are protesting vigorously that it isn’t. I consider agnosticism to be the only valid position as it covers all of the bases.
    Disproof of divine creation is impossible. For that matter, this whole universe could be a very advanced civilizations simulation started 4 minutes ago and all memories are artificial. Occam’s razor suggests discarding this theory in ones interactions with the world, but it cannot be disproved. Thus atheism is shown to be inferior. Also, atheism is based on physicality denying the existence of anything else. The universe is far stranger than we can imagine and I wonder if atheists are just people who haven’t had experiences which could be described as paranormal?

  40. Joe,
    “Aren’t evangelical atheists like Alex cute? They can’t even see let alone understand their own contradictions!”
    I see him as more of a fundamentalist. I was just thinking of starting a reformation and nailing my theses to a door. You know the one, the door to his mind that has been closed.
    We’re splitting into different atheistic sects. He can join Progessislam and I’ll be a Conservatheran.

  41. Hey Alex why don’t you look up the definition of what Atheism is?
    Here I’ll help you. From
    [ey-thee-iz-uhm] Show IPA
    1. the doctrine or belief that there is no god.
    2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.

  42. Joe, I must admit there is a limited amount of enjoyment to be had taunting Trollex the village idiot. I’ve had all I’m going to get for now.
    Just downloaded the killer’s manifesto, way to go Loki! Going to go see for myself what poison this wanker brewed up in his tiny little mind.

  43. The Phantom: ” Going to go see for myself what poison this wanker brewed up in his tiny little mind.”
    Looks like his main bete noires include cultural Marxism, the socialist infiltration of the school system and the mainstream media, the BBC, multiculturalism, political correctness, the UN, Islam, and Muslim immigration.
    Sound familiar to anyone?
