Blood on our hands

In addition to reportedly being a staunch opponent of Muslim immigration, Norwegian mass-murderer Anders Behring Breivik was also a “climate denier.”
Okay, you know where this one is going: from a blog post titled “Anders Behring Breivik: The first climate denier mass murderer?“, this gem:

Does this mark the day when climate deniers…moved from waving nooses in people’s faces to actual terrorism, from threatening children to killing children?

Yes. Yes it does. Be afraid. We are as one.

238 Replies to “Blood on our hands”

  1. Well, just spent 2 hours skimming through Ander’s book and quite an interesting read. It’s going to be an pivotal week or two as we see the reaction of the socialists in power in Europe.
    Seems that the instigating factor was Norway’s participation in the NATO aggression on Serbia in 1999. He comes across as someone obsessed with detail and quite resourceful. As expected, the primary explosive was ANFO although part of it was ANALFO. As a former chemist, I found the picric acid preparation from ASA very interesting. Never fooled around with Picric acid as I was out of my explosives phase when I finally had full access to a university chem lab.
    He was a user of anabolic steroids to get himself in shape for his mission as well as regularly using ephedrine and caffeine. I guess this might be one of the most extreme examples of ‘roid-rage that the world has seen.
    He was successful in his mission which was to get noticed by the world and get people to read his 1500 page book. I skimmed over the islamic chapters and went right for the chemistry and pharmacology sections. I get the feeling reading the book that he got it 99% correct but that 1% he got wrong he got really wrong.

  2. Yep sounds familiar Davenport. I guess sda readers are just itching to hose down unarmed juveniles with automatic gunfire. Your ideological bedfellows have far more blood on their hands and it would take nonstop Breivik style massacres for the next 90 years to even begin to catch up.

  3. loki — that document is astonishing. I think it puts the incident on a whole new level. The document itself strikes me as being quite sophisticated. I was amazed at his command of English. But he also designates in the intro that he is “one of several leaders of the
    National and pan-European Patriotic Resistance Movement,” suggesting that he is not a single deranged individual but part of a larger movement. Scary stuff.

  4. Alex >
    Having now also briefed the alleged “Anders Behring Breivik Manifesto” I would say that my initial response or analysis to his motivation has proved 100% accurate throughout this thread. Providing the online video and PDF file is authentic. I’m betting it is.
    That would also prove you deceitfully wrong and/or basically naive about the dangers of multiculturalism as I clearly laid them out in this thread.
    Of course you most probably just fancy yourself a complete shill for lefty disinformation and some sort of hybrid atheist holy roller on a mission to crush Christian faith single handed. You are indeed a danger to yourself and others immediately around you.

  5. G Betts: Your posting is simply bizarre. I don’t believe anyone suggested that “one batch of Muslims are violent, therefore they all are” No one said that ALL Muslims are violent. That’s ludicrous. However there is a violent strain within the religion that is responsible for much of the terrorist activity we have witnessed in recent years. And which “batch” of Christians have you identified as being violent. Indeed there are violent Christians, but I have not noted their operating in “batches”.
    An important point that someone else made is that Christianity condemns violent behaviour. By contrast, Islam does not necessarily and in some contexts it is encouraged. This has little to do with logic — it is a pretty straightforward rendering of factual evidence. Your mode of operating seems to be to just make up claims that support your own prejudices. That is not what I would call logical.

  6. mhb – links to Religion of Peace, JihadWatch, Atlas Shrugs, the Department of Justice, Michelle Malkin, even Mark Steyn, etc. – these don’t count. They are notorious purveyors of badwrong thoughtcrime.
    Do you have any good stats from CAIR or the Democratic Underground?

  7. After reading a good chunk of Breivik’s “manifesto” (for lack of a better term) can’t seem to stop thinking about it. He seems to fit a lot of stereotypes; loner, quite bright if he truly did write the book, very single-minded – one would even say obsessed, very attentive to detail and paranoid. I view the right level of paranoia as a survival trait. His political views are much the same as those of the majority of posters on SDA.
    Right now I’m trying to figure out which is the correct scenario:
    (1) he acted alone
    (2) the Serbian government sponsored him to carry out some asymmetrical warfare against socialist Eurabia
    (3) this was a false flag operation designed to give European socialists an excuse to crack down on “right wing” elements even harder
    (4) a ME islamic state planned the operation in order to stir up revulsion against anti-immigration factions in Eurabia
    (5) there really is a shadowy group ready to fight socialism with more than words
    (6) he wasn’t getting laid nearly often enough
    My gut feeling is (1) is the most likely although (3) is high on my list.
    So far what I’ve discovered is that the sister of a friend of his was gang-raped by some muslim teenagers (near the start of the book in his long diatribe about islam). The possibility of something like this as a motivating factor was brought up by a poster on this thread. He was the product of a marxist indoctrination center and felt outraged when he began to look into things on his own. He spent a lot of time going on about groups of traitors which essentially include most of the socialist politicians in Europe and high level snivel-servants.
    If the book is actually his writings, it would appear that he spent a lot of time alone. It’s unclear if he was married and divorced as there’s a photograph of him and a women in what appears to be a wedding dress at the end of the book but no mention of a wife.
    All of his preparations were obsessively detailed, often over detailed when he gives instructions on how to pretend one is a farmer in order to obtain ammonium nitrate. He seems to have a heroic fantasy of himself as an avenging knight who will slay the marxist hordes and start an uprising of Eurabians as a result of his bold and violent action He’s indicated that he’s ready to pretend to convert to islam if he ends up in prison and I predict his life in prison will be a short one unless he manages to stay in solitary confinement the whole time.
    The false flag operation is another very strong possibility. Unless Breivik was planning to unleash more statist repression, his actions would appear to be the perfect excuse for Eurabian governments to crack down hard on any dissent. This would have the exact opposite effect that he intended unless this was the goal of this operation. There’s a UN treaty on small arms coming up that would serve to disarm the worlds people so that they are less threatening to their socialist overlords.
    Massive perturbations of either a natural or human caused nature serve as a powerful means of determining the deep structure of people/societies (sort of how one can use earthquakes to study the interior structure of the earth). The events of 11/9/2001 demonstrated the massive anti-democratic statist core of US politicians. Katrina demonstrated the total dysfunctionality of the population of New Orleans whereas mid-western floods and the recent Japan earthquake demonstrated the soundness of the local societies. Monday is going to be an interesting day as we see the core of Euromarxism exposed for the world to see.
    This is one time that I’m very glad that we have PMSH unless he decides that Ruger Mini-14’s are too dangerous for Canadians to own.
    Just because I’m looking at the situation objectively doesn’t mean I approve of his actions. It was a well executed op just like the September 11 operation was well executed and breathtaking in it’s simplicity and efficacy.

  8. Infinity**2, did you mean the sentence:
    Getting a job at the
    youth camp connected to the largest political party is one way of doing this. The prime
    minister usually visits during summer season. Infiltration can take as long as 24 months

  9. ∞² his plan seems to have worked exactly as planned. Still, I find it hard to believe that there were no police or armed guards of any kind at the youth camp especially if the prime minister was supposed to be making an appearance. What’s even harder to believe is that there was no helicopter available to take a SWAT team somewhere for over an hour. This suggests either massive incompetence or a false flag operation. Of course, a couple of tons of ANFO being detonated in downtown Oslo first might cause a bit of a diversion.
    What is needed now is a chronology of when that pdf file first appeared on the internet as the last entry on p1472 is dated 22/7/2011 12:51. He states that he’s distributed this file to about 5000 facebook friends and it would be interesting to see what other versions are out there. It wouldn’t surprise me if he had a computer setup to email the file at a specified time without intervention.

  10. Loki >
    Your analysis was well done.
    Very similar to the way I attempted to show the motivations behind the killings until the trolls tried to sideline with uncontrolled emotion and finger pointing.
    I understand your argument with point #3, but would have to concur that point #1 is the most likely scenario. The other almost right point would be #6 “a shadowy group”. I doubt any organized group does exist, but I have no doubts that allot of indigenous white people especially living in the far northern reaches of Europe share his core sentiments. As you said earlier, much of what he gripes about is reflected in SDA commenter’s sentiments. That is simply a normal emotional reaction to losing ones culture incrementally and a protected right of all cultures globally by the left save for the western white cultures.
    That was the key point I made early on in this thread – multiculturalism especially polar opposite cultural mixing will most probably lead to chaos. That did not mean only from Muslim extremists, but also from European white extremists. The difference of course is that the white extremists feel that they are at the end of their ropes with nowhere to run, cornered in their own homelands as their culture dies or is stolen from them. The Muslim extremists have an agenda of global conversion to their submissive cult.
    This is a recipe for violent disaster in European streets and eventually NA streets. People need to see past the Muslim gang rapes in and car-b-ques to see how bad this could get for average people, because eventually the indigenous stock will tire of government inadequacy and strike back. There is plenty of historical precedence to pick from.
    It was very apparent to me first watching this story unfold that this was a strike back at the socialist enablers and not the Muslims themselves, once a few details showed themselves. The killer did not want to target Muslims creating martyrs and global sympathy towards the European Muslim community. Instead he went for the social engineers and their families to punish them and martyr himself for others to follow. His “manifesto” was clearly written as some sort of guidebook to the new front in an older shadowy war (to paraphrase).
    Undoubtedly crazy, but this is the new form of western terrorism that many who have been against multiculturalism have been predicting will come. This is the clash of major cultures brought home, not in some backwater desert between some greedy western corporations and a few goat herders.
    My comments are most definitely not an endorsement of any extremism or murder, but a fearful and analytical observation of the hard times ahead that has been brought directly upon us.

  11. Oh it’s definitely a false flag attack. Those Godless Commies will stop at nothing to support their Islamist Brethren! It’s all a plot to oppress God Fearing Christians by taking away their God Given Right to Bear Arms. It’s a good thing that we’re too smart to fall for their ploys! We will rise up, spit in their eyes, and unite under the banner of a new crusade! To arms, friends; we’ll send their souls to join their “allah” in the pits of hell!

  12. Loki, I agree with your analysis. Something does not smell right as Revnant Dream also stated.
    I’m thinking there will be a “Jack Ruby” entering the picture and this shooter will not make it to trial.
    I couldn’t help but notice the joy and satisfaction this horrific event has inspired in the trolls – it’s like they view it as a gift that keeps on giving. Smug in the face of the deaths of innocents and children – shame on you.
    Loki’s #3 is what spidy sense is telling me., although #1 and #6 are equally viable.
    The British press is reporting that the shooter thought of himself as a Knight’s Templar crusader – how serendipitous is it that a BBC special was just aired very recently on the topic of the crusaders slaughtering the Knight Templars. The archaeological dig of the bodies, which was a key part of the “documentary’, determined the Knights were brutally slaughtered.
    The timing is a little to perfect – right after Geert Wilders is acquitted and the recent public denunciation by leader’s (France, Germany and Australia?)that Multiculturalism was a failed experiment.
    The persecution begins with exemplary timing – several countries wanting to simultaneously change internet and human rights laws to clamp down on “internet hate speech” and internet anonymity. Not to mention the TSA coming under immense scrutiny for it’s security measures. The climate change denier bit is an obvious “value add on” for the thought and speech crime proponents.
    I wonder how this will effect the planned 911 memorial this year at ground zero?
    New York Times:
    “Rarely has a mass murder suspect left so detailed an account of his activities. The manifesto describes in detail his purchase of chemicals, his sometimes ham-handed experiments making explosives and his first successful test detonation of a bomb in a remote location on June 13.’

    “His Internet posts also indicated contempt for the Conservative Party, which he accused of having given up the battle against multiculturalism.”

  13. loki: “The false flag operation is another very strong possibility.”
    Lucky Lori: “Loki’s #3 is what spidy sense is telling me., although #1 and #6 are equally viable.”
    Congratulations, you’ve just publicly demonstrated that you’re about as nutty as the folks that claim that 9/11 was an inside job.

  14. Davenport
    “Congratulations, you’ve just publicly demonstrated that you’re about as nutty as the folks that claim that 9/11 was an inside job.”
    Why? Not all the facts are in and they haven’t locked into an opinion. Conspiracies do happen in this world. They are being open minded whereas you just shut yours down.
    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and sometimes it isn’t. Me, I’m going to wait for the evidence before calling people “nutty” for asking questions and doing their own research.

  15. Translating Davenport. What you are saying/doing is – mocking with ridicule and contempt not to mention doing so with a blatant air of superiority – you’re all nutty, but I’m not and I can not resist the opportunity to reveal this to you all. See my hatred towards you all has been justified – I just knew one of you would do this and I don’t care if you scream at the top of your lungs that this is not what Christians or conservatives would ever condone, since it fits my pre-conceived profile of you all so I’m sticking to it; after-all, an opportunity like this only presents itself once in a lifetime and so name call and mock I must.
    I already commented on the smugness I heard in both tone and word – must have hit a nerve.

  16. Every morning when I wake up, I usually start thinking about the same thing,……. today I woke up with something completely different on my mind.
    I wonder what the intended consequences and the unintended consequences of this particular event will be.
    We do live in interesting times to say the least.

  17. loki, etc. For what it’s worth, I would say #1 or #5 (shadowy group). I don’t think it is false flag. The manifesto seems an authentic and thorough expression of his perceptions AND many, many people (some extremists) will have similar views. There is a cultural destruction happening. I think part of his motivation was to alert people to the seriousness of the issue (as he views it). He is clearly a terrorist (justified in his own mind), and his actions were a declaration of war.

  18. “Looks like (Breivik’s) main bete noires include cultural Marxism, the socialist infiltration of the school system and the mainstream media, the BBC, multiculturalism, political correctness, the UN, Islam, and Muslim immigration. Sound familiar to anyone?” — davenport
    Yes, very much so, davenport. Very familiar. Almost all of the ideas in Breivik’s bete noire are, and will continue to be, commonly held views. Millions of people in Europe, North America, and elsewhere share the view that official state multiculturalism, carried to the extreme, is naive, counterproductive, and culturally suicidal, and that the school system, infiltrated by socialist ideas, teaches the damaging lie that the legacy of our own culture is bad. And yes, it has been frequently noted here and elsewhere that the UN, a corrupt, global governance-promoting organization chock-full of anti-Semites and brutal tin-pot dictators, puts egregious violators of human rights in charge of committees monitoring global human rights.
    What’s your point?

  19. I’m thinking there will be a “Jack Ruby” entering the picture and this shooter will not make it to trial.
    I don’t think there will be a trial because Breivik will simply plead guilty and go to one of Norway’s beautiful resort-like prisons.

  20. Davenport seems to miss the point entirely.
    He/she can mock and gloat about this situation attempting to pin these atrocities on all “right wingers” all he wishes, at the end of the day it will not change the strong anti immigration/ anti Islamic sentiments prevalent throughout western society. Nothing will.
    What that means is – first the nutball’s like this Norwegian guy snap, then like a snowball rolling down a hill the problem grows. What the Davenports of our society don’t really grasp is that they are standing directly in the middle of a valley with snowballs of each side of a violent culture war rolling down either side of them. In fact it’s their ideologies that are despised, hated and blamed by both sides of the culture war. The Muslims hate the left for various reasons, and the extreme right wingers hate them because they believe the left have allowed the Muslims to occupy their lands.
    Not a smart or smug position to be in.

  21. I’m selfish enough to hate this monster for the excuse he’s given the idiot left to say “Muslim terrorism? What about…”
    He will of course always be described as a Christian, although I seriously doubt he is one. (The Facebook alteration is interesting.)

  22. Posted by: Black Mamba | July 24, 2011 1:44 PM
    Of course he wasn’t, mamba.
    Unlike card-carrying members of the Religion of Peace™, he likely wasn’t screaming the Christian version of “Allah Akhbar!!” at the top of his lungs as he massacred dozens.
    That’s a major distinction, but lost however, on the likes of islamo apologists Trollex and dhimmiport. With the islamic terror deathtoll at over 17,000 since 911, they are hopping with glee to try to find some sort of equivalence towards Christians with this whackjob in oslo. And, of course, unlike the muslims dancing in the streets worldwide at the events of 911 and others, where are the Christians celebrating this psycho’s actions?
    Crickets chirping. As, of course, one expects.

  23. Davenport said: “Looks like his main bete noires include cultural Marxism, the socialist infiltration of the school system and the mainstream media, the BBC, multiculturalism, political correctness, the UN, Islam, and Muslim immigration.”
    “Sound familiar to anyone?”
    Yeah, you sound exactly like all the wankers who blame Islam whenever some extremist jerk0ff blows up a bunch of kids on a bus. I thought that was a -bad- thing Davenport?

  24. So it is beginning to emerge that this guy was in fact neither an extreme nor a fundamentalist Christian, and was in no way motivated by religion. He was a conservative nationalist who decided that, given the insanely dangerous policies of the left in his country, its members were going to have to die so that the nation might live, and he took it on himself to start killing them.
    Was he actually wrong? I’m afraid I don’t see any obvious answer to that question. I’d sure like to think he was wrong, but I can also see all too clearly what he was faced with.

  25. According to an interview earlier on ctv (with Jackie Milczarek)..some G&M ‘reporter’..a David or Daniel something..this loon ‘admired’ Mark Steyn,and people that wrote books similar to the ones Steyn writes on failed multi-culti!So,there you have it…it’s Mark Steyn’s fault.Can’t wait for his response!

  26. mhb: ” … where are the Christians celebrating this psycho’s actions?
    Christians were in church today, praying for the bereaved and for the people of Norway. They were in my church — and I’m sure mine isn’t the only church where this was happening.

  27. Knight 99 @ 1:06 PM
    “What that means is – first the nutball’s like this Norwegian guy snap, then like a snowball rolling down a hill the problem grows. What the Davenports of our society don’t really grasp is that they are standing directly in the middle of a valley with snowballs of each side of a violent culture war rolling down either side of them. In fact it’s their ideologies that are despised, hated and blamed by both sides of the culture war. hate them because they believe the left have allowed the Muslims to occupy their lands.
    Not a smart or smug position to be in.”
    Yeah, we have heard muted rumblings for some time…this was inevitable. The lefties should be afraid…very afraid….
    Remember “All in the familly” meant to depict the “Archy Bunkers” as idotsa and Meathead as wise…..then to the lefties shock, they found Archie was a sympathetic figure and Meathead was the fool. Same with the UK original….
    Caroll O’Conner was appalled…HEE HEE…
    The hard left is not only a minority, but an impotent minority that has unilaterally disarmed itself…(Darwin Award).
    Indeed it’s not just the Muslims and the extreme right wingers that hate the left….it’s more like everybody else.

  28. “Christians were in church today, praying for the bereaved and for the people of Norway. They were in my church — and I’m sure mine isn’t the only church where this was happening.”
    Mine too, batb. But then, our parish priest is kooky that way: asking his congregation of wacky Catholics to offer Prayers of the Faithful to those killed and suffering in Oslo. Guess he’d make a lousy fundamentalist imam, with those creds.

  29. The Phantom: “eah, you sound exactly like all the wankers who blame Islam whenever some extremist jerk0ff blows up a bunch of kids on a bus. I thought that was a -bad- thing Davenport?”
    Yeah, I know it’s a bad thing, Phantom. I’ve been saying so here for far longer than you (though I’m glad you’ve come on board recently).
    The point, since EBD asked, is to force SDAers to confront their own hypocrisy and double-standard about they talk about Islamic terrorism, by pointing out how differently they talk about far-right terrorism. After all, they happen to share the same general right-wing political views as Breivik, which he used and distorted to justify terrorism. That much is clear. So, confronted with this fact, how does one respond? Does that make all right-wingers one with Breivik? Obviously, no. Does that make all right-wingers responsible for Breivik’s actions? Again, no.
    So why is it that just because Muslims happen to share the same religious faith as Islamic radicals, which the latter uses and distorts to justify terrorism, the distinction between Muslims and Islamic radicals is so often lost?
    I’m just asking for a little consistency, that’s all.

  30. Davenport, your swath of illogical conclusions are nothing short of slanderous, not to say incredibly far-reaching and just plain insane.
    It’s not a leap to suggest that Islamofascists may be at fault because ninety-nine point nine percent of the time they are. Do you not believe me? Look it up. I don’t have the time to do that for you.
    Are you suggesting that anyone here is prone to or supportive of the violence in Norway? What a disgusting accusation! Tell me- where are the candies being handed out? Where are the clerics shouting out out fatwas? Who here said that the violence was good or acceptable?
    How exactly is a European right-winger even like a North American conservative? Apparently, you have such a finger on the pulse of the European AND North American political scenes that you can make such distinctions. I’ll hazard a guess that Norway’s political multiculturalism worked so well that Muslim fanatics can plan attacks and rape women and that Norwegian nationals can let their anti-Semitism hang out. Those are hardly progressive sentiments. You dangle that multicultural carrot in front of me and I won’t bite.
    Basically, you’re full of it. It bothers you that you are still wrong about this entire thing even though you have the token blondie to blame for things.

  31. Of the thirteen Canadian residents who have been convicted or have pleaded guilty on charges under the anti-terrorism legislation introduced nearly 10 years ago, ALL have been Muslims. Muslims constitute 2% of Canada’s population. Bit over-represented wouldn’t you say? Oh, and where are the convictions under the same legislation of Christians, who form 70% of the population?

  32. So why is it that just because Muslims happen to share the same religious faith as Islamic radicals, which the latter uses and distorts to justify terrorism, the distinction between Muslims and Islamic radicals is so often lost?
    Because it’s a false distinction that’s why.
    Islam is an extreme radical religion invented by an extreme radical named Muhammad.
    Muhammad was a terrorist, and Muslims are supposed to emmulate him as the perfect Muslim man.
    Just because some of them aren’t emmulating Muhammad today doesn’t mean they aren’t going to become better Muslims and practice Muhammad’s teachings tomorrow.
    Sura (8:55) – Surely the vilest of animals in Allah’s sight are those who disbelieve
    Sura (48:29) – Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard (ruthless) against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves
    Sura (9:30) – And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah, and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah… Allah (Himself) fights against them. How perverse are they!
    Sura (8:12) – I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them
    Sura (9:123) – O you who believe! Fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness
    Sura (5:33) – The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement
    These verses come from five different places in the Koran.
    There are dozens of others scattered throughout that advocate violence in open-ended fashion.
    All it takes is for any fencesitting bad Muslim to stop acting like the religion is a mere social club and begin to practice it like Muhammad’s idea of a good devout Muslim(Osama bin Ladin) and they become a killer and terrorizer of infidels because that is the default position they’re supposed to act like according to the Muhammad’s Koran.

  33. Davenport >
    “So why is it that just because Muslims happen to share the same religious faith as Islamic radicals, which the latter uses and distorts to justify terrorism, the distinction between Muslims and Islamic radicals is so often lost?”
    So what does religious faith have to do with mass Islamic immigration, Islamic anchor babies and erecting Sharia law in western countries?
    Nothing at all.
    Are westerners transplanting themselves by the millions in Islamic countries, demanding respect and cultural/ religious acceptance or else?
    The answer is no, they are not. Westerners are most definitely not immigrating to Islamic countries and demanding to change the status quo with threat of violence to the Islamic governments or their existing indigenous populations.
    You lose the argument differentiating between “extremists’ when one lives defensively in his ancestral homeland, while the other outsources his violence to foreign lands.
    “President” Obamba aside of course, we know he does not speak for the American or western public in any fashion when you think of western aggressors in Islamic foreign lands, thus your western extremists definition does not hold, save for Democrat Barrack Obamba and his corporate handlers.
