14 Replies to “Christopher Monckton v Richard Denniss”

  1. AGW is an elitist leftard kleptocracy scam.
    All their most ardent devotees are on the take.
    “The debate is closed, the science is settled” is the betraying signature statement of those truly ruled by their inner fascist.
    Their sympatisers and proselytisers are mutton, aka MSM cannon fodder.

  2. Denniss was completely out of his depth, it was like shooting fish in a barrel for Lord Monckton.

  3. …and there may be part 2 if Monckton’s challenge to Malcolm Turnbull is accepted.
    The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, following what the great Alan Jones has described as his “6-0, 6-0, 6-0 victory” over the director of the Australia Institute in a debate about the climate at the National Press Club in Canberra early this week, has today issued the following challenge to Malcolm Turnbull, the former leader of the Liberal/National Coalition, whom his party recycled last year for his naïve belief that “global warming” is some sort of “global crisis”

  4. I watched the whole thing and Monkton was way ahead by his sticking to the truth and science. Denniss kept tossing out debasing rants and assumed the crowd was mostly brain-dead leftist that never question things.
    I also read the IPCC Model perameters to the Computer Model when DATA is entered, it mentioned that when a historical “Unknown” for the climate or a temp outside the model….then a default number is used to assume the end predictions will be met to prove the temp increase.
    What a scam.

  5. There is no conspiracy if your only covering up a left-wing-tard lie and “Lord” Moncton so-called should know this or face deportation.
    hows my grade 8?
    i know i have to do these just right or Kate will deport my comments to the netherworld I can only presume.

  6. Blanks
    “i know i have to do these just right or Kate will deport my comments to the netherworld I can only presume.”
    cgh will drop by and denigrate you for your illiturature comment shortly (BTW, maybe even in shorts)

  7. As usual Monkton’s empirical mathematical fact is irrefutable, leaving his opponents to fall back on ad hominem attacks,rumor mongering, cloying emotional appeals and concocted realty.
    I was embarrassed at the grotesque bias and green-commie bent of the Oz press. My god they’re an inbred lot of campus-indoctrinated true believers. The Canuck MSM interventionist axe grinding pales in comparison to the Marxian “useful idiocy” of the Oz press.

  8. Evidence once again that there can be little pleasure, to be had, in a battle of wits with an unarmed man.

  9. Thanks again Kate for posting these, love this character.
    He makes sense as well.

  10. Love how he handled the rookie journalists, the airhead campus reporter lady, and the young fellow asking the ad homim question.

  11. Yes, thanks for posting this. Hopefully Monckton can keep up the good work.

  12. God bless him he uses facts in this debate and the left use false science and feelings.
