Numbers to choke on

A little perspective from Ilkka at The Fourth Checkraise:

Every left-winger would do well to remember that if you take the 94 million kulaks, capitalists, dissidents and other groups of people that socialists murdered in the twentieth century, and punch the numbers into a calculator, the average number of victims per hour equals almost exactly the one-hour kill count of Anders Breivik. Just imagine how absurd it would be if, instead of being captured and neutralized, Anders were simply allowed to keep killing people day and night until the twenty-second century dawns. And yet such an absurdity practically defined the twentieth century.

36 Replies to “Numbers to choke on”

  1. If you won’t make distinctions between social democrats and communist dictators, why should social democrats make distinctions between you and right wing thugs and extremists?

  2. that 94 million number is very light . . . Mao alone probably hit close to that.
    The rest of the socialist mass murderers were mere amateurs in comparison, although Stalin might have murdered more if he had the same number of slaves to work with as Mao did.

  3. social democrats = david suzookey…who would use the authority and power of the stated to jail those with a contrare opinion
    and communist dictators = stalin…. who would use the authority and power of the state to opress those whom have a contrare opinion, just that stalin gave a longer sentence

  4. This terrorist was firing at people for 1 1/2 hours on the island, which is only 30km from Oslo. Why did it take so long for the real police to get this guy as it only seconds by helicopter? Even a News helicopter was filming this POS killing people.
    Were the OPP involved and thought it was a native terrorist and so couldn’t respond?

  5. When the socialists’ kill it’s deemed valid slaughters, same with the Islamists alas the left assert it’s our fault they kill innocents. However if one lone gun man kills he’s a “Rightwing extremist”.

  6. All the left has done is show themselves up for the moraless vacant bigots they are.
    Their endless whine about social justice while regimes that countance their beliefs kill thousands a day & millions with nary a twitch.
    Bill Ayers & his bombers are not the exception but the rule for leftists. Just ask the IRA & others who where Sinn Finn.
    They cannot abide a contrary thought even in science to their Utopian fantasy.

  7. dave
    11/2 hr shooting spree and ran out of bullets.
    I don’t like cellphones either but usually someone has one.

  8. “If you won’t make distinctions between social democrats and communist dictators, why should social democrats make distinctions between you and right wing thugs and extremists?”
    Well, you already don’t. Every conservative is for all practical purposes a nazi, but any conservative who ever notices any similarity of ideas, let alone actual co-operation either intentionally or unintentionally, between the liberals/progressives/left/whateveryoucallyourselvestoday and communists is simply a paranoid nutcase who sees commies under every bed.

  9. Revnant Dream, you made a very interesting comment over at Jihad Watch: You pointed out that if Anders Behring Breivik holds anti-jihad views, why didn’t he bomb a mosque? Why is it only Norwegians who were killed?
    You also wondered why his friends, family members, neighbours, co-workers, what have you, haven’t come forward to talk about this “nice,” “peaceful” man.
    That’s what usually happens after a horrendous massacre like this.
    It’s not happening. Lots of things aren’t happening.
    Blanks, you’ve made a good point: Where were people’s cell phones?
    Why wasn’t there security on the island, seeing as the Prime Minister was set to visit the next day? Why are there two versions of Anders Behring Breivik’s Facebook page, one with his favourite TV programs and video games (Dexter, True Blood, Warcraft) all of which dwell on dark, bloody, chaotic and murderous themes, and another with “his” status as both a Christian and a conservative?
    Portraying Anders Behring Breivik as “a Christian conservative” can justify Norway’s police and leftist political class’s continuation of the charade that “all cultures are equal” and that Islamists, who are wreaking havoc in Oslo and throughout the country (Bruce Bawer), are no more dangerous to their society than “Christian fundamentalists” (of which there are probably 10 in the whole country).
    Something about this whole thing stinks.

  10. Why did the youth allegedly think it was a political exercise about the Israeli Army picking on the pooor Palestinians? Talk about brain washing them young? Notice how the Norway Media is mute on that fact?

  11. I think what a few of you are missing is that this Anders fella is probably a Hi IQ’r, T McVeigh was no idiot, unibomber was smart, and so are many of these deranged fools> I posted yesterday that this individual had done his home work, he knew the system and used it to his advantage.

  12. What Ilkka said.
    There are so many wonderful books that detail communist genocides. People should read them instead investing their time wearing Che shirts and Israel-hating.

  13. Osymashi: Because I was going from memory (his name isn’t listed on recent pages) I misspelled Ilkka’s name in the original post, which has now been corrected. I have taken the liberty of emending his name in your most recent comment too, so it won’t look like you made the error.

  14. When seconds count, the police are minutes away. But it’s going to take them an hour and a half to find a way to get to you.

  15. It wasn’t your faux pas, Osumashi; at the time you posted your comment I hadn’t yet corrected my post.

  16. What Ilkka and GYM said.
    Communist dictators are social democrats in a hurry. When they kill it is to remove “an enemy of the people” create “a new socialist man”. Just find any of Lenin’s writings. It is all there.

  17. @ gray: The difference between social democrats and communist dictators. Okay, I’ll try: Look at Stalin, the textbook example of a communist dictator. He wasn’t elected, or put in power by hard-core communists, he engineered his own rise to power and basically ran his nation with an iron fist for many years through the tacit support of social democrats. There wasn’t very many Russians who supported many, or even any of Stalin’s governance or style, and yet he referred to himself as a socialist, who was obviously supported by socialists. The point is that when enough social democrats gain enough popularity to take power, the leader they end up with usually is someone like Stalin, or Castro. Left-wingers are fond of calling baby Bush the devil, but nothing dubya did compares to Stalin’s condemning 13 million Ukrainians to death by starvation, did he? Typically, the spread of socialism by any name leads to organizational stupidity and evil on a national scale.

  18. If you won’t make distinctions between social democrats and communist dictators, why should social democrats make distinctions between you and right wing thugs and extremists?
    quotes from a social democrat:
    Democracy is indispensable to socialism.
    -Vladimir Lenin
    The goal of socialism is communism.
    -Vladimir Lenin
    Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism.
    -Vladimir Lenin
    How do you tell a communist?
    Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin.
    And how do you tell an anti-Communist?
    It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.
    -Ronald Reagan

  19. Where in your Manichean outlook do you fit Attlee, Callaghan, Blair, Palme, Mitterand, Brandt or Schmidt? Did any of these lead to dictatorship?
    Allende is not accused of killing innocents but Pinochet is
    Sure you might not like their policies but to compare them with dictators is just dishonest.

  20. This will very likely become a major “conspiracy theory” hot topic, for the following reasons.
    First, there has been much speculation in those circles about an imminent black flag event. I recall reading a prediction in June that the Women’s World Cup (of soccer) would be disrupted by a staged attack similar to this.
    Secondly, some of the details seem odd. The gunman did not commit suicide when faced with capture. So many of the details seem almost framed to support a theory (namely, right wing extremists hold all the wrong views and will attack those who hold all the right ones).
    Third point, partly related, many have been expecting the dramatic start of a global campaign to close down the freedom of the internet. This would be the perfect foundation for said campaign (as in “the internet spawned Breivik.”)
    In possible support of a conspiracy theory angle, one might watch for the death of the shooter (by Jack Ruby of Oslo?) to complete the staged action.
    Of course any such conspiracy theory would have to be based on the horrific notion that a European government had staged a massacre (whether real or faked) to justify the start of an invasion, in this case, of privacy or individual liberty. This would not be the first time. What we don’t really know is how many actual examples exist in recent history. Some say a few, some say many.
    We shall see how this plays out. It may well be a fortuitous event that fell into the laps of the unsuspecting globalists. They will use it the same way they might have otherwise planned to use it. So it makes no difference if it was a conspiracy, we now need to be very alert, especially those in Canada who totally trust the government (I am not one). Our government, whatever we think of it, contains elements that would quite prefer to clamp down on internet political chatter. I’m not speaking only of elected politicians, I’m speaking of the public sector in a broad sense, and people of all political stripes, who don’t like the freedom of the internet and think it can only be vulgar, rude, offensive and dangerous (dangerous to whom? well that would be elites of all kinds).
    The theme will further develop (it already exists) that all uncontrolled political chatter, speech, discussion (call it what you wish) must be reigned in, censored, subjected to even greater legal oversight. And of course, “right-wing” political chat will be the prime target.
    The favourite weapon of the censors is to link all conservatives with any available extremists, call all of us together “right-wing extremists” and suggest that your freedom of speech is no different from say Ernst Zundel’s, or if he were still alive, Adolf Hitler’s. After all, no enemy except the right. Meanwhile, every violent form of leftist rhetoric or Islamist exhortation will be fine, so long as they don’t confront the aims of the globalists. The only way Islam will get into trouble would be if they start to blow up CFL light bulb factories or wind turbines. Otherwise, no problema. And the only way socialists will lose their internet privileges will be when they forget to pay. But with the money flowing in from libel suits, they should have enough left over to maintain all their habits.

  21. @The Big Cee
    Stalin took power long after the October revolution – a military coup really – ended any democratic or pluralistic elements in Russian governance. He outmanoeuvred other hardcore Bolsheviks and Trotsky, not social democrats.
    In Germany in 1919 the Social Democrats fought the Communists ( using the Freikorps) thus preventing a Communist revolution.
    There may have been some social democrats in Castro’s 26th of July movement but they were completely subordinate to him throughout. In no way did they have any authority that he usurped. He jailed/killed people who disagreed with him i.e. Huber Matos & Camilo Cienfuegos.
    I didn’t care much for Bush but I would not compare him to Stalin at all.

  22. Thanks Oz.
    Lenin was a Social Democrat, look it up. The Russian Social Democratic Party split into the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.
    I repeat, Communists are Social Democrats in a hurry. Some just build their utopia a little slower. The end result is the same.
    I would double check the Allende case.

  23. A major breakthrough in the thought process.
    @Gray I didn’t care much for Bush but I would not compare him to Stalin at all.
    Give that man/woman a cigar!

  24. gray @ 1:16 AM
    “Allende is not accused of killing innocents but Pinochet is
    Sure you might not like their policies but to compare them with dictators is just dishonest.”
    Not as dishonest as referring to a biased media as evidence.
    I bet you think OBOZO is a genius and Pallin is a dunce.

  25. Peter O’Donnell @ 1:18 AM
    Norway is PC on steroids but much too much doesn’t fit in the usual boxes…..
    Yeah Islam would certainly commit suicide by attacking the giant fans….LOL.
    An Islamofascist attack on the Copenhagen farce would seen our street lamps turned into gallows…..

  26. Marx saw no distinction between social democracy and communism. Why the hell should I?

  27. The dominant theme will be that Breivik was crazy and formed by his far-right environment.
    I would say more likely he was incredibly stupid to think that this day of death might spark an uprising against socialism.
    Conservatism can win on the strength of ideas, values and principles. But to win, we have to have unfiltered debate, we need the chance to give our side of each argument without the filter of the mainstream media. As the internet becomes the medium of choice, this becomes increasingly possible on an individual basis, one person at a time — but we are still probably hehind where we need to be, by 5-15 per cent of public opinion. In Canada, that has proven to be adequate to bring in a somewhat conservative government due to the vote splitting of our opponents. In the U.S.A., it creates yet another cliff-hanger scenario for the next election, but I think Obama is going to crash and burn there.
    In Europe, what passes as conservatism is centrism by our standards, and there is almost no real conservatism on offer. People routinely confuse fascism with extreme conservatism — the two things are quite different and fascism is basically just a repackaged form of socialism with nationalism and racism as foundations, but a very similar approach to a one-party state with enforcement and groupthink.
    Now I just got back from Ontario and boy, they are not so far behind, but I think more and more people are realizing this. The solution is at the ballot box and in the classrooms, mainly. Breivik lost his cool and went off the deep end. He couldn’t wait for these solutions to develop in Norway, and from a religious perspective I would also say, he wanted to jump-start the Biblical scenario of the end times. That is never a good idea. God will roll when He’s good and ready.

  28. Peter O’Donnell, overthinking this a bit. Brevik went out and killed a bunch of people he hated. He didn’t know them, but he hated them anyway.
    People who do stuff like that are -by definition- crazy. It takes a malfunctioning mind to plan and do mass murder.
    I think as more info comes out things will be a lot more obvious. I read for example in a translated Norwegian paper that it took the cops 90 minutes to get to the island because they couldn’t find a boat. Or a helicopter. Which is interesting because the newsies beat them there by an hour. Kids were calling on their cellphones for help an hour and a half before the friggin’ cops got their act together.
    “Call 911 and die” turbo-nitrous version.
