30 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Highly recommended: Walter Russell Mead’s “The Failure of Al Gore”, parts one, two, and three.
    The comments, particularly those under part three, are quite interesting too.

  2. Another great selection, Mr. D.
    But, lo, the image of the Santa-clad BillyBob barfing in an alley remains in my head.
    Crikey. How does one disconnect certain auditory and visual linkages in the mind?
    Is it even possible?

  3. Mark Stroman murdered two people in Texas, so he was executed on Wednesday. What I can’t figure out is whay it’s not a huge story. It’s got everything: Post 9/11 backlash (I know of no other real examples of this alleged phenemenon), murderous southern cracker, compassionate forgiving Muslim, lethal injection in flyover country.
    Why hadn’t I heard of this before today? Because of what – a decade of pro right-wing media bias? Forgive me for doubting that. Any input appreciated.
    (Crashing out now. What a week.)

  4. I have always enjoyed Chopin and this Piece was always one of my favorites, I clearly remember Eddie Duchin used it for his theme song and someone put words to it, but all that didn’t hurt a beautiful piece of music

  5. Hayek*:
    >>> “the same drawing-together of the socialists of the Left and the Right”.
    >>> “the fusion of socialism and nationalism completed”.
    “Arrested 32-year-old Breivik called himself nationalist”
    “mass-murderer was seen at both killing sites in police uniform”
    “*The Socialist Roots of Naziism
    Friedrich A. Hayek”
    “… we see in England and the United States today, where we can watch the same drawing-together of the socialists of the Left and the Right and nearly the same contempt of all that is liberal in the old sense.”
    “Fight against liberalism in all its forms, liberalism that had defeated Germany, was the common idea which united socialists and conservatives in one common front. At first it was mainly in the German Youth Movement, almost entirely socialist in inspiration and outlook, where these ideas were most readily accepted and the fusion of socialism and nationalism completed. In the later twenties and until the advent to power of Hitler a circle of young men gathered round the journal Die Tat and, led by Ferdinand Fried, became the chief exponent of this tradition in the intellectual sphere. Fried’s Ende des Kapitalismus is perhaps the most characteristic product of this group of Edelnazis, as they were known in Germany, and is particularly disquieting because of its resemblance to so much of the literature which we see in England and the United States today, where we can watch the same drawing-together of the socialists of the Left and the Right and nearly the same contempt of all that is liberal in the old sense. “Conservative Socialism” (and, in other circles, “Religious Socialism”) was the slogan under which a large number of writers prepared the atmosphere in which “National Socialism” succeeded. it is “conservative socialism” which is the dominant trend among us now. Had the war against the Western powers “with the weapons and spirit of economic organization ” not almost succeeded before the real war began?”

  6. The Death Struggle of the Socialists; the Affinities of Brothers.
    In Canada, the socialists of Taliban Jacques Bloc Separatist defeated the socialists of Liberal Count Ignatieff.
    In Europe, the socialist brothers, Comrade Joe and Kamerad Adolf, met in their death struggle. We know how that ended.
    The Norway slaughter is naught but the death struggle between the socialist brothers.
    Socialists of both the Left and the Right are today’s Bourbons; they have forgotten nothing and learned nothing.
    Socialism eats its own children; socialism is a cannibal.
    “The Butchery of Hitler and Stalin”
    “Timothy Snyder. Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin.”
    There were moments reading this book when I was forced to shut it closed, an experience utterly alien to me. Like any reasonably historically-aware individual, I considered myself familiar with the carnage that overtook Europe in the earlier half of the 20th century: the gas chambers and the gulags, the mass shootings and show trials, the wanton disregard for human life and the heinous ideas which compelled people to, actively or passively, play a part in the deaths of tens of millions of fellow human beings. Reading about this period, there comes a point when the sheer scale and horror of the events which took place — the instant incineration of tens of thousands of civilians, for instance — desensitizes one from appreciating the sheer terror and physical pain that individuals endured.
    “Even with the knowledge of these attrocities, there is still little than can prepare a reader for the grisly accounts of the Ukrainian Famine that Timothy Snyder details in Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin. Of course, I knew something about the widespread starvation that afflicted Ukrainians in 1932 and 1933. This mass culling was directly caused by Josef Stalin’s collectivization policies, which were comprised of seizing private farms and exporting whatever food was grown to the rest of the Soviet Union and beyond. Those who have studied the event in-depth will not find anything new in Snyder’s account. But most readers, I imagine, will reevaluate their conception of the depths of human depravity when they read, in particular, about the widespread cannibalism that became rampant in what Robert Conquest has referred to as “one vast Belsen.” These are tales that one imagined lay only in the realm of zombie films: parents cooking and eating their own children, children in a nursery eating each other, a starving toddler literally eating himself.”

  7. O’narcissist’s rage* confirmed by MSM.
    “At the end of the day, Obama was visibly angry as he told reporters the talks had collapsed.”
    “How the Obama-Boehner debt talks collapsed”
    “Both sides seemed to think an accord was close. Then everything collapsed. Insiders describe what they think happened.”
    *O’narcissist’s rage:
    “Narcissistic injury inevitably leads to narcissistic rage and to a terrifying display of unbridled aggression.”

  8. @ macd. I just finished reading “Harvest of Sorrow” by Robert Conquest and have to agree with you about the sheer scale and horror of what occurred and having to stop reading on occasion.
    It is doubly disconcerting when one had relatives that suffered the attempt to create a new socialist man.

  9. Re wallyj’s comment at July 22, 11:46 PM: This is the message when I open the link (and no comments appear):
    Comments have been disabled
    Editor’s Note: We have closed comments on this story for legal reasons. We appreciate your understanding.

  10. Jihadists 16,000; Norwegians 1.
    michael.coren – July 23rd, 2011
    Nothing adds up about the Norway slaughter. This man is described as a Christian fundamentalist and a freemason. What? That’s like saying he’s black and a Klansman. Freemasonry is despised within Christian fundamentalism. Then there is a rumour that he is said to be of the far right and a Zionist! Again, massive contradiction, and simply not possible. I will say this again to those who are too frightened and foolish to have listened the first time. Islamic groups have promised and still promise terror to Norway; Islamic groups have launched terror attacks all over Europe, including Stockholm, and attacked individuals in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland. Islamic groups initially claimed responsibility for this horror; and Islamic groups have launched several attacks in the last 24 hours in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Since 9/11 there have been 16,000 terror attacks by jihadists. The shock will not be if it is Islamic terror, but if it isn’t.
    Via Five feet of Fury

  11. Dust my Broom is going on in the first paragraph about how she(?) has been away for a while and is changing the themes of the blog to concentrate on different things: Not so much education/learning (her passion) and law and order and more daily news. This is due to people having written to her requesting this change. Something about German law being relevant. Dear base readership, we hope you will be pleased.
    As best I can make out.
    Too weird.

  12. O’mirror, mirror.
    NYSlimes slathers lipstick, rouge, mascara on the O’rager’s narcissistic rage:
    O “radiated a righteous fury”.
    Seems that O often displays its rage in private; and, “he rarely displays in public,”.
    “At the White House podium a few minutes later, the president radiated a righteous fury he rarely displays in public, finally placing the blame for this wholly unnecessary crisis squarely where it belongs: on Republicans who will do anything to upend his presidency and dismantle every social program they can find. “Can they say yes to anything?” he asked, noting the paradox of Republicans, who claim that financial responsibility and debt reduction are their biggest priorities, rejecting yet another deal that would have cut that debt by at least $3 trillion.”

  13. The natural end result of socialism’s utopia: hell on earth.
    “Utøya, the island paradise turned into hell by Anders Behring Breivik”
    “Cambodia – the Killing Fields”
    “Information and pictures about the Killing Fields and the Khmer Rouge.”
    “… the killing fields seem peaceful, a pleasant stroll through a shady orchard.”

  14. Good Eavans. On a lighter note – Cadel Evans seized the Tour de France yellow jersey in the next-to-last stage Saturday, all but giving Australia its first victory in cycling’s showpiece event
    Lycra butts

  15. Good questions about Anders Behring Breivik’s supposed “Christian” and “conservative” status on Facebook:
    1: Why is there a version of Anders Behring Breivik’s Facebook profile not showing Christian / Conservative? Even Google’s cache of the Facebook profile retrieved on Jul 22, 2011 23:52:36 GMT supports this theory.
    2: How was Christian / Conservative added prior to the profile being removed from Facebook? If our PDF was printed out/saved at Jul 23 01:39 GMT, and the profile was deleted soon afterwards by Facebook, how was a detained Anders Behring Breivik able to change it?
    3: Which then needs to be asked, Who had access to in changing the Profile before it was removed?
    (h/t) Atlas Shrugs

  16. Mohammedan caught.
    More, please.
    “2nd suspected war criminal arrested”
    “Arshad Muhammad from Pakistan, whose last known address was Montreal, is now in custody, the agency said. He was arrested Saturday in Mississauga, Ont., after a member of the local police force spotted him in a store.”
    “Immigration Minister Jason Kenney says Muhammad was linked to an Islamist organization in Pakistan that was involved in terrorist attacks.”

  17. Socialist utopia: “paradise” smashed.
    Socialism’s death struggle; a work in progress.
    Right and left socialists at war.
    Here the words of Norway’s socialist leader:
    “The country’s prime minister said Breivik had turned a “paradise into hell”.”
    “Fighting back the tears, Jens Stoltenberg, the prime minister, said: “It was a paradise of my youth that has now been turned into hell.””

  18. I’m told that it is the custom in New York to make tea in large urns, and to knock occasionally on the sides of the urn to jostle the tea as it steeps. This is said to improve the flavour. Tea is made slightly differently in different parts of the city, but connoisseurs say that the best tea comes from a Harlem knocked urn…
