36 Replies to “Lingensplicer”

  1. Oh, this is so sweet. Just on the eve of an election, too. Goodbye Dippers. Goodbye socialism in Saskatchewan. If the Dippers ever get back into power they will have had to change their stripes so much they will no longer be recognized as Dippers, in other words, this ideology is dead, dead, dead.

  2. So D-wain takes full responsibility for a complete fabrication while also having no idea who was responsible…ergo no consequences.

  3. Typical leftist sleaze. Of course there will be no consequences as they circle the wagons. I can only imagine the fire and brimstone that would have spewed forth had the Sask Party done something similarly underhanded.

  4. It’s okay for the NDP to fabricate lies about Brad Wall because we all know what a horrible man he is.
    And how do we know he is horrible?
    The NDP told us!
    If the NDP was to be honest, and look at how Wall raised the basic personal tax exemption which left more money in the hands of working families they might retract their lies.
    But the NDP is hoping that despite being busted for blatant lying the message that Wall hates working people will remain.
    The facts suggest otherwise:
    “On October 21, the province announced that the basic personal exemption and spousal exemption would rise from $8,945 to $12,945. As well, the province has earmarked an additional $1 billion toward the provincial debt. By March 31 of next year, the provincial debt will have dropped from $6.8 billion to $4.2 billion, the lowest level since 1988.
    The province will also increase its child tax credit by $2000 per child. This means that a working family with two children can earn $41,300 without paying provincial income tax. This is best in the country. PST rebates for lower income individuals is increased to $216, while eligible families could receive up to $600 per year.
    “Broad-based tax relief is preferable to targeted tax relief. This means our applause is greater for the increased basic exemption and the debt repayment than for the other initiatives. Raising the basic exemption means every taxpayer will save $440. As well, paying off the provincial debt will lower its interest payments by $900 million over the next five years. This will leave more money available for tax relief or priority program spending,” Harding explained.”
    Their stupid spliced lie has been exposed, now it’s time to rebut the other message, that Wall doesn’t care about working people.
    They tell a big lie and a little lie, and hope one will stick while the other gets all the attention.

  5. I read through a half dozen or versions of the story since they pulled the ad.
    The most balanced version? CBC. That give you any idea of how the others treated it? Some never even mentioned the outright fraud involved.
    CBC’s article actually used phrases like, “Stupid probably covers it”, “I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a political ad that was sort of this far off base” and “This was not a smart move”.
    I was in shock.

  6. The NDP will lose about ten seats in the upcoming election. Brad Wall and the Sask Party will garner an even larger majority.

  7. “Lingenfelter …. doesn’t expect anyone will be disciplined for it.
    The leader of the Saskatchewan NDP is hoping to move on.”
    Excuse my splicing, but Dwain can hardly wait to get back into the oil business. Especially now that Brad Wall has made oil jobs more plentiful here than in Alberta.

  8. Told Ya! Wasn’t splicin’. It was an act of Go….gosh, sorry for almost offending socialist sensibilities…I mean an act of Big Bad Big Bang Theory! (say that fast with a mouthful of crackers)
    One of those nasty procreation viruses ‘fected his ‘puter and hybridized his youtube…

  9. Delicious, isn’t it.
    Hopefully Gormely keeps this front and center until November.

  10. Lingenfelter is a gift to the people of Saskatchewan. He ensures that the NDP will not be in power for the foreseeable future.
    It will be interesting to see if the impenetrable NDP stronghold in Regina will survive the next provincial election. Like Saskatoon, The Queen City has been growing at a rapid pace and surely the newbies are not all government employees.

  11. Thing is, the NDP had to dig deep into the past to find their current leader. If they were to dump him and search for a new, young, dynamic leader, they’re sh!t outta luck. There is nothing, NOTHING new, young or dynamic about the NDP. They are yesterday’s party, capable of offering nothing but early 20th century “solutions” to 19th century problems. They are history, in other words. Time to bury this dinosaur. It’s the 21st century.

  12. This whole ndp name thing is bogus too. There’s nothing ‘new’ or ‘democratic’ about them. As for ‘party’, well, when they were in power it was no party.

  13. It’s hard to appreciate Jack Layton’s situation when his party has so many screwballs and dorks!

  14. “The leader of the Saskatchewan NDP is hoping to move on”
    In other words, Lingenfelter is wishing that the whole sordid mess would just go away and that the people of Sask would forgot that it even happened. Well, sorry Dwain, but you’re caught with your pants down around your ankles and you don’t know how to pull them up again.
    The NDP should stick to spreading provincial park privatization horror stories and encouraging their union stooges to carry on with their billboard campaign promoting higher royalty rates. Passing out frightening pamphlets in nursing homes is another tried and true socialist tactic. The Sask NDP have so many weapons in their arsenal of lies and deceit that twisting the premier’s words seems juvenile and downright stupid.

  15. Like everyone I admire the courage of the NDP leader Jack Layton in the face of his moribund condition and wish him Godspeed. The non-partisan outpouring of sympathy for him from Canadians was equally laudable.
    But I don’t admire Layton using the opportunity of his illness and “temporary” resignation to take a partisan shot at the Conservative government, which he predicted in a few short years would be replaced by an NDP government which would “represent all Canadians” — as if Conservatives weren’t doing that already. The Opposition stills tacitly fails to recognize the Conservatives as legitimately elected representatives in the meantime.
    And the NDP has scarcely been the Official Opposition for a month — a position occupied by them for the first time in history, something that political pundits would have never predicted were it not for the anomaly of the collapse of the separatist Bloque Quebecois in Quebec and the NDP filling the vaccuum. There is little evidence that the NDP would “represent all Canadians” due to fact that it’s power base depends almostly entirely on former (or current) separatists and Quebec Lefties.
    So scarcely a month into Official Opposition and Layton was already arrogantly projecting greed for more power — the power to govern. And judging by the way the NDP has always been treated with kid gloves where corruption is concerned — with the usual application of double standards as the SDA article indicates — it is obvious that in Government their power would be absolute.
    I admire the fact that Layton is courageously dealing with his personal illness. But I hope that in his absence the NDP starts to deal with the political “cancer” that has corrupted that Party from the beginning: it’s dishonesty, conflict of interest with entitlement groups, sell-out to the Unions, and the general corruption inherent in its ideology that Socialists are above scrutiny and therefore their power should be absolute.

  16. “that Wall doesn’t care about working people.”
    The NDP is always going on and on about “working people” and “working families”. They’ve never quite figured out that huge swaths of the population that never, ever vote for them or agree with a single piece of their platform also “work” for a living and also live in “family” units. Even their rhetoric is stuck in the distant past.

  17. ricardo at 2:54 PM: “…which he predicted in a few short years would be replaced by an NDP government which would “represent all Canadians””
    Guess he forgot who determines who our representatives are.

  18. Louise at July 26, 2011 3:07 PM:
    “Guess he forgot who determines who our representatives are.”
    Yep, they seem to forget that “Hugo Chavez” type coups, and Hamas (or Nazi) style elected tyrannies don’t work in a constitutionally-based free democracy.

  19. There has got to be a Slice Girls gag in this somehwere.
    I’d go with Judy Junor as Scary Splice.
    Yates can be Stammering Splice, then there’s Oily Splice, the ring leader,

  20. Louise
    I think “working people” and “working families” is code for public sector union folk.
    The rest of us just loaf around.

  21. Dwain needs to call his union shop steward, Yates, so they can work on their grievance. “The people of Saskatchewan have been saying bad, but true, things about me and my feelings are hurt. Make them stop Kevin, make them stop.”

  22. My God it’s painful to listen to politicians talk and (not) answer questions. I wonder if reporters ever fantasize about ways to force an honest answer from them?
    I’ve noticed since Wall became Premier that journalists are less viscous than usual. Is it possible that they have found a conservative that they don’t despise? Or do they too look at Link and think “This guy? You’ve got to be kidding”.


  24. The NDP faithful will continue to vote for Lingenfelter and crew no matter the lies or the scandal.

  25. What a pathetic bunch !!!
    Yates bumbles and stammers his way through an attempted explanation of “Splice-Gate” Doesn’t work real well.
    OK, let’s bring in Judy Junor to calm things down and explain the “intent” of the ad. Just another NDP jerk.
    Oh ??? … Where’s Duane … Well, it appears that he’s “leading from behind”. It should be very embarassing for the NDP that it took this long for him to show some political guts. Can’t wait to see him and his cadre sent packing !

  26. How could Stinkinfelcher possibly NOT know who was responsible for the splicing? He’s the party leader. Somebody gave orders to hire some firm or individual to make the ad. There has to be a paper trail.
    Cripes, even Inspector Clouseau could find the perpetrator.

  27. Not sure if anyone else noticed, but Lingenfelter said he didn’t know who was responsible for splicing the quote for the advert, but added that it was done without negative intentions in mind. My question is how did he immediately determine the motives of the “unknown” person/people who put this trash together?

    Just how stupid do you take the general public to be?
    Obviously, maybe about 40% need help (alot of help!)… that would be about the number that dilusionedly vote Socialist!
    I’m so sick of the “I take full responsibility” jargon that gets thrown around after the slightest controversy! WTF does that mean?? It means squat! There’s no consequence!! and is always used as a means to try to deflect attention and blame from where it rightfully belongs.
    I’d like to see a reporter or journalist grab onto their flank until they finally admitted that ‘OK, it was a bonehead move, I did it, (or Kevin did it), I approved it, so I’ll wear it!’
    Won’t happen. Weasle words…
