More Pavilions At Folkfest

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
Edmonton Journal, July 26thBut of course, what Merkel, Cameron and Sarkozy were talking about isn’t multiculturalism as we know it here. In fact, you might say it’s the complete opposite – an inversion and perversion of the way we in Alberta, the political birthplace of Canadian multiculturalism, mean the word.
880am News, July 20thThis murder is the latest in on-going violence within Edmonton’s Somali community. However, the arrest is a good sign for police who have been having a tough time finding suspects in other murders involving Somalians.

34 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

  1. I think we should arrest and put in jail for life everybody that was involved in foisting on the Canadian people this insanity known as multiculturalism

  2. I am just so wishing and hoping and praying that my Grankids won’t be White.
    I don’t want them to grow up with the stigma of being thieves, after all- White people stole Canada from the natives.
    I hope they are all Black. That way they will be safe .

  3. Multiculturalism was always a bit of a stretch, but when you try to fit various dysfunctional cases like Somalia into the paradigm, it just breaks and shatters. Proof of how pointless the exercise will be, can be found in Somalia at source. Right now, their “government” (always a laughable term in that part of the world) has determined that the world should not bother to help out with drought relief because it might reduce the Islamic purity of the country, or some such tosh.
    I wish either Winston Churchill were still here or I were in 10 Downing Street (either would work) because it’s time somebody a bit saner than Anders Breivik stood up and called this bluff once and for all. Somalia is no more of a country than I am an elephant. It is a vicious little concentration camp run by primitives for the sole purpose of abusing people and enriching themselves.
    Now people who leave that background to come here may do so to escape, but in some cases they bring along large amounts of baggage (not luggage) and in others, they may want what they see here but they aren’t necessarily equipped to handle it when they get a taste of freedom.
    So rather than some idiotic philosophy that says their culture is the equivalent of say British, French or German culture, and we should actually pay much attention to them, instead we should have said okay, a few of you can come here, but we’re going to keep a very close eye on things until you’ve figured out what the 21st century is all about.
    And if that’s not acceptable, then try some other country that gives a flying **** about your culture, because this ain’t it.
    Now horrified progressives, once you pick up your monocles and refill the port glass, you also can make yourselves scarce, because I hear there’s a bumper sugar cane crop in Cuba this year.

  4. “Somolians”? I thought it was “Somalis”. Or did they mean “simoleons”, as in the vic getting whacked for his money?
    Multiculturalism is hard!

  5. You know what i am beginning to getm ore and more annoyed with?
    Is putting people in jail , becasue it cost’s me ,you ,us money. and not to mention they have all the same right’s but don’t have to work or pay taxes so it is a double hit to my pocket book.
    I am sick of this how about jails that resemble some of the old russian jails , leaky pipes ,rat’s ,one light bulb fifty men in one room , bread and water , or ditch digging at gun point or cleaning the street’s watering public street plant’s , planting tree’s, cutting grass , all at gun point , with a simple rule, you run you die!!
    Uhm just my thought’s , not to mention they get precidence over me for medical attention , who is the criminal and who is the victim.
    Is that wrong? i am just so sick of hearing about criminals collecting old age pension, or getting medical treatment, or voting. Please gimmi a break. Anyway if your a candians arrived say with in the last 25 years and you commit more than three crimes (not speeding or some small offence) you should be stripped of your citizen ship immidiatley and you and anyone your brought over with you should be deported no court’s no trial , zip zero zilp, no excuses , just …POOF gone ..all of your and your families asset’s are sold to pay for any victims or damages incured as a result of your crimes!!!

  6. There is no sanity or logic in claiming ALL cultures are equal.
    The U.N. doesn’t push multiculturalism in developing nations.
    There’s NO multiculturalism in Cuba, or Venezuela or Russia, you will never see leftist government in any non-western country promoting multicultural policy.
    Multiculturalism is designed explicitly for western nations, and is (doing) exactly what it was designed to do.
    It is nothing but a tool used by the left to (DILUTE) our judeo-christian political culture, and the white conservative vote.
    Nothing more, nothing less.

  7. Peter O’Donnell
    “I wish either Winston Churchill were still here or I were in 10 Downing Street (either would work) because it’s time somebody a bit saner than Anders Breivik stood up and called this bluff once and for all.”
    Agreed but if Anders Breivik is all we got..he’ll have ta do….desperate times…desperate measures…
    It has been suggested that Anders Breivik is Norway’s “John Brown”.

  8. Is there any “official” explanation for all that immigration happening in Scandinavia? Someone I was taking to suggested it was important for the economy (I know that is touted her in Canada), but my understanding is that a lot of the immigrants to Scandinavia are on social assistance. Is it related to something coming from the UN or the European Union? I would appreciate your thoughts.

  9. “Official” multiculturalism means subsidizing various ethnic groups from taxes. This has to stop.
    Having people of different backgrounds with their own cultural activities isn’t necessarily a problem, so long as their cultural activities don’t involve violence (and most don’t).
    Since we have big jet airliners these days and other fast ways of getting around, it’s unavoidable that more people will go to more places. The way to deal with it is to respect individual rights, and to uphold the fundamental moral principle of a civilized society, formulated by Ayn Rand, namely that no person has the right to initiate the use of force or fraud on any other person.
    Immigration is part of the “political correctness agenda”, whose goal is to recruit minorities and alleged “victim” classes as a substitute working class for the leftist fantasy purpose of overthrowing capitalism. However, that’s a tall order, because immigrants are pretty much like everybody else, they want to get on with their lives and not be used as cannon fodder by Marxists who hold them in contempt and use them as pawns. So this item in the PC agenda is not a particularly big deal in my mind.
    “Multiculturalism” should be irrelevant from the standpoint of government, whose sole function should be to protect the rights of individuals through police, military and courts.
    The multiculturalism clause in the Charter of Rights, s.27, should be scrapped due to redundancy. The life and liberty clause, s.7, is enough to provide ethnic groups with the right to carry on their traditions.

  10. William nails it in spades at 10:42.
    This is working for them as we are starting to see in the schools in Toronto. This is only the beginning.

  11. Posted by: LindaL at 11:38 PM
    The socialist elites overtaxed the average joe to where having a family became very expensive and tenuous, unless you had a guaranteed government job. Those who were so lucky might even financially survive a feminist judiciary arbitrated divorce.
    To obfuscate, and to pay off the lawyer parasites, “refugees” were sponsored into the country. Still ongoing, and the scenario is now true in Canada as well.
    The refugee industrial complex feeds many tens of thousands lawyers, social workers, advocacy groups, etc, and yes, even community organisers.
    Bonus points for figuring out why collecting rape statistics by perpetrator land of origin is illegal in Scandinavia…

  12. call me paranoid if you must…or call it machiavellian…but what if ????
    knowing that there wouldn’t be any actual muslims hurt or killed, not that it would matter anyway to them anyway…and knowing that the media and politicians would jump on a chance to vilify anyone they could as a ‘right wing islamophobe’…and given that the shooter has already claimed there are ‘other cells’….the question must be asked…who set the cells up ? jihadists ???? the benefits are all theirs, the losses are all to those who oppose islamic colonization….
    the problem with the Western liebral press and politicians is that they can’t think like the jihadists…the concepts are foreign to their fluffy way of thinking…sure, they’ll falsify evidence, interviews and soundbites as cbc has been caught doing as as lingenfeldt proves yet again, but the idea of actually committing the acts they tacitly approve of just rattles around in their heads until it comes out “only a ‘right wing fanatic’ could do that”…nevermind the beheadings and bombs in the marketplaces and mosques the jihadists hold so dear to their hearts….

    (h/t LindaL)
    The Death of Diversity
    People value their cultures, their traditions, their religion, their land and their blood. They always have and they always will. The false mantras of the multiculturalists, which proclaim in Orwellian fashion that “diversity is strength,” “the greater the diversity, the greater the perfection” and “my country is the world” do not become any more true with repetition.
    Social science has supported the long-standing verdict of history; Harvard’s Robert Putnam was distressed to discover that “immigration and ethnic diversity have a devastating impact on social capital, the fabric of associations, trust and neighborliness that create and sustain communities [emphasis mine].

  14. Peter O’Donnell, here’s what Winnie, no fool and not afraid to lead, God bless him!, had to say about Islam:
    How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.
    The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.
    A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
    Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it [emphasis mine].
    No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.
    — Sir Winston Churchill (The River War, first edition, Vol. II, pages 248-50 [London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899]).

  15. Who allowed these people into this country and why? That needs to be answered.
    My take on it is that “government” departments tasked with dealing with immigrants who for all intents and purposes bring nothing to this country, continue to have their jobs funded.
    The immigrants who come here with a skill or trade or profession, do better.
    Tell me, does China, Russia, India, hell Japan, South Korea, or the USA take in unqualified immigrants? Screw “refuges”, unless they have a compelling case they can stand in line like everybody else!
    Read the criteria to immigrate to the US. Easy? Not. I doubt that China would take anyone who would be a drain on their society, so why the hell are we?
    The first criteria that seems to be thrown out in Canada is a “working knowledge” of either of our “official” languages. Try immigrating to China or Japan. You wouldn’t last a week, because you couldn’t find the street you were supposed to live on, let alone your new place of work!

  16. Actually IIRC in both China and Japan you can never become a citizen unless born there. China = “Our Land”. Funny the oldest countries on earth seem to have survived for millennia without any multicultural supremacist policies.

  17. po’ed in AB: “So why the hell are we?”
    You’ve got the Librano$ to blame: They brought in all these unproductive immigrants (as opposed to many immigrants who work very hard to support their families and give back to the country that provided better opportunities for them and their children than their homelands did) for their votes.
    They also figured that by being their Sugar Daddy, and by introducing family reunification, they’d buy their votes, which would keep them as “the natural ruling party” for ever and ever.
    Fortunately, though not soon enough, enough Canadians caught on to this scam, which is costing too many of us an arm and a leg (and we don’t get free housing, education, or medical/dental care) to turf out the shyster Liberal government.
    Untrammeled immigration was a vote-getting scam by the Librano$ to stay in power. Multiculturalism was the beard behind which they hid to put visible minorities on the top of the heap (unearned — but they voted, faithfully, for the Librano$ for years) while relegating English/Christian citizens to the basement dungeon.
    You’re right, po-ed in AB, none of China, Russia, Japan, South Korea, or Muslim countries take in immigrants like we do. Heck, the flow of immigration is one-way only: from them to us.
    Jason Kenny is taking steps to stop this garbage, but it’s going to take a long time. Look at the 30 war criminals who should have been deported from Canada years ago: Only three have been apprehended so far. It’s going to be a long and painful process, with no help from the Opposition parties or the lamestream media.

  18. So Somalia, how’s that post-colonial thing working out for ya? Seems the Italians and British might not have been so bad after all, eh? Compared to the Islamic s***hole you’re in now.

  19. Ah yes, official multicultural supremacism. “The White Man’s Burden” in a new and exciting format, coming soon to a ghetto near you!

  20. I can remember when Trudeau really beat the multi-cult drum. It was a Libel invention to garner immigrant votes for their party, nothing less.
    In my opinion when immigrants decide to make that hugh decision to leave their country of origin they also must decide to adopt the culture they move to. A host country that tries to change their identity to meet immigrant expectations will ultimately lose their own. Unfortunately there are a legion of parasites who layer themselves overe these new citizens and feed off their struggle to adjust to a new country.
    I’m old enough to remember the Hungarian immigrants we took in after the ’56 uprising. Those folks had lots of problems but being able to work hard and eventually adjust wasn’t one of them!

  21. I am old enough to remember when most journalists I knew lived their lives by the creed “the facts, all the facts, and nothing but the facts” leaving the editorialising to, well, the editorial board.
    To wake my self in the mornings I have the alarm set to the CBC (it fills me with such enervating rage, I jump out of bed ready for war!) and the other day, in the context of the Breivik shootings, I listened to some dumb tampon from the Star waxing forth about how the journalist’s job is to always be working for justice, and for a better world, and to be proactive in remaking the world in their image.
    There you have it, folks, they’re now just another branch of the professional activist wing. And I declare that the NOTW is only the tip of the iceberg.
    As for the Breivik trial, will Mr Assange leak the story for us? If not, why not?
    Funny, right now al you hear is about denying a voice for Mr Breivik’s hatred. Well I can recall a great many televised statements from OBL and his gangsters, and the MSM were all over that s**t.
    Personally, if it weren’t illegal, I’d strongly encourage all members of the conservative bent to smash every journo you meet, right in the chops. It might get them asking “why do they hate us?”… “what are the root causes of their hate?”…

  22. Everyone was told third world immigration would bring this into their once safe communities.
    Here is updated warning – If you don’t stop it, it is going to get much worse.

  23. “Untrammeled immigration was a vote-getting scam by the Librano$ to stay in power.”
    “Jason Kenny is taking steps to stop this garbage, but it’s going to take a long time.”
    Baby steps, only. 1800 that actually don’t live here and aren’t likely to show up with placards and their extended families, multiple wives and packs of “new” Canadian kids, on Jason’s front lawn.
    Suddenly, the Conservative Party doesn’t have a majority-majority?? The Liberals are dead in the water, the NDP are soon to fly apart when Jack! croaks and we worry about defining who will enter Canada, or remove some of the trash? Even our new “working” immigrants would back them on this! Take out the damned trash and don’t let anymore in!
    These guys didn’t pay the fees and stand in line meeting the usual standards of immigration to this country, to have a bunch of dead beats feed off their hard earned labour and take away from what they want to provide their own kids, because a bunch of guilt-ridden, Canadian born society-haters have an agenda to “save the world”! That isn’t their mandate and our Immigration Minister should make that abundantly clear to his employees that “we” pay for.
    Give all those government departments that dealt with immigrants/refugees their marching orders – find the errant 40,000 they let in on their own time, not mine, or fire their ar**es! Then, fire their ar**es!
    If they want to advocate for the trash they’ve allowed into the country and generate an income from it, they can install the buggers in their own homes and pay for them themselves! Then they can form their own PSAC/CUPE/CAW/CBC political Party (as if they aren’t a defacto one already!)and run for office and we can vote them off teh island.
    These SOB’s are running a shadow government behind the elected government,for all intents and purposes, so let’s get it out into the open.
    These civil servants aren’t working for you or I, they’re gaming our system for their own profit, plus a damned pension you pay for but don’t get! And from some of the posted immigration “lawyers” videos I’ve seen – they’re taking kick-backs or “in trade” to let these people in. Call them what they are – trafficers in human misery, organized smugglers. Cut the crap! There’s more than three of ’em working together on this – it’s “organized crime”. Nail them! Fire. Them. All.
    If you wonder why your wife can’t stay home and raise your kids and she needs to go out to work to help pay the bills, you’ve been manoeuvered by our political class to pay the freight for government services, that you don’t use and “we” could do without. It’s got to the point that it’s a major cost to business and individuals – TAXES to pay for guilt-ridden, Canadian society-haters and the programs that keep them employed.
    They don’t create wealth, they destroy it by redistributing it to themselves and their symbiotic relationship with a parasitic under-society.

  24. Only once we deny the funding AT SOURCE can we cut this crap off. It is very close to tax revolt time, and time for Alberta to use the notwithstanding clause if the Feds don’t smarten up. (Seriously, why have it if you’ve already decided you’re not ever going to use it?)
    I declare that white-hating, race-baiting multicultural supremacism is a form of cultural terrorism. Ergo, funding government programs that aid and abet racial divisions, and the disenfranchising of non-white Canadians through organised public helplessness, is funding terrorism.
    It is the moral duty of every Canadian to cease participating in such a funding scheme. If not, you are complicit in the crime of organised, long-term dependency and helplessness, (and we’ve seen the results of that kind of organised helplessness in Somalia).
    Some kind of economic resistance is your moral obligation.

  25. Great! Couldn’t have said it better!
    I’m all in favour of ending “GOLTDH” (that’s kind catchey, don’t you think? “END GOLTDH”)that I think I’ll go into business making and selling Tea-Shirts and Tea-Hats with that motto emplazoned front and back. Plus a manifesto, or “how to manual” to go with it. “Ending Government Organized Long-Term Dependancy and Helplessness in Twelve Easy Steps”.
    WOW! A “Don’t Tread on Me” kinda moment. I’ll send you 50% of the proceeds to market that idea.
    As for de-funding “at source”. I’m already a business owner and I can stop writing checks to the government, yesterday.

  26. po’ed in AB, I’ll stand with you and turn myself in at the police station too. I am thinking of getting a bunch of folks to walk down and turn ourselves in as future tax cheats!
    Waving “END GOLDTH NOW!” banners! Oh and “Cut Off ALL Funding to the CBC Multi-cult Supremacist Propaganda Network!”

  27. Seriously, if that twit Breivik had realised how fragile the multi-cult movement is (being TOTALLY dependent on unearned income) he’d have been FAR more effective organising a tax revolt, IMHO. He clearly was a good planner and organiser, and knew how to function under pressure. Too bad he chose a destructive and violent path, instead of a constructive and uplifting one.
    po’ed in AB, the lefties know nothing about generating money. That gives conservatives in general the upper hand.
    Civil disobedience, not violence, will bring down this corrupt and divisive ideology. Cut off the money (as the Republicans are doing in the US) and the ideology of handouts is in crisis.

  28. Seriously, folks. You want to stop the multicult gravy train? Don’t play their game any more. Stop paying your taxes.
    Now the government is out the money you would have earned for them, PLUS they’re out the cost of prosecuting and imprisoning you. AND, you get to plead your case at the UN as a political prisoner, a d prisoner of conscience.
    If 50 000 Canadians did this, the game would be up.
    So we start a movement, how about the “Sons and Daughters of the Upper Canada Rebellion” or something equally weighty? I’d be card-carrying member of such a movement, and no, we aren’t interested in public office, we’re just sick of carrying the can for GOLDTH!

  29. “Ending Government Organized Long-Term Dependancy and Helplessness in Twelve Easy Steps”.
    That’s funny….I was thinking the other day that there must be a “twelve step” program for socialists.
    Poor sods need all the help they can get.
