54 Replies to “Britain’s Dependency Culture”

  1. $ FKA gord – I want to grab that little girl and run, drive off; get her away from those people. (Kids turn out to be what their parents think they should be 9 times out of 10.)
    atlas is shrugging – no, Ellie’s right. Men have more “control” over c0ndom (filter voodoo) use than women do in practice. Not that those items are especially reliable, but still… yes, if the woman lied about being on birth control I can see how a man could justifiably legally get out of his parental responsibilities that way (in theory; in practice it would be he said/she said, but that’s true of most rape cases as well). Anyway, sleep with a liar and take your risks. She can decide whether to abort and a man has no input, nor should he have (whatever your position on the abortion question). This is one of those “life ain’t fair” things you can’t fix.
    And let’s face it, noone who knocked up the woman in that video is paying her a dime, or even a round pound. That’s just not going to happen. Theodore Dalrymple will explain how this works.

  2. She can decide whether to abort and a man has no input, nor should he have (whatever your position on the abortion question).
    Not quite true, gov’t giveth, and gov’t taketh away abortion funding. And men mostly decide that…

  3. “…Sandra gets an incapacity benefit for problms with her legs…”
    Yeah. They’re too far apart.

  4. Blogwrath said:
    “Although I basically agree with your point about welfare and government jobs as symbols of dependence, I don’t think that making people their own bosses would have an absolutely positive effect, because it is impossible.
    There are very few people who would take the enormous risk of starting their own business – the majority of our population is simply not up to living under a constant threat all the time. They’d rather work for someone who would take the risk and pay his workers the weekly wages.”
    Specifically, this is not an issue. There only needs to be some entrepreneurs – not many – to start businesses. Furthermore, you do know there’s nothing wrong with being an employee of a private business . . . you know . . . a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay and all that? And there’s really no need at all to draw a paycheck from /the State/, now, is there?
    Generally, these words smack of ‘learned helplessness’. Blogwrath seems to imply that the only options are the cozy sheltering arms of Nanny Government or the cold bleak world of actually having to produce goods or services that people whould actually /choose/ to purchase with their own money. And that only “very few people” would be crazy enough to take that “enormous risk”.
    I can’t argue with such a worldview, but I do think that Blogwrath’s words sound like the bleatings of a helpless sheep.
