The Canadian Flag Controversy: How Dare Those Conservatives!

Ever been told you can’t fly a Canadian flag? Some Canadians have. The Conservatives think that’s wrong and are trying to introduce a law to prevent such anti-patriotism. Believe it or not, assorted members of the Liberals and NDP are siding with those who would stomp down on those Canadians who wish to display their nation’s flag. Kelly McParland explains all and then talks with Charles Adler about it.

75 Replies to “The Canadian Flag Controversy: How Dare Those Conservatives!”

  1. What about the ignorant and/or rude jackasses that fly another flag on top of the Maple Leaf, I seen this in Quebec and northern NB. The Quebec provincial flag was above the Maple Leaf as was the Acadian flag in NB. Am I suppose to be grateful they are even flying the national flag? I would not have my knickers in a twist if they had left the Maple Leaf off the pole all together.

  2. The truth about the Liberals and the NDP today is their base beliefs are the same. It is their belief that government must have the right to forbid -any- action, by anyone, any time. They believe this with all their little socialist collectivist hearts.
    The reason of course is convenience. There are circumstances under which it is extremely convenient for the sitting government to be able to ban the flying of the Canadian flag.
    I live right down the road from such a circumstance, we call it Caledonia. The OPP and their Liberal masters in Ontario have found it far more convenient to prevent the non-violent White townies from asserting themselves than it would have been to contain the armed and dangerous criminal element based on the Six Nations reserve.
    Note that I did not say “the Indians”. That’s because the Indians are the hostages in this farce, not the kidnappers. Its largely their own fault, but its true just the same.

  3. Progressives see no problem what so ever when Mexican nationals proudly fly their Mexican flags at a sports event in California. And you’re racist if you disapprove.

  4. Will this only apply if the flag waver owns the area where they wish to display, or is this another “reasonable” exception to private property?

  5. Liberals and NDP hate America, by being patriotic and flag waving we seem to be mimicking America, their behavior, their ideals. This just can’t be allowed to happen.
    In addition, it wasn’t a Liberal idea, and, it doesn’t pander to immigrants.
    Before you beeatch, I’m a proud immigrant. I can’t understand why Canadians turn their backs on their own culture and history. It sure as hell doesn’t happen in MY homeland.

  6. punish anyone forcing a flag to be taken down with a fine or up to two years in prison.

    President Obama agrees-
    he will not build a Canadian Northern Border fence..
    I am sorry to hear that we Americans are growing soft!

  7. The truth about the Liberals and the NDP today is their base beliefs are the same. It is their belief that government must have the right to forbid -any- action, by anyone, any time. They believe this with all their little socialist collectivist hearts.
    It’s what I’ve been saying, Phantasmagoria, my friend.
    They’re fascists. Nothing more, nothing less. Fascists.

  8. I am appalled that anyone would agree to support the ordering down of a national flag. I am an immigrant, who has been in Canada since 1959 and served in Canada’s Armed Forces (PPCLI) for 35 years. Shame on the NDP and Liberals. 157 young Canadians fought under the banner of our National flag in Afghanistan. Many others have served in the UN as peacekeepers and in Bosnia under the UN and NATO. In my opinion it discredits the sacrifice of those Canadians. Be proud and display our national flag. Don’t let wackos influence you.

  9. There was a guy nearby who flew one of those “rag flags” that anger me – nothing left but a tattered red and white piece of cloth on a string. It was near the roadside, so I tried to get my nerve up to cut it down early some morning. (Really, really early…) And then one day he replaced it with a brand new flag.

  10. Stuff like that just boils my blood. How about if we say: “Ok, we agree not to fly the Canadian flag — instead we will fly the Nazi swaztika in the spirit of multiculturalism and tolerance”? Of course I expect the answer would be “no”, but I’d like to do it just to test the law — to see which of the two flags are more prohibitive, the Nazi swastika or the Canadian Maple Leaf, and under what conditions. Then I would like to try the same thing with old Soviet Hammer and Sickle, the Islamic Crescent and Star, and down on the list to see exactly where Canada’s flag takes precedence over others. Or are they all equal under multiculturalism? How about the old flag of the genocidal Khmer Rouge of Cambodia?

  11. Shiela Copps spent $45 million for about one million flags, making each flag cost about $45. In addition, the manufacturers added no eyelets, sleeves or halyard lines to the flags,rendering them unflyable. The liberals are just staying true to past policy.

  12. Wasn’t it the Liberals led by Sheila Copps who gave us all those FREE Canadian Flags for the asking a few years ago?
    We were asked to display them.

  13. YOU do not need to BLAME ALL PROBLEMS
    To Canadian flag
    but you can blame it to
    Queen Victoria and Victoria day and birth of Canada day for mix all nations when Queen vitoria was 48 she born new baby called Canada
    to Victoria’s son– Edward VII and was birth day of Saudi Arabia kingdom for Wahbi Muslim (Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia )
    you can blame to:
    Victoria’a grandson– George V and birth of Israel for jewish zionsim and world war I
    she knows all relgion but in too details and being boss of all relgion of world was not easy
    Queen Victoria tried to be queen for all religion Catholic protestan and jewish and Muslim and Athesim Hindism in India as her relatioship with too many men she educated herself over all relgion if you like stay in main relgion countries if you do not like it immigrant to Canada to be free to do waht you like to do to join all nation together
    question is this: do we have to pay for our origin to Queen still?
    then blame more to:
    Victoria’s grand grandson— Edward VIII and George VI for world war II and birth of Iran Kingdom
    may be ask Iggy knows history well
    first prince of Wells was who was English and first cousin to Rusian tesar
    was George V.
    being good politician are they owe people or are they owe all land and assest of country in what extend?
    ambitious and power seeking for sake of more money
    If you like you can blame
    If you do not like all above names said
    you can blame it to:
    David Cameron new comers to Canada who thinks we owe England still something!! for any new changes!

  14. So where are the defenders of property rights on this issue? If some renter wants to drape a huge Canuck flag over his balcony, should the apartment owner be arrested and jailed for wanting to maintain a clean, uniform look for his building and asking the guy to take it down? I’m sorry, but that’s ridiculous.
    I understand the sentiments for sure, but we should be for narrowing the range of circumstances where law enforecement sticks its nose, and this hardly strikes me as an critical area requiring new regulation. Instead, call out those who want the flag taken down, make them explain themselves, maybe bring the local press in – this is the sort of issue columnists love.

  15. My wife just got back from Montreal.She went to the olympic stadium and was taking pictures of all the flags representing each country,low and behold,no canadian flag,all on tape.BTW,is gibberish a language?

  16. Politically, this is brilliant strategy by the Conservatives. One of the Liberal’s longstanding claims was that they brought us our flag. Now they are giving that advantage to Harper, who is entrenching our flag and owning another key issue.
    It is similar to how Harper turned the Conservative GST albatross into an advantage by lowering it and watching Liberals oppose it.
    Proving once again that conservative values are Canadian values.

  17. For the Libs, you’re only allowed to show the flag when its incorporated into their party logos. They feel that sense of exclusive ownership, like they do with the Charter, which only they are competent to interpret and apply.

  18. Oz
    “Patriotism stands in the way of International Communism and One World Government.”
    Pretty much!
    The very same elements that introduced the Pearson Penant, Bill C68, have discarded British Common law, and have systematically removed the Queen’s likeness from our currency and public buildings for the very same reason.

  19. There oughta be a law….
    If your condo association doesn’t allow flags, etc., and you don’t like that, well, then get the rules changed or go buy another condo. Since when do conservatives support the enactment of laws telling private actors what they can and can’t allow on their property? Since when do we support jail terms for private actors enacting rules over what can and can’t be done on property they own?
    I thought conservatives were defenders of property rights. Or is that another pricinple we’ve laid aside for political gain?

  20. The current flag was a product of the Libs in the first place. Don’t see a lot of blue in it do we? Just goes to show you that Boob Rae never really lost his NDP roots. He’s a LINO. And a maroon.

  21. Begins right in the classroom folks Pride in our Country, We dont teach enough about our own history, Good greif kids most likely know more about USA then Canada.
    Ask a kid which countries fought & who won the war of 1812? and they will most likly ask what was that?
    Then ask what yr the war of 1812 was fought?
    most likely get the same answer(Sarc to our ed system)

  22. How about if I drape an LGBT “rainbow” flag over my balcony? Untouchable!
    Here’s a headbanger: sew an LGBT rainbow flag to the Canadian Maple Leaf or the Red Ensign! It’ll put the Liberal flag-banners into such a tizzy the poor saps will be driven to drink.

  23. The Union Jack?! Not a chance; but the Red Ensign is another matter entirely. I really miss it.
    With Not-so-Great Britain on the skids, I’d prefer we stand on our own merit, but not forget our heritage.

  24. A very high Trudeaucrat told me many years ago that she was pissed right off because she never saw the Canadian flag in Quebec, except on federal buildings on Canada Day, “and we brought the bloody thing in so they didn’t have to fly the Red Ensign!”

  25. I vote for two Blue stripes to denote the sea to sea representation.
    It would go a long way to dispel the truth its was all red because it was the liberal Party color.
    Weather you fly the flag is up to you, but public buildings it should be mandatory. As the Flag stands now, its a Liberal invention as a trademark for their own Party. Hence the Shrieking Coops boondoggle. That its all red is not an accident.

  26. Back in the flag debate, the Progressive Conservatives introduced a flag with the red bands replaced by blue ones (albeit a bit narrower) but with a cluster of three maple leaves, vice the one on the flag we know. According to missives at the time, King George V had deemed Canada’s colours to be red and white and the Chester Herald therefore used just those colours on the final design.
    It does seem to be a while ago that I, as a young flying officer, stood on the parade when the flag was unveiled.

  27. No idea what King George had to do with it …. but the commie colours of our current flag are a disgrace …. the leaf in the middle might as well be a hammer and scickle….
    I’ll put up any damned flag I choose to and mine remains the Red Ensign.

  28. Liberals find patriotism offensive, and drinking whole milk is a crime in Canada but head on down to your state funded drug shooting gallary and enjoy your chartered right to shoot up in a safe place. Anyone else sick of our liberal judiciary?

  29. This law is an appalling violation of private property and freedom is of expression. A bar owner can’t stop some employee from flying the flag on his bar. Despicable. The support for amongst cons shows just how much they really care about private property and free speech-not at all.
    If there’s any sense in the SCOC (and there is), this law will get the kibosh in a few years.

  30. @ libertariansaresmarter at September 30, 2011 6:47 PM
    This law is an appalling violation of private property and freedom is of expression.
    No such thing in this country.Privare property is at the mercy of the crown.
    Freedom of expression is at the mercy of the CHRC.

  31. I love the nit-picking straw man arguments from the LPC trolls here.
    “A bar owner can’t stop some employee from flying the flag on his bar.”
    “If some renter wants to drape a huge Canuck flag over his balcony, should the apartment owner be arrested and jailed for wanting to maintain a clean, uniform look for his building and asking the guy to take it down?”
    “Since when do conservatives support the enactment of laws telling private actors what they can and can’t allow on their property?”
    Way to make my point, goofs. Do you people WANT to be slaves? If so, why not go live in North Korea and leave the free places to the rest of us. Save you a lot of work.

  32. Red Jeff @ 1:35, SunNewstv had a small clip of a fellow from Britain speaking and he said that the same views exists in Britain, being, the left hates Britain’s past and culture and panders to any culture or ideology that will attempt to destroy Britain’s culture and patriotism. The same thinking here is held by the socialists of either the Liberal or NDP type.

  33. Way to make my point, goofs. Do you people WANT to be slaves? If so, why not go live in North Korea and leave the free places to the rest of us. Save you a lot of work.
    Words fail to sum the stupid of this commentator, although I can point out that he is incapable of thinking beyond partisan talking points, indicating he has a working brain stem and not much else.

  34. While regular Canadians will now have the right to fly the flag, will the lefties still hold the right to wrap themselves in it and pee?

  35. Having saluted my friend’s casket as it was slow-marched to the plane in Kandahar and saluted too many Canada-flag-draped coffins, I cannot fathom why it would be considered a criminal act to fly my country’s flag on my property.
    To the posters who let the Red Ensign disappear…this was your fault. You voted in the idiots who made the change…and you kept voting for the same party that eventually gave us Trudeau. You allowed the fear of a Quebec mutiny to rule your head–instead of voting for a party or starting a party who would have thrown every communist and Separatist (including Levesque) in jail to rot.
    I think it may be time to rescind our Constitution and re-write it in the vein of a true democracy…not Trudeaupianistan.

  36. Way to make my point, goofs. Do you people WANT to be slaves? If so, why not go live in North Korea and leave the free places to the rest of us. Save you a lot of work.
    This is a joke, right? No one could be so ignorant as to say, “If you don’t agree to allow the government increased control over what is displayed on your property, then you are a Commie and a slave.” Because that’s essentially what you seem to be saying. If the law just prevented petty bureaucrats from ordering a private citizen to take down a Canadian flag on his property, that’s one thing, but as I understand it the proposed law is much broader than that.
    You may be thrilled by crap legislation like this that curtails real freedom for the sake of scoring political points against addle-brained one-worlders, but the rest of us will wait for more substantive moves toward freedom. Like, let’s see passage of the legislation repealing s.13 of the CHRC act, and hopefully some that will severely curtail the Commission’s scope of activities.

  37. Someone thought so highly of the liberals substitute for the Red Ensign, they used it like a can of spray paint.
    The photo was taken during the Martensville byelection of March 2007, the sign is on Highway 11 just south of Martensville.
    No interest was shown by the media or the authorities, despite clear rules about interfering with political signage during an election.

  38. Who is going to made all those flags if we all agree that each house has or MUST has one flag to hang out?
    I know the answer: That is not china for sur!
    on second thought why not! we have lots of chineese in Canada
    may be this is good to put one big flag outside of one big apartment building for all.
    If all people plan to put up flag then what?
    this become take view of city different too!
    Canada agreed with dual two citizen ship too can we put scond flag along with it or stick in back of our cars! that would be new view of town again may be look like sport club or army day
    we do not have too many house in big land of Canada
    why not let’s made this by people choice,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=fcf51795719a1ef4&biw=1024&bih=540—2789.asp&docid=_91fnW9NbIOijM&w=580&h=1092&ei=slmGTqvgLobn0QGDu90m&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=359&page=6&tbnh=153&tbnw=74&start=53&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:53&tx=55&ty=77
    This is good to proud of something and boost self confidence but in what cost and what degree of law for punishment

  39. To the trolls arguing that this is going to violate property rights, did you offer the same argument when the liberals imposed the long un registry?
    Point is that this law is intended to allow the flag to stay up in the appropriate circumstances. Its purpose is to out those that have used our laws against us.
    The decision on insite is a perfect example of where the judicary has failed to protect the citizens in favour of appearing trendy and fashionable.

  40. I LOVE THIS!!! Trolls just can’t stop themselves, they’re frothing! Its AWESOME!
    Lemme make it easy for you LPC employees to understand. At 12:43 I said: “It is their [liberals] belief that government must have the right to forbid -any- action, by anyone, any time.”
    And here you are, proving my point in troll after troll after troll. You cannot STAND IT that a Canadian citizen should have the right to do even such a small thing as FLY THE FRICKIN’ FLAG, and have that right backed up by jail time for the mook that tries to stop him.
    But this is the topper, the cappo de tutti cappo of irony that makes your argument even more vacuum packed than you thought, WE DO NOT HAVE PROPERTY RIGHTS IN CANADA. Best part? YOU did it to yourselves.
    There is nothing whatsoever in Canadian law which says you have any -right- to keep your property or to control what goes on there. Ownership and control are both -privileges- granted to you by the Crown, and the Crown can take them away with a simple act of Parliament.
    Do you know why, O indignant Lefties? Pierre Elliot Trudeau. That’s why. Chretien’s regime may have finished hammering in the stake that killed private property, but Trudeau started it and you morons supported it the whole time.
    But maybe, even in spite of everything you worthless communist @$$holes can do, maybe I’ll finally get back my right to fly the flag where I want, when I want, and as big as I want.
    Bite it, monkeyboys.

  41. The Libs/ NDP loons have no problem with flying the Mexican or Saudi Arabian flag anywhere in Canada.
    Their only issue is with the Canadian flag, ok and “don’t tread on me” Gadsden flag and the confederate flag.
    They even support the flags of Hezbollah, Hama’s and the Tamil Tigers while demonstrating in Canadian cities. Nuff said……………

  42. joseph >
    Well said! {“No problem with taking gun owners property”}
    Phantom >
    Very well said! What property rights? At least Harper and the WRP in Alberta are making moves to get Canadians some limited property rights.
    “They did it to themselves” WHAT A BUNCH OF FRICKIN MORONS ALL OF YOU “LIBERAL” GOVERNMENT PANDERING KISS-ASS’s are. Most animals know not to crap in thier own nests.
