Vancouver’s Public Policies: An Absolute Disgrace!

Much about my hometown of Vancouver I love. But there’s also a whole lot to be embarrassed about. Vancouver Courier columnist, Mark Hasiuk, succinctly outlines some of the most egregious recent examples, including giving out crack pipes to children.

Update: The parasites have won a victory. They must be so incredibly proud of themselves to be instrumental in continuing the destruction & exploitation of the lives of the downtrodden.   — h/t TJ & The Phantom

62 Replies to “Vancouver’s Public Policies: An Absolute Disgrace!”

  1. peterj – exactly. So true right down to the non-smoking bit. BTW, not called pedophiles anymore, the PC term is ‘minor attracted persons’ – there is also another term being used as well that sanitizes the behaviour, but I don’t recall what it is just now.

  2. Davenport, even you must admit Christie Blatchford makes no claims of being a non-ideologue. Its just that her ideas disagree with yours.
    Try to be a little more tolerant, eh?

  3. ”Hug me till you drug me, honey;
    Kiss me till I’m in a coma;
    Hug me, honey, snuggly bunny;
    Love’s as good as soma.”
    Aldous Huxley “Brave New World”

  4. libertariansaresmarter at Sep 30, 2011 11:41 PM:
    “Funny thing, there has been no surge in crime along with InSite at all….”

    The downtown east side of Vancouver is so crime ridden no one would notice.

  5. So this dude pooops his pants over something that hasn’t actually happened? And likewise, so are all of you? Come on guys… why not get mad over real stuff instead of stuff that hasn’t actually happened yet?

  6. Leo G – known any junkies?
    Didn’t think so. STFU, fool. At least until such time as you or one of your loved ones has been victimized by one. Then come here and preach.

  7. Yes, we’ve seen the brilliance of “libertariansaresmarter” before.
    Guess what? Gainsaying doesn’t actually make you smarter. It’s sort of one of those cardinal rules of human discourse, right next to “saying you’re smarter right in your online nym doesn’t actually make you smarter”.
    My name is Michael H Anderson, and I eat libertarians with stupid nyms like you for breakfast and ask for seconds – tool.
    @John: learn to communicate clearly in plain English before you come here to challenge actual adults, you pathetic asswipe.
