25 Replies to “This Is Awkward”

  1. The words “bullshit and obfuscation” don’t even begin to describe what this guy spews.
    Should this province once again elect a NDP government you will see business leave even faster than it came in after Wall was elected. And that is FAST!

  2. Stop the productive Zimbabwe farms: confiscate them and give them to the Mugabe’s cronies.
    Stop the productive Saskatchewan mines: tax the sh!t out of them and give the proceeds to the NDP’s base: those who refuse to be productive.

  3. Dwain could have had his ducks lined up a bit better with this promise. The questions being asked are not that hard. When and how much?

  4. Sure Dwayne, I think we get it. I do not know who the reporter is, but she has him in the corner. The reporter must be a relative of Kate’s.
    Perfect example of Walking Eagle, so full of bovine feces he can’t fly.

  5. Blank cheque is right, Notice how he got very busy deflecting the topic to crime and Conservative prisons.

  6. Well, if he doesn’t make it in Sask., reassure him that his lack of qualities makes him a shoe-in to replace Dildo McDinky in Ontario.

  7. Hard to hear the non-answers with all the background noise. They shouldn’t be conducting interviews in the NDP caucus room anyhow.

  8. Lets say that first nations get a share of resource royalties. This then should be viewed as prepayment for first nations services. No more welfare for off reserve first nations, when a first nations person arrives at a hospital he pays for services rendered, toll booths are set up at the entrances of reserves and tolls collected for them using the roads off reserve. Any first nations person going to school in the city must pay extra just like private education as the resource royalties should cover this. The first nations people can’t expect to double dip.

  9. I am unfamiliar with Saskatchewan politics but this guy is working straight out of Alinsky’s rules for radicals…..whenever possible shift ground….
    He makes McSquinty seem credible….he would have no place in Ontario politics beyond head of a public service union…..even the CUAW would reject him.

  10. Who was the reporter that was asking Link those tough questions? Didn’t know anyone other than Gormley in the Sask media would go after Link like that.

  11. I love where he says back in 1930 when resources control was handed to the provinces, they weren’t discussed with the native people AKA Indians.
    After a having the run of the joint for about 25,000 years before the white eyes came, Indians didn’t know what resources were.
    Now we have to negotiate their cut.
    Are these Indians from Sicily or what?

  12. If First nations want to share in the boom,get off your butts,get a job then you will get your “fair share”.

  13. Who was the reporter that was asking Link those tough questions? Didn’t know anyone other than Gormley in the Sask media would go after Link like that.
    I wouldn’t stake my life on it, but it sounds like Steffani Langenegger- CBC reporter and sometime fill-in host of CBC’s Morning Edition.
    (If it is), You know it’s over when your own start cannibalizing the carcass.

  14. “I wouldn’t stake my life on it, but it sounds like Steffani Langenegger- CBC reporter and sometime fill-in host of CBC’s Morning Edition.
    (If it is), You know it’s over when your own start cannibalizing the carcass.”
    If that was a CBC reporter going after him Link is in for a world of hurt on election night.

  15. Now that is a mealy-mouthed politician!
       [mee-lee-moutht, -mouthd] Show IPA
    avoiding the use of direct and plain language, as from timidity, excessive delicacy, or hypocrisy; inclined to mince words; insincere, devious, or compromising. >

  16. The TEAT Party! HA!! That’s a good one.
    Posted by: Louise at October 19, 2011 1:14 PM
    I can’t wait for Hudak to stand up and call Dildo McDinky’s Liberals the TEAT Party!

  17. But Mr. Lingenfelter is promising more … much more …. than is Premier Wall. The problem is that Lingenfelter has no idea how much everything is going to cost or where the money will come from. To use the immortal words of Dave “Tiger” Williams … “He’s done like dinner”.
    And if you think Lingenfelter and the NDP are hopeless, the Green Party is proposing a new crown corporation to look after the highways. Just what we need. Another crown corporation.

  18. Dwayne has no intention of winning…The election will be over just in time for him to announce his last minute entry into the federal NDP leadership campaign…(tinfoil hat off now)

  19. First nations reserves are a Federal issue. Funding comes from Ottawa! Janice Mckinnon past NDP Finance minister spelled it all out on Gormley Live on Thursday morning! Saskatchewan would be taking over First Nation Reserve responsibilities and paying for it. Next will be Metis Nation and then more. What a huge load of Crap. The NDP are attempting to scare the public into handing over our resource base to First nations in perpetuity. Apparently according to Link if we don’t we may end up (implying, read between the lines) like a rural version of 1967-2012 Detroit. More crime more welfare more whining, more disease, arson, vandalism, etc.
    How about if you don’t like Saskatchewan, get the F@#$$% out then, we don’t owe you anything.
    Basically the same thing the NDP did when they created Potash Corp, Saskoil and on and on. No consultations, no plebiscites, no democracy. Just bend over or get out!
    NDP gain power by milking the poor and feeding them crap and myths. What happened to their promise of eliminating child poverty in 1991? More crap. The closure of 52 rural hospitals, because they had no choice? Right, there were other choices but the NDP don’t sell THEIR assets unless its for their own good, like Channel lake-Saskoil, etc.
