12 Replies to “A Day in the Life”

  1. The rant doesn’t even begin to mention the resources that go into each and every product, not just the corporations that make each product. The steel, wood, plastic, rare metals, the energy to make the product, the industry to extract energy and then transport the energy, transportation to get the resources to the factory, the JOBS that all of these industries create and maintain so people can put food on their table all over the world.
    Milton Friedman says it better than I do:

  2. Most of the occupiers have been poorly educated by socialist (unionized) )teachers who own the educational system. They have all been horribly mislead and misinformed. . So that makes these people stupid and if you listen and observe them you will agree that they are indeed stupid.
    Life is hard, it’s a lot harder if you are stupid.
    So, with that in mind, those people will suffer through their lives by simply being who they are.

  3. Having driven past the tents of occupy Edmonton I concluded that the protestors have more money than many of the corporations they are protesting! Well except the tent rental company. They must be making out like bandits!!!

  4. Most people who are angry are NOT necessarily opposed to capitalism. I certainly am not. We recognize that corporations have contributed much to our civilization, but I think there is also some very clear reasons to be concerned about how they behave, both socially and environmentally.
    Always one to hope that this might work its way into your skulls, I’ll throw some basics out… the middle class is shrinking and making less, the ranks of the poor are growing, and the very wealthy are getting richer. This trend has been going on for 30 years, and smart people are finally asking themselves, “hey, where is this crazy train going?”
    You should too, but I won’t hold my breathe.

  5. John,you make a point. But what is the alternative?
    It may make you feel better to speak out,but there is not another system better than capitalism. Capitalism rewards work,ideas,and innovation. It has flaws,but not sharing your earned rewards,is not a flaw.
    It is a choice.

  6. John, to paraphrase Winston Churchill:
    “It has been said that Capitalism is the worst form of economy except all the others that have been tried.”
    real quote:
    “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.”

  7. Yes John has a point. Too bad its on top of his head. In all reality the problem with capitalism is the effort of governments to achieve social ends through regulation and taxation. If the government were to engage in actual governance and zero social engineering many if not most of the ‘evils of capitalism’ would disappear.

  8. A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither. A society that puts freedom before equality will get a higher degree of both.
    Milton Friedman
