Dwain Lingenfelter: Just This Week

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
Just this week;

The NDP’s environmental platform includes:
* By 2025, 50% of the electricity grid will be clean, renewable energy
* Investing in research and development to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
* Grants for homeowners to use solar hot water and space heating systems.
* Reducing emissions 38% below current levels by 2020, and 80% by 2050.
* Improve municipal recycling programs with better funding.
* Increasing net-metering payments and buy-back rate incentives for green energy production.

Just this week:

* Spain announced a 40% reduction in its wind power subsidy.
* The European Commission’s energy department is questioning the wisdom of its go-it-alone global warming policies, citing loss of economic competitiveness.
* The British government pulled the plug on its budget-bending carbon capture and storage facility. That’s where carbon dioxide from the combustion of coal is pulled out of the exhaust and sent back into the ocean floor. It sounds expensive and fanciful, and it is.
* Japan announced it is reconsidering its plan to cut carbon dioxide by 25% in the next 8 years. Minister Nobutani, of the Global Environmental Affairs Office stated that “Japan’s wealth has been draining out” in its attempt to meet the target.
* The price of carbon credits—what you buy as a “permit” to emit—has dropped off the table because the Greek and Italian (and soon, Spanish) crises are crashing the European economy. No one needs to buy a permit to emit carbon dioxide when the factory is down.


24 Replies to “Dwain Lingenfelter: Just This Week”

  1. When you have no chance of getting into power you can be totally irresponsible with your platform.
    The only real problem is that given SaskPower’s current agenda it is plain that Saskatchewan’s current government has a big thing about wind power and other green energy forms. I hope they read the same things you do.

  2. You all just hang on to that Lingenfelter fellow.
    St. John’s? The city council – not a bright lot.
    And not well educated. They can do one thing well, and that is keep the roads clear of snow, and well salted, in winter. That’s it.
    It is suspected that they may have two capabilities, given the numbers of buildings set up which violate building codes, but we won’t talk about that!

  3. We won’t have to worry about Ligenfelter much longer…everytime he opens his mouth more votes shoot over to the Sask Party.

  4. The NDP’s platform is totally irresponsible, but then what else can one expect. It would devastate the farming and oil industry.
    rroe @ 4:44, re Sask Power, that is why you have to mention the idiocy of the wind turbines every chance you get when you meet the Sask Party insiders.

  5. Also saw the Leader of the TEAT PARTY/NDP saying he would like to enter into royalty sharing agreement with all Native Bands in Sask. That should go well. Are they now going to pay TAXES as well.

  6. All the idiots who announced shutdowns of nuclear plants a few years ago will change their tune in the face of cold and hungry voters. When the price of electricity goes up 10 to 20 times only Al Gore and his ilk can afford it.

  7. Lingenfelter must be trying to throw this election. Could he possibly believe all that he is saying, it’s becoming laughable, hillarious even. I doubt he has much credibility left even in his own party. The NDP could possibly be wiped completely off the map or very near to it. It gets worse daily but I just loved todays announcement that by 2025 half our the power generation in Sk. will be from wind or solar etc. What a simplistic clown.

  8. “The NDP could possibly be wiped completely off the map”
    Despite Lingenfelter’s buffoonery, the NDP still have a couple of safe seats in the two big cities, however a near annilation at the polls is very possible and has been predicted by many so-called experts. A complete meltdown of NDP support would be the best thing that could happen to this province since we are finally on the right path on we certainly don’t need any socialist obstruction in our way.
    If, by some cruel twist of fate, the NDP come back into power sometime in the distant future, we can count on receiving those equalization payments from Ottawa again as we slide into have-not province territory.

  9. If elected the NDP are projecting a declining population. When everyone moves back to Alberta the peak demand with be near Zero.. The NDP have been depopulating Sask for years.. Pack up & trek to another Province with jobs…

  10. Sadly the SaskParty ignores the ongoing policy directions set out by NDP hacks within Municipal affairs.
    Saskparty members look the other way when confronted. They refuse to take a principled stand against the provable fallacy of fiscal benefits with RM amalgamation! In fact they even offer to help should Rm’s be suckered into this process. The socialist koolaid tastes good when no one is looking.
    Oh sure they do not out right promote this un-popular concept floated by Romano and Blakney. But they are doing nothing to expose the lunacy of this idea.
    Meanwhile NDP loyalists are finding creative ways of slipping municipalities down this path.
    Shame on the SaskParty for allowing this to happen…they are to far the the left for me!

  11. ivbinconned, you are right. Even Gormley on his radio show this morning came out in support of the large county replacing the current urban and rural municipal structure.
    If this goes through you can forget about having a personal contact with you councilor until he comes knocking on the door every four years looking for your vote in a now political party orientated regional council.
    We lived in Ontario in the early 1970s when the regional government system was implemented and the councilors became unapproachable big government political hacks instead of your neighbour.
    I cancelled my membership a few years ago because they have not rolled back any of the NDP’s social engineering efforts, are building the asinine wind turbines and still allow the Stalinist HRC to function unimpeded.
    I still have to vote for the Sask Party as the communist alternative is worse.

  12. ivbinconned and Ken (Kulak) – good points. Mushy Conservatives are hard to stomach. “Give Brad Wall’s wooly head a shake’ as my Dad used to say. Clear the fog, it is no victory when you do not have votes FOR something; people voting against the other choice is an empty win and meaningless waste of taxpayers money.

  13. “people voting against the other choice is an empty win and meaningless waste of taxpayers money”
    Then welcome to years of NDP majority government and all the blessings that brings you. When will you people understand that none of our choices are ever perfect ones?
    “I still have to vote for the Sask Party as the communist alternative is worse.”
    Exactly right.

  14. cgh…how does one maintain some self respect.
    Its those thousands of “cONSERVATIVES” who hold their nose’s that allows this crap to go on unchallenged that results in the type of leadership Alberta was plagued with the last few years.
    You must understand because it is an observable fact. A drift to the left of our ship of state is hard to turn back.
    Also I suspect you have not studied this topic that I bring up…it is very serious. RM conventions have voted over 90% to reject amalgamation!! Isn’t this a big part of Brads base?
    He is ignoring those that brought him to the dance in favor of attracting the city vote. Hmmm we have seen this before.

  15. Ken, I have a question for you. How is it better to drown slow, as opposed to drowning fast?

  16. This exactly the kind of shite that NDP supporters ….believe … he’s preaching to the choir in church of the Blessed Idiot and begging in front of the shrine of the Empty Skull.
    Who was it that equated socialism with canibalism?
    Well …. the Linkulator is just fulfilling the inevitable consequence of chosing the canibal way.

  17. In America, politicians campaign saying, “I feel your pain.” In Saskatchewan, they say, “I’ve felt your Lingen”…
