24 Replies to “Breaking….”

  1. My parents and next door neighbor are all lifelong NDP supporters.
    They all hate the Link.

  2. You folks in Saskatchewan should rotate your gub every four years. The Saskatchewan Party can spend their four years creating wealth and the NDP can use their four years to spend the wealth that the Saskchewan party created.

  3. Last spring I got a call from an old friend last spring and the first thing he talked about was how great it was that Harper won a majority. This friend and I had a long standing agreement to never talk politics because he is a lifelong NDP and his wife is on the executive of her union as well as very involved with the NDP. He went on to say how great Brad Wall is and called him the greatest premier Saskatchewan has ever had. I thought he was joking, but he assured me that he was serious. He said he told his wife “things have never been better in Saskatchewan, why would we want to go backwards?”. Apparently he now has an agreement with his wife to never talk politics. It’s all over but the crying.

  4. The NDP has essentially used the same campaign theme for the past 70 years summed up very well by John Gormley “fear, envy, and loathing”.

  5. I think that election campaigns should have a little levity in them. All Dwain Lingenfelter signs should have a seperate sign with UP printed on them. Dwain Lingenfelter up

  6. Wow, is this Lingersmeller…..uhh…..Fingerbanger…uhh Floodenflauden…..uhh Fingersmeller a tool or what? Well, what do you expect from someone named D-wain?

  7. At least Dwain is getting lots of help from the public sector union types as witnessed by the big, fancy and expensive billboards along all the main thoroughfares.
    “Hey Sask … you are being lied to.” Save our Sask Crowns (whatever that is) came up with that one. The Premier has pledged time and again that the crown corporations are not in jeopardy.
    Then there’s the one with the elderly lady musing about what more could be done if we just raised royalties. Anyone with an ounce of sense knows what the result would be if the Premier decided it would be beneficial to gouge the potash companies.
    Finally there’s the lovely family begging the government to stop cuts to public services. A little research reveals that the Sask Party has, in fact, increased funding for public services.
    I just wish that the Premier would stand up and call “bullsh*t” on all these alleged crimes against the people of Sask. Most Saskatchewanians recognize crap when they see it but unfortunately there are still a few who read the billboards and take those messages as gospel.
    I wonder how the rank and file union members feel about their dues being used to fund a lost cause?

  8. biffjr
    Brad Wall took a page out of PMSH’s book and de-fanged the opposition. Harper did it by somewhat acquiescing to the Global Warming crowd. By saying “yeah, yeah, I believe in Global Warming too (but I won’t do anything about it) he took all of the ammo from the Left. Likewise, Brad Wall did the same with the Crowns. BW took the biggest bullet the opposition had, and made it his. THIS… is a good strategy as the Left has not figured-out how to counter.
    BTW, PMSH did the same with the Health Care debate this election. He simply said “we’re doing what they’re doing, so what’s the problem?”. Brilliant!

  9. That is hilarious. I can hardly wait for Nov. 8th. And the next election. And the one after that. And after that……
    Goodbye NDP.

  10. “Goodbye NDP”
    I honestly hope that you’re right Louise. The NDP must be completely obliterated if Saskatchewan is to truly prosper. So long as any of the vermin remain, they will continue their obstructionist tactics and whip the public service unions into a frenzy at every opportunity. I think we’re all weary of their continuous scare tactics and childish billboard ads.
    But we must keep in mind that the NDP is like a raspberry plant. Just when you thinks it’s dead and gone, another one pops up. The only solution is the political equivalent of Roundup. Wipe them out at the polls.

  11. The next step is “right to work”legislation or at least non deductable union dues.Dues that cant be deducted off a pay cheque but must be paid seperatly. Also, secret ballots at all union organizing of companys and equal opportunity for the emlpoyer to voice their side.

  12. spike 1 at 11:12 AM: “I think that election campaigns should have a little levity in them. All Dwain Lingenfelter signs should have a seperate sign with UP printed on them. Dwain Lingenfelter up”
    In the town where I live, the NDP candidate’s office has a bunch of orange helium-filled balloons out in front on the sidewalk against the wall. Each one is anchored to an orange crush can, which must be filled with sand or something, in order to hold the balloons down. I thought it was fitting (not to mention amateurish) that it was ORANGE CRUSH. They are going to be so hammered, it’s awe inspiring.

  13. biffjr. at 7:15 PM, not that it counts for anything, but I have a gut feeling, or a feeling in my bones, that the old style NDP, the ones that tried very hard (and nearly succeeded) to destroy our province will never again see the light of day.
    Just that fact that they had to resurrect this old geezer from the past and make him their leader, plus the fact that none of their policies as articulated thus far, are anything but warmed over old-speak, suggests to me that they are history.
    They are going to have to completely remake themselves if they ever hope to get back to power, but that would require abandoning everything they’ve ever done and ever stood for, which amounts to the same thing. Goodbye, NDP! It hasn’t been good to know ya’!
