Reader Tips

When the smell of burning tires fills the air, and bitter socialists pound heavy objects against your door, there’s only one thing to do: haul out the old turntable and slow dance with your spouse to the sweet sounds of Herb Oscar Anderson.
The comments are open, once again, for your Reader Tips.

39 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Solidarity founder Lech Walesa changes his mind and decides not to join with the OWS protesters after he learns about the nature and goals of the groups involved in leading and organizing the protests.

  2. Lee Stranahan at Big Government:
    “A newly-discovered video–filmed by Occupy Wall Street supporters themselves–reveals that New York Times reporter Natasha Lennard is not merely covering the protests, but is also apparently taking part in planning and executing them. In the video, Lennard is seen participating as a featured speaker in a discussion among anarchists, communists, and other radicals as they examine the theory, strategy and tactics of the Occupy protests…”
    “Lennard, the woman at far-left (coincidentally) speaks as a ‘comrade’ of the panelists and the audience…”
    h/t Moonbattery

  3. Or you can dig through the DVD collection and watch an old BW flick with the etherial Gene Tierney. Wearing a nice blouse, pencil skirt, medium heels. Her hair is combed and she speaks real English. Her co-stars are well dressed and literate. Most refreshing to go back to a time when people knew how to behave.

  4. Watch the “At Issue” panel on the Nat.tonite..they discuss the ‘it get’s better’ promotion to help gay teens.Unbelievable how they skirt/hint and play Mercer’s rant,to try and out gay MP’s.Coyne told them it’s a private issue,and should be up to individual to come out.Jennifer Ditchburn was a real bi*ch!

  5. Fast and Furious Update
    Someone finally puts Holder and the Oblameya administration on the hot seat for trying to subvert Americans second amendment rights to bear arms;
    (Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.)in a letter to Holder)
    The American people deserve to know if your Department had any intent to link the legal purchase of firearms here in the U.S. to crimes committed near our southern border. Operation Fast and Furious funneled firearms legally purchased at gun shops in the U.S. to known criminal syndicates to prove these syndicates have access to legal purchased weapons. This is a deliberate attempt to vilify and attack the millions of gun owners in America who value our Second Amendment and have never broken the law.
    (emphasis mine)
    (via HotAir)

  6. Occupyin’ Atlanta:
    We don’t like the way the government is allowing us to be able to, you know, uh, utilize our, uh, various, you know, degrees, and, you know, our job market, until the, you know, society, without it haftin’ to be uproared by the, you know, fear of what the…”

  7. J.R. Dunn at American Thinker:
    “Once again conservatives are fumbling a sure opportunity to deal the opposition a crippling blow. The Occupy Wall Street movement is an easy target — a fat, slow dirigible topped up with hydrogen and just waiting for the spark that will set it ablaze. They are the third wave of the modern transcendental slob movements, behind the hippies and the grunge kids. They are driven by the basest of motives, greed and hatred: ‘Pay my bills’ and “Eat the rich.’
    “They are as dumb as bag of rocks, unable to articulate any strategy or goal. They are violent and cowardly at the same time, in the manner possible only to mobs…The whiff of outside direction and funding is too strong to ignore, with a mild but distinctive tang of paprika…”
    “When has such an easy target been presented by the left? There is not a single redeeming quality about this crowd. They are fish in a barrel, ducks in a row, easy prey. So what’s the response from the right? That was not a rhetorical question. What is the response?”
    It’s all light, flippant, and uncoordinated. People don’t seem to grasp the opportunity they’re being presented. The GOP could be on Mars for all we’ve heard. With the exception of the Herminator, the presidential candidates have carefully looked the other way — they’re all Jon Huntsman on this particular topic…Here’s a left-wing movement with the largest ‘kick me’ sign seen so far in this century. But instead of kicking, the conservative establishment has in large part given it their standard ‘topic of the day’ treatment…”
    The whole thing here.

  8. KevinB, did somebody tell Rick Mercer he’s funny? Whatever his taxpayer-subsidized salary is, it’s too much. Snarky, he is! Amusing, nyet!

  9. From the global revolution site (chat line)…
    “forget obama hes for the rich”
    Probably a mod: “no dissing potus here”
    No freedom of expression allowed at OWS!

  10. Michael Moore doesn’t consider himself in the 1%. I don’t know what was more shocking, that mouth dropping lie or the fact Piers Morgan pushed him on it.
    **According to our friends at Celebrity Net Worth, Moore’s fortune currently totals $50 million:
    Fahrenheit 911 raked in $230 million in theaters and another $3 million in DVD sales. After the theaters take their traditional 50% cut, that leaves roughly $130 million. Take away marketing, production and distribution expenses and Moore is conservatively left with $80 million. Moore was able to secure a deal from Miramax which guaranteed him 27% of his film’s net revenues, or roughly $21.6 million. Michael also was entitled to 50% of the profits of Sicko which are estimated to be $17 million.
    Moore wants to dress and act as if he’s just a regular guy part of the 99 percenters, but he is every bit a multimillionaire doing everything in his power to make more money for himself.
    He invests his fortune in stocks – including the Left’s most-hated company Halliburton! – and isn’t pro-union when it comes to managing his own business.
    That folks in this movement hold this man up as an icon for what they stand for is an indictment of how clueless and hypocritical they are as well.**
    Read more:

  11. It’s being pointed out here and there that the word “hoarders” has suddenly become big in the leftosphere; “hoarders” as in “rich right wing hoarders”; suddenly, as in “this week”.
    I think it has a nice “kill the kulaks” ring to it.

  12. Germany Is Already Printing Money – Deutsche Marks
    If Germany pulls out (70% of Germans believe the euro has no future) then Europe will experience a wave of defaults starting with Greece and spreading throughout the PIIGS.
    Even mainstream “thinkers” like Alan Greenspan says the euro is “doomed” to fail. Something very bad is brewing behind the scenes. The Sarkozy- Merkel talks, the short-selling bans, the halted stocks, the leveraged EFSF, the hints of QE 3, all of this is telling us that the financial system is on DEFCON 1 Red Alert.

  13. Neo-AGW Progress Report.
    ““We can’t tolerate the cold but what else can we do?””
    “Turkish villagers fear white death”
    ““This is the land of winter,” said Hilmi Gulgeldi, a villager in his fifties. “To stay outside after this time is impossible. It falls to minus 25 degrees, minus 40.”
    Fahrenheit or Celsius, either way it spells death.”

  14. AT first, EBD, I thought Herb Oscar Anderson’s — what were his parents thinking? — musical offering was a pre-Halloween primer, with the Psycho violin opening!
    I’m a sucker, though, for those lush ’50s orchestrations!

  15. more to come .
    occupy Calgary and Muslim Heritage Day to meet on the Olympic Plaza Saturday. City trying to skid the occupiers for the booked event.
    Higher, Louder , Funnier
    also , in the provincial courthouse park , a man knocking the leaves off the trees yesterday and today , then sweeps them up. guess his boss hasnt noticed they fall off by themselves.looks like he can get about 4 trees a day done. at least they cut down on the security staff. used to be 3 of them there in the morning . keeping the LRT travelers from occupying the place

  16. Ken – it’s just weird the way it’s suddenly become a meme. I’m no conspiracy theorist, but if I were I’d be wondering whether the lefties got their marching orders from… Daily Kos is the site I’ve read as the originator. It’s brand new to them, and yet it’s popping up on comments threads etc. And a month ago you’d never heard it outside Soviet history books. Weird.
    Anyway, readers tip: You should all watch this. I’d never seen a film in 3d ’till I saw this in the cinema. Apparently you can watch it in 3d at home on Blu-ray. Anyway, watch it one way or the other. The 3d format is perfectly suited to the subject matter (because the tactile impression of being inside the cave adds a certain definite something).
    Lascaux is more famous because it was discovered earlier, but Chauvet is much older. It really is the dawn of human art. Amazing film. No, I don’t know what’s up with the albino crocodiles either.

  17. Germany Uber Alles: Socialism Uber Alles.
    Is it a pyrrhic victory?
    “Pocket Books and Prayer Beads”
    “WWI Grave Find Tells Story Germans Want To Forget”
    “Archaeologists in France recently discovered the remains of 21 German soldiers from World War I in an underground shelter that hasn’t been touched since the day it was destroyed by French shells 93 years ago. Pocket books and prayer beads tell stories of life in the trenches — but Germany doesn’t want to hear them.”,1518,794103,00.html
    “27 October 2011
    “We are all at Germany’s mercy”
    “The leaders of the Eurozone have reduced Greece’s debt and increased the amount of EU aid. However, for Eleftherotypia, which notes on its front page that “German tanks are in the bailout,” the decision will put the Greeks and all Europeans under the heel of Berlin.”

  18. Of Our CBC’s Big Foot Joker: Mary the Walshman.
    Who will have the last laugh?
    “MPs want CBC to turn over internal files, potentially revealing sources”
    “The Conservatives want the CBC to turn over its internal files for a Commons committee to review, potentially including information on journalistic sources.
    Tory MPs on the Commons access committee say they should be able to take a look at documents the broadcaster refused to release under the Access to Information Act.”
    “CBC got Ford 911 call wrong”
    “I never saw his daughter,” Walsh said. “Unless his daughter was under his waistcoat, there was no daughter.”

  19. In the WTF department, Fox News has an article about Muslim students that are suing a private Catholic University because they won’t take down crosses and other religious items, or let them form a Muslim “Club”.

    OMG, laugh out loud funny. Climate scientists cut the feet out from under the warmie trolls by giving honest interviews…
    “For some scientists, chalking the hiatus up to the planet’s natural variability was enough. Temperatures would soon rise again, driven up inexorably by the ever-thickening blanket thrown on the atmosphere by greenhouse gases. People would forget about it.
    But for others, this simple answer was a failure. If scientists were going to attribute the stall to natural variability, they faced a burden to explain, in a precise way, how this variation worked. Without evidence, their statements were no better than the unsubstantiated theories circulated by climate skeptics on the Internet.”
    “Climate models failed to reflect the sun’s cyclical influence on the climate and “that has led to a sense that the sun isn’t a player,” [Dr. Judith} Lean said. “And that they have to absolutely prove that it’s not a player.””
    Where have we heard that???
    “This led Hansen to conclude that net energy imbalance was, to be briefly technical, 0.6 watts per square meter, rather than more than 1 watt per square meter, as some had argued.”
    OMG, Jimmy Hansen says it’s 40% not as bad as he has been claiming!
    It is almost enough to restore your faith in the scientific process.

  21. Actually, it is worse, and they tried to hide it. When the writer says “more than 1” the number is 1.2, which means that it looks like the warming is half of what they have been claiming, and remember that we have already seen 60% of the effect of the current move towards a doubling, so basically, this is pretty much it. The next doubling? Well that may never happen but we are going to have to emit as much CO2 again as we will have when we reach the first doubling, since about 1750…
    And natural gas produces less CO2 than coal and we are sitting on oceans of it.

  22. Neo-AGW Progress Report.
    Polar bears eat seals.
    Solar eats crow.
    “Polar bear webcam captures live images of Canadian polar bear migration”
    “The bears travel through the small town each October and November and then wait for the Hudson Bay freeze-up, when they can get out on the ice and hunt for seals.”
    “Solar subsidy cuts will hit community schemes hardest, industry warns”
    “Schemes to provide low-income homes with cheap power are most likely to be scrapped under changes, conference told”
    “Solar power companies are resigned to government cuts to subsidies that have generated a boom in the fledgling industry, but community schemes to benefit low-income households are likely to be the biggest losers under the plans.”

  23. Will Occupy’s anarcho-socialists get their martyr?
    “Iraq War veteran Scott Olsen, 24, lays on the ground bleeding from a head wound after being struck by a by a projectile during an Occupy Wall Street protest in Oakland, Calif.,”.
    Watch for O’narcissist to issue I-Me-My condolence.
    “‘Occupy’ Protests Cost Cities Millions”
    “With tensions mounting daily, the name Scott Olsen has become a national rallying cry for the Occupy Wall Street movement.
    Olsen, a 24-year-old Iraq veteran, is in serious condition after suffering a fractured skull during clashes with police in Oakland.
    He joined the protests after work Tuesday night and suffered his head wound when police fired tear gas into the crowd during the crackdown. People who came to his aid were then scattered by a gas canister tossed by police.
    In an effort to show solidarity with Olsen and their counterparts in Oakland, protesters in New York City marched to City Hall on Wednesday night. The demonstration led to a tense confrontation with police and 10 arrests.
    Today, the police union said officers had showed restraint but the union would sue any protester who injured an officer.
    So are the confrontations entering a dangerous new stage?”

  24. Aux Armes, Citoyens. Les Boches! Hear the tramp, tramp,…
    It’s not 1938, is it?
    “Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the French leftist Front, said Europe is now marching to Germany’s drum and “headed for disaster”, a view gaining ground across Europe’s Left.”
    WTH? is “Monetary contraction”?
    From the Grecian Formula to the ‘Grecian vortex’. Makes one’s head spin, no?
    “Europe’s rescue euphoria threatened as Portugal enters ‘Grecian vortex'”
    The graft, er graph shows:
    “Data released by the European Central Bank show that real M1 deposits in Portugal have fallen at an annualised rate of 21pc over the last six months, buckling violently in September.”
    “Monetary contraction in Portugal has intensified at an alarming pace and is mimicking the pattern seen in Greece before its economy spiralled out of control, raising concerns that the EU summit deal may soon washed over by fast-moving events.”
