Barack Obama Returning to Type

It’s baffling that anyone is surprised that Barack Obama is carrying on the way he is. His entire life has been about “us” and “them”. As a half-black kid living in Hawaii with a white grandmother of means, he undoubtedly had a difficult time fitting in. Though he more resembled the [often poorer] Polynesian and Filipino kids on Oahu, he went to a school mostly reserved for the privileged. But outside of school, who did he most feel connected with?
Fast forward to his time after university, in his role as a Community Organizer. What exactly does such a person do? One of Obama heroes, Saul Alinsky, provides a very frank explanation. The term he prefers with which to describe a Community Organizer is “Professional Outsider Agitator”. To agitate what? It’s very clear, though Obama’s protective guard in the mainstream media will never admit it, that the major goal of community organizers is to stir up and disrupt the cohesive societies they attack work in. That is what Barack Obama did then and is precisely what he is doing now. It is why he very much supports the loathsome, disgusting “Occupy” protesters. Can you think of any other American president who would support their stated objectives to destroy capitalism and demand that the government provide everything for free?
Though the sycophants on the Far Left refuse to acknowledge how incredibly wrong they were in supporting the past 3 years of an absolutely failed presidency, some past supporters are now seeing Obama’s destruction of America for what it truly is:

15 Replies to “Barack Obama Returning to Type”

  1. Though the sycophants on the Far Left refuse to acknowledge how incredibly wrong they were…
    It’s easier to say you were deceived, Lefties.
    Try it, you might like it.

  2. Correct me if my memory is faulty, but didn’t Obama explicitly and braggadociously promise that none of his bail-out money would end up in the pockets of the wealthy corporate CEO’s?
    And since that money did end up in their pockets, shouldn’t the Left be protesting against their Left messiah — Obama? Shouldn’t this be a protest of the Left against the economic incompetence of the Left?

  3. Barry doesn’t “support” the protesters. He’s -paying- the protesters. Money keeping the OWS astroturf morons going is coming from ACORN and his re-election campaign as well.
    The Left is far from admitting they were wrong. In fact the Left is getting EVERYTHING they wanted. They’re happy as hell. Their only complaint is he hasn’t gone far enough, fast enough.
    This is why we call them “retards”. Because they are.

  4. Wynn made some powerful comments to Cavuto that indicate to me that Marxism is in control of the Democratic Party. Sad that this party has degraded to this point. Stalin’s 5th column henchmen in North America have done a good job through the educational system and we are seeing the results.
    Kind of on topic. Charles Adler just interviewed Harmon Kaslow, the producer of the movie Atlas Shrugged. Charles asked Kaslow “Who is John Galt”. Kaslow replied something like all those who believe in freedom. Kaslow also said that the “occupiers” are wrong in condemning wealthy individuals, but are right in condemning wealth gathered from corruption. I paraphrased Kaslow’s comments a bit.
    I can hardly wait to get a copy of the movie or even a few to give to my kids.

  5. And let us not forget that the idea for “Occupy” came from AdBusters in Vancouver—which is subsidised in part by George Soros. Soros has never bothered to hide his influence with Obama. The “99%” crowd seem unable to grasp that they are “useful idiots” in the neo-Marxist takeover of the US government.

  6. @Ken (“Wealthier Farmer”)
    The point dear Comrade is not that Socialism has failed humans, rather the other way around. Socialism after all works splendidly in the anthill and the beehive. Its the homo sapien that has failed Socialism.
    Barack Obama isn’t unfit to lead America. Its the American people who aren’t fit to be lead by His Majesty.
    So keep your hopes high. Give Socialism a chance. Next time it will be different.
    “To keep hope alive one must, in spite of all mistakes, horrors, and crimes, recognize the obvious superiority of the socialist camp,” Jean-Paul Sartre

  7. What did Obamba do at University except smoke dope and praise Mao?
    We don’t actually know, because he has spent nearly 2 million ($2,000,000.00) personal dollars to seal his personal scholastic records including his birth certificate.
    Only a suicidal lefty mental case wouldn’t see this as a problem. That is why you must and will go.

  8. Rizwan: anthills and beehives are a million miles from being socialist. They have queens and they have highly regimented class structures that while regimented are ruthless in their survival of the fittest genetic competition.
    Socialism if it ever existed in nature is extinct. I doubt it ever did exist. It is simply a construct of man that is currently in its death throes.

  9. The older you get the more you realize just how blind these so called genuineness are. How morbidly haughty with pride, coupled with self delusions of infallibility. They believe a degree bestows on them a crown above any others. That mere human knowledge, gifts them with absolute truth only they can dispense. Particularly politicians dazzled by the alphabet soup crowd longing to share their attention like vampires off their delusions of complete godhood. Who have no real working knowledge of the Real World, where people struggle to exist.
    Silver spoon socialists with credentials living first on Mommy or Daddies money.Than tenure. The mixture is always explosive to the point of collapse. Hence you have Politicians licking up the global warming BS like drugged booze, with economic socialism that has destroyed entire Nations . Again & again & again.

  10. Adults would understand what Mr Wynn is saying, but union workers have been training kids in North America to remain juveniles for the past forty years, and to a large extent its worked. The Occupy people are just an outspoken example of economic and political illiterates, but a poll a few months ago revealed that up to a third of Americans thought socialism was just fine. The radicals unionized education to achieve their aims and now there may be a critical mass of stupidity ready to carry out the destruction. Sad, but historians won’t even be allowed to tell future Americans how good it was in America.

  11. Gord Tulk Says:
    “Rizwan: anthills and beehives are a million miles from being socialist. They have queens and they have highly regimented class structures that while regimented are ruthless in their survival of the fittest genetic competition.
    Socialism if it ever existed in nature is extinct. I doubt it ever did exist. It is simply a construct of man that is currently in its death throes.”
    Gord, that is the very REAL definintion of socialism. Only the Proles don’t realize it.

  12. It has been my impression and back in the day, I successfully directed my enterprise with this theory in mind.
    Socialists…economically and militarily have exhibited the tactical and strategical mentality of ant hills and bee hives.
    Case in point…WW2 the Soviets never out manuevered but rather overwhelmed by sheer numbers of men and material. The vast resources of the former Russian Empire even incompetantly managed produced more men and material than could the resource limited Third Reich.
    The Red Armies strategic pose resembled more a swarm of hornets than a fox…

  13. ‘The older you get the more you realize just how blind these so called genuineness are. How morbidly haughty with pride, coupled with self delusions of infallibility. They believe a degree bestows on them a crown above any others. That mere human knowledge, gifts them with absolute truth only they can dispense. Particularly politicians dazzled by the alphabet soup crowd longing to share their attention like vampires off their delusions of complete godhood. Who have no real working knowledge of the Real World, where people struggle to exist.’
    Magnificent comment Revnant Dream @ 4:53.
    One of my Dad’s favorite responses to airy fairy ideas of his family or his commnity was “where is the money going to come from?” The Community Organizer crowd uses the term “We” to issue proclaimations: “‘We'” must do something.” When anyone uses the pronoun “We” instead of “I” run as far and as fast as you can away from them – their “We” means “You” in Pinko speak. It means that ‘you’ will be doing the work and ‘they’ will be taking the money and the credit for any positive outcome and ‘you’ will be to blame if it fails. Pinkos turn on a dime on camp followers who fail to please ‘them’. Terrorism and starvation or the tools of the trade of Community Organizers.
    The msm crowd are in the “we” crowd, right now. Georgie Porgie Soreass knows all about the tools of terrorism – he worked for the Nazis in a Prison Camp during WWII.
    My Dad was a farmer/rancher – every job he did was an “I” project.

  14. Wynn was a big donor and booster for Obama
    and Harry Reid. His chickens have come home
    to roost.
