14 Replies to “Hashtag Of The Entitlement Generation”

  1. To tell you the truth — masturbation included — the “Occupy Madison” crowd looks totally tame compared to the protestors in Toronto. They honestly look like a bunch of squares. Maybe all the bad eggs came up here because they know they can get away with mayhem with Canadian Police.

  2. The devolution of the Leftist animal.
    Once a person has gone feral they can never be trusted again.

  3. One wonders if they were fantasizing about Barack Obama during …
    I’m referring to the males.

  4. Maybe they were just working out for the next Gay Pride parade. Gotta keep in shape ya know.

  5. Writer Theodore Sturgeon famously stated, “90% of everything is crud.” But that was many years ago; since then, inflation has set in.

  6. Thanks for pointing out another difference between Tea Party protests and the OWS’s, at a Tea Party protest all you will see with a black light is bright teeth.

  7. I guess you could say that in this case the right hand knows what the left hand has sunk to !
    It never fails to escape me when I watch clips/read about these people as to just how juvenile/childlike they come across as.
    Putting up with monkeys at the zoo comes readily to mind.

  8. If one of my main establishment boosters was Elizabeth Warren I’d probably …… ahhh … you know what I’m gonna say don’t you?

  9. I have to assume that no blue dresses owned by Monica Lewinsky were harmed in the process of publishing this article…

  10. Those occupukes are as disgusting as the racist, class warfare baiting, man/child president who is nothing but one bit Leftist masturbation himself.
