33 Replies to “Lingenfail”

  1. It doesn’t work. I checked I pay tax, am a homeowner with two kids under 14 who don’t need child care or dental, with a newer home not needing renovations. I hit calculate and nothing happens…. maybe that’s what it’s supposed to do, it’s a nothing platform after all.

  2. Hell Mr. Lingenfelter–just do like your friends do at CBC.Ca, don’t publish anything that’s NOT in your favour!

  3. I’d done the rough math awhile back and realized that I’d get nothing out of these promises…. other then an increase in taxes and utility rates somewhere down the line to pay for it all.

  4. You just got to suspect any government election promise by offering you a loaded calculator.

  5. Where did you find the actual savings calculator? I can’t find it. I don’t think they want it found.
    Most lefties cannot find a job in Saskatchewan where there are tons available, how ever can they find that calculator?

  6. …and it does NOT work. OOPS sorry it just doesn’t do anything, sorta like the average NDPer.

  7. Seems to work now, but somehow doesn’t account for loss of revenue to my household if we become unemployed or have to move back out of the province to find work!

  8. The calculator works just fine. If you rent,care for an elderly person in your home,have kids under 14,or intend on purchasing a home in the next four years,you get between 5000 and 7113 bucks of government money.
    Where the government gets that money,I have no idea. 😉
    If you work, own your home,aren’t renovating, have no kids under 14,and don’t care for an elderly person in your home, you are SOL.
    They are also playing “pavement politics”, with promises to double lane some Sask highways.
    Saskatchewan needs an NDP government like the ‘Riders need more losses this season.
    After the recent Provincial elections that saw the Liberals and NDP returned to office,I’m hoping the good folks of Saskatchewan will prove that common sense still exists in this Country.

  9. Apparently, I will save $272 over 4 years. The price of 5 Take Out Food Dinners (7 person family) is NOT a gamechanger! Take a hike Dwayne!

  10. I save $542 over 4 years.
    I would gladly pay that to keep the NDP out of power. Looks like I’m writing a cheque to the SK Party.

  11. From the first link: “Lingenfelter said some examples of direct savings include $6,400 for a family of four with two children in licensed childcare; $2,500 for a senior couple that can access the Credit for Caring and $3,300 for a student who has to move in order to attend university and is able to access the relocation allowance and the tuition freeze.”
    In other words, carrots for people already sucking on the government teat. Just for the heck of it, I punched in single, own a home, pay utilities, and plan to spend $0 on renovations. It said I would “save” $520. What it didn’t say was how, or where I save it. What part of “show your work” do they not understand?
    If I lived in SK, I’d be supporting the Sask Party, too.

  12. I answered yes to all the left wing feel good stuff and qualified for $26,523. Not bad.
    Then I went back and answered truthfully for all items and they dropped me back to $2210. Not so good!
    What lesson can I derive from this exercise? ‘Better to recieve than give, I guess!’

  13. I know it’s none of my business,as I live in B.C., BUT the NDP have proven repeatedly they just don’t understand how the economy works.
    Most Dippers couldn’t run a lemonade stand successfully.
    Vote the NDP to political oblivion!

  14. Dennis, didn’t you know that the 6th graders are the brain trust of the NDP?
    Game changer, sure, take a look at the poll that Other Stan links.

  15. I asked a NDP pamphlet dropper how much rent control will cost to implement. She said nothing.
    I asked how the 300 to 400 [Manitoba]administration staff would be paid, no answer!
    I rented an acreage in Manitoba to a young couple and gave them a cheap rent [$400] now 5 years later they tell me I can increase the rent to $406 a month but a new building is exempt from controls for 20 years but not mine. This is called fair! All rents over $1100 a month are exempt from control as well.
    What a great idea to create more SGEU jobs

  16. I save a big 520 over 5 years too, but if I drop 10K on home renos that amount rockets up to 1020. I wonder how much of that savings is due to the CPC’s home owners plan…

  17. Is it a bug or a feature, that everytime I click on any option the calculator causes my web browser to crash?
    So hard to tell with NDP designs……..

  18. Found a web browser it doesn’t crash.
    Under “Do you own a home?” it asks “Do you pay utilities (heat, electricity and phone)?”
    Huh? Shouldn’t the Ludite option be there if you answer no?
    No heat in Sask? Has this whole global warming……err sorry, climate change thing affected the flat lands that much that heat is no longer required?

  19. AtlanticJim,
    I got that same question this morning after having it utterly fail like Kate’s video this morning.
    The NDP says I’ll save $540 over the next 4 years, solely from utilities. I call BS, because their plan to increase “renewable” energy sources will only serve to increase my power rates. Plus, how the #&@*$& do THEY know how much I use my utilities?

  20. My granddaughter, who rents a small house, was visited recently by an NDP stooge (the candidate couldn’t be bothered to show up in person) who was promoting the benefits of rent control. The stooge pointed out that my granddaughter was probably being gouged by the landlord who had just built three new houses on one block. Granddaughter was bright enough to wonder aloud if the landlord would have even built the houses if rent control was in existence. Predictably, the socialist stooge had no answer.
    However, the interesting part of the encounter was that the socialist admitted that the NDP had no hope of winning this election but they might do better in 2015. Definite losers in every sense of the word.

  21. Cool.
    I live in Alberta and the Saskatchewan NDP is still going to save m $520.00. Gotta love it.

  22. Is the introduction of the NDP’s Cost Savings Calculator a “game-changing” announcement? (Poll Closed)
    No 75.45% (507 votes)
    Yes 24.55% (165 votes)
    Total Votes: 672
    Looks like the people voted with their common sense.

  23. Word around the campfire is that if you pay $1,000,000 a month rent and have 44 school aged children, all of whom require daycare and dental care, you would save over $8,000,000 over four years.

  24. I put in how much we were paying for rent when we first moved here (1350/month) and it showed savings of 9600 over four years. I would like to know how…
    They are offering incentives to build and buy new homes under 280K. I don’t think these are very common in the areas where we need more housing (Saskatoon and Regina). Sure you can build a new house in Morse for under that, but how often in Saskatoon?

  25. Go back to your farm Kate which my tax dollars probably paid for. I fact 1/2 the farms in Sask are trumped up with our tax dollars.Left wing and right wing.
