13 Replies to ““Game Changer””

  1. As an ardent Oilers supporter who suffered through that debacle, I take umbrage over your use of that incident to “score” a cheap political point.

  2. Not to be picky, but the Oilers actually won the Stanley Cup in 1987. The human-caused catastrophe of the Steve Smith goal was in 1986, although as an Oilers fan, it feels more like it was yesterday.

  3. I’m with ya Howie. I’m all for mocking the NDP and all that, but Kate, I implore you to use something other than THAT GOAL to make your point. I’m married to a Flamer fan and I’d rather watch a video with her of my bachelor party than THAT GOAL. Again. 😉 Go Oil!!

  4. Actually, she could have used the video of the flyball bouncing off the head of Jose Canseco and into the stands for a home run.

  5. You can only depend on the NDP for one thing. They will raid your wallet , while killing industry, jobs or even lifestyle. All in the name of ideology ,no matter how irrational.

  6. Poor Steve Smith> That mistake has followed him around like a skunks bouquet. It will never be deodorized.

  7. Revnant Dream, exactly. This fiasco looks good on Dwayne. Hopefully the NDP gets only the 6 seats that some pundits predict and then the Sask Party stops spending money on Al Gore’s fraud.

  8. RITFW:“I’m married to a Flamer fan and I’d rather watch a video with her of my bachelor party than THAT GOAL. Again. ;)”
    Uhhh….Sounds kinky…. I think we all would!, if it’s not too much trouble, that is. :>D

  9. There are still people who firmly believe that Brad Wall has a hidden agenda. There are people who believe that it would be a good idea to stick it to the potash companies. There are people who feel that the province’s prosperity should be passed on to them (public service unions) and to Hell with everyone else. And there are still people who believe that the government should control our lives and look after us from cradle to grave. In other words, there are still people in this province who are stuck in the 1970’s and prefer despair and “have not status” to hope, opportunity and growth.
