22 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. “Caledonian soul music”
    At first I thought the treat was native drum beating from Caledonia, Ont.

  2. Bernie Goldberg on Fox describes how the media reporting on the Occupy protesters differs from the Tea Party. An example I watched on CNN the other night that had Don Lemon(their most liberal anchor which is saying alot)ask if the police were treating the two groups differently. Infering, of course, the police were tougher on the Occupiers. To no surprise he and his two guests agreed that yes the police seem to be much rougher and tougher on the Occupiers. I thought one would have offered that one group was a little less civil than the other.

  3. Kate,
    The Vera Baker story got me thinking about media bias and I remember a line from Murray Mandryk’s column in today’s Star Phoenix. “Wall’s Monday morning announcement at the Emerald Park Child Care co-op was undoubtedly a safe campaign photo opportunity that politicians love and reporters tend to hate – mostly because they are so darn effective.”
    Now why would unbiased reporters care if a photo op is effective or not if their job is to just report the news? Murray had a Freudian slip and pulled back the curtain, if only just a bit, on his fellow reporters shilling for the NDP.
    Read more: http://www.thestarphoenix.com/life/Party+leaders+final+week+travel+plans+truly+telling/5636180/story.html#ixzz1cWH6fxQm

  4. 62% are free to go to a country where sharia is practiced…and take the 35% with them
    (CNews) — A newly released survey suggests a large number of Muslims living in Canada will not disown Al-Qaida.
    The study, conducted by the MacDonald Laurier Institute, found 65% of Muslims questioned said they would “repudiate absolutely” the terrorist organization, while 35% would not do so.
    “From a security perspective, it is difficult to know if a 65% rate of repudiation (of Al-Qaida) is re-assuring or a 35% failure to repudiate troubling,” wrote study authors Christian Leuprecht, associate professor of the Royal Military College of Canada and Conrad Winn, Carleton University professor and president of COMPAS, a public opinion research firm.
    “The most radical political views tended to be expressed by relatively secular people, often equipped with higher education in the social sciences, while devout Muslims were sometimes the most articulate advocates for Canada and democracy.” According to the Ottawa based think tank, only a small minority of Muslim newcomers to Canada reject Hamas, Hezbollah, or the Iranian regime.
    The survey, which was released Tuesday, found 62% wanted some form of Shariah law in Canada, 15% of them saying it should be mandatory for all Muslims.
    The report also states support for extremism is just as high among Muslims born in Canada, or other Western countries, as it is among those hailing from oppressive dictatorships.

  5. http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2011/11/01/hot-topic-gun-registry-gun-control-and-banning-firearms/
    The link is to a fascinating read in the NP. The comment below sums up anything I would’ve added.
    wonderful debate……
    But I need to point out, as one of those “gun nuts” a few facts. The Ruger Mini 14 is not an “assault” rifle, and it is one of the most popular rifles in Canada due to its light weight, ruggedness, and dependability. Banning it would be outrageous.
    “Sniper” rifles and your standard deer rifle are exactly the same thing! I use a Remington bolt action rifle in .308 caliber with scope as a deer rifle, as do tens of thousands of others. The combination is considered a standard, unexceptional deer rifle. The USMC uses exactly the same rifle in exactly the same caliber as a sniper rifle.
    The long range sniper rifles used for target work are huge!!! The Steyr .50 is 4 and a half feet long, weighs almost 30 lbs (without scope!), costs well over $5,000, and is…single shot!!!!! What the heck is anyone going to do with one of those? Beyond that, the skill level required to hit a man-sized target at a kilometer is simply beyond all but the most disciplined and talented of individuals……….and they could do the same at 500 meters with the nice little deer rifle mentioned above.
    For that matter, has anyone ever heard of a murder carried out from over 100 meters away? I haven’t. An unnecessary solution to a non-existent problem.
    The semantics involved in using the terms “assault rifle” or “sniper rifle” are a con-job leveled at the unknowledgable by those who wish to severely and unnecessarily limit our liberty by any means possible……..
    i think we’ve had enough of that, thank you.

  6. Of Fraud and Fraudsters.
    H/T Liberal Ad$cam* Chretien/MartinJr.
    “We are here to send a message to those who commit fraud, you will now face tougher jail sentences,” said the minister, flanked by victims of the Earl Jones and Norbourg scams — among the biggest frauds in Canadian history.”
    “Federal fraud bill takes effect”
    “*Adscam: The Sponsorship Scandal”
    “Master crooks”
    “The Liberal Party of Canada is the largest white-collar crime organization in the country. Yves Lavigne, a Toronto-area journalist and the leading civilian authority on the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club, agrees.”

  7. Of the socialist fraud: Grecian Formula.
    “The Greek Referendum”
    “From the desk of Koenraad Elst on Tue, 2011-11-01 16:15”
    “All Saints’ Day 2011. After the EU leaders have cobbled together a financial arrangement intended to save the Greek exchequer and economy at huge expense to the North-European taxpayers as well as to the Greek workers and pensioners, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou now risks exploding the whole operation by calling a referendum. The Greek electorate, less than enthusiastic about the sternly conditional “aid package”, may well abort it. Some first thoughts on the Greek referendum.
    (1) The decision to decide by referendum is in itself excellent. The problem is that, like most referendums under parliamentary regimes and dictatorships, it is just a one-off referendum, not one embedded in a stable political culture based on regular lawmaking by referendum. True to type, it is called by the executive, not by the citizens themselves. This way, governments call referendums when they expect the popular preference to coincide with their own, all while avoiding or suppressing them in the opposite case. So, as an exercise in democracy, this promises to be a tainted referendum.
    (2) Nevertheless, for most Eurocrats and their pall-bearers in the media, the Greek referendum is already far too democratic. Just last week, they already clamoured that Europe and her future were being “taken hostage” by the German Parliament when it insisted on exercising its constitutional right to decide on Chancellor Merkel’s plan for saving Greece and the euro. In the Eurocratic view, echoing the rhetoric of all despots and anti-democratic ideologues throughout history, unelected Eurocratic committees should have their hands free to make the policy of their choosing, unencumbered with democratic procedures. In fact, the expected conflict between the EU-charted course and the will of the people (not just the Greek people, for in this case, the Dutch or Finnish voters may well be on the same wavelength, viz. unenthusiastic) would have been avoided if earlier phases of the financial and economic policies affected had already been subjected to referendums. There was no need to fear a democratic vote on the Greek bail-out if a democratic mandate had earlier been secured for the steps that got us to this impasse, such as the introduction of the euro.
    (3) In the expected and much-feared event of a “No” vote, the EU leaders have the option of taking the Greeks at their word and withdrawing the whole operation. That would mean: letting the Greek state go bankrupt.” (More)

  8. Unfortunately I can not locate a link for this story.
    Occupy Calgary had a serious stabbing last night.The story was mentioned earlier this morning on global news Calgary ,but seems to have disappeared.I’d look for it but I have to go occupy my job.

  9. Posted by: Robert W. (Vancouver)
    Clement is one of the few people on Twitter that have blocked me……LOL
    Guess he didn’t take kindly to having the fact that he and the CPC as a whole hardly meet the minimum definition of the word conservative.

  10. Heather Mallice embarrasses the Torstar yet again! Corrections to her latest rant at:tinyurl.com/5rvgpup

  11. Of Mohammedan murder and anti-semitism.
    Canadians aid/abet Mohammedan infanticide/triple murder.
    Cowardly MSM does not say that the “mother”/”Montreal woman” is a Mohammedan.
    “‘I haven’t killed them,’ sobbed mother accused of murdering her three teen daughters
    A Montreal woman accused of killing her three teenage daughters sobbed uncontrollably during a police interrogation after her arrest and she wept in court Wednesday as she watched a video of the interview”
    “Canadian ship starts second attempt at breaking Israel’s Gaza blockade
    The Canadian ship that tried to reach the Gaza Strip last summer has left Turkey and is heading to Gaza in a renewed bid to try to breach an Israeli blockade over the enclave”

  12. O’tihs … O’may not tihs …..
    “Fed Lowers Its Forecast for Growth, but Takes No Steps”
    “WASHINGTON — The Federal Reserve significantly reduced its forecast of economic growth over the next two years, the latest in a long series of acknowledgements that the recovery from the 2008 financial crisis is taking much longer than it had expected.”
    “Obama campaign may return funds from MF Global’s Corzine”
    “WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign would return the donations made by embattled MF Global chief Jon Corzine if he were charged with any wrongdoing, a campaign official said on Wednesday.
    Corzine, who is at the center of a storm over the securities company’s bankruptcy this week, has been a major fundraiser for Obama. The former Goldman Sachs chief has raised or “bundled” donations of at least $500,000 so far for Obama’s 2012 re-election effort.
    Corzine himself has donated the maximum that an individual can give for a presidential campaign, according to campaign finance records. He held a lavish $35,800-a-head fundraising dinner for Obama at his home in April.
    A campaign official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Obama’s campaign would return the donations from Corzine as an individual if civil or criminal charges are brought against him.
    “Politicians, like business people, are risk averse,” said Jim Kessler, a policy analyst at the Democratic-leaning think tank Third Way. “Until people know more of what is going on they will distance themselves from Jon Corzine.”
