Y2Kyoto: This Is Awkward

“This was the moment that the rise of the oceans began to slow…

The White House is facing fresh political headaches over energy loans as a second Energy Department-backed company goes bankrupt and Republicans prepare to subpoena White House internal communications on the failed solar company Solyndra.
Beacon Power Corp., the energy storage company that received a $43 million Energy Department (DOE) loan guarantee last year, filed for bankruptcy over the weekend, prompting a fresh wave of GOP criticism of the embattled DOE loan program.

Meanwhile, across the pond…

“They have effectively bankrupted thousands of companies, including 25,000 jobs,” he said. “Most of them will be gone before Christmas. We built a business on the back of David Cameron’s promises. He has betrayed us twice. Anybody thinking of investing in government-sponsored green opportunities, I would advise them to run away.
“All my business will stop with immediate effect if this goes through. It’s an extremely black day.”

You know, if I were running NDP strategy, I’d be carpet bombing Bill Boyd’s oil-rich Kindersley constituency with pamphlets detailing these billion dollar international boondoggles, with a focus on the SaskPower wind projects.
On the other hand, if I were running Bill Boyd’s office, I’d get him an internet connection so he can learn about about them for himself.

23 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: This Is Awkward”

  1. yeah no kidding. So much evidence none of this stuff is feasible and a complete waste of money, and yet our politicians are STILL leaning in that direction. How dumb is that??

  2. Its not dumb at all. What it is though is downright theft of taxpayers money. Here in Ontario guess who is on the board for many of the wind and solar shysters, yep your old premier David Peterson. Steal the taxpayers money and look green at the same time, connect the dots and you’ll see all those making money off this are somehow connected to the party in power, (and those that flip sides whenerever taxpayer money is up for the taking).

  3. I don’t think it’s dumb at all. They’re giving the people what the people think they want – magical fairy unicorn windmills that produce free power and baskets of puppies.
    Politicians do what they do to keep their cushy jobs. If and when the people punish them for spending public money on boondoggles, they’ll stop, and not before.

  4. Its not dumb at all. What it is though is downright theft of taxpayers money. Here in Ontario guess who is on the board for many of the wind and solar shysters, yep your old premier David Peterson. Steal the taxpayers money and look green at the same time, connect the dots and you’ll see all those making money off this are somehow connected to the party in power, (and those that flip sides whenerever taxpayer money is up for the taking).
    Posted by: Simmy at November 2, 2011 12:57 PM
    Yup, over in Quebec Cuddles Charest is refusing demands for an enquiry into the government/industry rot in the construction sector. McGuinty would do the same ‘if’ the Conservatives made the same demand for an enquiry into the whole corrupt green energy thing in Ont.
    Boy, can’t wait ’til Tim gets a hold of this! Yeah, right.

  5. Seems what the UK government bankrolls, it can also bankrupt.
    Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of Eco-Grifting Rent Seekers.
    Wonder if Dulton is having second thoughts ?

  6. “We built a business on the back of David Cameron’s promises. He has betrayed us twice.”
    Hhhmm, what’s that saying? ‘Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice….’ Oh wait!…

  7. The SaskParty’s entire secret to re-election is the mortal terror that arises over the prospect of a return to the NDP. It’s why they should be extremely careful about emulating their policies.

  8. Hmmm…just musing, but I’m wondering what Dalton McGuinty and the Libs are doing now that they won the Ontario election “by a landslide” according to the left-lib press (they actually lost 20 seats in the Legislature and have a minority Gov.).
    McSquishy’s been pretty quiet about Green Energy and all his wacko pinko Quixotian windmill ideas lately…

  9. Most of you are missing the key piece of this puzzle. In purely political terms, poll after poll shows that solar power enjoys 90 per cent public support and wind power enjoys 70 per cent public support. These metrics have been true for more than 30 years. By contrast, gas has public support of about 50 per cent, nuclear of about 30 per cent and coal about 10 per cent.
    Stop blaming the politicians entirely for this. The public itself is as ignorant as pigswill about energy supply. All the politicians are doing is giving the public what it’s been demanding for three decades. Remember, politicians are elected to do what the public wants. If they don’t, they get booted at the next election. If the public demands something insane, well, that’s what they get.
    Blaming politicians for everything is simply a way of avoiding placing responsibility with the voters for being too stupid or uninvolved to understand the issues.

  10. Posted by: cgh at November 2, 2011 4:31 PM:
    “…poll after poll shows that solar power enjoys 90 per cent public support and wind power enjoys 70 per cent public support…”
    I agree. And poll after poll also showed that Adolph Hitler enjoyed 90 percent public support and Josef Stalin enjoyed 70 percent public support. So, what?

  11. BRITAIN faces a sudden shivering,
    plunging towards Siberian levels.
    Winter weather will arrive with a vengeance with temperatures well below zero within the next fortnight.
    Experts then predict a bitterly cold December with thermometers falling at least as low as -15C (5F).

    Get out your large Global Warming burning books so you can curl up and try to stay warm.

  12. The Governments are panicking after allowing all the environmental weasels into the energy hen house. Now they discover only feathers are left.The Chickens eaten.No eggs produced.

  13. Geez.. what a money making opportunity!
    Short the publicly traded shares of all “green” energy companies.
    Use the money to buy your own oil well.
    Retire rich!

  14. cgh and ricardo, exactly.
    We will be driving past the bird killers near Moosamin tomorrow and thinking about the comments on this thread. Boondoggle is right, but a significant percentage of the misinformed population feels good paying taxes for scams.

  15. The BC Fiberals have employed a similar strategy, of stealing the NDP’s ideas…to the point where it is getting very hard to tell the difference between the two. Policy wise, they agree onmost things, except labour law and taxation.

  16. The point, Ricardo, is that the flaw in democracy is that politicians generally try to deliver what their voters want, even if what their voters want is insane.
    Attack the insanity, not the symptom.
