“Run for the roundhouse”?

I wondered what Washington Post vice president and former executive editor Ben Bradlee meant;

I heard about this on the Quinn (www.warroom.com) in morning show (104.7 FM Pittsburgh 0600-0900 mon-fri) and couldn’t believe it.
I then posted it on facebook and my “progressive” friends went bonkers.
2:08 into the clip bradlee (evidently drunk) starts his comments.
At 2:28 he makes the comment that Mr. Cain should “run for the roundhouse”..a direct reference to the place (the roundhouse) in Harpers Ferry that runaway slaves “ran” to in escaping their masters wrath during the abolishionist movement.
This clip needs to be shared far and wide..who are the racists now msm (garafolo, et. al.)…..hmmmm

Here it is again: the tolerant left.

Jim Treacher, in the comments
: I’m looking for a citation on this and can’t find one…
Me too, so the final story may yet be written on this one.
However, in this case I am going to invoke the Left’s First Rule of Political Correctness: If the listener believes, either legitimately or otherwise, that a statement contains a racist slur, no other proof shall be necessary.

15 Replies to ““Run for the roundhouse”?”

  1. Yeah, I watched this yesterday, jaw-dropping, ‘I guess he had it coming’, those leftwing national socialists sure don’t like uppity boys who don’t know their place.

  2. Gee, a drunk liberal making racist comments about one of his ideological opponents in a weak moment.
    Never seen that before!
    The older I get, the more evidence accumulates that the Leftie Liberal types are a bunch of low-class perverts for whom hate is the primary motivating force, closely followed by greed.
    Just another camp guard letting his slip show for a second, nothing to see here, move along before we Mace you.

  3. I see:

    Cain’s off the plantation, so he “has it coming”. What should Cain do? Well, we’re gunning for him, so he should “run for the roundhouse.” His only refuge now is beneath the skirts of his new-adopted masters. You makes your bed …

  4. Conspicuous by their complete absence are the persons of color attending this white bread Dem establishment shindig.
    I’d bust a gut laughing at how they’d deal with a real hood rat showing up at their pristine white mutual admiration confabs.

  5. Quite funny.
    Cain as president might finally shut the left loonies up.
    OMG, another black POTUS!
    Kate punched and amplified the reality that the nutbars are, well, not quite what they want to be seen as.

  6. 2 observations……
    I have found that alcohol is sorta like sodium pentathal…truth serum……
    To get instant a$$hole…just add alcohol…

  7. I think it may be all about being Cain’s last run as in:
    “Run for the roundhouse, Nellie. Your puffin’ days are through.
    Your brakes won’t hold and the boiler’s cold, but we’re going in with you.”
    Of course the song could have origins in an expression of a last stand at Harper’s Ferry.

  8. “OMG, another black POTUS!”
    Where was the first one? Obama is, by US law, not black. At best he is a dark skinned Arab.

  9. re. the “pawing” thing: The man is 90. That’s not really even “old”; it’s “why aren’t you dead?”. Maybe he was just being great-grandfatherly.
    But “I think he’s got it coming to him, doesn’t he?” – there’s no way around that. Conservatives just have it coming.

  10. Whats new, the Democrats have been the party of slavery since the Republics foundation.
    Instead of plantations their being kept in gettoes by welfare. Which a good slave owner supplied life necessities anyway. Only the elite doesn’t have to pay fore this anymore. The rest of the society does.
    In the name of compassion to keep them down while elitists can save money. Plus since slaves like horses are redundant (except at election time) they don’t have to work the fields anymore. Of course they have endless abortion to curb the numbers as well.

  11. I couldn’t agree more: If somebody on the right had said this about Obama, it’d be all over the place.
    Right now I’m just trying to decide if I should behave better than them…

  12. You bet it was a racist comment. If that was said about Obama, that old fart would have a heart attack .
