14 Replies to “Monday Will Be A Landslide”

  1. Ezra needs to get his facts better. Tommy Douglas didn’t become Premier of Saskatchewan until 1944, well after the Great Depression was officially over.
    And while resources are booming in SK, they aren’t exactly languishing in Alberta either, despite the hamfisted meddling of the squishy PCs.
    I agree with Ezra’s sentiments, but he doesn’t do our cause any good by sloughing over facts in favour of his narrative. That’s the way leftists roll, and we are better than that.

  2. The NDP tried that “wolf in sheeps clothing” crap in the last election. Tough pill to swallow being proven wrong. 4 years later they still don’t have a clue. Monday night will be a bitter pill to swallow for them. Mr Lingenfelter is proving every time he opens his mouth he’s way out of his depth in the modern day and I hope the NDP keep him on a leader for many years to come.

  3. gordinkneehill at 3:31 PM: “Tommy Douglas didn’t become Premier of Saskatchewan until 1944, well after the Great Depression was officially over.”
    I don’t see where Ezra makes any statement that contradicts that. He does talk about socialism being kicked around in Saskatchewan for a lot longer than that, and he’s right. Those ideas didn’t begin with Tommy Douglas.
    Plus, we’ve still got the NDP – at least for another 20 hours or so.

  4. Ezra’s right the election will be a blowout for socialism with socialist parties winning 100% of the seats.

  5. I predict Sask Party 43 seats and the socialist 15 (at best). We have a dynasty happening in this province with the Sask Party. Thanks alot to the charismatic personality of Mr. Wall. He is an honest man and he is still the same friendly guy from Swift Current.
    Life is sweet. Thank You

  6. This is politics, so who knows. Those of you in Saskatchewan, don’t take this for granted. Please show up to vote.

  7. With all due respect, 308’s predictions are incorrect. Saskatoon Fairview and Regina Walsh Acres are both going to fall to the SP. Just wait.

  8. I was living for a time during the previous election in the Regina Walsh Acres riding, and went to high school with the incumbent Sandy Morin. No one from the Sask Party ran against her last election, there was “a problem” as I recall and the candidate stepped down. This time will be different… I fully expect the Sask Party candidate to prevail.
    I’d be happier still, if the NDP candidates lost their deposits. All of them.

  9. Gord Tulk, thanks for that link. It seems that the virus rotting the brains of politicians in BC has seeped across the BC-Alberta border to infect Edmonton. The only hope I can see for Alberta is to elect a Wildrose government in the next provincial election.
    I guess the one good thing about Joe Clark is that he pushed me to the Reform party. Maybe when there’s a very free enterprise government in SK economically outperforming AB, people in AB are going to wake up and find that they have a socialist government and will do something about it. I’ve never before heard of Albertans moving to Saskatchewan – it seemed to be a law of nature that the flow was in the other direction.

  10. I’m expecting the Orange Party to be Orange Crushed when the counting is all done. I expect they will be marginalized for the next three or four elections cycles which will lead to their ultimate demise in the land of their birth. And that will be sweet and oh so good for the whole country.

  11. “Saskatoon Fairview and Regina Walsh Acres are both going to fall to the SP. Just wait”
    I happen to live in the Saskatoon Fairview riding and I hope you’re right. The SP is running a young, well-educated and hard-working woman who should have no trouble knocking off long-time NDP hack Andy Iwanchuk.
    But you never know. The SP’s biggest obstacle will be getting the vote out because we all know that the NDP, if nothing else, is good at that.

  12. The NDP deserved to lose. On the other hand can we afford to give the richest 10% , our farmers another 6 billion in the next 4 years.
