“Out, Damned Spot!”

Now is the time in Act V, Scene 1. The Surrogates Of Lady MacLink that we Juxtapose!
“Saskatchewan man” (NDP) complaint over political ad, November 2011;

Scott, the Canadian Press reports, says the image, the audio and the words leave the viewer with a subconscious impression that Lingenfelter is a criminal with blood on his hands. Scott has even filed a complaint with Canada’s Broadcast Standards Council.

“Saskatchewan Federation of Labour” (NDP) paid political ad, April 2008;

h/t Tyler

13 Replies to ““Out, Damned Spot!””

  1. And as we all know from leftists everywhere, displaying pictures of people with crosshairs on them causes firearms owners to go berserk shooting people like the ones in those crosshairs.

  2. So the ad calls Lingenfelter a liar and a cheat, and Joel Scott’s response is “So what are you really trying to say?”

  3. I’ve seen the ad a number of times and never once have I thought the background looks like a blood stained wall. But now that the complainee has mentioned it….I still don’t get it. Maybe dippers have imaginations that work different then the rest of us.
    He’s offended by this ad but not by the fact that public sector unions have literally been conning their members out of union dues for over a year to create false TV ads.
    Yep a dipper must think different then those of us with common sense and ethics.

  4. sour grapes.
    Can Brad Wall export some leftover brain cells to BC? The government here has been devoid of any intelligence for some time

  5. Am I the only one who now gets the impression that the author/producer of the spliced tape has now steeped up and identified himself?
    “……Scott says he only feels concerned because he works in production and knows how ads can be manipulated.”

  6. Why does anyone ever listen to the whinging of these pr1cks? A complaint like that should be met by a firm “F- Off!” and a construction boot to the @ss.
    Feeling a little militant this evening. Must be the pepper spray.

  7. thee irony of it
    the poor fool is complaining about a TRUTHFULL add that points a finger at a lying add produced by those on his side of the ailes

  8. DL has black blood? Who knew? This reminds me of the author of that book about subliminal messages who saw subversive workings everwhere. According to him, the words sex were deliberately transposed onto the bodies of the Playboy models. Sure sure.

  9. Hopefully it will be over swiftly for the dippers tomorrow, if only to allow the flatlanders to get to bed early. They missed that extra hour of sleep the rest of the country got today getting off of daylight savings times.
    Another four more years of Sask prosperity. Perhaps they could help out Ontario.

  10. Everyone with an ounce of common sense knows full well that the NDP spliced tapes in a deliberate attempt to misrepresent what the Premier had said.
    Funny thing though …. even though the NDP’s clumsy attempt at underhanded tactics was indeed newsworthy, the media pretty much ignored it. Yet when Premier Wall admittedly allowed his underage daughter to drive (and what Sask father hasn’t?) they were all over it for weeks.

  11. Hey Dwaine thats some political dream you got.
    Be a shame if something happened to it…….
